Wednesday, June 30, 2021

From Glory to GLORY!!

 I'll be honest.  I haven't read this yet but it looks too good not to share with all of you.  Besides, I can come back here and read it later if I save it to this blog--my little corner of cyber-space.

 Much is happening here.  Robert and I got to attend the 100th birthday of the Lehr Tabernacle which is where I got saved 52 years ago.  Last week my sweetie and I attended the wedding of the son of good friends of ours.  My daughter-in-law's birthday party is in 2 days and we're planning a trip out to Cora's for the 4th of July.

  Andrew; his family; and I attended the funeral of a wonderful man of God in Dickenson 2 days ago.  What a tribute to a great man and what a wonderful time it was re-connecting with old friends.  This one woman I met when the children were small and we see each other every couple of years but it's always good.  This time we both text so that may help us keep in better touch but we'll see what God has in mind.

  Yesterday I got a massage from Luci and then she and I worked on a hurting family about 200 miles away.  It was phenomenal.  The glory of God flowed to these hurting ones and we were thrilled to be shown a new way to help folks from a distance.  I can hardly wait to hear back from them how they slept last night.

  All of this activity is going on as we live under the constant pressure of watching our crops dying due to lack of rain.  If Father lays us on your hearts, please pray for rain to come and save the crops of the Midwest from total destruction.  Especially please pray for my daughter, Cora's organic you pick market garden in MN.  They're even dry over there!

  As trials continue in our country and around the world, I am aware that God's glory is flowing stronger than ever before to meet the needs of His people.  Those who hear from God are saying that God is going to release His glory powerfully on the 4th of July--my country's Independence Day.  I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!  Maybe His glory will fall on the farms as rain???

  I'd best close this post of random thoughts and get out to the garden.  Weeds grow well in dry, tight soil.  );  God has always provided for us, though, and I'm sure he always will.


  Love you,


Get Clean & Dressed! It's Time to Enter the "Throne Zone"

The Lord has said in His Word that we are to come boldly before His throne! The Blood of Jesus gives us full access. Nevertheless, this does not allow us to come in arrogance. We come dressed in the mantle of humility, in the royal robes of salvation and righteousness. Arrogance and religion have no place at the throne. Pride does not exist in God and cannot exist in Heaven, or at the throne. God wants His Body to get clean, get dressed, and get ready to dwell in glory in order to be granted full access to the throne room.

When Joseph was summoned to go before Pharaoh, he washed and put clean garments on. After the angels removed the filthy garments from Joshua the high priest in Zechariah 3, they put clean clothes on him and a clean turban on his head. Joshua was then given charge of God's courts and access to the throne.

The throne is the place of authority from which we rule and reign in Christ. It is therefore important that we learn to live from the "throne zone," and from the heart of God. With God's heart, mind, and authority, we can rule in all situations.

We become God's Kingdom representatives. It is time to get rid of the victim mentality and begin to identify with Christ as a ruler, in His power, authority and mandate. This is our inheritance. It is important to God that we learn to occupy this ascended place!

God Is Finishing What He Started - from Glory to Glory

What began at Pentecost will be completed at the Feast of Tabernacles!

However, until then, God is moving toward that day in the power of the Holy Spirit, who is taking us into greater experiences and levels of glory, until we are overflowing with the Spirit in fullness! The Lord wants a removal of the walls and a bigger place within us from where He can break out in glory.

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Corinthians 3:18)

As we behold God in His glory, we are being transformed into His image in the same glory! When we are pressed in life it produces within us something of tremendous value to God! God's intention is to move us progressively and intentionally through the pressing of the wilderness experience and into a lush land that is watered with the rains of Heaven. We then will become the city from where the River flows out to the nations. You are that city! A "ruler city" constructed in the image of God!

Shmita: The Supernatural Year of God's Rest

One of the keys to becoming this city is learning to live in God's rest. We are now approaching another Shmita year beginning on Rosh Hashanah 5782, which starts on September 6th at sundown on the Gregorian calendar. The Shmita represents a Sabbath year of rest. Every 7th year God ordained a time of rest for the land, forgiveness of debts and the release of slaves from captivity. During this time, Israel was not allowed to work the land. The people therefore had to have the faith to know that God would provide for them supernaturally and trust Him for their provision.

Living in rest is a walk of faith! God said that if Israel obeyed His commands, they would be a blessed nation—a lender and not a borrower. God wants His people to be able to bless others, to be a people who live in the blessings of God. The Shmita was therefore a supernatural year, where God was in full control of the destiny of His people and of the land.

We are now heading into an appointed, very supernatural Shmita year of divine miracles. We are presently being prepared for an extraordinary year of rest and release, where we cease from our labors and from striving, and allow God to rise to His place of Lordship in our lives. We are about to learn how to become glory dwellers, to live in His divine glory. (Photo via Piqsels)

God took me to 1 Kings 5:2-4 to reveal the principle of great productivity in times of rest:

"And Solomon sent word to Hiram, 'You know that David my father could not build a house for the name of the LORD his God because of the warfare with which his enemies surrounded him, until the Lord put them under the soles of his feet. But now the LORD my God has given me rest on every side. There is neither adversary nor misfortune."

There are key principles to glean from in this passage. We know that Solomon built a magnificent house for the glory of God. Building begins when the enemy is subdued and under the soles of our feet. We must seek the Lord for deliverance over our enemies and put our feet on their necks, as I believe God is saying that it is time to build the House of God for the harvest, and for the indwelling of His manifest presence—a House designed, built and constructed by Him according to His blueprint.

"This Is a War!"

As we have entered a season of war, in the decade ahead, the Body of Christ will have to learn and understand the dichotomy of warring from a place of rest, as we build God's House and gather in the harvest. We war from a position of rest in Him. This will become important in the days ahead, as so often we strive to do things in our own strength and with our own ideas, and we produce limited fruit; we become burnt out and open ourselves to attack.

When we enter His rest, God comes along and does it in an instant, and there is tremendous, bountiful fruit and victory. Jesus is a Man of war, and we are in a state of war! The Conqueror is now going forward and those riding with Him follow! God took me to Luke 11 to highlight this truth and release understanding of the present times. Jesus said:

"When a strong man (satan), with many weapons, guards his palace, his possessions are safe. But when One stronger than he comes to attack and overpower him, the stronger One will empty the arsenal in which he trusted. The Conqueror will ransack his kingdom and distribute all the spoils of victory."

"Whoever is not on My side is against Me, and whoever does not gather the spoils with Me will be forever scattered." (Luke 11:21-23 TPT, emphasis mine)

Are You Ready to Ride?

Jesus is saying:

"Look to Me and move quickly to find yourself on My side. Leaders, be followers of Me, gather with Me, build what I am building! I have need of you now!"

When Jesus was about to ride into Jerusalem He called for a colt. He told His disciples to untie the colt and tell the owner, "The Lord has need of it." Jesus is about to untie you from the restraints holding back the fullness of your destiny in Him, and will ride in on you, into the sphere assigned to you. Jesus has need of you! Are you ready to ride?

A Short Work to the Glory!

God is looking to release great glory on a people whose time has come! In the early 1990s I had a dream where I saw myself dressed as a glorious bride in white. The train of the gown stretched for miles. Within the train there were flowers and gardens of every kind, representing the beauty of diversity in the Bride of Christ.

I was then taken to have my hair styled; my hair was long and very curly. My hairdresser—a prominent leader in the renewal—used a cream straightener and very patiently straightened out the curls of my hair until they were dead straight. He then proceeded to cut my hair quite short, around the middle of my neck...then the dream ended. (Photo via Flickr)

I did not understand this dream because I used to have such a struggle with unruly curls for so many years and had recently made peace with God about it. I also knew that a woman's hair, according to the Scriptures, represents glory. I sought the Lord for years for the interpretation of this dream but did not receive any.

Many years later, I was at a conference where the hairdresser in my dream was the actual speaker. The Lord suddenly whispered the interpretation to me. Regarding the straightening, He said, "This is My chosen vessel to prepare My Bride, to straighten out the crooked places of religion." He then said, regarding my hair being cut short, "It will be a short work to the glory!" I understood this statement to be a pun on time...that the work of bringing the Bride to glory would be made short and accomplished in accelerated time!

At that time, I was surprised because I thought that we were in the glory, as I had never witnessed or experienced the power of God as seen during the decade of the renewal. It seems that God has a much greater glory yet to come!

In the dream, my hair was made dead straight; to me the term "dead straight" signifies flat-lining. During our lives, through the highs and the lows, God works to bring us to the "flat-line." That is the way of the Cross and the path to glory. God confirmed this dream to me in Isaiah 40:4-5 which says:

"Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken."

This passage represents the work of God to bring His people to glory. "The crooked places made straight" is the removal of religion and error that is hindering the release of glory.

Glory Zones

There are places and people now being prepared for God's glory to land. These are prepared "landing cities." They are a prepared ground! They are places and people that are jealous for His presence and faithful to guard it. They are not intimidated by dissenting voices or the fear of man; rather they fear God. They have become secured places that are not moved by man, by circumstances, or by the elements.

A glory zone is not of this earth. Spiritually, it occupies the heavenly realms. It is guarded and protected by God, and honored and exalted by God. It is a trustworthy, faithful place where a foundation has been laid for God's glory—a place that has learned how to live in the fire and glory of His presence.

The Scriptures declare that the glory of God will fill the earth as the waters covers the sea. This will begin to happen first through HIS people! He is coming in glory to a people before He returns to rule in glory. How and when will this happen? The Lord reminded me of this Scripture:

"For this is what the LORD says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water..." (2 Kings 3:17)

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Faith Marie Baczko, Executive Director
Headstone Ministries International | Schools of The Last Wine


Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone International Ministries and HWAM – Headstone Women's Apostolic Network. Faith is an apostolic, prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the Body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. She carries key insights into the profound significance of Israel's place in the purposes of God for the time of the summing up of all things in Christ. She models a life that inspires others to live undistracted and rigorously devoted to passionately pursuing Christ. Faith is an international speaker, and through her ministry and work in South America, she has garnered enduring relationships with pastors and leaders, united in passion for truth that is the foundation of revival. Her books are also available in Spanish.

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Friday, June 25, 2021

Will you do your part?

 WOW--just WOW!!

God is giving the Church an assignment as outlined in the article that I'm sharing with you today.  Will you please join me in following this 21 day plan for letting God's call on our lives come into the reality?

Can you imagine what will happen when we join together with other believers in UNITY?

Can you imagine the victories that are coming to the Earth right now?

Can you imagine being a part of the solution instead of part of the problem of causing divisions among believers?  If you are guilty of that, you need to go to the throne of Grace. 

All you have to do is ask the righteous Judge to forgive you for this.  Ask Him to put all of these sins under the shed blood of Jesus.  Ask Him to erase all of the charges against you in this to be erased from your books of life.  Then THANK HIM FOR MAKING A WAY FOR OUR SINS TO BE ERASED!

Happy Sabbath all my loves,


Prophetic word released on June 23, 2021:

Dear Advancing Ones:

The Word of God is alive – full of power and like a sword, dividing a person's soul from their eternal part, the spirit. As a result of this incredible power, the Word causes our hearts to change. I believe this change is both spiritual and physical. Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."

Satan's greatest strategy is to stop you from hearing what God has to say to you. He knows that when the voice of God penetrates you, it goes deep into your bone marrow and rearranges the cell structures within your body. He knows it has a powerful effect on the blood flow within your body. When the Word of God successfully penetrates us, when we allow it to be stored in our hearts and develop the way we think, our blood system begins to be purified. The Spirit of God literally begins to invade our blood structures.

On Sunday morning, the Lord released an unusual word about His Blood penetrating us:

"I AM putting you through 21 days of intense treatment. My Blood will become hotter than the blood that is running through your body and, by the Spirit, it will begin to find cells that have not been found. These next 21 days will be a time of divine, intense treatment. A 21-day intense treatment is coming into My people. I AM about to do something in you in these next 21 days that is different than [anything that] has ever been done before!"

The Blood War

The war over the Blood is one of the greatest conflicts that the Body of Christ must understand. We must never forget the war will always be over the Blood of our Lord and how we worship Him. The antichrist force is always against the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. As the war escalates, we must discern this force and declare the victory of our Lord through His wondrous Blood. As John said, "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30). With an entire chapter on "The Blood War," God's Unfolding Battle Plan will help His Spirit to increase in your blood!

During these next three weeks, I believe it's vital we allow His living-and-active Word to transform our blood and bodies. You have a glory that the Lord has placed within you that can begin to move and uncover what has been hidden. If you'll fan the glory, it will push out the iniquity that has caused you to miss opportunities in the past and it will cause you to hear His Word. Your heart will rejoice, and you will have strength to embrace the treatment He is administrating.

I declare, every place in your body that has lost its strength, because His Blood was inactive, will now come alive. I call for a new release of His Blood to go into every extremity of your body so that there is not a single place of weakness or infirmity. I decree that the joints which cause God's people to connect and move in different ways will have a new blood flow, until we all come to the unity of the faith.

As you read this daily focus, I declare, your mind will become disciplined so that you are not pulled to the right or to the left, but remain steadfast in Him. Your thoughts are getting in His timing and coming under His power and authority.

21 Day Prayer Focus

Day 1: Read Psalm 139 and Ephesians 2. May the Lord show you who you are in Him. You are ORIGINAL – fearfully and wonderfully made! Thank Him for forming you in your mother's womb. Spend the day PRAISING! Meditate on and speak forth 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24. Decree that your whole spirit, soul and body will be sanctified!

Day 2: Sing or praise with Psalm 23. Agree with God for the restoration of your soul. SOUL is linked with "breathing." Soul refers to the entire inner nature and personality of a person. Read Deuteronomy 26:16-19. Declare that you will be set on high in a new place with a seal called "SPECIAL." Decree life and life abundantly. Read and underline Matthew 6:25, Luke 12:22, John 10:10.

Day 3: Ask the Lord to make your heart PURE! Declare that the seat of your feelings, desires, affections and aversions will come under the alignment of the Holy Spirit. Read the Beatitudes – Matthew 5:1-12. Ask the Lord to send help or aid to your soul so you can attain your highest end. Declare that your "end" will be greater than your beginning. Read Haggai 2. Ask the Lord for your soul to begin to prosper in a new way. Read 3 John 2; James 1:21; 1 Peter 1:9. Now ask the Lord to make you "see." The pure in heart SEE HIM (Matthew 5:8). (Photo via Pixabay)

Day 4: Memorize Proverbs 18:14. Ask the Lord to deal with any way in which the spirit of the world has vexed or influenced your spirit. Thank God that you are a spiritual being and that you will live eternally with Him. If you do not have this assurance, stop and ask the Lord to remove any doubt from you.

Receive a cleansing through His Blood. Read Hebrews 9. Ask the Lord to cleanse your conscience and restore it to full working authority. Ask the Lord to renew your communion with Him. Take communion with Him. Your spirit is that part of you related to worship and divine communion. Read and underline 1 Corinthians 16:18; Job 32:18; Psalm 51:10; Matthew 11:29; 2 Corinthians 7:1; 1 Peter 2:11; Psalm 77:6; 1 Peter 1:8-9; Isaiah 26:9; Romans 8:10; Ephesians 4:4; and James 2:26.

Day 5: The BODY is the lowest part of man's triune being, where the soul and spirit reside. Honor the Holy Spirit who has chosen to dwell within you. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and 2 Peter 1:13-14. Thank Him that your body is His. Read Romans 6:13,19. Yield your members, one by one, unto God as instruments of righteousness, rather than unto iniquity. If you have a part of your body that is not working properly, ask the Lord to heal and cleanse that portion. Include any organs that you know have been affected by sin. Read Romans 7 and declare that the "pull" of the old is eradicated.

Day 6: Read Isaiah 58:5-12. Let God choose a fast for this day. Declare a cutting off and a springing forth. Declare that healings will begin to break through. Ask the Lord for His glory to set a guard behind you. Ask the Lord to adjust any details in anything you have accomplished throughout the year. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom over how to rectify any problems so you can move forward speedily. Read Romans 8. Thank Him that you have been adopted by Him and that His Blood is flowing through you to restore you!

Day 7: Read Isaiah 52:1-6. This is a call to awaken to the fullness of your redemptive plan. Loose yourself from any captivity. Find your abiding place and be seated. Do not dwell on your past defeats and sins. Put on a new garment of victory.

Day 8: Read Matthew 12; concentrate on verses 43-45. Ask God to fill you with His glorious Spirit so that you will secure any victory. Declare that you will plunder the enemy's camp and have a seven-fold restoration. Agree with God that once you are delivered of one thing, your deliverance is secured and no other forces can overtake you. Read Mark 4. Declare that your seed will prosper. Shout: "I am not turning back!" Ask the Lord for your next measure of faith.

Day 9: Read Psalms 39, 66 and 80. He has measured your days, therefore, you never want to allow the enemy to rob you of your fullness. Declare, all wasted time will be reversed. Thank Him for the testings you are going through. Even though you are being stretched, you will become enlarged. Stir up your strength and cry, "Restore!"

Day 10: Read Isaiah 40. Allow the Lord to comfort you over past mistakes and losses. Break out of your present warfare and begin to pioneer your way into your next measure. Ask for your second wind or a new breath from the Lord. Notice the power of God's omnipotence as He compares His excellent knowledge to the nations of the earth.

Day 11: Read Ezekiel 47. Notice the river rises, and everywhere the river goes healing comes forth. However, we must ask the Lord to take us deeper than where we are presently standing. Let Him increase the measure of the river in your life.

Day 12: Read Zechariah 2-4. Ask God to extend a new measuring line over your life so that a new measure of joy can be released. Ask Him to open your eyes to angelic activity around you. Know that every mountain can move through a new measure of His Spirit.

Day 13: Read Luke 6 and Romans 12. Notice how Jesus taught us how to love and give. This becomes our road to the miraculous. Ask the Lord to start paving that road in a new way for you. Ask Him for His transforming, renewing power to overtake your mind. Ask God to motivate you in a new way so your faith can operate in a new measure. Faith works by love. We prophesy according to our faith. Prophesying your vision will cause you to break through.

Day 14: Read 2 Corinthians 10 and Ephesians 4. Ask the Lord to give you understanding of the warfare that is around you. Review your apostolic connections and the spheres of authority that you are aligned with.

Day 15: Read Mark 6, 7 and 10. Things are changing very rapidly. Do not let rejection keep you from moving forward into the plan that God has for you. We are entering into a time of changing leadership. Therefore, the Lord is creating a new measure of faith and demonstration in those who will be advancing His Kingdom purposes. He is cultivating a climate of faith for healing and miracles. We must develop a mindset that says, "With God all things are possible!" As we find our new place of service, by faith, He will suddenly manifest many changes.

Day 16: Read Acts 16 and 22. Listen carefully for your Macedonian call. God is shaking things all around us so that we can move forward. If you feel like you are stymied, ask God to send a shaking, and watch the earth begin to move. Watch all the chains begin to break, and blocked entrances begin to open.

Day 17: Read Luke 18, Matthew 19, 1 John 1 and 2. Look at every narrow place in your life and decree that you will be anointed to squeeze through into your new enlarged place. (Photo via Unsplash)

Day 18: Read Numbers 13, 14, 16, 17 and 20. Do not allow unbelief and fear to prevail in your vision. Ask the Lord to allow you to see in a new way. Do not allow jealousy, rebellion, and accusation to blind you so that you become like the camp at Korah, where the earth opened and swallowed the people, and God sent a plague. Ask the Lord to remove these deadly spirits from the Body of Christ.

We must always be careful in our attitude and actions toward leadership, and though we may disagree with them, we should do so in an appropriate way. Recognize and deal with all cycles involving broken relationships with leaders. In the Wilderness of Zin, the people complained against Moses and Aaron because there was no water, but rather than following God's instruction to speak to the rock, Moses got angry and struck it. This was the only instance after leaving Sinai where God did not judge the people for their complaining, but instead judged Moses so that he could not enter the Land.

Ask the Lord to break old cycles of anger that have held you captive and kept you from crossing over into the fullness of His plan. Moses' spirit became vexed, keeping him from revealing God's pattern from Heaven. Ask the Lord to stop you from reacting wrongly. Do not allow the following question to be yours: "Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?" This slandered their future! Declare that you will have a "different" spirit, like Joshua and Caleb.

Day 19: Read Numbers 22-25 and 31. Watch for curses from outside the camp: Balak hired Balaam to curse Israel but was unsuccessful. Watch for idolatry and immorality from within the camp; beware of seducing spirits. When Balak was not successful in placing a curse against Israel, he tempted them with idolatry and immorality. This was a new test. They failed, and God sent a plague.

Ask the Lord to deliver you from seducing spirits. God ordered Israel to wipe out those who had seduced them and caused them to agree with idolatry and immorality. Israel fought and won but did not execute the full vengeance God had commanded. They took for themselves spoils and plunder which the Lord said was to be destroyed, but Moses made them execute the full vengeance of God.

Partial victory is not enough this season. This is a time to understand the phrase "utterly destroy." There are certain things that the Lord is refusing to allow to go into our next phase. Choose to let go of all that the Lord is requiring you to leave behind.

Day 20: Read Hebrews 4 and 12. Don't live in the past; this leads only to regret and bitterness. If you have repented, God's grace will cover past sins and failings. Allow your past to be pruned away, and instead of being a bitter drink offering, you will become a sweet drink offering to the Lord. Meditate on Hosea 2:14-23. Unlock your door of hope. Know that there is hope in your Valley of Achor. Ask God to open that new door of hope. Ask the Lord for mercy. Renew your covenant with Him. Feel Heaven and Earth coming into agreement and new wine and oil flowing over you.

Day 21: Read Psalm 4, 16, and 110. Allow the Lord to set you apart for the future. Let new joy and gladness arise. Declare that you will sleep in peace and feel safe in the presence of God. Ask Him to secure your night and break open your morning with fresh insight. Don't fear the separating power that He is bringing upon your life.

The song of glory in you may have been blocked, but there is a wind of release. Your blood may have been moving slowly but now it is singing a song of deliverance. Your blood and glory are awakening and will sing a new song. Tell your flesh to rest in hope because your blood is waking up to His will. His Word is filled with fire and is burning out the passivity that has resisted His movement in you. Through Him, you will win the war over your flesh and awaken the glory in your blood.

No matter when you receive this 21-day prayer focus, begin on DAY ONE, enter into His "divine treatment," and experience His Blood in a new way.

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Chuck D. Pierce and team
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshiping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including The Passover Prophecies: How God Is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis and best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil. He's also co-written: Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness, The Apostolic Church Arising and Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

It's ALL About the Children!

 I'm sorry I have so little time to write today but my garden is calling me to come out and sort out the good from the worthless plants.  That's what God is doing now in the Earth.  Anyone who would harm a child, the Lord Jesus said, it would be better that a millstone be tied around their neck and thrown into the ocean.  It's time that happens.  The children of the Earth are dying and they're the future.

Please pray for rain for North Dakota and Minnesota.  The drought is spreading.

Please pray for human trafficking and abortion to END ON THE EARTH!!!  Children deserve a childhood.  I never had one and neither did my husband.  That's why we fought so hard for our children to be children as long as possible.  May the Lord Jesus heal every child so harmed as He has healed me!


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Let's ROAR for Jesus

 God keeps saying that He is working through President Trump behind the scenes to save our country; Israel, and the world from the takeover the comms have been planning for a very long time.  "Freedom will NOT perish from the Earth."  That's what He keeps telling me.

  I'm not the only one who is hearing from the Lord during these FRUSTRATING months of having 2 Presidents.  I think you will be blessed with these words today.

  Please keep the Ken Knight family in your prayers.  Ken is a Godly father of 16 and one of the kindest people I have ever known.  Ken went home to live with the Lord during the night.  He was the President of the North Dakota Home School Association for many years.  Ken's quiet strength will be missed by many--including me!!!

  May God bless you for all of your prayers for my family and I.  We need rain without any more hail.  Please pray for rain for the entire Midwest!

  Lots of love,


"From Sheep to Lions" – Prophetic Dream through Greg Hood

In a recent dream sent to me by my friend, Greg Hood, he and I were at a lake shaped like America, about to go fishing. An angel appeared and told us we could not fish just yet. He told us to travel to a certain place and partner on an important assignment with 2 leaders: a charismatic Baptist pastor and a Word of Faith teacher/prophet. (Greg is a prophet/apostle.) (Photo of Greg Hood)

In the dream, we traveled on Radah Airlines, out of Gate 12. When we arrived, one of the waiting leaders said to me, "This is serious. We have to hurry." We walked onto a field containing thousands of creatures that were lying down. They were unusual beings with bodies of sheep and the heads of lions! He informed us that they were a rare breed of sheep that were bred so that at a certain age, they would metamorphose into lions.

He said to me, "They have been stuck in this form since November, 2020. They should be lions by now. They are dying. We are going to lose them all if we can't get them through this process. What do we do?"

I said, "We have to get them on their feet. Lions must be on their feet." Then I decreed, "LIONS, TO YOUR FEET!" Immediately angels appeared, assisting the sheep/lions to their feet. Once they stood I decreed, "WIND OF GOD, BLOW UPON THESE LIONS AND BRING THEM INTO THE POWER OF THEIR TRUE IDENTITY!"

As soon as I decreed this, a wind began to blow, blowing the wool of the sheep in a way that we could see underneath it. As this happened, we could see thousands of ticks attached to each sheep; these ticks were hindering them from morphing into lions.

One of the leaders said, "I have what we need." He pulled out from his bag a horn filled with oil and gave it to a different leader, who brought it to his lips and began to blow the oil from the horn. The wind caught the oil and blew it over the entire pride, covering all the lions/sheep. This wind-blown oil killed and removed all the ticks.

As this happened, the sheep bodies began to morph into the bodies of lions. It was rather quick. During this time, another leader was singing 2 Samuel 22:30-35 over them. As he did, a deafening roar arose from the lions that literally shook the ground.

Many of the lionesses were pregnant and immediately began giving birth; and they gave birth to sheep! The sheep, however, quickly began turning into lions! The young lions began to roar, also, and the other leader kept singing the 2 Samuel 22 Scripture. (Photo via Flickr)

All of this continued for a while. Then the lions began making their way to the tarmac where many planes were waiting. They boarded the planes and were immediately flown throughout the nation.

As planes were departing, one of the leaders said to me, "I am so thankful you were not late. We are called to release lions, not raise sheep!"

At this point in the dream, the angel walked up to me and handed me papers. They were the flight manifest. The angel said, "Seal this manifest with your ring. This will activate mission 'RELEASE THE ROAR' over America. This is part of Father's promise of REDEEMING ALL." I did as requested and we watched as the planes filled the sky, taking these lions throughout the nation.

End of dream.

Dream Interpretation

There is more to the dream, but here are a few thoughts regarding this portion:

The American-shaped lake in which we were about to fish refers to the coming harvest of souls in America. The sheep/lions obviously represent the Church, which was adversely affected in the 2020 elections ("since November, 2020"). The maturing of many Believers into the kingly anointing of Christ (the Lion of Judah) stopped at that point, through the ensuing disappointment and hope deferred.

The "ticks," I believe, are a play on words - poli-tics/ticks. The election process, influenced by the corruption, drained the life from many Believers, causing them to disengage and give up ("lie down"). This is stunting their growth and development. If this isn't checked, it will affect them permanently.

Greg and I traveled on Radah Airlines. Radah is the Hebrew word for "rule" or "dominion." We left from Gate 12, which is a number representing government in Scripture. God was saying that we had the necessary dominion/authority to rule over the situation He was sending us to, releasing Christ's governmental authority. He has all authority on Earth (Matthew 28:18) and has delegated it to us, the Ekklesia (Church). We traveled by air, which also pictured authority in "heavenly places/heavens" (see Matthew 16:19).

The sheep/lions had to "stand" to be healed; they needed to rise up and make a stand (Ephesians 6:13-14). I was led to decree over them, "Lions (notice I called them lions, not sheep), to your feet!" Angels helped them to do so. Then I decreed, "Wind of God (Holy Spirit), blow upon these lions and bring them into the power of their true identity!" And I say this now over YOU. Arise! Release a roar from your spirit  a roar of triumph and victory! (Photo via Pixabay)

The oil and wind obviously represent Holy Spirit. He must blow on these individuals, delivering and healing them from the blood-sucking, political fiasco that occurred. This will be facilitated by different streams of the Body of Christ working together, and by the different Ephesians 4 gifts of Christ – apostle, prophet, pastor and teacher – working together. The evangelism gift was released AFTER the healing.

We must pray and decree into this attack and reversing of development and momentum. We will do so all week here on Give Him 15. Please join me and thousands of others as we do so.

Pray with Me:

Father, we refuse to allow hope-deferred and discouragement to cripple the growth of Your people into their true identity – the army You intend them to be. Yes, we are Your people, the sheep of Your pasture; but we are also to grow into a mighty Ekklesia, moving in the authority of Lion-King Jesus, releasing His roar. You said You would roar out of Zion! (see Joel 3:16)

We decree over the Body of Christ, as You instructed in the dream, "LIONS, ON YOUR FEET! Rise up from confusion. Shake off discouragement. Trade your weariness for the strength He promised in Isaiah 40:31." And Holy Spirit, we ask You to now blow upon Your people, delivering them from this draining of life and strength. Pour Your oil on them, killing and removing these hope-sucking/life-sucking ticks.

Father, bring the Body of Christ together to release what is needed to accomplish this, especially leaders. Then, we ask You to birth the harvest. Bring forth the evangelists...bold, faith-filled, Spirit-empowered evangelists that will cover this entire nation. And do this in other nations as well. We ask for all of this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Our Decree:

We decree that all effects of the 2020 election on the Church are now broken – in the powerful name of Jesus. The Ekklesia will emerge as the triumphant army Christ intends them to be!

Find out more about Dr. Greg Hood here.

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Email: click here

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, gifted teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, challenging believers for passionate prayer and societal reformation. Seeing America experience a sweeping revival and return to its Godly heritage is Dutch’s greatest passion. Dutch has written over 23 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. His international bestseller, Intercessory Prayer, has sold over 1 million copies worldwide. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. He is fondly known to many as Papa Dutch. Treasuring time spent with their family and grandchildren. Dutch and Ceci, his wife of 40 plus years, enjoy quiet walks in the woods, reading, and playing a little golf. They make their home in beautiful South Carolina.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Please listen to these doctors!

 I haven't watched this yet but I have watched many similar videos.  I am convinced that the poke has the potential to be lethal.  PLEASE do not do that to yourself and all those who love you!!

Prayers for rain still needed across the Midwest!

Have a wonderful Sabbath with family and friends.  I get to go to the campground where I got saved 52 years ago.  They're having their 100th birthday and LOTS of great musicians are coming to celebrate the event.  


Monday, June 14, 2021

What's about to happen?

 Hi everyone,

I don't have much time to write a personal note this morning, but Father says to share this with my readers.  WOW!!

Please pray for rain for my daughter's farm in MN as they have had only 10 hundredths of rain this month.  They have the organic you-pick garden which desperately needs rain.  We got 2 inches at our farm last week so we'll be ok for awhile here.

President Trump is coming back VERY soon into the public's eye as our President.  He's always been our President seeing as he won the election by a landslide.  I wouldn't want to be the ones who committed treason against our country by pretending that they stole the election.  Still, this is the time that they can repent and I pray that they do.

May God bless you all,


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Are you weary?

  Happy Sabbath everyone,

    The rest of the Sabbath day keeps me going.  It really does.  The Lord blessed the 7th day at creation and said it is the day for us to fellowship with Him and to rest from our labors.  I welcome you to experience this deep rest if you haven't yet found it.

  As you know, I have been reading the daily emails from THE ELIJAH LIST for several years now.  May God bless Steve and Doreen for giving folks a voice to share what God is showing them.  It is especially strengthening when I see that folks from different parts of our globe are getting the very same message from Heaven at the very same time!!!!!!!!

  I rejoice greatly to have also found THE ELIJAH STREAMS where Steve invites folks who are getting messages from God to share them in video.  Just recently, the show's producer created THE ELIJAH CLIPS.  This is when they take parts out of the hour to hour and a half long ELIJAH STREAMS program, and give you the nuts and bolts of what was said.  I haven't figured out how to access that yet but, when I do, I'm sure I'll be sharing some clips here.

  For now, though, I welcome you to listen to this message given through God to Hank Kunnaman.  I've been watching this video for several days when I have a little time.  I think it is sooo cool that the end part was what I came to today on the Sabbath day.  It was all about resting from our trying to serve God during such an evil time as this.

  If you are having any weariness from the battle you're fighting, you will definitely want to listen to the last 15 minutes or so.  WOW  Pastor Hank prays for the spirit of weariness to be lifted from ALL of God's people right now today.  I received it and now there is a peace in me that I haven't felt in a long time.  

  God IS in charge.  God's choice for President IS in the wilderness (like Moses was) being refreshed and refined for 4 more years of leadership.  That one loves our country and he loves freedom.  He also loves children.  Let's pray for him to openly be our leader ASAP.

  Happy Sabbath all my loves,


Thursday, June 3, 2021

God keeps His word!

 My workload is increasing even more as those who have been damaged by "The Poke" have nowhere to go.  I covet your prayers, saints of the living God--the ONLY God!  Please pray for me to have strength for the work and peace as I ponder how to help each individual, marriage, or business who find their way to me for help.

This prophecy about THIS Summer, has me in tears of joy.  May it bless you fully too!



Prophecy by Brenda Kunneman on May 23, 2021Signs in the Heavens and Earth

And so the Spirit of God says, "Watch what I do as you go through your summer months," says the Spirit of all grace. "And, yes, there has been grace. There has been great grace, for great grace, even as it was in the days of the Book of Acts, has come upon My people afresh. Great grace," says the Lord, "has descended upon My Church.

"And watch what you shall see, even in the days ahead of you, for there shall be what you have cried out for. There shall be signs – signs in the heavens, signs in the earth below, and signs and wonders returning to My Church. There shall be wonders. There shall be healings. There shall be deliverance from devils. And there shall be those that will report them and say, 'Them? Them? How could they ever be delivered?'

"Watch your prodigals," says the Lord, "for some of you have even given up on some of your loved ones. Not so! For watch the wonders and the signs that hit My Church... there shall be those that have been bound, possessed of devils; yes, I said possessed of devils, and they shall come in and be delivered," says the Mighty Spirit of Grace. (Photo via Hippopx)

"For you have cried out, you have cried out, you have cried out for another wave of Pentecost," and the Lord says: "Get ready, for the end of [the] thing shall be greater than the beginning," says the Spirit of God!

Prophecy by Hank Kunneman on May 23, 2021: Big Tech and Big Pharma: Bankrupt

Are you ready for something that is so new that God shakes Big Tech and Big Pharma? I'm serious. I'm literally seeing the word "bankrupt." And with this unmasking that is in process right now and the great return that is upon us, I see the word "bankrupt" literally over media outlets...they are going to be no more; they're going to go bankrupt.

Some of these Big Techs that have been, and have had their hands in a fraudulent election – they are going to be exposed and they are going to lose their resources. But I see a bankruptcy coming to Big Pharma. The unmasking of what they have done – where it was more about the money that they would make in secret rather than the betterment of the people.

It's going to be harshly dealt with by the hand of God, and it will make way – it will make way for a healing wave that will hit this planet; that will eradicate sicknesses and diseases that have plagued people for generations.

Simple truths will be revealed that will bring simple solutions to what Big Pharma and others said were complicated issues of disease.

Prophecy by Hank Kunneman on May 23, 2021: "I'm Going to Unmask the Truth!"

"For men have thought that what is shall be the new normal, but I am here to say to you," says the Spirit of God, "that there is an unmasking that will begin to take place; and this that I speak of is...yes, the masks that they have put upon your mouths. There shall be an unmasking, a removal of the mask." God says, "There shall be a lifting all over the states of this nation.

"Why would there be an unmasking? Because I'm going to do something very significant, and I'm going to unmask the truth regarding what they have spoken of a virus. I'm going to show and unmask who has been involved and their hands and their money that they laundered. I'm going to reveal the plot and the plan that was to steal your election. I'm going to expose in a great way and unmask the plan to create a fear that would seek to destroy a nation and steal liberty from a people.

"But this is not the only unmasking that I will do," says the Lord. "With the removal of the masks in the natural, there shall be removal of a mask or things in the spirit that have been dark, that have been lies, that have been deception, and I will remove them and the truth will outweigh the lies of the day. (Photo via Pixabay)

"But here's what shall happen as the mask in the natural is removed; things will return back to the way that they were, but they will be better because celebration shall fill the air of your streets. Celebration shall be on the mouths of the unmasked as there shall be a great return that shall begin to arise."

Netanyahu and Donald Trump

God says, "I'm putting My hand, even stronger, upon two men in the earth. You will see it, and there is celebration that is happening right now in the spirit realm as this anointing is going to increase. Their voice shall become louder, their positions shall be granted and given and shall be stronger. I speak of Netanyahu and I speak of Donald Trump," says the Living God!

"The enemy thought that he could divide Israel from the United States, but I said I would rejoin their hands again," says the Living God. "I will rejoin their hands! I will rejoin the nations – Israel and United States. I am not finished. You shook hands, Netanyahu and President Trump, and there are still assignments that must happen now that both nations will have their return and their unmasking."

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Hank and Brenda Kunneman
One Voice Ministries


Hank and Brenda Kunneman pastor the Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and are the founders of One Voice Ministries. Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank has also authored several books including Prophesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Don't Leave God Alone, and Barrier Breakers. Pastor Brenda is a published author with both Destiny Image and Charisma House with her most recent books being The Daily Decree, The Daily Prophecy, Roadmap to Divine Direction, Decoding Hell's Propaganda, The Supernatural You, and When Your Life Has Been Tampered With.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Time fills up?

My dear readers,

How I have missed you!  Life has been just crazy with the guys pushing to get the Spring seeding done and I was at my daughter's farm nearly 2 weeks to help her get her organic you-pick garden all planted.  

In the middle of all that, my husband came down with a bad cough.  No it's not COVID but he's been coughing almost a month.  I've done LOTS of BodyTalk on him and my practitioner did FOUR SESSIONS for him in this past week and he's still not well.

In fact, we had to take him to the emergency room on Sunday.  Robert's symptoms matched my son's who had a ruptured appendix in February.  It turns out that is NOT what Robert is dealing with but rather a kidney stone stuck in the ureter.  WE ARE TALKING MAJOR PAIN!!

After another sleepless night, Robert agreed to have a BodyTalk session with the founder of BT--Dr. John Veltheim.  It's tomorrow at 8:00 on Zoom.  I really need your prayer support for that session to have no technical difficulties as we need some answers to this terrible cough and frequent fevers.

In the meantime, Father took me to this video!  WOW!  Was I ever encouraged.  The anointing of God is HERE!!!  Further I learned that, when a time fills up, it is ENDED!!

Hugs and prayers for all of you around the world who worship the risen Savior!!  He is making an invasion of the Earth and miracles and signs and wonders are coming with Him.  Let's open our minds to receive all of the good that Father has for us each day!


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...