Monday, January 4, 2021

From warfare into VICTORY!!!

Hi everyone,

Happy 2021!!  We had our annual New Year's Eve day party and it was GREAT!  My daughter, Cora, and her family came over from MN to join us in welcoming 2021.  We had 7 little people under the age of 4 here, so it was noisy, and I LOVED it!  We had 19 adults all together so we had people everywhere and I loved that too!!

For the first time in many years, I did NOT kiss Robert at the stroke of midnight.  We talked about it later that we thought about it, though.  However, he was down in the family room with people everywhere and I had 2 small grandchildren sitting on my lap and I could not move.  Yes, we kissed later.  ;)

So much is happening now in our family, farm, and business that I'm not at liberty to talk about.  However I will share that last Sabbath little Josiah was dedicated to the Lord in church.  

Josiah was a good little fella during his dedication and his mama shared the meaning of his name. Maria included that his middle name is the same as Robert's.  I think it was wonderful that they named him after my sweetie!!!  Pastor Steve and Josiah's papa prayed for him and we were all blessed to see the devotion that Andrew and Maria have for the Lord and for their family!  It was so very special to be there!

After that we took Andrew, Maria, and family to the Pizza Ranch in Jamestown.  That is a special place to their family and the food was OH SO GOOD!  That reminds me.  I got the idea to look for the recipe for "Cactus Bread" which is so delicious.  The whole day was a delight!!!

This morning I read this prophecy.  I must admit that it seems a difficult thing for me to grasp.  After a lifetime of struggles, to think that things will change into one of victory for God's people, doesn't seem likely.  However, reading the prophecies on THE ELIJAH LIST every day has given me the confidence that all of my years and years of prayers for revival to break out will soon be answered!

So the challenge then, for me and perhaps you, is to begin to grasp that the Lord IS moving to take down the deep state!!  Arrests are being made and evil is weakening on the Earth.  Can you feel it?  I would urge you to sit down and think about our whole wonderful globe.  Is it as dark as it was a year ago?  Five years ago?  I think not.

I pray that this prophecy brings you as much delight as it brought to me this morning!!  Below it I shared a video of one of my very favorite singers singing "VICTORY IN JESUS!!"  Let's focus our thoughts on the victory that Father wants to bring to us each day!!  In so doing, we are preparing our hearts for victory!!  Amen?

Have a blessed new week and an exciting, marvelous, VICTORIOUS new year!


 "How 2021 Is Your '2020-WON': 12 Declarations for the New Year"

As you prepare for 2021, see it as a time when God will cause His people to triumph. Don't see yourself losing, but winning! See yourself walking in divine victory this year! Declare this year to be 2020-WON (2021)!

We want to share with you several things we feel the Lord wants us to receive and pray through for this coming year. These promises are found woven throughout Psalm 21 (see the New Living Translation), where David thanks God for victory. Let's declare and pray the following this year:

1. God Is Giving Us Victory

In Psalm 21:1 David thanks God for victory and rejoices in his salvation. God wants us to walk in divine victory this coming year. Remember, instead of just calling it 2021, we need to see it as 2020-WON! We win! Begin to speak victory and triumph over your year and determine in advance not to accept the spirit of defeat from the enemy. Whether it's a situation surrounding your business, family, health, or another issue, begin to declare yourself a winner and claim your victory!

2. Our Hearts' Desires Will Be Met

Psalm 21:2 says, "Thou hast given him his heart's desire..." God wants to meet the desires of our hearts. In fact, the Bible says a desire fulfilled is a tree of life (see Prov. 13:12). Use your faith to expect that your heart's desires will be met and that your important prayers will be answered this year.

3. We Are Being Upgraded

Psalm 21:2 also says that God withheld none of his requests. This means upgrade! Choose to see yourself in that light this coming year. Envision that nothing good will be withheld from you. See yourself receiving promotions, raises, and experiencing advancements. Sometimes the enemy wants to paint the picture of downgrade or some sort of "worst case scenario." Resist those kinds of imaginations this year and see yourself walking in the best case scenario! (Photo via Pixabay)

4. A Welcome Back into Success and Blessing

Psalm 21:3 in the NLT says, "You welcomed him back with success and prosperity..." After a challenging 2020, let's see Heaven welcoming us into a new year that is filled with success and blessings. Let's raise our faith level to blessings that we don't have room to receive. What are you believing for that will take a miracle to accomplish? See yourself receiving it!

5. Favor and Celebration

Also in Psalm 21:3, God sets a crown of pure gold on His servant. A crown speaks of standing in a place of prominence where those around you recognize the favor on you. In 2021, let's expect God to favor us and position us for celebration. This certainly doesn't mean everyone will become your friend and you'll never have enemies, but remember, when our ways please the Lord, even our enemies will be at peace with us (see Prov. 16:7)! Let's declare that favor and celebration will follow us in 2021!

6. The Anointing of Preservation and Protection

This coming year, we need to see ourselves being supernaturally preserved. That means no evil or harm can come into our dwelling place. Look at Psalm 121:7-8: "The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."

Notice the passage says God will preserve us from ALL evil! This is a powerful promise that we need to claim this coming year. We can also stand in this anointing of preservation by walking in several directives found in Psalm 34. It shows us that deliverance and preservation are set in motion through 4 key things: 1) by what we say, 2) by pursuing God, 3) through prayer, and 4) by avoiding sin.

Let's put the right things in motion and claim the anointing of preservation in 2021! Declare, "God is preserving me!"

7. We Will Receive Honor and Distinction

Psalm 21:5 reveals God's honor will be upon His people. Stand in confident faith this year that you, along with God's people across the Body of Christ, will be credited and rewarded for the good you do.

We've seen the Church this past year come under fire, and while we know persecution is something that won't go away, we can also expect God to bring us to a place of distinction so that His Word can prevail and go into all the world. We saw this with the early Church: while they received persecution, God magnified them and caused them to excel and be rewarded for their efforts. May we be rewarded this year!

8. The Joy of His Presence

"You have...given him the joy of Your presence" (Psalm 21:6 NLT). Let's expect to experience the presence of the Lord in a divine way this year. There is nothing greater than His presence! After the challenges of 2020, we need a fresh, supernatural encounter with the Lord that literally removes us from the chaos going on in the world. When we enter His tangible presence, we will be divinely refreshed and filled with joy. (Photo via Unsplash)

9. His Unfailing Love Will Keep Us from Falling

If we take another look back at 2020, so many things made it look like we weren't going to get through. But that idea seems to melt away when we remember God's unfailing love for us. Focus this coming year on God's love for you, which will hold you upright and keep you from falling.

10. Exposure of the Enemy and Payback

Verse 8 of Psalm 21 says the Lord will capture all our enemies. This reveals that the Lord will bind up all plots and plans of the enemy. The KJV says that God will "find out" all His enemies. God will expose the plans of the evil one so they cannot prosper against you. And we know that the Bible says when the thief is discovered, he is forced to repay seven times what he stole (see Prov. 6:31). Let's expect payback this year – that anything we lost in 2020 will be restored! Hallelujah!

11. God Will Deal with Those Who Incite Hatred and Violence

We saw considerable violence this past year and it seems hatred in our society is increasing exponentially. But what would happen if God's people called out to Heaven for peace in our streets and upon our land? Is anything too hard for the Lord? Psalm 21:8 also says, "...Your strong right hand will seize all who hate You." In other words, God will bind up their violent acts so they cannot cause harm. Let's speak peace and safety over 2021!

12. A Shift from Warfare into Victory!

Not only should we see 2021 as 2020-WON, a year of victory, we should also see it as a time where we receive reprieve from all the warfare that so many have been experiencing.

It seems that there has been battle after battle as so many of God's people have been standing their ground for truth and righteousness to prevail. Let's pray over this year that the season of warfare will be shifted, by God's divine hand, into a season of victory and peace, in Jesus' name!

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Hank Kunneman
One Voice Ministries


Hank Kunneman is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and founder of One Voice Ministries. As an uncompromising voice that God is using to stir up the Body of Christ, he is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches. He travels and ministers extensively as he and his wife, Brenda, preach together at conferences, churches, and national television programs throughout the United States and overseas. Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank is a published author with both Destiny Image and Charisma House, with his most recent books being The Lord Himself Is Stepping In, Prophesy with the Wind in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Barrier Breakers, and Don't Leave God Alone. He has also written and created several children's books.

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