Wednesday, June 23, 2021

It's ALL About the Children!

 I'm sorry I have so little time to write today but my garden is calling me to come out and sort out the good from the worthless plants.  That's what God is doing now in the Earth.  Anyone who would harm a child, the Lord Jesus said, it would be better that a millstone be tied around their neck and thrown into the ocean.  It's time that happens.  The children of the Earth are dying and they're the future.

Please pray for rain for North Dakota and Minnesota.  The drought is spreading.

Please pray for human trafficking and abortion to END ON THE EARTH!!!  Children deserve a childhood.  I never had one and neither did my husband.  That's why we fought so hard for our children to be children as long as possible.  May the Lord Jesus heal every child so harmed as He has healed me!


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