Friday, January 5, 2018


Sometimes I have an idea floating around in my head for hours, maybe even days, before I feel like it's ready to share here.  At other times, something just pops in my head and I simply must share it right NOW!
I haven't even had my breakfast yet.  I got the guy's lunch ready and then they left for the plant.  I was getting ready to eat when a song my parents used to sing floated into my mind.  I knew that God wanted me to share it with you here!
"Why Should He Love Me So?"
That's what I searched for on YouTube.
There were several truly awesome versions but I wanted one where you could watch the people singing.  I was REALLY tempted to share George Beverly Shae as most likely I heard him sing it when I was a child.  Somehow looking at an album cover just wasn't good enough for today, though.  Then I saw this one with the grand piano and 3 sisters singing together and I knew this was the version to share. 
As you listen with me, I pray that we will grasp how greatly we are loved by our Heavenly Father; by His son; and by the Holy Spirit!!  THAT'S A LOT OF LOVE!  I think that pondering God's love for all mankind must certainly be the best way to start out a new year.  Don't you?

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