Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Dad's lives matter!

It cannot be said too often how important a father is to his wife and children!!  I absolutely would have died MANY times if it weren't for Robert's care of me and our children.
Dads are soooooooooooo important to their families!!!!!  The lack of a father's involvement in a child's life is life threatening. Moms are natural care-takers but so are dads. All they have to do is let it out. If necessary ask God to turn your heart to your children, you fathers reading this!
 I've watched Robert as a dad and now a granddad for 33 years.  I don't know how he does it.  His calming influence is a God-send and his interest in life makes life interesting for all of us. 
 When we were on Michael's boat on the 4th, he fetched a pail of water for the girls to splash with and later sit in to keep cool.  He caught a turtle with the net to show us all how the turtle's skin felt and how he looked and moved.  Robert splashed lily pads against the boat's window until Elsie couldn't stop laughing.  He put his hand on the other side of the glass and Elsie put hers on the inside.  They compared sizes.  
Dads make life interesting all while they are protecting their loved ones.  They provide, too, in so many ways that can't be measured.  A dad involved with his family is THE best way to raise stable adults!!  I repeat, Moms are essential but most moms do this instinctively.  
Dads have it rough. They need to be steel to the world as they work for the needs of their families.  When they come home, they need to be soft and gentle. If a firm hand is needed with the children, most of the times, Dad can do it easily where Mom has a hard time.  Her nurturing kicks in and it's hard to use the rod of correction.  I remember countless times crying out to the Lord for the strength to apply the needed correction to my little people.  I could only do it for the sake of their souls to live in Heaven forever with the Lord.
So what I'm saying is that God gives children two parents because children need two parents involved in their lives.  I know of a set of twin girls whose father will not acknowledge them.  Only finding the Lord as their Heavenly Father can help to fill that gap.  I know from personal experience.
So here's to you Dads turning your hearts towards home.  Here to "Daddy's Home" being the delight God meant for it to be.  Here's to Dads and Moms working together as a team to give their little ones a clear understanding of what it means to be loved by God.
I'm thinking of my little granddaughter's bedtime prayer last time we were in their home.  "Dear God, bless my Daddy and Mommy and baby sister.  God bless Grandpa Robert and Grandma Dawn!"  She is two years old!  I would say that she has an excellent Daddy and Mommy!
Remember to bless yourself and your family with these daily blessings.  I sure am blessed and pray for families everywhere to be as happy as we are--even in the midst of yet another drought!
Much love and respect for all of you wonderful dads and moms.  You are showing your children how much God loves them through your loving them like He does!
PS.  Please pray for the rain to come today that is forecast for our area.  So far we've had about an inch of rain all Summer.  
Day Five
Morning: Healing the Land (Malachi 4:5-6 ESV – Turning the Hearts)
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction."
The power of hearts uniting together generationally is a force that is absolutely powerful!
Father, we decree that the hearts of fathers are turning back to You. We decree the convicting power of the Holy Spirit is encountering men inside and outside the home. We declare that sons and daughters are turning because the influence of the enemy is being thwarted, in Jesus' name. We decree that the disobedient are taking on the attitude of the righteous, and that curses of destruction are being overthrown, in Jesus' wonderful name. Praise the Lord! Amen and amen.
Noon: Restraining Evil (Psalm 91:11-13 TPT – Angels Are on Assignment)
"God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they'll be there for you and keep you from stumbling. You'll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling every one of them beneath your feet!"
Angels are God's messengers whose chief business is to carry out His orders in the world. The truth is that our heavenly Father uses angels to work out the destinies of men and nations. He has given them the capacity to bring His holy enterprises to a successful conclusion. Friends, there are more for us than against us.
Lord, we declare that every scheme of darkness that is raging in the atmosphere to cause a stumbling and wedge of division among the people of this land will be bound in Jesus' name. Lord, cause every trap meant to bring harm to be fully exposed and stopped. Lord, we ask You to release angels to stand between us and what the enemy intends for harm. We pray that there will be a cloud, a barrier of Your presence, that will stand between the enemy's agenda and Your plans. This is the plan and purpose of God in our generation. Praise the Lord!
Night: Releasing the Promise (John 15:7 – If You Abide in the Vine)
"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."
Abiding in God is such an honor and a glorious invitation. We choose to let God's Word abide in us and respond out of the overflow of divine revelation.
As we abide in God's Word, God's authority is invested in our lives. We are a mouthpiece on behalf of a Superior God and we are ambassadors of Christ Jesus. Therefore we declare that a time of fruitfulness is upon us. The time of the Great Harvest is here. We enter into the prophetic promise of God for a Billion Soul Harvest, especially of youth, and we declare together that the Harvest is now here. It is time for a global ingathering. Harvest time is here! Amen and amen!

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