Dear friends,
This is my first Sabbath without my daughter living nearby. How can I find peace? Only God can do such a thing as give me peace tonight.
Comfort He gives to me through praise music. I pray that this music will comfort some of you out there who are not consolable with what life is putting you through right now.
God is near to the broken hearted. He is near to me tonight but oh how I am wishing that things had turned out differently. I can't stop sobbing. Pray for me please!
Shabbat Shalom which means Sabbath peace.
Friday, May 31, 2019
God is speaking today?
Mostly all of the Christians that I know are discouraged. We've lived our lives for the Lord but have not reaped the harvest for our labors. I know that it's nothing to be compared with those who are loosing their lives for Christ. However, a slow steady strangulation is not pleasant either.
I've prayed for the third Great Awakening to begin for decades. I have held firm to the belief that it WILL happen. A time is coming when millions of people will give their lives to the Lord. It will be a time of GREAT REJOICING for the body of Christ! but when?
I was encouraged, just now, by reading this prophecy. I hope that it will bless all of you who serve our risen Savior. It only takes a remnant of believers to continue casting down doubts that God WILL save our country from destruction and he WILL save the world too. Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life and life more abundant.! John 10:10
I encourage everyone who loves God to sign up for the Elijah List's daily emails which are free. You will find encouragement from God through His prophets. Please read to the bottom to be inspired by this recent prophecy!! Also, there you'll find the contact information so you can begin hearing what God is saying for us right now!
Happy Sabbath to all,
America, the Lord Told Me: 'This is What Will Save Your
Visit our webstore and check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?:
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.
Elijah List Publications
528 Ellsworth St. SW
Albany, OR 97321
Phone 1-541-926-3250
I've prayed for the third Great Awakening to begin for decades. I have held firm to the belief that it WILL happen. A time is coming when millions of people will give their lives to the Lord. It will be a time of GREAT REJOICING for the body of Christ! but when?
I was encouraged, just now, by reading this prophecy. I hope that it will bless all of you who serve our risen Savior. It only takes a remnant of believers to continue casting down doubts that God WILL save our country from destruction and he WILL save the world too. Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life and life more abundant.! John 10:10
I encourage everyone who loves God to sign up for the Elijah List's daily emails which are free. You will find encouragement from God through His prophets. Please read to the bottom to be inspired by this recent prophecy!! Also, there you'll find the contact information so you can begin hearing what God is saying for us right now!
Happy Sabbath to all,
America, the Lord Told Me: 'This is What Will Save Your
Kathi Pelton, Portland, OR

A couple of nights ago I arrived in Washington DC, and as I drove by the
Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, lit up against the night sky, I
could feel the longing of God for our nation begin to swell in my spirit. I went
to bed that night with intercession for our nation stirring within me. When I
fell asleep I went into a significant, prophetic dream.
The Dream
I was with a group of international prophets meeting together in our nation's capital, as we were seeking the Lord together for the United States. In the dream I asked the Lord what He wanted to say to us, and as I asked I was suddenly taken to an aerial view of Washington DC. Then this aerial view was transposed onto a large, silver coin. The Spirit of the Lord asked me, "What is your nation's motto?" I answered, "In God We Trust." As I spoke the words they appeared upon the silver coin. He then said, "This is what will save your nation."
Thereafter in the dream, I was taken to see many in the Body of Christ who were interceding, prophesying, and standing over our nation. As I looked upon them they were under severe personal attacks. I asked the Lord why there was such an attack against His people at this time. He answered me saying, "Their 'trust' in Me is under attack. If the enemy can cause My people to lose their trust in Me then he can win the battle for your nation. The key to victory is found in the words, 'In God We Trust.'"
In the dream I began to prophesy what I had just seen, and as I did, I began to repeat over our nation, His people and over my own life, "In God We Trust! In God I Trust!" Then the Lord said something that shot through my spirit like a bolt of lightening. He said, "It only takes a remnant to win this battle for your nation! A remnant that will put their trust in Me!"
As He spoke these words, life and hope surged through me with such victorious power. The words, "It only takes a remnant," repeated over and over in my spirit until it began to pour out of me with the spirit of prophesy upon them.
Understanding the Dream
What I want you to understand from this dream is that the attack against you has been a direct attack against your trust in the Lord! It may have taken the form of health issues, financial lack, relational issues or even mental/emotional attacks, but what the enemy is after is your trust in God!
You are a part of the remnant that will rise up and say, "In God I Trust and in God We Trust." These words and this posture is the key to seeing this established in our nation. What appears to be a personal attack is, in fact, an attack against America. The inscription on our coins is the key to purchase back our nation for God and is our key to victory.
Within the dream, I was with international leaders that I recognized from Canada, Israel, Germany, Asia, Japan and many other nations. They were all standing with us in our nation's capital because they knew that the time was now to stand with our nation. The victory in America was also a victory for their nations. They felt the weight of the Lord's longing for them to join us and stand with the United States until we gained the victory. They brought their "trust" as a part of the remnant that would turn our nation back to God.
No matter what you are facing or battling, know this: it is a battle for your trust! Rise up and put doubt under your feet! Put every word of accusation against the Lord and all circumstantial evidence that has been raised against Him under your feet and stomp it out with the words, "In God We Trust!"
Let these words rise over your life and rise over our nation with the incense of intercession and prophetic declaration! Let the remnant arise and put their trust in God alone. It only takes a remnant to arise and see a nation saved.
"Rise up, O God, and scatter Your enemies. Let those who hate God run for their lives. Blow them away like smoke. Melt them like wax in a fire. Let the wicked perish in the presence of God. But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God's presence. Let them be filled with joy. Sing praises to God and to His name! Sing loud praises to Him who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord – rejoice in His presence!" (Psalm 68:1-4 NLT)
Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries
Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton live in the greater Portland, Oregon area. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. Kathi is an author and prophetic voice to the Church. They walk with nations and individuals to see God's original intent fulfilled. Their ministry, Inscribe Ministries, was founded upon the verse from Habakkuk 2:2 that says, "Then the LORD answered me and said: 'Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.'"
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HERE or go to: Dream
I was with a group of international prophets meeting together in our nation's capital, as we were seeking the Lord together for the United States. In the dream I asked the Lord what He wanted to say to us, and as I asked I was suddenly taken to an aerial view of Washington DC. Then this aerial view was transposed onto a large, silver coin. The Spirit of the Lord asked me, "What is your nation's motto?" I answered, "In God We Trust." As I spoke the words they appeared upon the silver coin. He then said, "This is what will save your nation."
Thereafter in the dream, I was taken to see many in the Body of Christ who were interceding, prophesying, and standing over our nation. As I looked upon them they were under severe personal attacks. I asked the Lord why there was such an attack against His people at this time. He answered me saying, "Their 'trust' in Me is under attack. If the enemy can cause My people to lose their trust in Me then he can win the battle for your nation. The key to victory is found in the words, 'In God We Trust.'"
In the dream I began to prophesy what I had just seen, and as I did, I began to repeat over our nation, His people and over my own life, "In God We Trust! In God I Trust!" Then the Lord said something that shot through my spirit like a bolt of lightening. He said, "It only takes a remnant to win this battle for your nation! A remnant that will put their trust in Me!"
As He spoke these words, life and hope surged through me with such victorious power. The words, "It only takes a remnant," repeated over and over in my spirit until it began to pour out of me with the spirit of prophesy upon them.
Understanding the Dream
What I want you to understand from this dream is that the attack against you has been a direct attack against your trust in the Lord! It may have taken the form of health issues, financial lack, relational issues or even mental/emotional attacks, but what the enemy is after is your trust in God!
You are a part of the remnant that will rise up and say, "In God I Trust and in God We Trust." These words and this posture is the key to seeing this established in our nation. What appears to be a personal attack is, in fact, an attack against America. The inscription on our coins is the key to purchase back our nation for God and is our key to victory.
Within the dream, I was with international leaders that I recognized from Canada, Israel, Germany, Asia, Japan and many other nations. They were all standing with us in our nation's capital because they knew that the time was now to stand with our nation. The victory in America was also a victory for their nations. They felt the weight of the Lord's longing for them to join us and stand with the United States until we gained the victory. They brought their "trust" as a part of the remnant that would turn our nation back to God.
No matter what you are facing or battling, know this: it is a battle for your trust! Rise up and put doubt under your feet! Put every word of accusation against the Lord and all circumstantial evidence that has been raised against Him under your feet and stomp it out with the words, "In God We Trust!"
Let these words rise over your life and rise over our nation with the incense of intercession and prophetic declaration! Let the remnant arise and put their trust in God alone. It only takes a remnant to arise and see a nation saved.
"Rise up, O God, and scatter Your enemies. Let those who hate God run for their lives. Blow them away like smoke. Melt them like wax in a fire. Let the wicked perish in the presence of God. But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God's presence. Let them be filled with joy. Sing praises to God and to His name! Sing loud praises to Him who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord – rejoice in His presence!" (Psalm 68:1-4 NLT)
Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries
Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton live in the greater Portland, Oregon area. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. Kathi is an author and prophetic voice to the Church. They walk with nations and individuals to see God's original intent fulfilled. Their ministry, Inscribe Ministries, was founded upon the verse from Habakkuk 2:2 that says, "Then the LORD answered me and said: 'Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.'"
Visit our webstore and check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?:
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.
Elijah List Publications
528 Ellsworth St. SW
Albany, OR 97321
Phone 1-541-926-3250
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Gotta go dig in the dirt!
The Healing Power of Gardens: Oliver Sacks on the Psychological and Physiological Consolations of Nature
“In forty years of medical practice, I have found only two types of non-pharmaceutical ‘therapy’ to be vitally important for patients with chronic neurological diseases: music and gardens.”
“I work like a gardener,” the great painter Joan Miró wrote in his meditation on the proper pace for creative work. It is hardly a coincidence that Virginia Woolf had her electrifying epiphany about what it means to be an artist while walking amid the flower beds in the garden at St. Ives. Indeed, to garden — even merely to be in a garden — is nothing less than a triumph of resistance against the merciless race of modern life, so compulsively focused on productivity at the cost of creativity, of lucidity, of sanity; a reminder that we are creatures enmeshed with the great web of being, in which, as the great naturalist John Muir observed long ago, “when we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe”; a return to what is noblest, which means most natural, in us. There is something deeply humanizing in listening to the rustle of a newly leaved tree, in watching a bumblebee romance a blossom, in kneeling onto the carpet of soil to make a hole for a sapling, gently moving a startled earthworm or two out of the way. Walt Whitman knew this when he weighed what makes life worth living as he convalesced from a paralytic stroke: “After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, love, and so on — have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear — what remains? Nature remains; to bring out from their torpid recesses, the affinities of a man or woman with the open air, the trees, fields, the changes of seasons — the sun by day and the stars of heaven by night.”

Those unmatched rewards, both psychological and physiological, is what beloved neurologist and author Oliver Sacks (July 9, 1933–August 30, 2015) explores in a lovely short essay titled “Why We Need Gardens,” found in Everything in Its Place: First Loves and Last Tales (public library) — the wondrous posthumous collection that gave us Sacks on the life-altering power of libraries. He writes:
As a writer, I find gardens essential to the creative process; as a physician, I take my patients to gardens whenever possible. All of us have had the experience of wandering through a lush garden or a timeless desert, walking by a river or an ocean, or climbing a mountain and finding ourselves simultaneously calmed and reinvigorated, engaged in mind, refreshed in body and spirit. The importance of these physiological states on individual and community health is fundamental and wide-ranging. In forty years of medical practice, I have found only two types of non-pharmaceutical “therapy” to be vitally important for patients with chronic neurological diseases: music and gardens.

Having lived and worked in New York City for half a century — a city “sometimes made bearable… only by its gardens” — Sacks recounts witnessing nature’s tonic effects on his neurologically impaired patients: A man with Tourette’s syndrome, afflicted by severe verbal and gestural tics in the urban environment, grows completely symptom-free while hiking in the desert; an elderly woman with Parkinson’s disease, who often finds herself frozen elsewhere, can not only easily initiate movement in the garden but takes to climbing up and down the rocks unaided; several people with advanced dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, who can’t recall how to perform basic operations of civilization like tying their shoes, suddenly know exactly what to do when handed seedlings and placed before a flower bed. Sacks reflects:
I cannot say exactly how nature exerts its calming and organizing effects on our brains, but I have seen in my patients the restorative and healing powers of nature and gardens, even for those who are deeply disabled neurologically. In many cases, gardens and nature are more powerful than any medication.

More than half a century after the great marine biologist and environmental pioneer Rachel Carson asserted that “there is in us a deeply seated response to the natural universe, which is part of our humanity,” Sacks adds:
Clearly, nature calls to something very deep in us. Biophilia, the love of nature and living things, is an essential part of the human condition. Hortophilia, the desire to interact with, manage, and tend nature, is also deeply instilled in us. The role that nature plays in health and healing becomes even more critical for people working long days in windowless offices, for those living in city neighborhoods without access to green spaces, for children in city schools, or for those in institutional settings such as nursing homes. The effects of nature’s qualities on health are not only spiritual and emotional but physical and neurological. I have no doubt that they reflect deep changes in the brain’s physiology, and perhaps even its structure.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Fighting the dark side
Hi everyone,
I just got back from Minnesota for a 2 day trip. I went with my son, Andrew, who delivered our camper to Michael's folk's place. My daughter, Cora, and her family will be living in it all Summer while they wait to get into the house there.
I had a nice time traveling with Andrew. It was a very difficult emotional experience for me but I'm thankful to have been able to see where Cora and her family will be living this Summer. Where the camper is parked, you can look out on the fields to the left and the lilacs to the right. I think it will be a very pleasant place for them to live for several months!
I wish that I had taken more photos of the camper but I was busy helping Cora unpack some things and making some walking room. I did get this photo of Elsie as she discovered something familiar from her home here in ND. I was happy when Cora plugged her salt lamp in just as soon as there was electricity! It's a very nice camper and they'll be outside during pleasant weather too. Please pray for this very precious family as they begin their new life as dairy farmers.
I picked up a saboteur somewhere on my trip. For those of you who aren't familiar with them, saboteurs are energy weapons that someone is able to thrust into your energy field at times when you are overwhelmed with life!! They do affect the physical body and can be removed with either the Emotion Code or the Body Code program. I'm very thankful this morning that I have these skills.
I noticed that my left hip was aching as we neared home last night but I thought that it was from sitting in the pickup for the greater parts of 2 days. When I loaded the dishwasher after supper last night, the pain was more severe. I figured that what I needed was a good night's rest in my own bed so I headed there after starting the dishwasher.
This morning the pain is so intense that it's hard to walk or sit or do anything that requires movement. I began praying for wisdom in how to get rid of it!! The Holy Spirit showed me that I was given a saboteur on the trip home by someone who thinks I should have "Healed" his grandson of a serious condition in 2 or 3 BodyTalk sessions. I won't discuss how disturbing it is to me when people think this way!!
I began removing the saboteur but it also came with poison. I'm writing to ask you all to pray for me. This poison is an energetic poison intended to kill me. I AM stressed to the max with Cora's moving away from us. This makes it even more difficult to fight off the poisons so the pain is intense. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!
I am well aware that these attacks from unhappy humans are empowered by the enemy of God. I know that satan does NOT want me taking the Advanced Splankna training next week. Apparently he will do anything to keep me from being able to attend the training as we destroy his power with every Splankna session we do. My fellow Splankna practitioner is also under attack more as class approaches.
To those of you who are unfamiliar with spiritual warfare, the video I'm sharing below may seem a bit "Out there." However, we know that energy exists, right? We all complain when we have low energy. Well, the enemy thrives on low energy levels so, when we're in a low spot in our life, he can get in with his creepies and wreck even more havoc. He can have someone disgruntled with us for ANY reason send us a saboteur or a curse..... These all can be removed when we know how to do so!
I think this Emotion Code practitioner does a nice job of explaining how energy weapons can harm us. I praise God for all of the energy healing tools that He's brought into my life these past 12 years! They're all used for different problems. You can't pound in a nail with a screwdriver, can you?
I'm asking my praying friends to cover me with your prayers this week and next week as I take the Advanced Splankna training. This week I have to complete all of the requirements to take the class! Next week there will be more traveling and then 3 days of intense instruction!! We'll learn how to use even more tools for destroying the works of the devil. He is NOT pleased. I need your prayers!!
God bless everyone of you who prays for my work!
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Have you got great expectations?
Happy Mother's Day to all of you loving mothers out there. I just found this article which seems like it arrived in my life about 3 decades too late. I share for those of you who find yourselves disappointed today.
Today, like all other days, we find our joy in serving Jesus Christ. Let's not let our expectations, stirred up from some greeting card advertisement, ruin the gloriously happy day that Father has planned for each one of us! Let's rejoice in the life that He has given to us with the father of our children. Let's truly be thankful for each little life that He has allowed to come into ours!
How to Not Ruin Your Own Mother’s Day
I’ll never forget the first time we took the whole family out for Mexican food. We had four little men ages 6 and younger, and I was pregnant with number five. (Seriously, what were we thinking?)
The service was unusually slow, so the kids munched on stale raisins from the diaper bag. After an hour one kid had fallen out of his seat and had a bruise to prove it. One had spilled water all over the table; another had choked on a tortilla chip and thrown up on his plate. And the food still hadn’t come. When it finally arrived our order was all wrong. All in all, not an unusual experience for a young family trying to have a meal out.
Except . . . it was Mother’s Day.
And every little inconvenience, every spill, every fuss, and whine weighed extra on my heart. This was Mother’s Day. My day. The day my husband had thoughtfully set aside for me to enjoy being queen for a day. But I didn’t feel like a queen. I felt like a worn-out mommy.
This Mother’s Day, thousands of moms will be disappointed because the day didn’t turn out the way they expected. But there is hope. There’s a way to have a disappointment-proof Mother’s Day. And it starts with us.
Day for Compensation
First, let’s back up a little. Where does our disappointment come from? There’s a popular meme floating around Facebook that describes a mom’s job. It says something like: “I’m a chef, chauffer, nurse, counselor, maid . . .” And the point is always, “Don’t tell ME I don’t have a job. I’m a MOM.”
I used to find these lists amusing and affirming. Now I think they can be damaging. Without realizing it, we start to measure our worth by these lists. And we want others to notice and show appreciation. But this only makes us defensive and bitter. How can anyone ever thank us enough? No Mother’s Day card, no fancy brunch, and no bouquet is enough to repay us for these jobs.
If we fixate on being appreciated, we’ll always be let down. A day of celebration becomes a day of compensation. It’s our chance to get a little payback. “Finally,” we think. “The kids will recognize all I do around here.” And yes, it is good and right to honor mothers. It’s right to say, “Thank you for all you do.” But if our identity is tied to how well we’re appreciated, we’re setting ourselves up for disappointment.
Day for an Identity Check
The problem with the “mom job” description is that it boils down my worth to the sum of my to-do lists. It might make me feel more important for a little while, but soon I’m empty again.

The solution is to remember who I am, not what I do. As a Christian woman, my identity is united with Jesus Christ—his sinless life and perfect righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21). The beauty about finding my identity in Jesus is that I can stop obsessing about my identity altogether. It’s not about who I am. It’s about who he is. Jen Wilkin reminds us:
As long as we keep the emphasis on us instead of on a higher vision, we will take small comfort from discussions of identity. Our primary problem as Christian women is not that we lack self-worth, not that we lack a sense of significance or purpose. It’s that we lack awe.
Do you want to have an incredible Mother’s Day? Stand in awe of the One who made you a mother. Let each sticky kiss and messy card remind you of a few things about God: Every good gift is from the Father of lights (James 1:17). God’s strength is perfected in weak moms (2 Corinthians 12:9). He gives us the wisdom we so desperately need (James 1:5).
Now those are reasons to celebrate.
Day for Celebration
This outward, God-centered focus knocks our expectations for Mother’s Day back into place. It relieves the pressure of expecting a day that lives up to our valuation of motherhood. This day is about God’s faithfulness, not mine. Motherhood isn’t a job I’ve been hired for. It’s a calling I’ve been entrusted with. This turns a day of compensation into one of true celebration.
This Mother’s Day, I’m going to step down off the pedestal my kids so sweetly and clumsily set up for me, and celebrate alongside them. My value is in Christ, not in this day. So give me the breakfast in bed and all the spills that go with it. I want every messy reminder that God made me a mom.
Except for the restaurant experience. I can wait a few more years for that.
Friday, May 10, 2019
God's taking over!! YAY
I'm sorry that I haven't written much here lately but my life is totally overwhelming at this point. Michael and Cora will be moving to MN at the end of this month; we're going to have another grandbaby; the guys have been putting in 12 to 14 hour days cleaning the farmer's grain for planting; and I got cancer again. It's in my left shoulder.
I've been watching my grandchildren as Cora packs and empties out their house. If it weren't for my BETAR table, I should cry constantly but it's an amazing tool to help process deep emotions. So I'm limping along but the potato seeds and onion plants are sitting here instead of being planted in the garden.
One additional stressor is the fact that my dad's attorney is an idiot--which is NOT new information. I'm selling the quarter of farm ground that I inherited in Eureka to one of my parent's friends. The title opinion search revealed that dad's attorney had not finished his work 5 years ago when he dealt with the last of my dad's property.
As a result of this, only half of my inherited land is in my name!!!!!!!!!! The other half is in the name of my dad's estate! GRRRRRRRRRRR. So the estate had to be "Opened up" again and then we had another problem. My brother, who was dad's executor, is now dead. So we need a new one and, because I live closest, both attorneys involved felt that I should be IT! So 5 years after dad's death, I am now his executor for the purpose of getting my land in my name so that I can sell it. THIS IS CRAZY!!! I don't need MORE stuff to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm also getting certified as a Splankna practitioner. I've had to do 30 hours of Splankna sessions; plus 2 Supervisions with reports and take Advanced class next month. Cora thinks it's good that I have class to look forward to so I might not notice it as much when they take the camper and leave the state. Hilarious, right?
Another thing that's helped me get through all of this is to keep the big picture in mind. After all, that's what God does so perhaps it could be a helpful habit for me as well. So I pray for President Trump and his staff to drain the swamp ASAP and BUILD THE WALL!!
I am also encouraged by my emails from the Elijah List which come several times a week in my inbox. I encourage everyone to sign up for these if you're thinking that God isn't moving fast enough. He's moving!
I think that you'll enjoy this prophecy report I just read. I pray that all God's people around the world will continue to pray for the third Great Awakening to sweep the globe. We started praying for this several decades ago in our home school while learning about the first 2 Great Awakenings. Father keeps saying that He's sending it but this one will be world wide!!! Yes, Father, bring it on!!
Here's the prophecy about my country and it's GOOD NEWS!! I am especially fascinated as the Dakotas are mentioned specifically! I've been praying for revival here for nearly 50 years!!
Lots of love,
What God Showed Me Over the Next 5 Years"
Rebecca Greenwood, Colorado Springs, CO
In my intercession time on April 23rd, the Lord brought a clear vision of the United States of America. Over the following week I had been in intercession concerning the vision, and on the morning of the National Day of Prayer, May 2, I felt the Lord prompting me to share what He revealed in order for the Church and the intercessors to pray in agreement. After submitting the word to trusted friends and prophetic voices, I was encouraged to share this vision publicly, as I strongly believe this word is an invitation for intercession.
In this vision, I saw Jesus standing above a large map of the nation. He was intentionally highlighting specific regions throughout the nation by positioning Himself above the regions that He began to speak to me about. He was maneuvering throughout the land with the intent of highlighting these regions and speaking His purposes for what He continued to call "The five-year period of grace and awakening."
Northern U.S. – Unlocking of Covenants
Initially, I saw Jesus in the northern region of the United States, and I heard Him say, "There will be an unlocking of original covenants in the land that will cause the nation to shift into righteous covenant. As this unlocking occurs it will pave a way throughout 2019, leading into 2020, and 4 years following 2020 for continued and increased righteous governance in the White House that will lead this land. This government will continue to decree righteousness through alignments with key nations, standing for life of the unborn, the supporting of Israel and the belief in Christian values and prayer."
Abortion Legislation
He then brought the focus to abortion and said, "Abortion will continue to be dealt with state by state, region by region; a grassroots movement of states that will stand for righteousness. This is just the beginning."
He further revealed that as we begin to advance from now through to 2024 and going into 2025, there will be 28 states that will shift abortion legislation to righteousness in which an unborn child will no longer be considered a fetus, but a human life. Legislation will begin to shift in these 28 states to the stance that abortion is murder and illegal once the heartbeat is heard in the mother's womb. In many of these 28 states I could even see a newer wave of legislation being written. The language within this new legislation will be "Life begins at the moment of conception."
The East Coast – Oil and Fire Awakening
As the vision continued, Jesus made His way to the East Coast where He said, "There is an oil and fire awakening and movement of My Spirit that is coming to the East Coast."
I could see that there is an increased awakening coming all along the East Coast. I could see a fire, a spiritual fire, moving throughout specific locations. Broward County in Florida was one of the highlighted areas. The occult practices in Broward county and the surrounding regions that have been engaged in these practices, with the intent to hold back the nation from righteous and conservative values, will be exposed and dealt with. I could see the apostolic/prophetic prayer army issuing a final blow to the schemes of the enemy in that region.
As the vision continued, I could see clearly the dark hand of the deep state that had gripped the United States. But every area and region that the Lord walked into, the grip of the deep state could no longer keeps its demonic hold on our nation. I heard Him say, "Florida, you are key for this time; for such a time as this. Where the deep state has penetrated through to Broward County, the grip will be broken and there will be a new move of My Spirit that will come into Florida and cause a righteousness to rise up."
North and South Carolina, get ready for a visitation.
Georgia was highlighted, and He spoke, "Awakening is on you, even within the government. This move of awakening will have great impact in governmental state leaders."
The South – a Gateway of Authority
I then saw Jesus standing above the South. I heard the Lord say to the South and specifically to Texas, "You are a gateway of this nation and what is established in the South will reverberate across the nation all the way up to Washington DC. It is a season of being re-established as a righteous gateway for the nation. Where it has been an entry point for evil along the border, this evil is being shut off."
I then saw that sex trafficking at the border will be dealt with. The entity of Santa Muerte, that has tried to come into our nation through the borders of Texas, will be cut off because that door of evil will be shut.

The Plains States – Awakening the Father's Heart in the Land
I then saw Him move into the center of the U.S. and He spoke to the Plains States, "You will cause the heartbeat of the Father to beat again, and there will be an awakening to the heartbeat of the Father. A recognition of the Father's heart of love will be awakened from the Plains States that will have effect across the nation."
I could see the pillars of unrighteousness that have held that area in the heartland, but I could also see new strategies being birthed and implemented in order to see those pillars of unrighteousness toppled.
There is a stirring in the Dakotas which will surprise many. There is an awakening that is coming to the First Nations people in the Dakotas, a revival awakening move of the Father's heart that will begin to beat again.
The Heartland – a Season of Grace and Breakthrough
As the vision continued, I could see and was made aware of the focus of the next 5 years. It is a season of grace and breakthrough. I noticed that every region where the Lord had positioned Himself over on the map saw changes. I saw that within the next five years the dark grip of the deep state – that demonic grip of extreme agendas to condone death of the unborn and to establish socialism in our nation – lost its grip.
I was able to see that in the heartland, in the center of the U.S., there is stake of truth and righteousness that is being driven into the land by the Lord. As it was penetrating the land, it caused the heartbeat of the Father for this nation to be awakened within the people of this land. The heart of the land began to beat again in rhythm with His purposes. In the next five years, as the pillars of unrighteousness come down we will see God's Kingdom purposes established in the heartland.
The West Coast – Shakings of Awakening
I then saw the Lord positioned above and highlighting the West Coast. He said, "I am visiting certain regions and cities of a dry and a parched land. People have said, 'Can anything good come out of San Francisco?'" And He said, "Watch what I will do in the days ahead. In these five years of grace, a spiritual birthing of awakening will occur. There is about to be a move in San Francisco that will surprise many."
I could hear and see in my spirit, San Diego and San Bernardino. There are stirrings of His Spirit in those dry and parched lands. What the enemy meant for harm will not prevail. The Lord will cause a movement, and that which was meant for evil will be turned for His good and His glory.
I could see that there were going to be shakings in the West Coast. But these shakings will not bring devastation. These shakings will cause people to awaken to the Lord. I could see that in the West Coast, it was time for righteousness to be established from their gates.
I heard the Lord say, "There is going to be a turning around even in the West Coast, in key locations. In the midst of the several shakings that are ahead, there will not be devastation or destruction, but a shaking unto awakening of truth and holiness."
Historic Movements and Exposures
I then saw Jesus back in our nation's capital. He spoke again, "During this five-year period of time, there will be historic movements that no one has expected to see. There will be historic exposures which have not been seen; exposures of corruption, and exposures of under-the-table, corrupt agreements, where deals have been made by the shaking of hands with corrupt, elite structures."
Friends, it was evident within this vision that we are in a five-year grace period of exposure of corruption and the gavel of justice, the Lord's gavel, is coming down against these corrupt structures.
The Lord stated, "Do not be surprised when you see more revealed, more shaking, more chaos because in this season, I am exposing the corruption. And it will look like chaos, but it is exposure leading to a cleansing during this five-year period of grace."
Demonic Grip of Corruption Loosed and Holiness Movement Birthed
As this vision was unfolding, everywhere the Lord walked throughout the land, the demonic grip of darkness that has tried to control and squeeze the nation in its hold, was loosed, and no longer had the power to hold the nation in its influence.

In this season, there is an understanding that is coming to the Body of Christ of the true agenda of what has been occurring at the hands of corruption and perversion. Exposure, exposure, exposure will occur in the days ahead.
We are in a five-year period of grace for this nation. What we have seen unfold, even in the past three years, will not compare to what we will see unfolding in the next five years. We have seen darkness while at the same time awesome, suddenly, unexpected surprises causing a movement toward righteousness.
The Lord spoke clearly, "In the days ahead you will see many more." We are in a five-year grace period for this nation! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Rebecca Greenwood
Christian Harvest International
Email: click here
Christian Harvest International
Email: click here
Rebecca Greenwood, along with her husband Greg, are co-founders of Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network (SPAN). Over the past 27 years, Rebecca has ministered in and participated and led in spiritual warfare prayer journeys to 40 countries and to many cities and locations throughout the US, in which measurable breakthrough of transformation have been realized. Rebecca has been a guest on TBN, Its Supernatural, God Knows and the Harvest Show. She has written for publications such as Charisma, Pray! Magazine, Spirit-Led Woman, and has written eight books. Rebecca's favorite and most cherished times are with her husband Greg and their three beautiful daughters. They reside in Colorado Springs, CO.
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