Friday, February 28, 2020

Do you need His balm, too?

Oh dear readers,  It's been a rough morning as the enemy has attacked not only me but my family also. Our little people are sick and our moma's are tired and I am in so much pain today that I haven't been able to help them even from a distance.


This is a song that Father has blessed me with this week.  May it bless you too if you also are being beaten up for following the Lord Jesus Christ.  May He be your balm today.

I love you all!!


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Let's come clean in this area!

All morning I've felt Father urging me to write another blog post but absolutely nothing came to mind to write about.  So I waited and just now, when I heard this song, I knew that He wanted me to share it.

I don't have much to say about this except to ask this question.  Who hasn't spread gossip?  I'm guilty and so I need to repent.

Please listen to this song and let the Holy Spirit guide you to things you need to repent of.  Just tell Father that you're sorry for sinning in this way.  Then ask for the blood of Jesus to cover all the sins you've committed in this area of gossip.  Then ask the Judge to erase all of these charges from your life books.



Sunday, February 23, 2020

THIRTY pounds?

It is with great trepidation that I even ponder this topic.  I am inspired by my daughter's message this morning that she lost 30 pounds while eating plenty of nourishing foods.  I knew that she went back on "Trim, Healthy Mama" last September but at that time I thought to myself, "NO THANK YOU!"

You see, we did "Trim Healthy Mama" together about 10 years ago.  We were faithful and stayed on it over a year.  I kept getting sicker and sicker until I learned that I am allergic to almonds.  The "Trim Healthy Mama" plan uses almonds quite a bit as you drink almond milk and use almond flour in everything!   So I wrote the whole thing off as a bad experience and, without my doing it with her, my daughter wandered away from it as well.

So when I was in MN painting, my daughter told me that she found some cook books from a gal who "Really can cook," using the same principals.  It may be more precise to say that she cooks the way we do.  So I've been rolling it around in my brain again.

I've asked Cora several times to send me over the link to those cookbooks.  I was mildly interested when she had lost 25 pounds while eating all kinds of wonderful foods.  I was interested enough to say to her that I couldn't do the program again because now I know that I'm allergic to almonds.

My very smart and informed daughter commented, "But Mom, she uses coconut oil and coconut flour instead of the almonds."  HMMMMMMMM

Cora knows that I am a strong lover of coconut products from HEALTHY TRADITIONS.  This product of there's doesn't even taste like coconut although they have plenty that do if you like everything tasting like coconut.  lol

So, once again, today I asked Cora to send me over the link to the cookbooks that follow the same principals but without the emphasis on almonds and with a more simple approach to food preparation.  Here it is:

So I have to ask myself, "What will happen if I don't get back on the plan?"  This frame of mind led me to this video which really has me thinking about staring over again.  Perhaps you'll join me in pondering this?

It helps me that this gal in the video thought, like I did, that the original book was much too complicated for a busy mom to take in.  They even had a chapter on sex.  SERIOUSLY?  I need recipes!!!!!!!!!

So, if you take the time to watch the video, you'll learn that there are 3 rules to follow. 1. No sugar--yes stevia.  2. Separate fats from carbs at meals.  3.  Protein is needed at every meal.

I hope I've gotten you curious to watch the video even if you don't have a wight problem.  Many health problems can be resolved by eating this way. 

Pondering again,


Friday, February 21, 2020

Is peace even possible?

Today I've been praying for peace for my family members who are in Michigan burying my daughter-in-law's grandmother.

I've been praying for peace for my beautiful daughter and her family who now live in Minnesota on an organic dairy farm.

I've been praying for peace for my incredible husband who is working at our grain cleaning facility all alone.

I've been praying for peace for my brother who is getting married this May in the Philippines.

 I've been praying for my clients from all walks of life; all ages; varied religious affiliations or none at all; those with MANY health challenges or simply trying to find their path in life.

 I've been praying for my President and his team who are draining the swamp of those who hate our country--those traitors who hate us having freedoms.

  I've been praying for all people who are grieving the loss of a loved one whether from death, or divorce, or a strained relationship--whether they're missing someone 2 legged or 4 legged.

 I've been praying for God's people in all levels of peace in their lives whether their physical bodies are safe or not--whether they are strong or weak--whether they are happy or so heart broken they can't even imagine walking across the room for a Kleenex.

 As I prayed for each one He loves, I cried out for God's peace to fill the Earth like never before!

 Then He led me to this song!  It is my prayer for all of YOU today!  May the clear understanding that God LOVES you bring you, not only peace, but comfort, strength, and direction.

Happy Sabbath all my loves,


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Satan LOST!

Much of the time I know what God is up to when He asks me to share a song here.  Now I don't even have a clue.  I can only say that I was on my BETAR table getting rid of some stress when this song came up.  I heard Father say, "Share it with your readers right now!"  OK

I dare you to stay depressed as a Christian after hearing this song.  ;)

Lots of love,


Fear NOT

The Lord has been speaking much to me about fear and how it is NOT from Him and how it is NOT His will that HIS people should be controlled by the spirit of fear.  He's reminded me again and again of the Bible verse that has seen me through many paralyzing moments.

Second Timothy 1:7  For GOD has NOT given me the spirit of fear but of POWER and of LOVE and of a SOUND MIND!  

I'm sure you are aware of the Coronavirus and of those who have died from it.  Perhaps you have become fearful that it may affect your life too?

 I would urge you to put out onions around your home as I shared in a post not long ago.

Recently I found another powerful tool to protect from illness.  It's from my new essential oil company called REVIVE!  Here's the link to purchase PROTECT blend.  I've been putting it on my furnace filter a couple of times a week and so far we have had NO sickness in our home this Winter.

I believe in doing my part to prepare for trouble.  Common sense says to put up food and make or purchase warm clothing for the Winter.  We keep our tank full of gas in the Winter in case we get stranded and need to keep warm.  We take food along on our journeys for the same reason.

God prepares, too, for times of trouble on Earth. He prepares by sending us prophets to direct us.  That's why I love THE ELIJAH LIST so much.  God DOES speak through His prophets to us today.  He sends messages of warning, comfort, or direction.  He gives us guidance at times when others are panicking.

If you are becoming fearful about the Cornoavirus, please listen to today's message from God through this prophet.  We need only believe that He means what He says.  Listen to this good news and rejoice with me that we have a loving God who knows all about what we are going through here on the Earth.  God does not leave us alone when we need Him!  He speaks through His word and through His prophets!



Thursday, February 6, 2020

The best is yet to come!

Yesterday the United States Senate voted to acquit President Trump on the charges of impeachment.  Thank you for all of your prayers.  What a relief.

The battle isn't over though.  As long as there are those who steal power that doesn't belong to them, the battle for freedom goes on.

The night before the impeachment vote, President Trump gave his "State of the Union" address.
This is done by our President once a year.  I was so encouraged by the progress that has been made for freedom that I cheered and cried tears of joy through much of his speech.  You see, President Trump doesn't just want freedom for Americans--he wants it for ALL hard working, good, kind people on our planet.

These are the closing remarks from his speech.  Someone has been kind enough to add relevant photos.  I pray that you will be blessed as you ponder how God is turning our country around under President Trump's leadership.  Please continue your prayers for him and his family!

I love how President Trump closed his speech with these words, "The Best is Yet to Come!"  That's exactly what the prophets have been saying on THE ELIJAH LIST about 2020.  We need only believe and watch for God's hand to destroy the enemy of His people to see it!



Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Who's the better leader?

It was a special night last night in our country.  Our President, Donald John Trump, gave his "State of the Union" speech. Our presidents have been giving this annual speech for a very long time and I've been watching them for a very long time.

I don't ever recall the President's speech being so filled with good news for our country and other freedom-loving peoples around the world!  Nor have I seen such blatant disrespect for the position of  President as demonstrated by the Secretary of State right behind the President.  My friends and I think she lives under the misguided notion that she has MORE power than the President of our country.  To be as UN-politically correct as I possibly can be--she's an idiot!

I felt like I needed to say that before I share the speech with the world.  You see, today the United States Senate will vote whether or not to impeach our good President.  I am coming to my readers with the hopes that you will all pray for him to be totally free from this illegal and unethical proceeding.  However I need you to understand that the immature, disrespectful, annoying person in white behind the President is the one who has led to his impeachment.

Robert and I discussed her tearing up his speech over the breakfast table today.  We agreed that she acted like a third grade girl who didn't get her way on the playground.  She's probably bullied her way through life but I'm quite certain that our President isn't the type to be bullied easily--thank God!!!

Will you join me in praying for our President today at 4:00 Eastern time?  Pray that the Senate not only acquits President Trump but that it also takes steps to make sure that no tyrant leader in the US House of Representatives can waste tax payers funds and our Congressmen's time and brain power on such childish behavior EVER AGAIN!!!

I have much to do today or I'd go on but I'll let the video tell the story.

Lots of love,


PS  I just found this video showing she broke the law when Nancy had her little temper tantrum.  Better start a House investigation! Check it out at 1 minute and 50 seconds.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Live in Fear or Buy Onions

Hi everyone,

I'm back from a wonderful visit to my daughter's home in MN.  Her daughter turns 1 tomorrow and we celebrated that little life with Michael's family.

 It was hard to see how small Christina was only 1 year ago as she fought for her life.  Her onsie from then was only half as wide as Christina is now.  She was only 4 pounds and was in intensive care for 2 weeks but she has taken off and is doing well now.

Praise God for everyone who helped her want to live from her amazing parents; the medical staff; the prayers of all our friends; and the Christian energy healing sessions from Elizabeth and myself.  Everyone played a role in helping to preserve Christina's life so it was everyone's party.  I love you little girl!!!

Switching gears now.  I'm sure that everyone has heard about the deaths from the Corona virus.  I'm writing with good news.  There is a very simple tool every family can afford to protect themselves from this horrible disease.  I share this article with the hopes that everyone will take this option seriously.

I've been using this method for many years eve since I learned of how it saved lives during the Black Plaque.  Many many people died but not those who used this trick.  Please take the time to read this article.  It just may save a life!

Love you all,



How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)Some folks call it an urban legend…
We like to call it “it always has worked for us so we do it.” 
The onion trick (as we call it) just happens to work for this “crazy homesteadin’ lady.” And that’s all that matters, right?
It’s been said that people did use onions to fight off the flu (aka- a virus) for centuries.
There are no known scientific studies that “prove” that this method is actually effective. But, that doesn’t deter us in these parts. Don’t get me wrong, we are very thankful for the scientific advances that have been made, but science can be disproven- and a lot of times it is- years down the road. So, we tread lightly on what science says ’round here.
We just do what works. And the onion trick just so happens to work for us, y’all.
I swear to you that these onions are like a vacuum sucking the dirt right off the floor- but sucking the viruses/bacteria right out of the air.
The onion trick combined with my other natural remedies makes me feel like a natural healer all up in here. Now- the natural remedies and the onion trick won’t cure you, but they sure will lower the severity and shorten the duration of the illness you have! And that works for me, folks. And is exactly why we use onions to fight off illness in our home.
If you like to burn candles or have all that smelly-“good” stuff in your house then this probably isn’t the route for you- unless you like a lightly onion scented candle. It will make your house smell like onions for a short while but that ‘don’t matter in these parts.’ Here on the farm we are always cooking, chopping, canning, preserving, and the list goes on and on, so it always smells like food in the house anyways.
Note: The onion smell usually only lasts a few hours. I can deal with that, y’all.

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness

The process is pretty simple. So simple, in fact, that Nanette Lorraine (our one year old) could it. Except we won’t let her because it involves a knife. 
Don’t worry- there’s no chopping involved- just a couple slices and BAM! Done.
There are two ways you can do this. Most people I know use one onion for each room. I am way to frugal and I  like to use my onions in my cooking, so I use one onion (cut in half) for two rooms. When illness strikes I always place onions in all 3 bedrooms, the living room, and the kitchen.
All you are doing is slicing the ends of an onion, placing on a  small plate, and sit back and watch it suck up all the bad stuff in your home. Well- not really. But you will SMELL it doing that (*wink*). 
Yellow onions are best. White onions will work if that is all you have on hand. I wouldn’t recommend using red, BUT if you are in a bind, and that’s all you have- by all means use that baby!

How to Cut ONE Onion for One Room

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

How to Cut ONE Onion for TWO Rooms

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness – LIKE A REALLY YUCKY– Something Big Type Illness. 

Note: You can do what is in the following pics but it WILL smell extra oniony…
How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

How to Use Onions to Fight Off Illness | The Easy Homestead (.com)

LOOK AT ME!! Notes that You Should Read!
* You should replace the onions every 24 hours- but let’s get real, y’all. I usually replace them every 48. 
** Do NOT feed these onions to the farm animals or put them in the compost pile. PUT THEM IN THE TRASH!
** I have used one onion cut into four pieces for four rooms when I was in a late night bind. Worked fine until I could get my hands on some more onions the next day. 
Are you willing to try to use onions to fight off illness in your home?!?
P.S. Wanna see some more awesome natural remedies for the yuckies? Then follow me on Pinterest (click HERE)!

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...