Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Fear NOT

The Lord has been speaking much to me about fear and how it is NOT from Him and how it is NOT His will that HIS people should be controlled by the spirit of fear.  He's reminded me again and again of the Bible verse that has seen me through many paralyzing moments.

Second Timothy 1:7  For GOD has NOT given me the spirit of fear but of POWER and of LOVE and of a SOUND MIND!  

I'm sure you are aware of the Coronavirus and of those who have died from it.  Perhaps you have become fearful that it may affect your life too?

 I would urge you to put out onions around your home as I shared in a post not long ago.

Recently I found another powerful tool to protect from illness.  It's from my new essential oil company called REVIVE!  Here's the link to purchase PROTECT blend.  I've been putting it on my furnace filter a couple of times a week and so far we have had NO sickness in our home this Winter.

I believe in doing my part to prepare for trouble.  Common sense says to put up food and make or purchase warm clothing for the Winter.  We keep our tank full of gas in the Winter in case we get stranded and need to keep warm.  We take food along on our journeys for the same reason.

God prepares, too, for times of trouble on Earth. He prepares by sending us prophets to direct us.  That's why I love THE ELIJAH LIST so much.  God DOES speak through His prophets to us today.  He sends messages of warning, comfort, or direction.  He gives us guidance at times when others are panicking.

If you are becoming fearful about the Cornoavirus, please listen to today's message from God through this prophet.  We need only believe that He means what He says.  Listen to this good news and rejoice with me that we have a loving God who knows all about what we are going through here on the Earth.  God does not leave us alone when we need Him!  He speaks through His word and through His prophets!



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