Sunday, October 24, 2021

Feminism AN ENEMY?

 I often wondered what happened to men.  This video explains it quite well in a very sad way.  

 I am old enough to have worn dresses to school with my classmates in the early 1960s.  Girls looked like girls and boys looked like boys.  It was the way it was but I never knew what a blessing it really was.

  As time went on, I became aware that things were changing.  By my high school years in the mid 1970s, I had long since switched from wearing dresses to wearing blue jeans like all of the girls!  I didn't understand how much I had lost.

  Fast forward to the late 1990s, when I woke up one morning with God whispering in my ear.  My daughter was about 10 years old and wearing blue jeans like Mama.  You must imagine my surprise when I heard God say audibly to me, "I want you to wear dresses."  


  "I want you to wear dresses!"

  Then began the long "Discussion" that I had no money for a new wardrobe; that I would look weird; that "Nobody does it," and so forth.  I was sure that I had talked my maker out of that one.

  "I want you to wear dresses and I will provide them for you."

  Later that week, my sister-in-law called and asked if we wanted some free clothing.  She was the Secretary in a large church and they had just held a clothing drive. "We have way too many to send overseas," she explained.  "Why don't you come and get what's left?"  Why indeed.

  So we went to the church and BOY were there clothes.  We covered our living room floor with black garbage bags full of cloths.  EVERYONE in the family got a new wardrobe--not just my daughter and I. We had never had so many clothes and it amazed us all!!  Isn't THAT like God to bless us more than we can imagine.

  So we switched to wearing dresses and skirts overnight.  Once we made up our minds, it was easy and our closets were full of new-to-us clothing.  What a blessing!!  My daughter and I put every last pair of pants and shorts we owned back in those bags and we donated them to a thrift store in the city.

  With the change to my wardrobe came the change to my heart.  My husband was the man I had chosen to spend my life with.  He had made countless sacrifices for our family to be well cared for.  HE DESERVED MY RESPECT!!

  If this seems to simple, it really wasn't.  My dressing like a lady made it easy for me to honor my husband.  I am so blessed to have him for my husband!  We just celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary and we are so happy together.  I am happy to honor him and he honors me as a virtuous woman.  One time he told our children, "Your mother is faithful!"  Nothing has made me happier.

  Here's to the men of God who quietly keep their families going.  You're doing a great job!  Thank you Brannon for this very fine presentation.


Friday, October 15, 2021

Have you Heard about Revival Breaking Out?


When did the church begin to die?  When they removed the prophets from the church.

  It baffles me that I can discus almost anything with my close friends but, when I mention the word "Prophet," they go silent.  They get nervous.  They're concerned for my soul to listen to someone who "Hears from God!"

  Can you imagine a parent that never talks to their child?  Can you imagine God, the creator of parents, not wanting to talk to His children?  

  The man in the video above is a prophet!  Timothy Dixon hears from God and then he shares what God says with the people.  Listening to this prophet and others are how I have stayed sane this year!!!!!  

  I beg of you, if you are in a church where the word "Prophet" is a reason to kick people out then GET OUT!!!  

  God is raising up MANY prophets to help usher in the "Third Great Awakening." 

 Robin D. Bulluck, who is my favorite prophet, has encouraged me the most through all of this mask and vax madness.   Robin said that God told him to share with others that He is raising up MANY prophets to bring people back to Him--some of them even children.  I believe that my grandson is a prophet.  I have heard him speak prophetic words when he was only 3 years old.  

  Today I am sharing this video of prophet Timothy Dixon because he explains the reason for God's delaying the judgement on the deep state.  I am sooo very grateful for this word.  It helped me understand why it's taken so long for President Trump to come back to us.  God is waiting for ALL of the deep state members to have a chance to repent!  God wants everyone saved!

  HOWEVER, even as the Red Sea closed on the Egyptians who were trying to harm God's people, even so the day of repentance for these pedophiles has run out.  Now is the judgement.  Out with the power of the evil one over the Earth and in with the power of God to heal and fill us with JOY!

  I heard a report yesterday by Mario Murillo that revival broke out in his tent meeting in New York on October 4th!!  Many were healed and countless souls came to know their Savior--the Lord Jesus Christ!!  You can read about that here:

  Let us ALL pray for revival to spread throughout the world!!!  PEOPLE NEED GOD.

  Lots of love,


  PS  I hope that you like this song as much as I do.  We need to remember that the only way people are ever happy is when the Lord is in charge of our lives.  God can take anyone, and make them effective in His Kingdom, IF we let Him!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Will you Work with your Neighbor?

 I've been listening to the enemy.  I've been thinking things like this.  "With all that's going on in the world, I'm sure that people couldn't care less what I think about things."  Have you had similar thoughts, too, here lately?

  The Lord just shook me out of this melancholy with this article today.  True, I have fought the good fight for 52 years as I've served the Lord since the age of 11.  True, the battle is almost over as the deep state players are starting to "Resign" left and right.  False, I'm too tired to keep fighting and besides, the battle is won already!

  I've been knee-deep in giving BodyTalk sessions to those with COVID; those who have allowed themselves  to be poisoned with a needle; and those unfortunate enough to be around them.  Last week I did more sessions than I ever have in a week during my 14 years of serving others.  I covet your prayers as it won't be letting up any time soon.  My brain can only do so much work and then it exhausts itself.  

  I hope you are blessed with this article but, more than anything, I pray that you are inspired!  NOW is the time to speak up against evil.  Now is the time to say NO to needles and masks and restrictions of all kinds!  Now is the time to unite with your neighbor and fight against tyranny who's goal is to divide us!!


  Prayers please,


  PS.  I hope you like the song that Father chose for you today.  I shared it below Nathan French's word from the Lord.  We all need encouragement.  Today, I urge you to share with a hurting one nearby just what God has done to help you.  I'VE GOT TO STAND AND TESTIFY!!!

   "If We Stand Together, We Will Win!"

Nathan French, Gig Harbor, WA

Word of the Lord given on September 30, 2021:

On the morning of Sept. 30, 2021, the Lord showed me a vision concerning people illegally entering the country because the U.S. was allowing it. I saw the letters "U" and "S" become the word "U.S." (representing the United States). The counterfeit leaders who have entered our seat of government "illegally" have become disqualified.

Then I saw people's bodies...the Lord was showing me this to warn people not to give room for the enemy to enter our land or our bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit. Just as we are to protect our land from illegal intruders, people need to place restrictions on themselves, not letting sin enter their temples (their bodies). I saw many who had no defenses; they were allowing sin into their bodies instead of resisting evil.

Revealing the Enemy's Strategy

The Lord then showed me the enemy's strategy: his plan is to destroy US (you and I) and the U.S., from the inside out. Those in leadership (in the spirit and in the physical government) are called to defend our country from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

I saw many imposters in leadership positions who were being led by the love of money. I saw masks made of money. People were hiding behind their money. I saw leaders putting on greed like chains, chaining themselves to solid gold cinder blocks. Evil people, not wanting to lose their capital, were causing us to lose our capitals of states. Willingness to compromise their convictions because of the love of money was causing our infrastructure to become weak. (Photo via Pxfuel)

We all know money is not bad; it's just a neutral tool. The love of money, however, is the root of all kinds of evil.

What's the Good News and How Should We Respond?

What's the good news? The Lord says, "I will bring justice, as I am going after every root. I will dig up the plants that have been illegally planted in the ground. I will expose the corruption and shine forth My light through those who hear My voice and are brave enough to speak out.

"This is not the time to be passive or silent," says the Lord. "Engage in spiritual warfare and take back what has been lost. Resist the evil and the evil will flee. Learn ways to get involved in bringing solutions. It's one thing to face the giants; it's another to fight the good fight of faith. The victory will come, if you humble yourselves and pray. Work together to take action. Faith is only faith when it is proven by action! No action, no faith; no faith, no reward."

Have faith in GOD. Have faith in Jesus, and in the power of His name! The Holy Spirit (Christ in us) causes nothing to be impossible. Fight from victory, not for it.

Be tough on sin by pressing in. If we stand together, we WILL win!

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Nathan French
Nathan French Ministries


Nathan French and his wife, Danielle, are the founding leaders of The Rock Revival Center, located in North end Tacoma, WA. Nathan has a heart for evangelism, discipleship and healing that is nurtured through a powerful, prophetic gifting. He is an international revivalist with a heart and a passion to bring the movement of the Holy Spirit wherever he goes. Nathan has also served as a business consultant "under the radar." He has a passion for bringing the "success" principles of the Kingdom into action at the companies he has been privileged to serve. Nathan has authored two books: It's NOT Meant to be a Secret: God Wants to Speak to You, and Rushing the Flood Gates of Heaven. Nathan has been featured in several television and radio broadcasts such as TBN, God-TV and Spirit 105.3FM.

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Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...