Friday, January 4, 2019

Is it inevitable?

I was buzzing around here this morning working on preparing for Shabbat.  I have some sessions to finish up before Sabbath gets here.  I laid out a roast to thaw for our Sabbath feast.  There's the usual house cleaning and finishing up the week's laundry.  I wondered if I'd have enough time to make a pie for my guys. 

I was minding my own business when the Lord ran this song through my day as I was listening to Rejoice Radio.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have a soft spot in my heart for this group--- the Booth Brothers.  In my opinion, nobody writes songs and sings them like these men of God.  Their music has blessed my life in countless ways.

So I came here to the computer and found it on YouTube and listened to and watched this video.  How could I not weep for families who are going through this?  Yet another part of me, the professional part, the Certified BodyTalk Practitioner part, was unnerved by the fact that so many people don't know about BodyTalk--or don't trust it and don't use it.

My brain was damaged worse than this woman's featured in the song when I developed shingles there in the Summer of 2006.  My head bobbed like one of those toy dogs people used to have in their cars.  I couldn't remember anything I had said just moments before.  Now, 12 years later, I see clients every day and do highly complex mental functions to help them to heal.  What happened to cause this change? 

What happened is that my naturopathic doctor nudged me in the direction of BodyTalk.  Although she helped me survive the first year of shingles on the brain, I was getting worse.  I needed a more rapid healing system and God led me to the BodyTalk system.  Every day now I get to see brains healing and then the body follows.  Every day I get to see people relax as they can think and as they move through their days.  People feel more competent and, therefore, more confident!
Although this Booth Brothers song touched my heart, it also moved my pen.  Folks, this does NOT have to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!  Brains can heal and then they can heal bodies.  I'm writing with good news that God is blessing the world with many wonderful natural healing systems that are inexpensive and, better yet, THEY WORK!!!
As you begin 2019, I urge everyone to get in the habit of tapping out your cortices.  I normally don't get out of bed without first tapping out my cortices.  By connecting the 2 sides of my brain, it is able to work as the unit it's made to be. Stresses of all kinds cause the communication between the 2 hemispheres of our noodle to weaken.  This is when problems begin.  Had I known how to do cortices in 2006, I doubt that I'd have laid for 18 days at a healing center doing bee venom therapy!
So, here it is dear reader, the very best gift I could possibly give to you.  Here is the founder of the BodyTalk system explaining how to hook up your brain.  Do it often.  Do cortices every time you can't remember something.  Do it when you're in pain.  Do it before a test or job interview and you'll be your best possible you.
So, although I love the Booth Brothers with all my heart, it's Dr. John Veltheim's BodyTalk system that saved my life as I struggled over a year to recover from shingles on the brain.  He's the hero God used to save my life!!  Thanks forever, Dr. Veltheim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I pray that you'll open your mind to God's method of healing for you this year! I know several awesome ones and would be happy to help you with them as I have been trained to work on folks from a distance. 
Although I would love to work with EVERYONE, that seems unlikely to happen any time soon.  I am happy, though, to know that there are incredible natural practitioners all around the world.  I would urge you to pray to our loving Heavenly Father for whom He would have you turn to for help if you're sick.
It seems wise to advise seeking out a Christian to work with!!  Christian practitioners hear from God how to help the person lying on their table.  It's the bonus we have to offer our clients that non-Christians can't.  I pray before every session that I give to someone and so do many other practitioners that I know.  I know I'm super thankful for every Christian practitioner that the Lord has led me to when I asked Him for advice.  They're why I'm still alive!  I praise the Lord often for His marvelous healing tools!!
To Dr. John Veltheim--founder of the BodyTalk system of healing--MY HERO!! 

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