Sunday, July 28, 2019

Best day of Summer 2019--so far!

Many thanks to our menfolks for getting everything ready for a fun day at the lake.  Thanks to Robert, Andrew, and Michael for getting the boat and 2 jet skies ready for water and pulling them there.  So many times I am reminded of how blessed I am to have men in my life who do these things for us!!  Thanks especially for backing the pickups into the water to unload and load the equipment.  That part truly terrifies me!!

It was wonderful to have Cora and her family here this weekend.  We hosted supper here Friday night and everyone talked very late.  Then I drove Michael, Cora, Elsie, and Christina to church as it was 4th Sabbath at Alfred which is always a treat.  The 60 miles flew by as we got caught up with each other's news.

When we got home, we quickly changed out of our church clothes and off to the lake we went.  This is one of my favorite photos.

Here's another.  Elsie and Timothy are 20 days apart and have loved each other all their lives.  ;)

This one's great too.  Robert and Timothy are up front in Michael and Cora's new boat.  All the better to see the whales with.  ;)

Andrew kept us amazed as he whipped around the boat at break neck speeds--any way I would have broken my neck had I been doing that.  lol  Marie is a natural photographer and caught this one of her husband as our boat sped forward.  WOW--what a great shot!!

HEEERRREEE'S Michael as he chauffeured us around Lake McKenna.

After our exciting boat ride I got to play with my grandchildren.  Here's Cora and her sweet Littles--both of hers and her nephew, Timothy, as I pulled them around the shallow end of the lake in luxury.  She liked things a little slower than the menfolks who took out a knee board and mastered it in no time--although Marie did have to find a video on Youtube on how to get started.  Aren't we high-tech?  ;)

This may be my favorite photo of the day.  Even though a fish like me married a land lover like Robert, he always finds a way to be a blessing to our family!! Without getting a drop of water on him, he found ways to fill the gaps.  Christina loves her Grandpa soo much! She quiets down the moment he takes her!!! Isn't this photo priceless?

My favorite part WAS getting wet--YAY WATER!!!  Marie and I wadded with Elsie and Timothy for awhile and did it ever feel good on such a hot day.  Thanks for not minding (not noticeably anyway) when I splashed you just a tiny bit, Marie.  ;)

We had a marvelous day together which left us all windswept and happy.  It's a day that I'll treasure for a very long time.  It's a demonstration of what can happen when everyone does a little bit to make it special for everyone else.  I love you all so very much!!

PS.  My son, Jacob, is so not a water person but I understand--whipping up the road at 100 miles per hour on a 4 wheeler is not for me.  :)  Well, ok, only 40.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Free speech?


No one enjoys criticism.  It is a normal human reaction to become defensive when someone vociferously objects to our opinions or actions.  It is unpleasant to have one’s shortcomings or ideas placed under a microscope for review.  In the age of social media and a 24-hour news cycle, politicians and other public personalities receive an immediate reaction to things they might say or do.  These responses (and, often, attacks) can be most unpleasant, to say the least.
However, how a person responds to such criticism says a lot about the individual.  It also is indicative of how well-founded or legitimate the critiqued policy or opinion might be.  And in the toxic political environment in which we find ourselves, it seems the knee-jerk reaction is to attempt to shut down the critic, rather than to engage in a meaningful debate about the issue and have an honest exchange of ideas.
So many times, when a person criticized President Barack Obama, the immediate charge was that he, or she, was racist. In an interview with the BBC, Oprah Winfrey said: “There is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs, in some cases, and maybe even many cases, because he’s African American.”
Former president Jimmy Carter told “NBC Nightly News” in 2009: “I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man.”
No doubt there were people who stood against Barack Obama simply because of his skin color.  However, much of the criticism of our forty-fourth President was due to a disagreement over his policies and methodologies.  I worked with President Obama personally as a part of the casualty affairs mission at Dover Air Force Base.  After I left military service, I was a frequent critic of Mr. Obama.  It had absolutely nothing to do with his race.
When Hillary Clinton ran for president, frequently those who dared to critique her policy proposals, or her tenure as Secretary of State, were accused of having a “problem” with powerful women.  There are misogynists among us.  However, to call Mrs. Clinton to task for her bumbling of the attacks in Benghazi or her mishandling of classified information was fair; it had nothing to do with her gender.
Following a Trump recent campaign rally in North Carolina, the Huffington Post reported, “Human rights advocates and other critics have long warned against Trump’s xenophobicand Islamophobic language and policies, which set the stage for Wednesday night’s racist rally.”  A racist rally, really?  That somehow 20,000 people who plan to vote for President Trump’s reelection are attending a “racist rally.”
Islamophobia is "very much" a part of the Democratic and Republican parties, Rep. Tlaib (D-Michigan) said in an interview that aired last Sunday.  Tlaib said on Showtime's "The Circus" that anti-Muslim bias played a big role in last week's controversy surrounding Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). Never mind that Representatives Omar and Talib engage in anti-Semitic Tweets and Rep. Omar unapologetically delivers speeches to Muslim groups with ties to terrorism.
In an opinion piece in USA Today last week, the writer claims that Speaker of the House Pelosi has a problem with women of color. Never mind that Nancy Pelosi has been a champion of the rights of women and minorities.
Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA)—who is leading the charge to investigate the postponement of the redesign of the $20 bill that was set to feature the likeness of famed abolitionist Harriet Tubman—attacked the Treasury Department last weekend after a new report revealed the redesign plans were farther along than was previously known.  "Secretary Mnuchin has allowed Trump's racism and misogyny to prevent him from carrying out the will of the people," Pressley told Newsweek in a written statement.
Representative Omar recently tweeted that her adversaries were trying to silence her.  Just last week, she dismissed those who question her choice of words towards Jews and America in general as “bigots.”
When Rep. Omar referred to the 9/11 attacks as “some people did something” and stated she was tired of being treated as a second-class citizen because she was Muslim, the New York Post ran a front-page photo of the twin towers engulfed in flames with the caption “Here’s your something—2,977 people dead by terrorism.”  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the Post headline “horrifying and hateful.”  She complained that photos of the attack were “triggering.”  Rep. Tlaib defended Omar’s words by stating, “She does speak the truth.”
Racism.  Sexism. Misogyny. Xenophobia.  Islamophobia.  These and other accusatory labels are frequently wielded as weapons to deflect criticism and silence political opponents.  Contrary to Ilhan Omar’s tweet, she is blatantly and unfairly attempting to silence her adversaries—not the other way around.
Racism is real; unfortunately, we have not been able to eradicate this blight on society.  However, every criticism of a minority is not rooted in racism.  To accuse virtually everyone who disagrees with a person of color as “racist” is grossly unfair.  And it diminishes the claims of those who truly are the victims of racist attitudes.  It is a copout and an insult to those who are victims of racism for a politician to attempt to deflect criticism or controversy by labeling his or her critics as racist.
Likewise, there are people in America who indeed have sexist attitudes and who do not respect women.  There are those who would persecute or ostracize people because they are Muslim.  This is wrong.  But, for example, there is a difference between patriotism and white nationalism.  Yet frequently those who profess love of country or respect for the flag are branded as xenophobic or “nationalistic” by progressive politicians and some in the media. A female politician or a Muslim person serving in elected office cannot be unaccountable to the people or above criticism merely because of their gender or their religion.  And yet, this is what is happening virtually every day. 
This kind of coopting of serious social pathologies, such as racism and so forth, is unjust:  to those who are unfairly labeled in this way, and to those who are the true victims of discrimination.  Yet it seems that every left-leaning politician uses these defense mechanisms virtually every time they are criticized.
This behavior is designed to shut down conversation.  It is a manipulative communication tool.  It stifles legitimate debate over policy.  It is designed to silence critics and crush disagreement.  In a country that values the First Amendment and freedom of speech, those who try to silence those who disagree with them through gross generalizations of having some “ism” at work is, in reality, a true threat to free speech.
To Representatives Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and Ocasio-Cortez:  Millions of Americans take issue with your words, your proposals and policies, and your attitudes.  It is not about Islamophobia.  It is not about misogyny, or racism, or sexism, or any other ism.  Free speech should require that we listen to one another without labeling.  Through honest debate all of our ideas are tested, and policies/proposals are frequently adjusted and improved.  Other ideas are rejected out of hand, after analysis and discussion.
As Walter Weber of the ACLJ recently wrote, “Free speech is essential to getting out the truth and settling disputes over factual arguments of national public importance . . . .”

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I can think!!!

Much has happened to harm my brain.  I was abused as a child where my head was banged into the cement floor about age 11.  In 2006 I developed shingles on the brain.  Now I have ms AND lymes.  Much has happened to harm my brain!

I work on my brain every day.  I do the coritces technique from Body Talk repeatedly to be able to keep thinking of what to do next.  I found the Lumosity program,which helps brains heal, about 6 years ago and do it every day.

Still my brain struggles to decide what I should be doing next.  Much time is wasted as I analyze, "Should I tie my right shoe or my left shoe first."  UG

I do Emotional Freedom Technique at such moments, "Even though I can't make up my mind what I should be doing now, I deeply love and accept myself."  That gets me through about half a day.

When I learned Splankna last Fall, I learned about how to do collarbone statements.  This one has helped me a TON.  You rub about an inch below the collarbone at your throat and say, "My subconscious admits what to do next."  Say it 3 times while you rub and then tap the outside of your right hand.  This has helped save a lot of stress as my subconscious DOES know what I need to do next.

Still, thinking has been a constant problem for me.  How very irritating when a grown woman can't decide what to do next!

So I was just doing an algorithm for my client who has tons to do yet tonight.  I was praying about what she needed and was led to try out the new PEAK PERFORMANCE algorithm.  Now I have no idea how that has helped her this evening BUT I decided to try it out on my inability to walk in my kitchen and grasp what needs to be done first, second, third.

The whole thing took about 3 minutes.  Then I walked into my kitchen and cleaned a head of lettuce and finished setting the table for supper.  More importantly, I suddenly realized what I was singing.

I was buzzing around my kitchen singing this song which flowed out of my weary and desperate attempts to keep my house running smoothly.  I don't think I can remember it exactly but it went something like this.

I am so very grateful for Splankna!!!!!!!!!!!!  I praise God for this healing modality!

I can think
I can think
I can really truly think.

I can think
I can think
It's as easy as a wink.

It's not so hard to think
As I used to think it was.
Thinking isn't difficult
I just thought that it was hard.

I can think
Truly think
I'm not dumb as I thought before.
I can think
I can think
As I sweep the kitchen floor.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Are they trying to kill us off?

This post goes hand in hand with the former one.  WE NEED MORE NATURE AND LESS TECHNOLOGY!!

I just read about this Summit being offered for FREE next month.  Please learn about it by reading the email and sign up too.

Hey there,

5G wireless…

Did you know that (as seen on CBS) fire stations are exempted in certain cities from 5G bills, making them the one place cell companies can't put a 5G tower?

That's because firefighters were sickened by 2G towers on their stations. You can only imagine what 5G towers could do.

We reported on this CBS news story earlier this year.

And let's not forget that a tower was taken down at a Ripon, California elementary school after numerous children developed cancer. Again, that was just a 2G tower, let alone a 5G.

Now, 5G towers are being installed around the country and near Dr Mercola and me in Orlando Florida where some residents (especially ones educated on the subject) are beyond concerned.

Let us make it clear that the industry HAS NOT shown it to be safe for your health or privacy -- yet THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies show the risks it presents -- and they’re building it anyway.

Hundreds of holistic doctors and scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G -- because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.

It's time to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community!

Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this free, online event! >>>> click here to save a spot! <<<<<<


You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm. 

Despite this, the wireless industry is working with government to deploy 5G -- it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment... without our consent. 

What does it mean? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, therefore exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity -- millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles and other "rights-of-way" for existing utilities. Each tower will emit radiation at levels known to cause cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm... especially to our children, who are most at risk.

Join us at the 5G Crisis summit to discover:

  • 5G defined: research, facts and awareness
  • Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation
  • Sources of wireless radiation and "dirty electricity" in your home
  • Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance
  • How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G
  • Simple, empowering actions you can take, here and now
  • Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies
  • And more!

Your guides for this event include two iconic health advocates who are known for changing the way we view and achieve improved health and happiness.

If you’re hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event!

-I’ll see you online at >>>>> The 5G Crisis Summit (click to see) <<<<< when you register today!

P.S. When you register, you also gain access to this powerful report, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation. 

Monday, July 22, 2019

I'm preaching to myself too!

Our basswood is in bloom
Such exquisite perfume
Filling every room
Expelling all the gloom.

God's nature heals us best
Quite different from the rest
So put it to the test

By Dawn Bornemann
July 22, 2019

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Revised: Can you help?

As Robert and I look forward to welcoming our 4th grandchild this Fall, we are reminded daily of the miracle of life. God is shaping a human being, who will live forever, in the womb of our daughter-in-law.  Soon that child will join Elsie, Timothy, and Christina in the names of our precious little grandchildren.  What could be more exciting than that?

As I sat in Biology class in 1974 and heard the theory of evolution, I couldn't see what harm would come of it being taught.  I was a kid.  I was a Christian and knew better--that God made Adam and Eve!  I had no idea that millions of little unborn babies would be killed--murdered as a result of the teachings that we were just monkeys once upon a time.

I pray that you listen to this video along with me.  Jay Sekulow started the American Center for Law and Justice decades ago.  They've been fighting to end abortion in our country ever since.  Who knows how many lives they have helped to save?  I guess God knows.

YOU ARE SPECIAL! God created you for a special reason.  You are here for a purpose.  YOUR LIFE MATTERS!!!

I'm praying that everyone who has been watching this 3 part series by the ACLJ will share it with others.  Lives are at risk!!  Little baby's lives need protection--perhaps even your protection.  Let us shirk off our apathy towards the murder of unborn babies!!  Let us support young parents in whatever way they're needing our help today!

I love how the former Planned Parenthood worker pleads for us all to get involved in this video.  If a pregnant woman near you is needing help, BE THAT HELP!!  We MUST get involved in this fight.  We MUST be there for those who are making the decision about whether or not to keep their babies.

There is an amazing statistic shared in this video.  Four out of five women who had an ultrasound done on them did NOT have an abortion.  Think about that.  If we could simply get a desperate woman in for an ultrasound, she most likely will want her baby to live.  She can see that it IS a baby!

Let's fill up this country with healthy sweet little babies again and may God heal our land/world--one little baby at a time!!!!

Have a great week,


Thursday, July 18, 2019

What are we waiting for?

For 12 years I've been helping folks to see how blessed they are to be God's children!  When the lies that they've grown up with are exposed and rejected, people begin to see that they're not here to suffer.  We are put here to rule and reign with Christ!!

As a survivor of incest, who learned how to avoid abuse by being as quiet as possible, ruling and reigning never even entered my mind.  Since I've been doing energy healing on myself all of these years, though, the lies have been falling away like so much dung that they are.

I believe every word in this prophecy because it matches what Father has been telling me for many years.  He is not about to let America fall apart!  He didn't pour so much of Himself into this country to let the socialists pull it to pieces.  He's not up in Heaven wringing his hands wondering if the next President of the United States will be Bernie Sanders!  lol

Still, with my faith solid in the understanding that God raised President Trump to help save our country from total ruin, this was very encouraging to hear.  God IS speaking through His people.  Let's listen and be encouraged!!

Even more, it's time for US to speak the words that Father puts in our mouths.  Many need only a little encouragement, and a bit of education, to see the wonderful future we have as God's people!  I do mean here on Earth not only when we die and go to Heaven.

I pray that your faith will grow as you read this prophecy.  I pray that you will speak what God would have you speak.  I pray that HE will make Gideons of us all!!!!


"World-Wide Change is Here! Don't Sit by the Sidelines...Do Something!"
Johnny Enlow, Nashville, TN

The whole world is changing right before our eyes. Multi-generational darkness is being confronted, exposed and judged. God is using many Kingdom players as catalysts, but it is HE Himself who is invading our world in a strategic cloud of glory. He is decimating the cloud of darkness that has been covering our planet. A veil of deceit is being penetrated and demolished and it will shortly lead to a tsunami of promises fulfilled. God Himself is ambushing the atmosphere with restorative hope and suffocating hopelessness.
If you have any Kingdom pulse at all, it will shortly be very difficult to stay heartsick in hopelessness. God is overwhelming our adversaries as we remain "Kingdom first" people, and rewards for persevering in faith are incoming and greater than most of us imagined.
Watch California
In the United States—watch California as a marker and proof of God's forceful intervention. This beyond-crucial state has been targeted and mined by high-level darkness for some time. Darkness thought it owned California. Nothing could be further from the truth, and this will be shouted from the mountaintops.
The recent earthquakes are NOT a sign of judgment on California, but a demand from the earth and creation itself for God to intervene. God is loudly responding to the groans of His creation, and much of this will be almost immediate.
California will be flipped to red not because God is Republican, but because blue has partnered with darkness in that state. God has been mocked by the blue and God's little ones have been harmed by the blue. The blue has posed as a sheep while being a ravaging wolf. Exposure of the blue wolves will be dramatic.
Fear Not, Little Children – "Do Something"
God says to us all, "Fear not little children, it is My good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." In this balance of what He does versus what we do, it is a time for Kingdom activism. HE will do the "heavy lifting" but He bids us to join in. Do not sit on the sidelines in passivity or hopelessness. It is time to do something.
Unite and do something, especially on the mountain of government and on behalf of families. Write your senators and congressmen. Go to city council meetings. Meet with police chiefs and mayors. Let them know you are there.
Somebody eliminate web porn which is the feeder for so much of the sex-trafficking. If pro-life messaging can be suppressed from the internet so can porn. Yes, oppose abortion, but also fight the other justice causes.
This is a time for war that will precede a time for peace. It is still all about love—but love is never passive. Do it all in the context of "we are winning" versus out of panic. We don't fight battles He is not involved with. In this fight, He is not only involved with us, He is way ahead of us. He is wiping clean the tops of the 7 mountains as we finally have a vision to show up there. He has created "the perfect storm," but it is against the enemy.
Every wave He is sending will be followed by a greater wave. The enemy will survive a wave, thinking he have outlasted God, but then a more potent wave will come his way. The Lord is doing this, but WE are to join in. We are in historical days and future generations will point to the shift of these days.
Let it not be said that you watched from the sidelines. Your little "Gideon activity" could turn into the rout of a big enemy. God is with us, so arise and shine.
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth

Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Life is precious!

Have you had time to watch Part 1 in this series?  If not, you'll want to do that before you watch this video which is part 2.  The American Center for Law and Justice has done an excellent job of portraying the murder machine called "Planed Parenthood."

The ACLJ has been fighting for the rights of the unborn for decades.  This video ABORTION INC is produced in their studies as a means of educating the people about the horrors of abortion.  Please go to their website and sign the petitions there for life!!

Please watch this video and pray with me that abortions will stop and that babies will live!!


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Pretty basic

Life begins at conception.  How do I know?  Well, you leave it alone and a human being arrives 9 months later.  It's so basic that it seems juvenile to even write this.  However, with the evil one having been in charge of the world for so long now, it needs to be stated clearly and simply.  Life begins at conception.

I have 20 children--3 of them survived and the other 17 I miscarried.  They all live with Jesus.  How do I know?  Because I've heard them singing His praises.  Even though we kept trying and trying to understand what was causing our babies to die, we never did figure it out.  We're so pro-life, though, that we wanted to accept the babies that God was sending to us no matter how long they were able to live with us.  Usually it was between 2 and 3 months.

I urge you to watch the 3 part series created by the American Center for Law and Justice.  I'll share the first one today and the others later--after you've had time to digest this one.

If you have had an abortion, or paid for one for your lady, then you need to ask God to forgive you.  He's oh so happy to welcome you into His family.  Please know that God's love for you can heal ALL of your wounds.  I pray that this series will bless you by leading you to make peace with God and peace with yourself.

Hugs dear mothers,


Monday, July 1, 2019

This evil is ending???

Pornography nearly destroyed my life.  My father was addicted to pornography and had it in the house.  My brothers were exposed to it.  Also given that in my father's eyes women were second class citizens, incest was the result in my life. 

I praise God that He kept me pure for Him by calling me to him when I was only 11 years old--7 years after the incest had begun.  That was 50 years ago but I will always remember that stack of Playboy magazines on my dad's top closet shelf.  I can imagine that my brothers won't forget it either.

I've prayed for decades for everyone to be free from this curse of pornography!  Now, according to the prophecy I just read, IT IS HAPPENING SOON!!!

If you love someone who is addicted to pornography, please keep praying for them to repent.  However, this prophecy shows that the power of pornography is being broken over the Earth.  It is loosing it's power.  Soon it will have NO APPEAL WHATSOEVER!!

Here is the prophecy.  Read it for yourself and rejoice that the Earth is being cleansed of this great evil!!  How different my life might have been had my brother's not been exposed to it at such young ages!!   They were victims too!

Much love,


PS.  At the bottom of the article, you will find an invitation to subscribe to the Elijah List and I urge you to do so. Every day God is encouraging people through His prophets.  Praise the Lord!!

"God is Setting Thousands Free from the Witchcraft of Pornography"
Andrew Whalen, Colorado Springs, CO

On a very recent, 15-hour road trip, I was suddenly 'seeing' a vision of hundreds of thousands of people being 'caught up' in the sky. Overlaid upon all of these people was a massive judge's gavel. The encounter was so vivid that for hours, as I drove, every time I looked at the sky I immediately saw the same vision of thousands ascending to the air. My first question was, "God, are you showing me the rapture?" As quickly as I asked, the Lord responded and said, "These are lives being set free from the witchcraft of pornography."
A Sevenfold Recompense
The Lord continued and said, "I am rendering verdicts of repayment." When I heard the Lord say this, instantly I knew that the 'spiritual identity theft' that has plagued this generation as a result of pornography was being dealt with. I was suddenly reminded of a powerful dream I had. In my dream I was brought before the courts of Heaven by an accuser. The accuser had a very large and condemning list of 'crimes' I was guilty for. In my dream I realized that the accusations against me were somehow true and I wept before the court, admitting my guilt. One thing I realized is that in Heaven, sins are magnified. I was being charged with murder, adultery and more, for things such as lust, gossip and hatred. It is exactly as Jesus said in the sermon on the mount (Matthew 5). Lust is seen as adultery, hatred as murder, and so on.
In my dream, as I stood before the judge weeping and acknowledging my guilt, suddenly my Advocate rose to my defense. He said, "It is true what this accuser has said about Andrew; he is guilty. However, when Andrew was committing these 'crimes,' his accuser had put him under witchcraft." With intense anger, the Judge rose to His feet, pointed at my accuser, and said, "Because you put him under witchcraft you will be held guilty for his crimes, and must repay sevenfold what you stole" (Proverbs 6:31).
When the Lord had brought this dream to mind, I knew that God was reminding me of His heart for people put in prisons of bondage through the witchcraft of pornography. It's not that God was removing our responsibility for sin, but He was emphasizing His great desire to show us mercy and judge our real enemy, because of the victory of Jesus Christ.
Identities, Dreams, Relationships and Destinies Are Being Restored!
This generation has been plagued by pornography. It has left a generation in a staggering state of confusion. It has taunted and imprisoned many, even in the Body of Christ. The usual 'mantra' coming from the Church in dealing with this issue is demanding repentance. As one who has personally dealt with this sin, often in the past my 'repentance' was separate from a real understanding of my identity in Christ. The fruit of that 'disconnected repentance' left me feeling ashamed, condemned and powerless. True repentance is a change of mind that happens as a result of real revelation.
I believe the gavel has dropped against the 'spiritual web' of pornography. Our righteous Judge has rendered a verdict, and the thief is making sevenfold repayment of stolen revelation. Right now identities, dreams, relationships and destinies that have been stolen through the witchcraft of pornography are being restored. Many in this generation are about to receive a fresh revelation of who they are in Christ. Many new salvations are coming and these souls will come in the Kingdom with an unshakable revelation of their new identity in Christ. Though the thief has come to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus has come to give life, and life to the fullest (John 10:10)!
I see a massive jailbreak coming from prisons of sexual perversion and addiction. Those who have felt and believed they could never get free of these addictions will suddenly lose all desire for them as they recover the Father's heart and their righteous identity in Jesus Christ.
I prophesy that a Biblical understanding of identity and righteousness in Christ is being released across this nation. I prophesy that hundreds of thousands are being set free from the witchcraft of pornography. I believe it will be said of hundreds of thousands in the days ahead, "That is what some of you were! But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus the Messiah and by the Spirit of our God" (1 Corinthians 6:11).
Andrew Whalen

Andrew Whalen is a prophetic revivalist. He and his wife Kelly have pioneered a house of prayer, multiple campus ministries, a house church, revival networks, prophetic round-tables, street evangelism, and human trafficking intervention initiatives. Today, Andrew travels nationally and internationally on prophetic assignments to pray, prophesy, and preach. He works in league with national prayer leaders, financial leaders, and even law enforcement to bring prophetic wisdom and breakthrough. He desires to provoke the Church back to victorious warfare by revelation of the finished work of Christ. Andrew and Kelly run Whalen Ministries, and they currently resides with their family in Colorado Springs.
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Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...