Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Summer is that wonderful time when you can get outside and do all kinds of  special things including improving your shooting.  Of course you can improve your shooting any time of year but in North Dakota it's much more pleasant to do so when it's warm outside.  lol
Our shoot boss, Andrew, has set the date for our annual Appleseed shoot here at our farm.  Feel free to check out the details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/197438754248587/?notif_t=plan_user_joined&notif_id=1530025419793091
For those of you unfortunate enough to be unable to attend that shoot at our farm, you can see if there's an Appleseed event scheduled near you this Summer.  Go here and click on your state and all of the scheduled shoots for your area will be listed there: https://appleseedinfo.org/
This will be our 9th year of hosting Appleseeds on our private shooting range.  Each shoot has been an incredible experience of improving shooting skills; learning about the start of our great country; and making lasting friendships. 
You see, the type of people who take a weekend of their lives to be a part of the firing line at an Appleseed shoot are super special people!!!!!!!!!!  There's just something amazing about them and especially those who lead the program!  Did you know that Appleseed shoot bosses and instructors DONATE their time so that others can learn to defend themselves and have more successful hunting experiences?
Each shoot I've attended has made me a better person in one way or another!!  I urge you to step out of your comfort zone and join the adventure that the Appleseed program offers us each Summer.  You'll be glad you did--I PROMISE!!!!
Dawn for us Bornemanns
PS.  As you can see, women are VERY welcome to shoot on our range.  Come on over, gals, and bring your fellas along too!  Let's fill up the firing line for Andrew!  We have room for over 30 shooters.

Monday, June 25, 2018

EUREKA--I'm restored!!!!!!!

I write this in faith that the total restoration of my life is on it's way!  It's already begun!!
Not only am I singing His praises with a voice restored, my brother is a part of it!  I HAVE A BROTHER!!!!
My oldest brother, Russell, is the one who told me about the oil and our friendship is growing!!! 
He's coming here for the 4th of July!!!!!!!!!  Yesterday he called me to encourage me to begin daily communion to bring in my healing in full!!  He said, "I really care about you, Dawn!"  Wow--GLORY!!!!!!!!!
Not only has this oil flowing from a Bible healed people, God is using it to restore to them all that the illness has stolen from them.  But what about if the enemy has NEVER allowed a relationship to exist on Earth?  Can God create a bond where there NEVER has been one through this oil?  YESSSSSSS
I've listened to sermons my whole life and have been strengthened a bit BUT this move of God is like nothing else that I've ever experienced.  I just received from God a SEVEN-fold restoration of ALL that satan has stolen from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
If you're just joining me, I urge you to go back and watch the New Oil videos in order.  Let your faith grow right along with mine!!
As the praise team is singing at the end of the sermon, "Healing is here and I receive it!" 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

New oil #4

The coming blessings of God will come through God's people singing His praises.  A wave of great blessings is about to break loose on Earth because of this oil.  I believe it!!  It's happening to me!!  I can't stop singing.  I sing like I used to always sing before the pain took over my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So many of us have been living in the box all our lives.  God wants us OUT.  Listen to this video and see what I mean!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Gardening is therapy? I thought it was hard work!!

I had some of my favorite therapy this morning!!  YAY!! 
I planted the 12 impatience plants Robert bought me yesterday.  I watered all of the flowers on the East side of the house.  I weeded the green bean bed in the garden in which I found 4 lovely raspberry plants growing.  Next I dug out a spot at the end of the raspberry bed where only weeds were growing and I planted the "Bean" raspberries in that spot. 
After all of that, I was winded and a bit woozy when I stood up.  However, I felt 20 years younger and wondered if others feel that gardening is therapy.  Hence the article below.
I urge EVERYONE to grow something this Summer!  I have a friend who had cancer last Summer but she knew the joy that growing things can bring so she planted 2 tomatoes in pots and put them on her small up-front deck.  She offered her guests tomatoes, as they came to check on her, and they came back again.  I know, as I am one of them.  lol
So, if you're feeling down, go grow something.  If you doubt that it will help, then I urge you to read this article.  If this doesn't inspire you, then you need to ask a gardening friend if they will loan you a seed catalog. 
Happy getting your hands dirty!!


Gardening as Therapy

gardening as therapy
Gardening has always been recognized as a form of therapy. At one extreme you have professional horticultural therapists working within the Chicago Botanic Garden's Enabling Garden; at the other, you have gardeners simply escaping the noises of the street or spending time in the company of growing things. Below, a Chicago Botanic Garden Master Gardener discusses gardening as therapy.
Chores Become Their Own Rewards
Taking an active part in the work of the garden can be therapeutic, as long as it is something you enjoy doing. What could be more exhilarating, for example, than raking leaves on a crisp autumn day? Even mowing the lawn can be therapy for some. I have a neighbor who mows his lawn at least twice a week simply because he loves to cut grass. For most people it would be a chore, but for him it's enjoyable and therapeutic.
One of the garden's more tedious jobs is weeding, but with a little imagination, I've turned it into a game I call "Good Guys Against Bad Guys." When I enlist my two grandsons, ages 3 and 6, in my war against weeds, it makes great sense to them. Amazing how quickly we can break through enemy lines when we're rescuing primroses from garlic mustard! To be honest, their interest soon flags, and I'm left to fight on alone. But, silly or not, my method works for me, and I get great satisfaction every time I yank one of those bad guys out of the ground.
Eyes on the Prize
Planting bulbs can be good therapy too where I use my imagination in a different way. The ground is always rock-hard in the fall, and if I couldn't visualize the end result of my digging, I don't think I could finish the job. But each time I dig a hole, I imagine masses of purple and yellow crocuses; yellow daffodils; red, orange, and yellow tulips; white snowdrops; and blue grape hyacinths—a springtime panorama of color that helps ease the pain of aching muscles. Great therapy for a gardener!
When winter comes, gardening moves indoors to sunny windowsills, where most gardeners are restricted to a few houseplants. How does a gardener get through the difficult months ahead? Here again, imagination helps. Most gardeners have no sooner put one garden to bed than they are planning the next one. And what better time to plan a garden than in the winter, when there is nothing to do but sit back in an easy chair and dream about next spring?
Armchair gardening is at its best with a garden catalog in one hand and a wish list in the other. The catalog should be generous with color photographs and enticing copy—copy that paints colorful pictures like "an exquisite warm orange beauty with exterior petals of empire rose." Or copy that tells exciting stories, such as "collected from the limestone crevices on the dangerous mile-high, windy ridges of Ula Dag, where no one has gone before." Or copy that whets the appetite like "cream petals suffused with a delicious raspberry shade that deepens toward the center." Copy, in short, that causes the wish list to grow until it appears endless, and the reader to become lost in a vision of spring, totally oblivious to the weather outside.
Head Outside
Whatever the weather, garden catalogs do a great job of relieving the winter doldrums. But the best therapy for most gardeners is getting out in their yards, no matter what time of year. Even in winter I know I will find something to catch my interest. The trees and shrubs are bare, but the ground covers are where the color is now.
Bright green feverfew, purple ajuga, maroon epimedium and big root geranium with pink and scarlet leaves. When temperatures hover just above freezing, the sweet woodruff and Siberian bugloss look almost indecently healthy. The hardy cyclamens and lungworts look beautiful with their gracefully mottled leaves. But then I find all of this beautiful and never tire of looking. For me, this is therapy.
What makes plants so effective in relieving stress? A horticultural therapist at the Chicago Botanic Garden's Enabling Garden sums it up well: "Plants provide us an escape. Whether through passive viewing or active gardening, our minds let go of current worries and become absorbed in positive thoughts of beauty, renewal, and wonder."

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Still waiting

My brother, Russell, called me last week to share that he was experiencing a miracle in his life!!  He learned about an oil, flowing from a Bible, which heals everyone who has used it.  Being he was in intense pain, having overworked his hands, he tried it and they were healing rapidly!!
Russell's hands continue to improve as he rubs them with the oil spoken of in this video.  I really like how the speaker shares that healing can take time.  As I listened to the stories of those who were healed instantly, over the years, I would think, "I guess I don't have enough faith to be healed instantly."  The message in this video helped me to look at healing differently.
There have been some people who have been healed instantly when prayed for by the elders of the church or anyone with faith in the God of the Bible.  YAY for them!  There have been MANY people who were healed instantly when prayed for and anointed with this oil flowing from a Bible.  However for others, including myself, healing takes time.  So is that healing less of a miracle???
I urge you to listen to this message with the intention that it will build your faith that your healing IS coming even though it may be coming gradually.  The pastor explains how we stop looking for our healing and then it stops coming.  It is up to US to keep believing that God IS healing us right now--that is after being prayed for and anointed with this oil oozing from this Bible. God is giving freely to all the hurting ones in the world.  All we have to do is ask for the church to ship us our free vial and use it where we're hurting. 
I'm still waiting for my oil to arrive.  This oil is given freely by the church God has appointed for it's distribution.  They even pay the shipping to your house as God told them that He will continue to replenish the oil if it was continually given away FOR FREE to those who are hurting.  To order yours, go here: https://hisnameisflowingoil.org/request/   
Why tarry?  Why doubt?  Why continue begging God for healing when He has made a way for all of God's people to be made well.
What was amazing to me, as I listened to this video, is that God wants to restore ALL that illness has stolen from us.  He wants to restore lost income from the time we couldn't work. He wants to restore lost relationships which our illnesses have stolen from us.  He wants us to have LIFE and life more abundant.
Another interesting point made in this video is why God does tarry to give us our healing.  I liked when the pastor said "If God gives you your healing before your character is ready to match it, then we will waste our healing."  He went on to explain that God prepares us for our healing for a reason. 

God wants us to be doing something for Him while we're here on Earth.  He has a purpose for our lives--a mission so to speak.  If God were to heal us before our minds and spirits were ready to carry out our mission, we would ultimately fail in life.  So our loving Heavenly Father continues molding us and preparing us for our mission for Him.  Then, when we're ready, He can heal us through this oil.
I praise God that He took me through this last year (although the oil was being produced) before He showed me that this oil could heal me!  I'm glad that His timing is perfect and my healing will come when I am prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to carry out my mission. 
Not only that but my relationship with my brother has grown in the past year.  Had it not, he could be sitting over in Montana with the oil healing himself and never share it with me because we weren't talking.  Now, to think that my brother WANTS me to be well is perhaps the greatest joy of all! 
So yes, God's timing is best!  As I wait for my oil to arrive, I plan on continuing to prepare my heart for my healing by listening to these videos.  I encourage you to order your oil and prepare your heart too. 
God bless you all,

PS.  If you didn't see my first post about the oil, I recommend you scrolling down to it and listening to that one before you listen to this video.  It tells the story of how God first started blessing the world with this oil flowing from the Bible of a man of God and a man of faith!!! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Me, a judge?

A few months ago Andrew sent out an email to our District asking for people to help with elections.  I thought to myself, "I can sit all day so I can do that."  I really had no idea what my duties would be until I went to the training for election officials last week.  That was when I was told, "You're a judge."   Me, a judge?  I listened carefully to the instructions in class and felt certain that I could handle being a judge.  Yesterday was the big test.
This was my first time helping with the elections so I was a busy girl and oh so happy to see so many people.  Those of you from big cities will probably chuckle at that comment.  However, when you live on a farm, seeing 102 voters plus 4 other election board members all day plus my little grandson, Timothy, it's a BIG day!!!
This post is to share what being a judge in an election all entails.  Each voting precinct is staffed by an Inspector who is in charge of running a fair election.  There are 2 clerks who take proof of residence and identification from everyone who came to vote.  Their other main job was to update the log books so they spent some time, during the lull periods, removing names of deceased voters.  It was the somber part of their duties.  They also updated everyone's addresses as people brought proof of residence in our precinct.
As a judge, I was responsible for witnessing and signing all legal documents.  We judges gave people their ballots and explained to voters that they could only vote in one column as it was a Primary Election.  We had to initial each ballot and give the city people their proper ballots as we have 2 cities in our precinct.  We also explained how to add a write-in name on the ballots, if people wished to do so, and fill in with the ovals beside the name they wrote.
We opened the door at 9:00 AM and closed it at 7:00 PM and we couldn't leave the building during those hours. Our minor duties included making sure that nobody stole the pens from the voting booths and keeping the area clean.  We all brought our lunches boxes and ate out of them all day.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself and liked it even more when I realized that I was getting paid for serving my country in this way--minimum wage +25% for attending the training last week--which I did. 
When voting hours ended and the doors were closed, we started counting.  We had to separate and count all of the ballots not used; the ballots that were voted; and the ballots that had write-in names on them.  Then we double counted them and checked that all ballots were initialed.
After the ballots were all counted, we had to wrap them in butcher paper and seal and label them with the labels provided.  There were many little packages all neatly wrapped when we were finished.  We also gathered all of the voting items from the Commissioners room where the voting took place. 
Everything went into a giant blue cooler which the city ballots were slid into during the election.  The Inspector of our election then had to take that giant blue cooler down to the court house in Linton last night along with the totals we judges had taken as we counted. 
I was privileged to work with a woman who has been a judge for decades.  She taught me MUCH.  As we wrapped ballots together, she shared a story from the good old days which explained why we have so many rules involving secrecy and proper procedures.  She said that, when she was young, the man who was in charge of the ballots went to the bar immediately following the election leaving the ballots in his unlocked car................ 

So as I summarize my thoughts on my exciting day yesterday, I will say that I simply loved being a part of the election day proceedings!!  It was awesome to see our election team working together and it was inspiring to see young voters coming in to vote!  I had a great co-judge and I LOVED seeing my family coming in to vote and showing off my grandson to the other grandmas and mothers on the board!  IT WAS A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had  to drive 20 miles to get there; stay indoors all day on a perfectly lovely day; and learn from a child present about a computer program for kids called "Wicked Grandma" where Grandma chops off your head if you tick her off 5 times but I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the election process this year.  Would I do it again, ABSOLUTLY!!

For those of you in North Dakota who voted for Kelly Armstrong THANK YOU!

Looking forward to November,

PS  I initialed a lot of these yesterday--not these exactly but ballots like this.  Below I copied an article about election judge duties in case anyone is interested in learning more about what I did as a judge. We don't have voter registration in North Dakota so that part is different.

Become an Election Judge


The Election Judge who operates the polling place is a very important part of the electoral process.  She is responsible for administering the actual voting procedures in each precinct. Without this individual, it would be impossible to conduct an election.

Expectations & Responsibilities

  • The ideal election judge will be able to endure long hours on Election Day (about 14 hours) and will deal courteously and patiently with the public and coworkers.
  • All judges must make sure that qualified voters who are properly registered are able to cast their vote in a trouble-free environment.
  • The Election Judge represents the entire electoral process and may be the only person a voter has contact with when exercising his or her voting rights. Therefore, the Election Judge must be reliable, courteous, and able to follow procedures exactly.
  • Election Judges must possess good judgment.


Any person who holds a position as Election Judge must be:
  • 16 years old or older
  • Registered voter in the State of Maryland
  • Able to speak, read, and write English
  • Physically and mentally able to work at least a 15-hour day
  • Willing to work outside your home precinct
  • Able to sit and/or stand for an extended period
  • Able to lift a minimum of 35 pounds


Election Judges are responsible for administering voting procedures in their precinct and ensuring a fair and accessible election for all eligible voters. Duties include:
  • Assisting voters
  • Checking in voters
  • Overseeing all election procedures throughout the polling place
  • Setting up and breaking down a polling place before and after voting hours

Saturday, June 9, 2018

My brother Russell's miracle

It's been so long since people have had the assurance that God is with us.  I wonder how many times I've heard solid Christians say, "God hasn't done a miracle since Christ left us."  I used to believe that the type of miracles which occurred, when Christ walked the Earth, would never happen again!
Many of us have lived our entire lives in pain and rejection.  Many of us have given up hope of being totally well as it's been a goal our whole lives and it hasn't happened yet.  Many never knew love from our parents and that hole in our hearts only grows after they die.  To think that one's parents would die without showing you that you were loved by them is a VERY hard road to walk--a very lonely road.
After my mother died in April of 2009, I reached out to my brother Russell who had walked a lonely road for decades at that time.  As he wasn't able to attend her funeral, I decided to send him some items that a son should have of his mother's funeral.  This one small act of kindness opened the door for us to slowly build a friendship.  I'm so glad that I did it.
A few days ago Russell called me and told me that he had received a miracle.  I listened intently as he, like me, had never believed before that miracles would happen in our lifetime--to US!  Russell went into great detail about how he had abused his hands by cutting a whole lot of wood over a three day period.  His hands swelled up something awful and we miserable for several weeks.
He meets the local Sydney men for coffee at the local C-store and one of them noticed that he wasn't saying much for a few weeks.  He asked Russell what was going on and offered him some oil to try on his hands.  Then he told Russell this story.
A group of Christians were meeting weekly to pray for revival for about a year.   One of them had something very strange happen to his Bible.  He woke up one morning and his Bible had some oil in it.  He thought that perhaps his grandchildren had played with his Bible but his wife assured them they had not.
Each night there was more and more oil on the pages of this man of faith's Bible.  After a few nights of this, they put the Bible in a Ziploc bag and that night there was more oil.  Later they put the Bible in a plastic container and every night the supply kept building.  Then God told the group who met weekly for prayer that they were to start giving the oil to the sick.  That's when the miracles started happening!!!!
Yes, I requested a vial of this oil as the church that this group is affiliated with gives the oil away to all who are in need and they pay the shipping!!!  A recent count is that the Bible has produced over 90 gallons of this holy anointing oil and God said that He will keep replenishing it as long as the church keeps giving it away.  So they do.
I urge all who are hurting to watch this video.  It is the story of how God is sending His people oil to heal them of whatever needs they have.  IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!  Thank you, Russell, for sharing your miracle with me and thank you, God, for sharing this amazing oil with your people of faith!!
I'll be sharing the videos here as I watch them starting with New Oil #1.  However, in case you want to go faster than I have time for, here's the website where you can learn about what God is doing to heal His people. https://hisnameisflowingoil.org/
Happy Sabbath all my loves!  This is the most hopeful Sabbath of my life.  I wonder how long it will take for my vial of oil to arrive??
God's best,


PS  That's a photo of the Bible which keeps replenishing healing oil as it is used up.  I would definitely call that a miracle!!!! 

Friday, June 8, 2018

Cousin Kristi

I don't have much time to write at the moment but I wanted to pay tribute to my most special cousin, Kristi, who is about 10 years younger than me.  We've been through a lot together and still will, I imagine, as we seek wellness with her in Wisconsin and me in North Dakota.

The distance has always kept us apart physically but hearts can be close no matter where people live.  Anyway, I was just reading Cousin Kristi's email which made me want to write a quick post in her honor.

Kristi is an amazing mother of 4--3 of them adopted!  She's home schooled them all and persists in the face of an illness that keeps her in a cycle of every other day being a good day and every other day being a bad day when it's very difficult to function.  Can you imagine how hard that would be?

So, as I pondered giving her a post all of her own, I went in search of cousin poems.  You would not believe how many truly rotten cousin poems there are.  I mean, if there's nothing but war or common sin to write about, why turn it into poetry?

Now, Kristi, I'm in a hurry so I did the best I could.  This was the very best poem I found in honor of cousins.  I'll keep looking but this will have to do for now.  I hope you like it!!!
Cousin Time
So happy is a home where cousins meet;
their smiles and laughter make us feel upbeat, while aunts and uncles know that life's complete
  to watch their children share their love so sweet.
Like brothers, sisters, cousins are so neat;
they play for hours and later they retreat
to their own homes, but know they will repeat
that special time again when cousins meet.

Monday, June 4, 2018

An old hag?

  I just found this video and it really feeds my soul with it's richness. Having almost died at the ripe old age of 48, I can so relate to her feelings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  I've been wanting to tell this story for nearly 12 years and I'm not sure that I can get through it without bursting into tears.  NOPE!

  So I had a mystery disease in the Summer of 2006 that nobody could figure out even though we went to every type of doctor imaginable.  Even the neurologist was at a loss and said, "It appears that you're under too much stress.  I suggest that you go somewhere to rest."  SO I DID!!

  A friend of ours has a healing center in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota and she said that I could come and rest there.  I stayed with her for 18 days until I was strong enough to return home. 

  One Sabbath morning an angel gave me a message.  I woke to a very strong presence in the corner of my room.  I turned to look there but saw nobody.  A strong sense of peace approached me and a male hand brushed against my hair and I heard him whisper in my ear, "Internal shingles."  Then he was gone and I FINALLY had my diagnosis.

  Baking up, though, I want to tell you a story from our trip up to the healing center which is a 3 hour drive from our farm.  We had gone half of the way when we needed to get gas and to take a bathroom break.  Cora had helped me to the rest room as I couldn't walk alone or I would have fallen on my face from the extreme dizziness I had been living with for nearly 3 months at that time.

  As we approached the check-out counter where Robert was paying for our gas, my son Andrew came and positioned himself beside me.  Ever so gently, he put his hand on my head and stood looking away at the sky as though nothing was going on.  Then he moved to the other side of me and repeated the process.  Andrew, with a super light touch because the pain in my head was so intense that's all I could stand, steadied my head as it bobbed up and down with very little nerve supply getting to it.

Andrew stood beside his mother supporting me with his strong healthy body.  As he stood there, he steadied my head to keep it from bobbing while he looked elsewhere in the room.  He said nothing but he held my head steady and filled me with his strength.

A few moments later, he stopped.

I stared at him in amazement and whispered, "Andrew, what were you doing?"

He looked at me with the saddest eyes a child should never have.  He said, "Mom, those people were looking at you because your head was bobbing wildly.  I just didn't want you to look weird to them!!"

I honestly don't know if I have ever felt more loved in my entire life!!!  Lots of people have shown me many kindnesses since then but none have made me feel so totally accepted in the midst of all the ugliness in my life at that time. 

In the Fall of 2006 I couldn't walk by myself.  I couldn't even think any more due to the intense pain in my head!  I was constantly repeating myself, repeating myself, repeating myself, repeating myself.  My head bobbed endlessly.  The pain was never-ending and growing stronger!!

 In the midst of all of that--one act of kindness gave me the hope to keep fighting to live.  The way Andrew helped to hide my handicaps to save me from the scorn of those who knew not what I was suffering, yet still judge me as weird, made a life changing impact on me.  One act of kindness helped to carry me through unspeakable sufferings.  Andrew's act of kindness, at that dreadful moment when I was forced to leave my family, touched me and gave me hope that I might still pull through.

  So, I write to pay tribute to my son Andrew's covering my ugliness and I write to encourage you to do the same.  That moment changed my life!  I felt so loved even the midst of being such a social outcast.  I just want to have everyone feel that kind of love and support.  I suppose it is the foundation of "Links to Healing" where I work with many who are rejected because of something that happened to them--something that they couldn't help!

PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO!!  What she shares is what many of us feel who DON'T get well soon.  She has captured the beauty of being alive in an imperfect body!  This message is so desperately needed in our world!!

Lord, please make me a winner like her!!!  Help me to see how truly beautiful my life is!!

PS.  I suppose that the reason this blessed me so much is because my mom always hated my hair and she passed that on to me.  She would get me permanents 2 or 3 times a year so that she didn't have to look at my "Straight as a poker hair."  This continued into adulthood when she paid for my perms so that she didn't have to be humiliated that her daughter didn't have curly hair.  When Andrew was a baby, I got a perm and I was sick for 4 months from the chemicals in the permanent wave solution.  When I told my mom that I wouldn't be having any more perms, she whined that then she would have to look at my straight hair.  My life mattered less to her than my hair did!  uggg

Sunday, June 3, 2018

A second chance

Do you believe in second chances?  I sure do and that's why I took a second look at Plexus.  My daughter has been having many positive changes in her health since she started using Plexus about 4 months ago.

Cora had a meeting at her house last week which I attended.  That was when I learned what probably caused the extreme nausea when I tried Plexus a couple of years ago.  Further, I learned how to prevent a backlash detox if I were to ever try it again.

 I'm thankful to have learned about this product which is a mild probiotic which older folks may need as they adjust to a healthier life.  At any rate, I thought I'd share with you that I'm going to give Plexus a second chance.  With the proper information about how to ease into the products, I'm hoping to have a great Summer this year!!!

Here's to second chances!


PS  Plexus makes a pain cream called EASE which has done a lot to relieve the pain in my legs.  Now I'm going to add in the EASE capsules too.  Perhaps I'll ease on to my bicycle seat this Summer!  WOULD THAT EVER BE AWESOME!
Gastrointestinal problems always seem to happen at the worst possible moments. When you’re on a date, visiting with friends, attending church, or in the middle of an important business meeting, the last thing you want to think about is your digestion.
Thankfully, VitalBiome™ is here to help keep things balanced! Let’s break down all the surprising ways this incredible product can help you stay healthy—and happy!*


Plexus VitalBiome is a revolutionary probiotic containing eight powerful strains of friendly microbes, clinically demonstrated to help keep your gut microbiome in balance.*
Your gut microbiome is made up by the trillions of microscopic organisms that live in your intestines. Some of these microbes are beneficial to your health, while others are harmful and can create problems.1
That’s where probiotics come in. During the past few decades, taking probiotics has become an incredibly popular health trend. Still, you have to be careful. Some manufacturers don’t get it right. They use probiotic strains that aren’t active or don’t work.
VitalBiome’s probiotic strains were handpicked for their clinically demonstrated ability to benefit your microbiome. Our formula includes beneficial strains that can survive the journey through your GI tract and adhere to the gut wall.


There’s a really good reason probiotics have skyrocketed in popularity. The human gut microbiome has been one of the hottest areas of scientific research, and what we’re learning about our little microbial community is pretty amazing!
Study after study suggests the gut microbiome plays a critical role in your overall health. A healthy microbiome helps to keep your GI tract in balance, and helps improve your mood, promote relaxation, stabilize stress hormones, and even boost your immune system.* 3 4 5 6
This is because 70 percent of immune cells live in your gut and 90 percent of your body’s serotonin (a mood-boosting neurotransmitter) is produced in your gut. Microbes in your gut also secrete neurotransmitters like GABA and dopamine, and help support the production of essential nutrients like Vitamin B12, Vitamin K, and Folate. Who knew the microbiome did so much?
Healthy gut tip: You’ll be amazed by how many ways the gut microbiome benefits your overall health. See how the microbiome has been linked to supporting weight management and more!
In a perfect world, we could all sit back, relax, and enjoy knowing these friendly gut microbes are on our side. The only problem is, your gut microbiome is constantly under attack.
Poor diet, excessive use of antibiotics, lack of exercise, too much stress, inadequate sleep, artificial sweeteners, and other environmental factors can negatively shift the balance of microbial organisms—creating a challenge for friendly microbes to thrive. Often times, we don’t even realize how we harm the health of our gut microbiome with daily choices that seem insignificant.
Those “small” daily choices can really add up, potentially leading to an imbalanced gut microbiome and a condition called dysbiosis.2
Dysbiosis has many symptoms. Bloating, burping, gas, fatigue, bad breath, mental fog, weight gain, moodiness, and immune challenges are a handful of examples. We’re guessing a lot of these symptoms sound all too familiar—especially considering it’s believed around 60 percent of the American adult population suffers from an unbalanced gut.


VitalBiome can be your go-to probiotic choice, especially if you’re wanting to bring your gut microbiome back into balance.*
With a unique Microbiome Activating Formula, VitalBiome “seeds” your gut with 20 billion^ beneficial microbes that help crowd out unhealthy ones. These beneficial microbes include Lactobacillus Helveticus (R0052), Bifidobacterium Longum (R0175), Bacillus Coagulans (MTCC 5856), Lactobacillus Acidophilus (NCFM), Lactobacillus Plantarum (LP-115), Bifidobacterium Lactis (Bl-04), Bifidobacterium Lactis (Bi-07), Saccharomyces Boulardii (I-3799).*
Healthy gut tip: If you’d like to know what makes each these bacteria strains so beneficial, we take a closer look at your healthy gut microbes in this in-depth article.
Getting these microbes right where they’re needed is also important. VitalBiome’s delayed release capsule protects these living organisms as they travel through your digestive system, protecting them from your stomach acid.
This special capsule also helps protect the microbes against oxygen and moisture while the product is being stored. Meaning, VitalBiome offers clinically studied levels of probiotics even at the time of expiration.


We could brag all day about the incredible ingredients in VitalBiome, but there are even more reasons to fall in love with this product.
First, VitalBiome is backed by science. Its formula has been put to the test in an independent, scientifically-validated in vitro study—created to mimic the gastrointestinal system. The results were incredible, and showed VitalBiome helped beneficial microbes flourish.♢*
  • Here’s what the findings show:
  • Increased beneficial Lactobacillus by 418%♢*
  • Increased beneficial Bifidobacterium by 158%♢*
  • Increased beneficial Akkermansia microbe by 165%♢*
  • Increased Butyrate by 67%♢*
  • Increased Propionate by 45%♢*
You can also feel good about what’s not in the product. VitalBiome is Non-GMO, Gluten Free, and 100 percent vegetarian!


VitalBiome can be taken by itself, or, we’ve also designed an entire line of products that work together to support the health of your microbiome. From prebiotics that feed the friendly microbes to unique enzymes that help weed out the bad, these products can help take your gut health to the next level!
Plexus Slim®: This delicious pink drink includes XOS prebiotic fiber. This unique fiber has been clinically demonstrated to feed beneficial gut microbes.*
ProBio 5: This daily capsule is specially formulated with a unique blend of enzymes to help balance intestinal yeast.*
BioCleanse: Get your digestion back on track with this powerful blend. It helps weed out bad microbes and supports your body’s natural detoxification process.*
XFactor Plus: Complete with a gut-protecting polyphenol blend, XFactor Plus provides essential nutrients and helps support a healthy microbiome.*
These products can be taken along with VitalBiome for an all-encompassing approach to gut health. For best results, we recommend taking VitalBiome and XFactor Plus in the morning, Slim 30 minutes before a meal, and ProBio 5 and BioCleanse at night.
For more health and happiness, start in your gut. VitalBiome is here to help make that happen!
^At the time of manufacture.
The results of an in vitro human gut simulator study suggest that VitalBiome’s formula may have several beneficial effects. Further research, including research conducted in humans, is needed to confirm these preliminary findings. Results may vary from person to person.

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