Sunday, October 1, 2017

MS awareness

 I didn't know until about 5 years ago that I had Multiple Sclerosis.  Knowing it has made LOTS of differences for me.

 First of all, I am much kinder to myself when my body doesn't do what I want it to do.  When my leg doesn't bend, I tap it lightly and ask it to bend for me.  It was doing no good whatsoever to call it a stupid leg or berate it for not keeping up with other legs it's age. 

It's a hard thing to swallow--this having a progressive disease that puts people in wheelchairs and blinds them too.  Sometimes I have thought that it would be much kinder if it WAS a killer instead of an enemy that simply makes life more miserable by the year. 

Still, NONE of this thinking has helped me at ALL!!  I must accept it and do what I can to overcome the symptoms!  I've also learned how critical it is to CHILL when I most want to scream.  STRESS ONLY MAKES IT WORSE.

One of the stresses that I've had throughout my whole life is the stress of keeping my mouth shut.  I see sooo many things that need correcting but I was safer as a child if I kept my mouth shut.  Now I see that, when it is time to say something, I NEED TO SAY IT!!  If correction is needed, I need to give it.  If encouragement is sorely lacking, I need to find a way to give it no matter how I am feeling.  An entire book could be written on this!

So, if you are seeing yourself in these videos, I urge you to go and get a diagnosis.  If you do, indeed, have MS, then I urge you to contact me for suggestions on corrective measures that I have found to be helpful.

In the meantime, I want to say that my chiropractor recently offered me a test to measure the essential fatty acids in my body.  I learned that I am extremely short on EPA and DHA.   My doctor put me on a supplement to supply these oils in the ratio that I need them to be,  This has helped with the pain and muscle control amazingly.  In the first afternoon, I was able to cut my pain killer down to 1/4 of the usual dose!!!!

Well, while my brain is firing on all it's cylinders, I need to get to some work that clients are needing done so that they can think better and have less pain too!

I share these videos as a way to introduce to you the possibility that you may also be dealing with MS.  I pray not but I felt better knowing what was crippling me year by year  Please prayerfully watch these videos if you're not getting the answers to the question, "What is my problem?".

Lots of love,


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