Thursday, January 28, 2021

Have you met Him yet?

 Who can stay calm in these days when it looks like the Communists have taken over our country?  

  I keep listening to what God is saying through the prophets about the time when there would be 2 Presidents and this sure does look like that time.  

  Those of us who have followed Q for awhile still have faith that God is going to save our country from destruction AND issue in the 3rd great awakening.  I believe that only God can free a person; a family; a state; a nation; a world from the power of evil that lies in all of us.  It is only when we surrender our lives into His care, that His goodness overcomes our sinful nature.

  Still, it's a stressful time for all of us.  As so often is the case when I am overwhelmed, I spend time on my BETAR table. Usually I listen to THE BOOTH BROTHERS and today was no different than other stressful days.

  The song that spoke to me the most today is this one:  WHEN I MET THE MASTER!!  That changes everything, doesn't it?  To those of you who have never given your life to Christ, I invite you to do so today.  If you've wandered away, come back to Him.  May this remind us all that, without Christ in our lives, we are lost and empty.  There's no reason to remain that way, though.  He is always ready to welcome us!



Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Seeing clearly?

 What a day!!  They had to go "All the way" to be guilty of treason, you know.  Still, I realize that many may need to be encouraged so I was praying how I might do that.  Father said to share this song with you.  I pray that it blesses you as you ponder your country, too!   I see that good folks from many countries come here to ponder which makes me happy.  We saints have the same Heavenly Father so we are kin. 

  I do have a prayer request.  Please pray for my right eye.  It has been a bit of a worry for about a month so my friends who do Christian energy healing have been working on it. With that many sessions, I am convinced that there is an emotional component to my decreased vision this past week.  If it was strictly physically based, there would not be this much discomfort.

  Perhaps I didn't want to see my President leaving the White House???  At any rate, I need you to pray for 2020 vision in my actual eyes.  Right now it is hard to see the screen and I don't want to become dependent on glasses.  NO this has to have something to do with the high emotional intensity the world is dealing with right now--has been dealing with since last November.  I covet your prayers!

 With not much more to say, and great difficulty seeing what I am writing, I leave you with this song.  God has given us a beautiful planet to live on!!  Amen?


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Heaven's Army is HERE!

 If you're like everyone in America right now, you are wondering what will happen on Tuesday the 20th of January--Inauguration Day.

  We all know that the election has been stolen from President Trump.  We all know that he won by a landslide.  Then why is God allowing Biden to be "President-Elect" according to the main stream media?  

  I think it best, in the interest of helping everyone remain calm, to simply ask you to listen to this video. God is NOT dead.  God is NOT indifferent to the cries of His people around the world for freedom.  God is NOT surprised about all of the evil that happened on November 3rd, 2020.  

  So breathe, my friends, and pray that God will preserve freedom on the Earth for that is His intention.

  Please continue praying for President Trump and the military involved in protecting everyone on Inauguration Day.  May God's plan for America, and the world, progress as He has planned!! 

 One servant of the most High God, who has seen angels and demons from childhood, shared that he has seen the Host of Heaven now like never before.  He said that they are HUGE and FIERCE and here to protect liberty for all of God's children.

  Here's to freedom!


Friday, January 15, 2021

Law and Order!

 I just watched this video and am strengthened.  I pray you will be too.  If you haven't been following Q for awhile, it may seem like riddles.  Just let the music minister to you and know that our President loves the people of America.  More than that, though, he LOVES America and why?  Because we are a nation of law and order!  May it continue forever.  

 Happy Sabbath Everyone!


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

GOD is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 This is the most amazing video I have ever watched in my entire life!  PLEASE watch it and be unspeakably amazed at our God and His impeccable timing!  I worship our God whose plan is unfolding as we watch--AND IT'S GOOD!!!!!

  Courage my beloved brothers and sisters.  


Monday, January 11, 2021


 As I sit here pondering the words I just read, I am strangely numb.  This is what I have long prayed for--that the church would shake off it's sleep and get to work!  Perhaps 2020 has made me numb.  Perhaps it seems "Too good to be true."  Perhaps I'm just weary of fighting for truth mostly alone most of my life.  

  This is not to say that the words aren't profound beyond imagination for they are.  However,  my mind wants to know how it will be done.  How will this great thing be done?  I must ask your pardon for putting any doubts out into cyberspace that it WILL be done for I know that it will.  God has said it will be done.  Perhaps I need say no more but share the letter now.

  Please pray fervently how you might serve the Lord in this new year called 2021.  I agree that the 4 internal giants must first be defeated by each one of us.  I agree that awareness is the place to start.  Will you join me in watching our Lord prune what needs pruning so His new, glorious church will emerge?  Are you willing for Him to prune you, too?


On the 31st of December 2020 I had a prophetic encounter. January 3rd I received the meaning...
A Storm is coming…
It’s being allowed by God to Make us – not to Break us… but it’s not a pretend Storm and we have to be intentional to position ourselves to be more victorious than ever before!
I submit this to you for your prayerful consideration as I have already to Senior Prophetic Oversight.
In 2019 I received a similar prophetic warning from the Lord that at the time made no sense – but the warning became an ark that turned the Global Storms of 2020 into a season of unprecedented blessing and favor for our family.
I believe that this Urgent word will position people to thrive in the midst of what is at hand.
The context began on the afternoon of Saturday the 5th of December. I was in my office when all of a sudden God told me to write a book and to begin immediately. I began writing instantly.
Huge credit and gratitude to my wife and kids who created space for me to respond to this call urgently.
With the Call to write came a Grace from God to write like I’ve never experienced before.
I would describe what happened as a portal opened up around me and from that portal flowed revelation, creativity, anointing to write and an abundance of supernatural grace and energy.
Apart from church on the Sunday – I spent the next 5 days writing non-stop, up to 20 hours a day. I took a couple of naps, but was able to start at 4am and work till midnight.
The entire time the grace to write flowed like a river and I felt a tangible open Heaven atmosphere all around me.
By Thursday morning on the 10th of December the first draft of the book of over 35,000 words “The Science of Dreams!” had been completed and edited.
At the time I did not realize the significance of what was happening and the power of what was being birthed from Heaven…
On the 31st of December while in prayer I had a prophetic encounter.
In this encounter a Royal Body Guard of 5 angels (5 is the number for Grace/divine empowerment) were assigned to me and stood around me like the points of a 5 point star.
The peculiar thing about these 5 angels is that they were not facing outward.
Their eyes were all on me and their assignment was not to protect me from external threats – they were there to save me from myself.
They gazed intensely at me scrutinizing how I was stewarding absolutely everything God had given me to steward:
My thoughts, my attitude, my time management – most significantly their role was to keep me accountable to the Greatness and the Limitless Potential that God had placed in me before the foundation of the world.
They had an eternal focus and they were viewing everything I did through the lens of eternity. They brought with them a strong conscious awareness that at some point I must stand before God to give account for all my actions or lack of action.
They were strict but they had the most glorious, mind blowing and wonderful expectations for me and they were assigned to me to ensure that I did not step to the left or the right – but walked precisely in the fullness of what God has for me, which is an unprecedented measure of faith, wisdom, boldness, victory, destiny, greatness and legacy!
I didn’t fully understand the meaning until the 3rd of January (NZ Time) – when God revealed the Storm that is about to hit and His intentions for the Body of Christ in 2021!
The Function of the 5 Angels was to empower me to walk in the 5 main points in the Book that I just wrote:
This prophetic encounter was not just for me.
God wants to release an impartation of these 5 points over the whole Body of Christ:
The desire of God is not for us to survive the Storm – but to rule over it!
Here’s what God revealed to me regarding the coming storm and the Agenda of Heaven in the midst of everything that is about to happen:
God wants to awaken the Sleeping Giant Slayer – the Church!
But more specifically God wants to awaken the Sleeping Giant Slayer within each of us...
This is not just about people with big existing ministries – God wants to awaken the Christian masses to their Greatness and awaken a movement of millions of Giant Slayers!
The way that God is going to awaken the Giant Slayers within us is by exposing Giants that need to be slain.
There is going to be a great exposing of Giants of Darkness and the necessity for each of us to be slaying these Giants is going to place a demand on the Sleeping Giant Slayers within to Arise like never before!
The primary Giants that we will be called to deal with in 2021, will be Internal Giants.
As we deal with Internal Giants – we will be prepared to take on External Giants.
4 Internal Giants are about to be Exposed and it might not be pretty…
If we haven’t dealt with these 4 Giants yet then we can expect that when they are exposed they will unleash a storm.
That storm is being allowed by God to Make us not to Break us!
His plan is to empower us to Rule over the Storms and to put an end to these Giants in our lives:
1) The Giant of Lack
2) The Giant of Unbelief
3) The Giant of Distraction
4) The Giant of Apathy
The starting point of this journey for us is going to be taking Extreme Ownership for the Greatness of the call of God on our lives.
As there was in 2020 – there are going to be Major Headlines in 2021 that cause Christians great alarm, but God wants our focus to be fixed on “What we can control” not on “What we can’t Control”.
This does not mean, that we shouldn’t pray for Global events. It means that God has a Globally Significant Cause for each of us and we must not take our eyes off our personal calling for a moment.
As Millions of Christians conquer Internal Giants in 2021 it will cause great external Giants to fall also!
God is calling us to Account right now for the Greatness that He has placed within:
A New Standard is Rising. He is Awakening the seeds of Greatness that He placed in us.
The Sleeping Giant Slayers within us are about to Rise!
We will be Victorious over the Storm – but we have to prepare seriously, spiritually, practically and systematically for what is at hand!
Countless Christians around the world will arise victoriously over the Storms of Lack, Unbelief, Distraction and Apathy as a Generation of Giant Slayers and Giants will begin to fall!
2021 is going to be an intense year.
So, I’m about to do something to help right away!!!
As I said – I am fully persuaded that the book I wrote in 5 Days, “The Science of Dreams!” carries an URGENT RHEMA word for our generation that has the capacity to help us all pick up the Giant Slaying Mantle that we are being called to wear.
I’d like to give you free Audio and E-Book Copies of “The Science of Dreams!”, which you can grab for free immediately here:
God’s aim is that 2021 will be a year of Giant Slayers Rising, Giants falling, Storms being Conquered and Greatness being discovered in ways beyond our imagination!
Shalom to you my friend, may 2021 be a year of unprecedented Victory!
P.S. feel free to share this Message with those you know will love to hear it.

By Benji Alexander
I'm "all in" on Jesus' Dream to Disciple Nations and redesign this world in the image of Heaven.. I raise up Lyfe Ninjas - people who thrive in Identity, relationships, finances and health! If that's what you want then I hope we get to connect soon!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Let's ring our bells of joy!

 Father continues to speak through the prophets that President Trump will be re-elected AND that the swamp will be drained.  Yesterday more of the swamp was revealed.  Soon they will be dealt with for justice to come to the Earth and God's people.

  This prophecy speaks of bells ringing.  Yes, can you hear them?  I have long grieved that churches no longer ring the bells to call people to worship the King.  When I was a girl, each church had a bell and they rang every Sunday morning.

  I recall my mother listening as a bell would ring during the week. In those far-away days, when a church member would die, their church bells rang.  There was even a system of meaning conveyed to the people of the community.  The longer the bell rang, the older the person was who died.

  Mom would listen carefully, when the bells would ring, so as to determine which church's bell was ringing.  Then she would sigh and say that someone of roughly such and such age from such and such church just passed away.  It was a sign of respect for the grieving family to do this.  Then folks all over the community could pray for them to get through the death in their family whether they knew exactly who it was or not.  How I miss this kind of community support!  How much technology has stolen from us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  The church bells also called folks to weddings and to worship the Lord each week.  Some churches rang their bells as the Lord's Prayer was being recited during the service.  It was always a holy thing to me when the church bells rang whether for happy, sad, or worshipful events.  It meant that God was near and cared about us.

  MAY I LIVE TO SEE THE DAY WHEN CHURCHES HAVE BELLS AGAIN!!!!  How much has been stolen from us that most people don't even realize is lost!!  HOW VERY  MUCH!

  In the meantime, I take comfort from this prophecy that the bells are ringing in Heaven.  Please read this carefully.  May it comfort you as well.


PS  I hope you enjoy the video below which captures my thoughts quite well.

"2021: The Year of the Remnant and Promises Fulfilled"

During 2020, certainly one of the most unique years of life, I heard the Lord's voice telling me many things about this upcoming year. He said, "You have been in the 'Prepare yourself, for tomorrow I will do amazing things among you' phase."

"Joshua told the people, 'Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you." (Joshua 3:5)

This is to the faithful – to those who are fighting to find faith – to those who carry the promises of God but are tempted to doubt, thinking, "If I fail to believe what I believe the Lord spoke to me, then every word I've had or received is suspect and every promise is compromised." God's people had to believe to enter the Promised was a requirement met only by two who believed, Joshua and Caleb, and if the people of God didn't believe, or wouldn't, they would be removed until a generation did believe. This is one of those occasions in time. Believe.

The first part of this last year, the tsunami of 2020, will still be reeling in the oceans of life. Through March 2021 you will see the crumbling of false narratives without any promises being broken. Truth is still emerging, and fraudulent, fake, distorted, spurious, deceptive agendas will continue to be exposed and emerge publicly with great exhibition.

With the emergence of truth, the Church will also emerge out of her hiding. Like the prophets who hid during the days of Elijah, they will appear in the days of Elisha. The initial take down of this Jezebelic, demonic, unbelieving principality will be encouraged by the prayers of the saints, and God will open the door for the angel Michael to assist His Son's Bride (see Daniel 10:12-14). What Elijah couldn't bring in, the promise of turning "the hearts of the fathers to the children," Elisha will complete.

"He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction." (Malachi 4:6)

I believe the commission to the Church in this hour is "DO NOT REVERT." Do not become consumed with your agendas, but rather God's agenda. God's agenda is relationships formed to unity, love and faith and not division based on technological, lucrative and impressive results that can gather crowds, but not disciples. We must not lose touch with what God has done in bringing His Church into a redefined place that doesn't require the foolish mentality of boxes that need resources, but remain His Church that is the answer and resource for His purposes in this hour. His Church is not about meetings, conferences, denominations and divisions, but rather gathering and going into the harvest.

Exposure! Exposure!

The remnant that has retained faith and hope as a lifestyle are about to rise in authority to be heard. They will be quoted and seen as leaders in the nations and the world, though they will live in humility and hiddenness. Their words will be sought out by kings, presidents, chiefs and prime ministers because the authority they will carry will open the ancient ways and doors that have been shut tight by unrighteousness and wickedness. (Photo via Unsplash)

I heard, "Exposure, Exposure!" regarding the darkest of places where demonic activity has been taking place. The hiding places of the wicked are about to be brought under the spotlights, and like rats running away, they will find that there are no dark places to hide.

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn." (Isaiah 60:1-3)

The First Responders of Hope

The Church is rising. I heard, "Cherry on Top!" Nights of hope are about to become days of glory! The Church is about to experience the glory in ways we have never seen, but will begin to see. The glory will be in sharp view, just in time for the difficulties that many will face. The peace that is coming is from the Lord of the armies. It will be the armies that bring peace!

"'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the Lord Almighty." (Haggai 2:9)

His Church must be ready to MOVE fast! Just as Jesus said, we can expect there will be wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, etc. (see Matthew 24:6-7, Mark 13:7-8, Luke 21:10-11). These things will increase, but the end is not yet. Those who walk closely with Jesus will continue to listen daily, moment by moment, to His Word and respond to His presence.

They will become known as "The First Responders Of Hope," going into several places in this nation and many other nations that are in deep peril. Yet, they will restore hope and bring about healing and resurrections both in the spirit and the natural. They will be recognized by Jesus' name, not by a denomination, a movement, an alliance or a brand. Any associations will be seen as idols and be discarded.

"I am the LORD; that is My name! I will not yield My glory to another or My praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." (Isaiah 42:8-9)

Ropes From Heaven

I saw ropes from Heaven – many of them – and then I heard the faint, distant bells ringing in Heaven. The words "It's time! It's time!" rang out and great rejoicing was occurring in Heaven. There was a gathering of the angels and saints, with laughter, pleasure and delight. The Father was speaking and declaring the readiness of the time. At once I saw clocks all over the earth. Alarms had been set and we were one minute away from all the alarms going off. Yet, the bells were pealing in Heaven – huge bells...bells that would be heard supernaturally, even on Earth. "It's Time!"

The Separation of Wheat and Tares

Holiness, purity and His presence are determining the days ahead, as well as who will be walking into destiny in the days ahead. Purity is a dividing line. Purity divides what God wants from what men want. Those who are lovers of pleasure are those who believe their "pleasure" is just fine and good; they think, "God accepts me having whatever pleasure I want." This belief operates by "expedience" rather than righteousness. It is, in fact, the begging of separation that demonstrates the "son of perdition" and eliminates the possibility of walking as the "Sons of God"!

"I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to Him. But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the One you accepted, you put up with it easily enough." (2 Corinthians 11:2-4) (Photo via Pixabay)

"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God – having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

"They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone. (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

I heard, "Son of perdition and the Sons of God!" The son of perdition is, first of all, mentioned about Judas who betrayed Jesus, lost his future, experienced extreme guilt and died by suicide.

"While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Thy name: those that Thou gavest Me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the Scripture might be fulfilled." (John 17:12)

The second use of the phrase "son of perdition" was spoken by Paul, who was trying to correct the error that was being shared that Jesus had already returned (an error that continues in some circles today). Jesus has not returned yet, but will; physically.

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

The separation of the wheat and tares is happening (Matthew 13:24-30). The angels will separate them, beginning now. Watch and see. The tares are about to become visible in the field of harvest. They will manifest in ways of rebellion, betrayal, greed and expedience, holding on to "entitlement," which they might call grace but the Word calls living in sin. You don't want to be defending a tare when the angels weed them out because it could make you complicit to their sin.

The Sons of God are those whom all of creation is waiting for. They are the ones who carry the authority and humility and joy of Jesus.

"For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed." (Romans 8:19)

All the history and difficulty you have been walking through is to produce in you the character to carry Him to the nations and the neighbors. It's not a waste. It's perfect. Embrace it and you will look more like Jesus.

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Danny Steyne
Mountain Of Worship
Email: Click here

Danny Steyne is about the Mountain...the Mountain of the Lord, recoined by Jesus as the Kingdom of God. He doesn't live for his ministry but for the ministry of Jesus throughout the earth. His purpose is to release this message and the impact of it wherever he goes. Danny has been in ministry as both pastor and father to many. Through forty years of ministry there have been many miracles, healings, and signs and wonders, but his heart's intention is to bring people into an intimacy with Jesus and into passionate and effective love for the lost and the found. He travels throughout the world carrying this message of love, joy, freedom, and hope. He is married to his best friend, Karen, and they lead together in New England as they watch the Mountain of the Lord emerge around them. They are parents to many children, both naturally and spiritually around the world.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Violence is not the answer

Something good happened and something bad happened today.  

First the bad--violence broke out at our nation's Capitol today as Congress was debating whether or not to approve the votes of the Electoral Collage.   Two people were shot but there is reason to believe that this was the action of the violent group called "Antifa".  

That's all I know for sure but the good thing that happened is that I found a news source who talks like we do as Christians.  May it bless you too.

Let's keep praying for peace in DC.  I just heard that a curfew is set for 6:00 so that will clear people out.

Keep praying,


Freedom Rises or Falls Today!

 Today I have very little physical strength for I am praying and fasting for freedom to remain on the Earth.  I beg all of my readers to do the same.

  Today the Congress of the United States of America will vote to accept or reject the vote by the electoral collage to approve the election results for the Presidency of my country.

  By now I am certain that you have heard of the VAST amount of election fraud during the Presidential election on November 3rd, 2020.  Some places had many more votes than citizens living there.  How can that be if it were not for false ballots added in the dead of night?  There are also countless stories of voting machines that changed the votes of the people?  A person would vote one way; then enter their ballot into the machine; and the machine would CHANGE their vote to the person that they did  NOT want.

  It all comes down today.  I have already written to Senator John Hoven and Senator Kevin Cramer from my state for both have said that they will NOT reject the vote of the electoral collage.  If they do so, then they are traitors!  Our one and only Representative in Congress is Representative Kelly Armstrong who has done the right thing ever since he started representing me in Washington DC!  I am praying that he will do so today.  

  I could say much but there is no need for me to do so.  Someone has already said all that I am thinking and much more powerfully so I will share those words with you now.  Let us be in prayer for our Vice President, Mike Pence.  Read these thoughts from a fellow Patriot and pray like you have never prayed before for our President to serve another term!


Today History is Made
Today is one of the most critical days in our history. This past Sunday, my brother, Tim Sheets, said, “The Holy Spirit has sent out an air raid alarm! Many intercessors are hearing it. It is a serious and immediate warning to now enter into fasting and prayer for America! God is letting me know that we were born for this exact time and He needs us on the wall now.”
The United States Congress will be meeting in a joint session TODAY at 1:00PM Eastern Time—both Senate and House of Representatives—in order to accept or reject the votes of the Electoral College presented on December 14, 2020. As a reminder:
7 states have sent 2 sets of Electoral votes, called “dueling votes.” They are Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. Each of these states has been enmeshed in election fraud and provable reports of serious ballot-counting discrepancies.
More than 100 patriots in the House of Representatives, led by Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, are planning to object to the electoral votes cast by the 6 contested states.
Patriots in the U.S. Senate were a little later to step forward, as Senate Majority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky actually warned Senators not to dispute the Electoral College vote. Despite this manipulation, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri boldly stepped forward and stated, “Somebody has to stand up. 74 million Americans are not going to be told their voices don’t matter.” You can read his entire statement here on why he decided to buck the GOP leadership in the Senate and dispute the Electoral College vote. And as we told you Monday, since he boldly took a stand, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and 11 other Senators have joined him. Senator Cruz’s statement is strong and you can read it here.
As a reminder, it is the goal of the objectors, as described by Senator Cruz, “To immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.” Upon conclusion of the 10-day audit and presentation of its findings, a vote based on factual evidence will determine if electoral votes in the 6 contested states are accepted or rejected.
The November 3, 2020 election has been an event that will forever mark this nation. Actions and plans we could not see before then have now been clearly brought into the light. However, the media has gaslighted the American people so severely that a large portion of the country still thinks there was no election fraud, others that there was not enough to make a difference. And, of course, some simply don’t care.
In the church, some are standing strong, while others have given up. There are also those who don’t believe it actually matters who is in control of government—that God’s purposes will proceed unaffected. This, however, certainly wasn’t the case in Israel’s history. A “man after God’s heart” (David) was needed to replace King Saul, who had no interest in the things of God – not even in honoring the Ark of the Covenant. The entire nation of Israel was, in fact, judged because of an episode of King Saul’s covenant breaking. The Jews of Europe in the 1940s probably wouldn’t agree with the “it doesn’t matter who is in government” theology; neither would the unborn babies of today. Ask the Christians of Turkey how the spreading of the gospel in their nation – and their well-being – has fared during the last few centuries under radical Islamist rule. Of course, it matters to the cause of Christ who is in control of government!
Today, let us be those who hold up the arms of the brave men and women of the United States Congress that will stand up and say, “This election had too many clear evidences of fraud and we want an audit of the election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.” For the sake of our nation’s calling and future, dedicate this day to intercession for them. Many thousands of people, perhaps up to a million, have gathered in Washington, D.C., today to intercede onsite – outside the U.S. Capitol building, a Jericho March around the Capitol and Supreme Court grounds, and prayer in other locations. Whether you are physically there or not, pray today as if the life of our Republic depends on it. Indeed, it does.
And finally, pray for Vice President Pence. There is much debate over how much authority he actually has to stop the certification. One thing is certain, however, his name is coming to the top more and more as I listen to what intercessors and prophets are saying around the nation. He may be the most important player today; certainly, he is one of them. Pray intensely for him to be led by Holy Spirit in his decision-making.
“I am the Lord, the Maker of all things, who stretches out the heavens, who spreads out the earth by myself, who foils the signs of false prophets and makes fools of diviners, who overthrows the learning of the wise and turns it into nonsense, who carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers.” (Isaiah 44:24-26 NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Dedicate this day to the Lord. Make it a day of humility and fasting. Take communion, if possible.
God is never late, but exactly on time. We have been fasting and praying, declaring, and decreeing, and now we find ourselves at this critical moment. Consider everything that has transpired and been brought out into the open during the 61 days since Election Day. Thank Him.
Pray for grace and strength for the brave patriot Senators and Representatives who will stand up today and demand an audit of the election results of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico, before they agree to certify any Electoral College votes.
Boldly call for divine surprises in the House and Senate chambers today!
Pray that Vice President Pence does the right thing. Pray that he is strong and fearless. Pray that he moves in the fear of God, not the fear of man.
Declare that the intercession of the saints of the Most High God, and the righteous decrees of His prophets, will ultimately determine the outcome of these elections.
A prayer you can pray:
God, we humble ourselves and pray on this historically, significant day in America. You have brought us to this day. So much has been brought out from under the cover of darkness; alliances and motives have been revealed. Thank You! Yet some Governors, Secretaries of State, and State legislatures have ignored all of the fraud in the 2020 elections. Judges and Justices of the United States Supreme Court have rejected cases brought before them that could have resolved violations of election laws. But thank you for the Citizens who have raised an outcry, some even conducting investigations of their own, causing their state legislatures to hold hearings regarding these matters. However, here we are on January 6th, Lord, with the Electoral College vote before our U. S. Congress—the members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives will be deciding our nation’s future today.
Lord, we boldly ask You to intervene. And we are confident You will! We war from victory. Cause a move of Your Holy Spirit in the House chambers where they will be meeting today. May Your angels also join them. Cause hearts to stir and let passionate and anointed pleas for election integrity be made at this late hour. Let the signatures of more than 100 Representatives and Senators be brought forward. Do not let them back down! In fact, cause even more of them to stand and make their public objection be heard. Courage can be catching! We ask that it would be so today. Give us Divine surprises today, Lord! Our future is securely in Your hands, as is the future of our children, our nation, and the free world.
Father, we pray for Vice President Pence. This may be his Esther moment in history. Please move on his heart in an undeniable way. May he know it is You. And give him the strength to do what he knows You are saying. And we break off of him all fear of man and release him to operate only in a holy fear of You.
Maker of all things, overthrow those today who have considered themselves wiser than You, rejecting and covering up all the fraud. Let their statements be seen as the nonsense they are. Carry out the words You have put in the mouths of Your praying church. Let them be manifested! Fulfill the decrees You put in the mouths of Your prophets. Shut the mouth of Leviathan, the spirit that twists truth. Let the battle for America’s future be turned today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Today’s decree:
The voices of American citizens and patriotic members of Congress, who are standing up for righteous American elections, will be heard and the enemy’s plan overthrown today!
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