Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Snow is delightful?

I'm thinking of the song from "White Christmas" where that young happy quartet harmonizes as the train hums along across the miles.  What a great song and what a great movie!  It reminds me that there is beauty in snow.

Have you heard of the blizzard of '66?  I was 9 years old at the time and it was a killer.  Snow can be a killer but it can also be beautiful--kind of like electricity.  I wouldn't want to live without electricity but it, too, has killed people when it was handled improperly. 

Snow means a lot of hard work for a rancher in the Midwest or other Northern states, I'm sure.  Before one can feed your herd, you must often first push snow out of the way.  Then you push snow so that you can bed the herd down with straw without it turning to slop fairly soon after you put it out.  In fact, you often have to push snow just so you can get out of your yard.  I remember one time.....  Oops, I guess that story will have to wait for another day.

If you've read here for any length of time, you know how much I like poetry.  Thanks to the internet, I don't even have to dig out my poetry books to share a poem with you--although that was pleasant too.  So here's a poem for today.  Although the punctuation grates on me a bit, I love the concept that God loves us all and we are all made to be unique individuals. 

Snow From God

snow falls lightly 
from the sky up above
softly falling down
like the feather of a dove

each snow flake is different
like each one of us
falling to the ground
like snow often does

it's steals away breath
this brilliant thing
so pure and refreshing
like the songs angels sing

they sing for remembrance
of God and His son
throwing down these white tokens
to say winter has begun

white is for birth
the birth of baby Christ
white is for hope
that things are alright

each flake that falls 
from the sky up above
is a gift from God
telling us we are loved

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013
Look what else I found for my reader's to enjoy!   My favorite snow story is when I was about 11 years old and I was taking piano lessons from our pastor's wife who lived up the road from us.  I went to the parsonage after school for my lesson.  By the time I was finished, it had grown dark.
I was a bit timid to walk the 8 blocks home by myself but I had no choice.  I bundled up and my piano teacher gave me a hug and out into the snow I went.  At first I was shaking with fear of having to walk home alone after I'd come face to face with a rabid dog in the dark several years earlier.  
"Dear Jesus, please keep me safe and help me to get home soon," I prayed as my little legs clomped along the snow-laden sidewalks.  That was when I heard Him tell me to look up.  When I looked up and towards the houses I was passing, I was delighted.
So many families were gathered around supper tables as the snow fell.  Christmas trees twinkled in windows and wood smoke filled the air.  It was a warming feeling to think of those families all together and safe inside their homes.  Now that walk is one of my favorite memories and Thomas Kinkade my favorite artist for his flare in catching the warmth of home in his paintings.
It's not a surprise, then, that I enjoy snowy weather when I'm at home with my loved ones all around me.  Sometimes during supper I will look outside and remember that little girl trudging through the snow to her supper.  Now that little girl has a home of her own, and a family of her own, and she is so very happy!  Thank you, Jesus, for all of my blessings including living where there is snow!!!  You probably didn't think I'd ever say that, did you?
If you are living where it's cold right now, I hope that this song warms your heart as it does mine.  I usually think of saying, at moments like this, "Hang on, Spring is coming."  However, right now on this late Winter day, I would suggest that you enjoy the wonders that Winter brings as long as you can.  After all, who wants hot chocolate in July?    ;)
Lots of love,

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