Friday, December 11, 2020

It lasted how long?

                       Happy Hanukkah

I wasn't raised knowing the feasts of the Lord and I still hardly know them.  Even though we've been keeping the Shabbat holy for 25 years, we haven't had anyone to show us how to please the Lord by keeping the feasts.  

My son married a gal FOUR YEARS AGO TODAY who was raised keeping the feasts so I've been slowly picking up tidbits of understanding from her.  I've been at their Passover Seder several times and it was a special time for all of us.  Last night she wrote that they were celebrating the first night of Hanukkah and I began to wonder about that too.

The Lord led me to this fellow last night and I listened to his thoughts as he welcomed Hanukkah.  It was a blessing so I decided to share this with you all today.  Now I'm saying that I know nothing about this ministry except that Father led me to it last night as I was eager to learn more about Hanukkah. 

I am not totally void of understanding.  I know how the Greeks defiled the temple in Jerusalem and were forcing the Jews to give up the things that Yahweh had told them not to.  I can imagine how terrifying that would be to have a powerful government trying to take away their rights to serve God!

Then Judas Maccabee and his sons stood up to the Greeks.  They inspired the people to remain true to God!!  This led to them fighting a valiant war during which, many times, God proved to all that He was on their side.  

When once the Greeks were forced out, the Jews began cleaning God's Holy temple of all the defilement that had taken place there.  They wanted to light the holy light of God but found only a small bottle of the oil needed to light the lamps.  

They at once began making more but it was an 8 day process.  All they had was oil enough for one day but yet they lit the lamps to honor our God.  Miraculously THE LAMPS BURNED FOR 8 DAYS ON ONLY 1 DAY'S OIL SUPPLLY!!  Then the new oil was ready and used and the temple was cleansed.  

Now that is what I call a miracle and it is certainly to be celebrated--but how?  If anyone has any Christian resources to help know best how to please God through keeping the Feasts of God, please share that information in comments.  You can do so anonymously. 

 In the meantime, I welcome your thoughts on this resource.  Like I said, I have only become aware of this ministry so I am not endorsing it yet.  However, if it can bless someone, I pray that it will.  With no further ado, I give you David Herzog.

May Yahweh bless your day--and your Hanukkah celebrations!


PS  The Hanukkah message begins at about 8 minutes into the video.

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