Thursday, November 5, 2020

To strengthen your faith!

 Well, it's over!  I WISH!!!  There is so much fraud going on that it's apparent the deep state is definitely not going to be mature and admit defeat.  

  I had a great day on election day.  THANKS SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!  It was a blessing in so many ways but the biggest one was the folks that God put on the election board with me.  We worked together and ran a good, clean election.  Just in case you wondered, we gave folks ink pens that they got to keep--not sharpies that leaked through to the other side of the ballots.  Good grief!!!!

  So many of us are really sick of the crimes of the deep state but let's keep praying for President Trump to win AND to be sustained as the idiocy is exposed.  I am encouraged today by this prophecy I'm sharing  below. This woman loves the Lord and her faith inspires me. I pray you will be inspired too!!

  I strongly urge you to stop watching main stream media or, as our President calls them "Fake news."  My news source is the American Center for Law and Justice.  These people are Christian lawyers and their founder is President Trump's lead attorney on this election fraud situation.  You can watch their broadcast at 11:00 AM on Facebook or watch the replays.  YOU WILL BE ENCOURAGED.

  To quote our President, "THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!"

  Prayers for your faith to stay strong!


  Trump will be President for 4 more years.

by April Ellison Brantley

Day 10 – November 4, 2020: Kat Kerr/Steve Shultz – Election Day +1
God told Kat when you see the ground begin to move you know the lies are about to be exposed
• God wasn’t talking about an earthquake but a landslide
• Kat had said before that Trump would win by a landslide and as a prophet that doesn’t ever mean what man thinks it means
A landslide starts with a few stones – usually the smaller ones start first and that causes the land to move beneath the rest of them and then eventually there is NOTHING that can stop that landslide from taking place and this is what is actually going to happen
• This will all start with a phone call – those who have been perpetrating the lie – who have been paid to commit lies or stealing or cheating will begin to get very nervous (they are already nervous)
• Conviction is going to come upon some of them in the lower levels - the smaller ones will pull down the bigger ones - and this is what God meant when Trump will win by a landslide
• This is the difference between revelation and what man thinks it means
• There is NO way that this can be stopped
The GREAT exposure will begin with a few small rocks moving – that means people will be screaming and yelling and pointing fingers because they were paid off
• When you use criminal activities to do your work or what you have planned – you are making a big mistake right there – we will see a LANDSLIDE of exposure
God already has the ground work laid for this to happen
• The Glory has been released in many places in DC – in hidden places – hidden rooms – even hidden documents that they signed saying that they were agreeing to try and steal this election
• God is ready for the exposure and it will start with a phone call
TRUMP will WIN and God will have His way in this country
• God has NOT changed His plans and America WILL BE GREATER than before
• Trump has said “Yes” to Him
• All the Body that has prayed and interceded for him have all said “Yes” to Him
• The agreement is so GREAT in the spirit realm there is NOTHING that the enemy (satan) can do to stop this from happening
So sit back and watch ACT II of the show and there will be an ACT III and IV
• Stay on the path that God has you on
• We are about to have a HUGE celebration

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