Sunday, September 5, 2021

What is God saying in our dreams?

 God speaks to people all the time.  Are we listening?  This message is very important as Kim shares below.  God told her to say that He is especially speaking to us through dreams right now.

  Much prayer needs to be made for God's people around the world who are being massacred.  On one hand, it seems so unfair that He allows this to happen.  On the other hand, His ways are not our ways.  His purposes are so much higher that we can't even imagine all of the things that He might be accomplishing in any given event.

  Let's listen even more intently for the still, small voice of God.  He may have certain things that need to be done RIGHT NOW!!  God loves us soooo much and His word says that He leads His sheep beside the still waters.  

  Lead us, dear Jesus, through all of the turmoil we may find ourselves in!  Prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies.  Anoint our heads with oil and fill our cups with your joy to be alive during this amazing time in history.  

  It's not long now!


  PS  I hope you like the song about dreams I share below.  

When God Says, 'Pay Attention!'"

Kim Potter, Dayton, TN

On Monday night I had a restless night's sleep, with a jumble of dreams. Dreams are not uncommon for me. I often dream, some God dreams and some not; yet I have always been able to distinguish when a dream was from God. At least I thought I had.

The Freezers Are Off!

Tuesday morning came and I went about my day, completing my work and not really thinking about the dreams I had the night before. That would soon change.

In the afternoon, my daughter stopped by to pick something up from the office. As she was leaving, she turned around and asked, "Mom, is something wrong with your garage door? It wouldn't open when I pushed the button."

In an instant, I thought of the dream I had the night before. I knew immediately it was a warning dream from God, one I had not heeded.

I quickly jumped up and exclaimed, "If something is wrong in the garage, my freezers are off!"

Following Bre to the garage, I knew exactly what was wrong – I had dreamed it, even though I didn't realize it. Thankfully everything was still frozen, however, if she hadn't stopped by it wouldn't have been for long.

I felt convicted and somber. I knew God had warned me in the dream, but I didn't pay attention. You see, the night before, in my jumble of dreams, I kept dreaming something was wrong in the garage and the freezers were off and everything was thawed out. Because I had just put meat in the freezer along with corn, berries, and peppers for winter, I assumed I had the dream because these things were on my mind. I was wrong. Thank God for His mercy. (Photo via Max Pixel)

Pay Attention to Your Dreams

After Breanne left, I repented. As soon as I repented, God spoke to me and said, "Pay attention to your dreams; I am going to be speaking in your dreams." He went on to say, "Tell the people to pay attention to their dreams; I will be speaking through them."

In that moment I knew God would be giving wisdom, as well as insight and instruction in dreams in the days to come.

This is nothing new to God. He has often given wisdom and direction in dreams. Remember Pharaoh in the book of Genesis? Not only did God show Pharaoh what was to come, but He showed him how to prepare for it and prosper through it. He is the same God today – He can do the same thing for us in this season.

Job 33:14-16 says, "For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction."

There is a great deal more I can share on dreams, however, I feel I am only to say what I was told to say and leave it at that. Therefore, God said to tell you, "Pay attention to your dreams, for He is going to be speaking through them."

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Kim Potter
A New Thing Ministries


Kim Potter is the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to over 10,000 people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and Kim's message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged and disappointed by the circumstances of life and imparts the desire and ability to stand against all odds; to stand for victory. She encourages people to press into God and discover that He is who He says He is.

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