Thursday, August 15, 2019

Planting for the King

  As I lay dying in the Fall of 2006 at a healing place along the US and Canadian borders, Father told me this.  Not only would He heal me completely, but He would open a healing center right here on our farm.  I was too weak to doubt His word to me and I have clung to that promise these past 13 years.  Father has brought me healing tool upon healing tool that will be used there.  Not only that, He has led me to close personal friends with their own healing tools He has blessed them with.

  He's shown me glimpses of the healing center now and then in visions. Sometimes at night I can see the future lights of it blinking at me through the trees. How my step quickens to think that all of my suffering will bless many others.

 Father has also given me the FULL name of His healing center.  I've been calling it GLORY for His glory will shine for the world there.  Recently I was telling a friend how we had named our home school SEEDS OF TRUTH as that is what we hoped to plant in our children.  We called our organic farm SEEDS OF HONOR and our home church SEEDS OF HOPE as Jesus is the only hope we have of being happy in this world or the next.

  Not too long ago, Father told that the full name of the healing center He will build here is none other than SEEDS OF GLORY.  He's also run several amazing songs by me, during the past few years, for choices of the theme song we will play in His honor at His healing center HE will build here.

This is one of my favorites.  I love Marty's music as he is so very open and honest about his relationship with God.  May this song bless you as it just blessed me.

Please keep SEEDS OF GLORY in your prayers.


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