So many of us are sitting around waiting for one thing or another. Each one of you reading this is waiting for something. Here in North Dakota, where I live, we're all waiting for SPRING to truly get here. If you can believe this, a friend in church yesterday said that there is still another Winter storm approaching our state. UGGGGGGGGGG
Many of us in the Q movement are awaiting the return of our real President to the limelight. I do understand how much more he can get accomplished if he isn't constantly scrutinized from morning to night. Nevertheless, we're waiting for our President Donald John Trump to receive the credit that he deserves for saving the world from every "ISM" there is!!!!!!
Those two things are probably the biggest things that I am waiting for. Yes, I do want to get digging in the dirt, but I am sooo tired of not being able to share what I know for the risk of being mocked and ridiculed. Sometimes I think that they would lock me in the nuthouse if I were to share what is really going on behind the scenes.
I digress. As an alternative health care practitioner, I have waited 16 years for people's minds to open up as to how much BodyTalk can do. It saved my life!!! One would think that watching that happen would make everybody want some. lol
So I sit in the corner and do what I'm told. I work on those who come to me and let the rest go. If I were to get upset at every single snub that I receive, for doing what God has called me to do, I'd surely die of a heart attack.
My heart is a fragile thing and I know it. So I keep my mind focused on the healing center that Father has told me since the Fall of 2006 that He will build here on our farm AND I keep my mouth shut about it. My closest friends know of the prophecy that Father gave me as I lay dying with shingles on the brain. That is enough--for now anyway!
Now today I read this. This is making it harder for me to stay small in my thinking. Is it really time for me to be heard? So many times this "Joseph" has gotten her hopes up only to have them dash to the ground. Is it REALLY time?
Please prayerfully read these words. Ask God in what way they apply to you. My prayer is that all of the groundwork Father has been doing around the world, will come together to give Him the praise that He deserves. May revival fires spread throughout this entire planet!!!
Let's be ready to move whenever He says it's time!
"Josephs Stay Ready! Josephs Arise!"
Caleb Wampler, Orlando, FL

In the Shadows of Destiny
In a recent prayer time, I was taken into a vision of Joseph sitting in a prison cell. He was patiently waiting. He was realizing that he had not committed wrong for the things he was accused of, but that he certainly had done wrong in other seasons. He was reflecting on his life, realizing that each and every step had led him to right where he was.
He thought of how his father had given him the coat of many colors; he was quite proud of it. He knew he had favor in his father's eyes, but it sure put a target on his back for those that resented him. And while his dreams were prophetic in nature and he was sure He had heard from God, he probably could have been a bit more humble in his approach in sharing it. After all, what older brother wanted to hear that they'd be bowing to their little brother?
You may find yourself in the shadows of the destiny written over your life. You may find yourself in proximity to the palace but in the dungeon of its residency. You may find yourself in a position of favor but resented by everyone else in the room. You may find yourself with the promise of calling yet being thrown away by all those who are over you. You may have spoken too soon with the pearls God gave you, and instead threw them before swine. Your promise may have prematurely advanced you into positions that your immaturity didn't allow you to stay in.
You may find yourself in a season of reflection, wondering what could have been. You may be dealing with the consequences for a good reason, or through accusations that have left you in a prison of your thoughts and the shame of their endless reminders. You may have been betrayed by those whom you thought had your back but who secretly stabbed you with the daggers of jealousy. (Photo via Pexels)
A Rising Company of Josephs
The Lord is raising up a company of Josephs right now. These Josephs have been written off, abandoned, betrayed, and messed up by their own admission. They've been handed over to shame, disgrace and loss, demoted and forgotten. They will rise from the ashes of obscurity and be ready in season and out of season. They will be raised up to command resources, influence, respect, wealth, leadership, businesses and offices, and be leaned upon by decision makers. They will have known pain and will be full of wisdom. They will have known failure and will walk victoriously. They will save lives and impact eternity. They are anointed by God and won't be defeated, even when it looks like they are.
The Josephs of this season will rise to prominence. They may have had the promise of success at a previous time, but weren't ready for their promotion. They didn't stay down in defeat. They learned, they grew and they were pruned, and now they are springing forth with fruit. Others may have written them off, but I hear the Lord saying that they are springing forth even now! They will come forth as surprises from the ashes. They will be sensitive to His voice, tried and true. They won't lean on outward voices, but they will have the heartbeat of Heaven.
Your name is about to be mentioned before those with authority and power. As you find yourself brought into situations that you thought you had no business being in, wisdom will come from your lips, and you will save the lives of many. Prophetic revelations will come forth from your secret place and put Heaven's plans into motion.
God knows where you are right now. Even in the darkness of your situation, light shines with you there. Others may have forgotten about you, but God has not.
Josephs stay ready. Josephs arise!
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Caleb Wampler
Kingdom Encounters International
Evangelist Caleb Wampler is the founder and CEO of Kingdom Encounters International (KEI). While traveling to more than 30+ nations, he has seen over 817,450 people come to Jesus through Gospel outreaches in countries that are hostile to the Gospel, witnessed incredible healings and miracles, and regularly experiences God's wonder. Caleb married his wife Harmonee in 2011, and they have four children. Caleb has authored three books: Hunger, Weighty Words, and Audience of One. Caleb is also the host of the Awaken the Wonder podcast, which has produced over 550 episodes. For more information on Evangelist Caleb Wampler, check out his ministry website at Stay connected to "Evangelist Caleb Wampler" on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
Caleb Wampler's Itinerary:
(Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.)
May 2, 2023 at 8:00 - 9:00 PM
The Fruits of the Spirit - Kindness
Free Webinar
Hosted by Evangelist Caleb Wampler
May 18 - 21, 2023
Evangelist Caleb Wampler will be ministering in Brazil
June 21 - 24, 2023
Evangelist Caleb Wampler will be ministering in The Netherlands
(For more itinerary information click here)
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