Monday, April 18, 2022

Get Ready for VICTORY!!

Hi everyone,

Happy Spring,  The looooong Winter is over!!  I rejoice to be alive to see Spring once again!

It's a bit of a joke around here that it's Spring as we've had 4 days of blizzards recently with another 2 coming yet this week.  As farmers, we are very grateful for the moisture but it will also push seeding back.  Please pray for warmer weather so this all melts and things dry off.  

I've been under severe attacks from our enemy the devil and his fellow creeps.  I started working with a young boy who appears to be fascinated with their power to harm others.  I've seen him physically wrestle with his mother very aggressively.  Then he yanked out a handful of his sister's hair.  Please pray for me to be protected as I work with him.  I need more prayer support in order to help this young boy not end up in prison and then hell.

Other than that, I think I've told you all that Robert and I now have 6 grandchildren.  The last 2 were born in December and February and both are doing well now. My daughter now has 2 daughters and a son and my son has 3 sons.  THEY ARE SOOOO BLESSED!!

These 2 littlest cousins, Caleb and David, were actually due only 5 days apart but Caleb came 2 months early and spent 23 days in the NICU.  Please pray for his healing to be complete as Caleb suffered from a navel hernia recently. Between the hernia belt they used on him; a homeopathic for baby hernias; plus Luci and my sessions on him the hernia is nearly healed completely.  PRAISE THE LORD!!

Robert, Andrew, and I attended the North Dakota Republican State Convention a few weeks ago.  There were 2,300 people present and ready to vote for a Patriot for US Senate.  He came close to beating one of the most popular politicians from ND ever.  

We are GAINING momentum and WILL take over our state for God in the next couple of years.  Although we freedom lovers were disappointed, I agree completely with the one who said "Next time we bring back more people."  Our state's hero lost by only 187 votes out of those 2,300.  

As far as national politics goes, I have not changed my thoughts one bit.  Based on the words of the prophets (The Elijah List) plus the real news sources I follow I remain steadfast.   If you need confirmation about what is going on behind the scenes in the world, I believe Yes, President Trump is returning soon.  Yes, he has been draining the swamp since first coming into office in 2016.  Yes he won the election on November 3rd, 2020.  Yes these traitors who tried to tell folks that anyone else won are being dealt with severely

Well, duty calls but I want to share this word from the Lord I found just now.  We are ALL needed to bring in the harvest of souls of the Third Great Awakening which lies right around the corner.  We all need to share the love of God with all of those He puts in our lives.  Some of you may not be free to speak the name of Jesus but we can ALL love others quietly.  We can all live peaceful lives of service to our families.  We can all SMILE and the world is desperate to see a smile, aren't they?  

May God bless your new week.  May this word from a faithful prophet encourage you to seek direction from the Lord.  Now is not the time of the "Sunshine Patriot!"  Now is the time to pull down strongholds and stomp on demons and SHOUT FOR JOY!!!!  The victory is so very close!!! 


"I Heard: We Are in a Joseph Moment!"

Recently, these words dropped heavily into my spirit: "We are in a Joseph moment!"

What is a Joseph moment? A Joseph moment is one of great insight, revelation, preparation, and turning the enemy's plans back on him.

After such a long season of feeling inactive, misunderstood, cast off, rejected, and forgotten by God, Joseph was summoned by Pharaoh to interpret a dream no one else could. Essentially, Joseph was called to the palace to fix a problem that the wisest human minds couldn't – only God could.

Who Will Speak Forth My Solutions?

We are in a time where the earth is facing a myriad of problems, and the wisest cannot fix or solve them. But God has been asking the Church in this hour, "Who will not just read the newsreel but speak forth My answers, strategies, and solutions into the earth?"

The signs of the times are obvious. The enemy wants to destroy the nations, cause wars, tear down godly values, and allow wickedness to run rampant. From that place, so many have been prophesying warnings without giving any practical strategy or redemption. What can be averted or counteracted? What can prayer shift? What are the skinny cows of the hour? What can we do to be prepared? We keep either prophesying doom and gloom that feels final, or we bury our heads in the sand pretending the problems don't exist...but the Josephs know this is their moment.

We Are in a Window of Time

I believe we are in a window of time to hear the wisdom and insight of Heaven in order to avert some disasters, and prepare ourselves so that we aren't caught out as the enemy attempts to strike. It's a time for God's mouthpieces to be bold and speak what they see instead of being fearful of sounding like conspiracy theorists or fearmongers. We can deliver insight in complete peace and, in doing so, stir up the Church to be one step ahead of the enemy instead of always five steps behind. We have to put our ears to the ground right now; this is our role as those that hear the mysteries and secrets of the Lord's heart. (Photo via Unsplash)

God is raising up a Joseph generation to be the deliverers of practical blueprints in the days to come, so that we can continue to shine brighter when it seems the world is going through more and more birth pangs.

The Kim Clements of the earth need to come out of hiding. We need to stop being consumed by the propaganda of Jezebel's prophets that silences us from sharing what God is giving us – that which DISARMS demonic plans and agendas, EXPOSES plots and future agendas, and REVEALS the heart of God that brings hope and a glorious and secure future!

Six Spheres of Shaking That Are Bringing Awakening

In Joseph's hour, there were many areas being shaken, but most obviously, the food supply was the area that was affecting everyone the most, which is why Joseph's insight enabled them to plan for it. I believe, in this hour, there are many areas that the enemy is trying to shake which we have the ability to see and pray into, discern, avert, counteract, or prepare for.

Here are six areas (I know there are many more) of our day that we need to have conversations around and hear the instruction and word of the Lord to know how to navigate:

• Consumer shaking: food, water, fuel, and supply of other goods.

• Financial shaking: electronic currency, money laws, and global monitoring.

• Cyber shaking: social media, privacy, surveillance, and tracking.

• Church shaking: trying to keep the Church powerless and ineffective/bought by culture.

• Family values shaking: abortion, gender confusion, and the redefining of godly values.

• Governmental shaking: the handshakes of the elite, hidden plots and plans, and the repercussions; global compliance, and control.

With that in mind, what is God showing you? Remember this one big tip: God's warnings don't come with fear or panic.

I need to make this abundantly clear. We don't need to fear any of these things. These are deliberate, demonic, militant moves of the enemy to establish his crumbling and 'victory-less' kingdom. It's his recipe for a new world order where he is king, orchestrated by his puppets. (Photo via Flickr)

His tactics in all of this are intimidation and fear, hoping they make the Body of Christ feel powerless and unable to change the storyline. This is where we have been for a long time now – a Church that is in prison just like Joseph, feeling misunderstood, ineffective, and unable to do anything about it...but we couldn't be further from the truth of the hour.

Josephs, Arise! It's Time for the New Kingdom Order

What we see can be thwarted as we rise up, pray, act, and move into position. The good part that's taking place in all of these shakings is that the enemy ends up revealing his hand, and this leads to awakening. The ones who have been blindly led by the enemy – especially in the last few years – caught up in the virtue signaling of demonic values and sentimentalities, are beginning to see it. Eyes are opening. Hearts are raw. People are longing for truth. People are craving the Spirit of God and letting go of the systems of the world. Old wineskin structures and empires are being sifted so that we can SHIFT.

I believe that we are entering a time where things will continue to be contested, but we aren't to lose our peace, because God has issued a divine reversal card and is now playing His secret "remnant" card to counteract these demonic plans. This is where He calls forth His Josephs from obscurity into places of influence to change the destiny of situations and nations around the earth. You won't always hear about this on the news because they will only broadcast the devourer's activity, but rest assured, God is not silent, and we have never been more engaged, becoming more and more so, to usher in the new Kingdom order of Jesus into the earth.

What Was Meant to Harm Us, God Will Use to Increase Us

Lastly, Joseph's name means "to increase," and I truly feel that God is going to use what the enemy has waged against the Church and against humanity in this time to increase us and bring us into the fullness of this great awakening and harvest. Let's go!

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." (Genesis 50:20)

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Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists

Nate Johnston is a prophetic voice and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry school "Everyday Revivalists," he leads people from the basics of the Gospel through to being sent and released into their mission field, as well as championing and raising up emerging prophetic voices around the world. His burning cry and desire is to see the Body of Christ become a beacon for the lost by raising up a generation that walks in the love and power of God, representing Him well. Nate and his wife Christy have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie, and Ava and live in Redding California.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

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