Friday, October 15, 2021

Have you Heard about Revival Breaking Out?


When did the church begin to die?  When they removed the prophets from the church.

  It baffles me that I can discus almost anything with my close friends but, when I mention the word "Prophet," they go silent.  They get nervous.  They're concerned for my soul to listen to someone who "Hears from God!"

  Can you imagine a parent that never talks to their child?  Can you imagine God, the creator of parents, not wanting to talk to His children?  

  The man in the video above is a prophet!  Timothy Dixon hears from God and then he shares what God says with the people.  Listening to this prophet and others are how I have stayed sane this year!!!!!  

  I beg of you, if you are in a church where the word "Prophet" is a reason to kick people out then GET OUT!!!  

  God is raising up MANY prophets to help usher in the "Third Great Awakening." 

 Robin D. Bulluck, who is my favorite prophet, has encouraged me the most through all of this mask and vax madness.   Robin said that God told him to share with others that He is raising up MANY prophets to bring people back to Him--some of them even children.  I believe that my grandson is a prophet.  I have heard him speak prophetic words when he was only 3 years old.  

  Today I am sharing this video of prophet Timothy Dixon because he explains the reason for God's delaying the judgement on the deep state.  I am sooo very grateful for this word.  It helped me understand why it's taken so long for President Trump to come back to us.  God is waiting for ALL of the deep state members to have a chance to repent!  God wants everyone saved!

  HOWEVER, even as the Red Sea closed on the Egyptians who were trying to harm God's people, even so the day of repentance for these pedophiles has run out.  Now is the judgement.  Out with the power of the evil one over the Earth and in with the power of God to heal and fill us with JOY!

  I heard a report yesterday by Mario Murillo that revival broke out in his tent meeting in New York on October 4th!!  Many were healed and countless souls came to know their Savior--the Lord Jesus Christ!!  You can read about that here:

  Let us ALL pray for revival to spread throughout the world!!!  PEOPLE NEED GOD.

  Lots of love,


  PS  I hope that you like this song as much as I do.  We need to remember that the only way people are ever happy is when the Lord is in charge of our lives.  God can take anyone, and make them effective in His Kingdom, IF we let Him!

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