Friday, April 19, 2019

Did he die in vain?

Today is the day that many in the world grieve the death of Jesus on the cross.  I am one of them.  There is no more terrible thing than to live our lives without the constant companionship and friendship of our loving Savior who died for us.  OR IS THERE?
What happens to those who continually reject Jesus Christ as their personal Savior?  What happens when people don't understand that the perfect one came to Earth to die on a Roman cross for OUR sins? 
I can't bear to think of anyone going to the place spoken of in this video.  Never-the-less, many do go there and it's unnecessary.  WHY?  because Jesus made a way for ALL people to liv with Him in Heaven yet they refuse to admit that they need a Savior. 
I pray that this video will encourage all of my readers who have not yet given their lives to the Lord to do so today!  I have never met anyone who said, "I regret giving my life to the Lord."  That's because His sweet love and peace are the only things that can get us through all of the woes of this life.
Did you know that after your death, if you reject Jesus your entire life, you will go to hell?  It's not God's fault.  He sent His son to Earth to shed his innocent blood to pay for our sins.  ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS ASK HIM TO FORGIVE US OF OUR SINS AND COME INTO OUR LIVES AND TAKE OVER!!
Please give your life to Jesus today!!

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