Friday, May 31, 2019

God is speaking today?

Mostly all of the Christians that I know are discouraged.  We've lived our lives for the Lord but have not reaped the harvest for our labors.  I know that it's nothing to be compared with those who are loosing their lives for Christ.  However, a slow steady strangulation is not pleasant either.

I've prayed for the third Great Awakening to begin for decades.  I have held firm to the belief that it WILL happen.  A time is coming when millions of people will give their lives to the Lord.  It will be a time of GREAT REJOICING for the body of Christ!  but when?

I was encouraged, just now, by reading this prophecy.  I hope that it will bless all of you who serve our risen Savior.  It only takes a remnant of believers to continue casting down doubts that God WILL save our country from destruction and he WILL save the world too.  Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life and life more abundant.!  John 10:10

I encourage everyone who loves God to sign up for the Elijah List's daily emails which are free.  You will find encouragement from God through His prophets.  Please read to the bottom to be inspired by this recent prophecy!!  Also, there you'll find the contact information so you can begin hearing what God is saying for us right now!

Happy Sabbath to all,


America, the Lord Told Me: 'This is What Will Save Your Nation!'"
Kathi Pelton, Portland, OR

A couple of nights ago I arrived in Washington DC, and as I drove by the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, lit up against the night sky, I could feel the longing of God for our nation begin to swell in my spirit. I went to bed that night with intercession for our nation stirring within me. When I fell asleep I went into a significant, prophetic dream.
The Dream
I was with a group of international prophets meeting together in our nation's capital, as we were seeking the Lord together for the United States. In the dream I asked the Lord what He wanted to say to us, and as I asked I was suddenly taken to an aerial view of Washington DC. Then this aerial view was transposed onto a large, silver coin. The Spirit of the Lord asked me, "What is your nation's motto?" I answered, "In God We Trust." As I spoke the words they appeared upon the silver coin. He then said, "This is what will save your nation."
Thereafter in the dream, I was taken to see many in the Body of Christ who were interceding, prophesying, and standing over our nation. As I looked upon them they were under severe personal attacks. I asked the Lord why there was such an attack against His people at this time. He answered me saying, "Their 'trust' in Me is under attack. If the enemy can cause My people to lose their trust in Me then he can win the battle for your nation. The key to victory is found in the words, 'In God We Trust.'"
In the dream I began to prophesy what I had just seen, and as I did, I began to repeat over our nation, His people and over my own life, "In God We Trust! In God I Trust!" Then the Lord said something that shot through my spirit like a bolt of lightening. He said, "It only takes a remnant to win this battle for your nation! A remnant that will put their trust in Me!"
As He spoke these words, life and hope surged through me with such victorious power. The words, "It only takes a remnant," repeated over and over in my spirit until it began to pour out of me with the spirit of prophesy upon them.
Understanding the Dream
What I want you to understand from this dream is that the attack against you has been a direct attack against your trust in the Lord! It may have taken the form of health issues, financial lack, relational issues or even mental/emotional attacks, but what the enemy is after is your trust in God!
You are a part of the remnant that will rise up and say, "In God I Trust and in God We Trust." These words and this posture is the key to seeing this established in our nation. What appears to be a personal attack is, in fact, an attack against America. The inscription on our coins is the key to purchase back our nation for God and is our key to victory.
Within the dream, I was with international leaders that I recognized from Canada, Israel, Germany, Asia, Japan and many other nations. They were all standing with us in our nation's capital because they knew that the time was now to stand with our nation. The victory in America was also a victory for their nations. They felt the weight of the Lord's longing for them to join us and stand with the United States until we gained the victory. They brought their "trust" as a part of the remnant that would turn our nation back to God.
No matter what you are facing or battling, know this: it is a battle for your trust! Rise up and put doubt under your feet! Put every word of accusation against the Lord and all circumstantial evidence that has been raised against Him under your feet and stomp it out with the words, "In God We Trust!"
Let these words rise over your life and rise over our nation with the incense of intercession and prophetic declaration! Let the remnant arise and put their trust in God alone. It only takes a remnant to arise and see a nation saved.
"Rise up, O God, and scatter Your enemies. Let those who hate God run for their lives. Blow them away like smoke. Melt them like wax in a fire. Let the wicked perish in the presence of God. But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God's presence. Let them be filled with joy. Sing praises to God and to His name! Sing loud praises to Him who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord – rejoice in His presence!" (Psalm 68:1-4 NLT)
Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton live in the greater Portland, Oregon area. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. Kathi is an author and prophetic voice to the Church. They walk with nations and individuals to see God's original intent fulfilled. Their ministry, Inscribe Ministries, was founded upon the verse from Habakkuk 2:2 that says, "Then the LORD answered me and said: 'Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.'"
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