Friday, June 8, 2018

Cousin Kristi

I don't have much time to write at the moment but I wanted to pay tribute to my most special cousin, Kristi, who is about 10 years younger than me.  We've been through a lot together and still will, I imagine, as we seek wellness with her in Wisconsin and me in North Dakota.

The distance has always kept us apart physically but hearts can be close no matter where people live.  Anyway, I was just reading Cousin Kristi's email which made me want to write a quick post in her honor.

Kristi is an amazing mother of 4--3 of them adopted!  She's home schooled them all and persists in the face of an illness that keeps her in a cycle of every other day being a good day and every other day being a bad day when it's very difficult to function.  Can you imagine how hard that would be?

So, as I pondered giving her a post all of her own, I went in search of cousin poems.  You would not believe how many truly rotten cousin poems there are.  I mean, if there's nothing but war or common sin to write about, why turn it into poetry?

Now, Kristi, I'm in a hurry so I did the best I could.  This was the very best poem I found in honor of cousins.  I'll keep looking but this will have to do for now.  I hope you like it!!!
Cousin Time
So happy is a home where cousins meet;
their smiles and laughter make us feel upbeat, while aunts and uncles know that life's complete
  to watch their children share their love so sweet.
Like brothers, sisters, cousins are so neat;
they play for hours and later they retreat
to their own homes, but know they will repeat
that special time again when cousins meet.

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