Friday, April 9, 2021

I'm grieving today

 Today I am very sad.  This young couple was a young couple with Robert and I in the 1980s.  The woman was one of the 4 "Neighbor girls" who helped me through dealing with the incest.  Being I had no sister, and their family had 4 girls, I sort of adopted them as my sisters!!  Robert and I were the host couple at their wedding--this wedding in the picture!

Jeff got COVID a couple of months ago at work.  Then it turned into double pneumonia.  Then it turned into a collapsed lung which put too much pressure on his heart.  Eventually it was all too much for his great, big beautiful heart and he passed away 2 nights ago. 

I'm writing to ask for prayers for his widow and her family.  I don't even want to imagine the pain they are going through right now.  

Please also pray for the other sisters who all love them very much.  Now they will be planning Jeff's funeral.  

I can tell you honestly that, when people you grew up with, start to pass away it sends a chill down the spine.  Jeff was too young to die!!!  He was only 64!  Carol is too young to be a widow.  That only happens to old people.  ;)

I'm sorry that I'm not good company today.  Please pray for me as I work with the sick through BodyTalk sessions!!

Sometimes I am so sad that I can't possibly see how I can do one more session.  Then I get started doing the session and the client begins to feel less pressure in their body and in their mind.  That's when I know why I'm still here!!  God needs me to help ease the suffering in the world through my work!

I would appreciate if you would cover me with your prayers as I work.  The devil and his creeps don't want people feeling better.  They are STRONGLY opposed to my work.  They do all sorts of ridiculous things to slow me down and make me too miserable to give someone a session they so desperately need. 

The night before last, when I was using the waterpick to clean my mouth out as I always do, pieces of 2 of my teeth FELL OUT!!!  These are perfectly good teeth.  I haven't had any pain with them and then chunks of my teeth were in the sink.

When I told my friend Luci, who also does Christian energy healing, she mentioned something really bizarre to me.  Luci told me that 4 people in the last 2 weeks have had either fillings or pieces of their teeth just fall out!!!!!!!  Doesn't that seem bizarre to you?  I wonder what is going on.  If anyone has a clue, please leave a comment below.

Again, if you would pray for me as the Holy Spirit leads you, His work will continue in spite of it all!  There are so many hurting people.  I have tools to help them.  The Holy Spirit leads me to them and I give them a session.  Then they're better and stronger and go about doing what God has for them to do.  This MUST continue even if the enemy doesn't want it to.  IT WILL CONTINUE!!

May God bless you as you pray for my ministry.  I named it "Links to Healing" because each person has very specific things that need to come together (link up) for them to recover their health and strength. 

I give away MANY free sessions to those in need so it is a ministry.  In fact, I probably give away more sessions than I get paid for.  How is that supposed to work in business, right?  So I've come to view what I do as a ministry.  Please keep me covered as I pull down the works of the evil ones session by session.

God bless you,


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