Sunday, April 23, 2023

Are you Ready for SUCCESS?

  So many of us are sitting around waiting for one thing or another.  Each one of you reading this is waiting for something.  Here in North Dakota, where I live, we're all waiting for SPRING to truly get here.  If you can believe this, a friend in church yesterday said that there is still another Winter storm approaching our state.  UGGGGGGGGGG

  Many of us in the Q movement are awaiting the return of our real President to the limelight.  I do understand how much more he can get accomplished if he isn't constantly scrutinized from morning to night.  Nevertheless, we're waiting for our President Donald John Trump to receive the credit that he deserves for saving the world from every "ISM" there is!!!!!!

  Those two things are probably the biggest things that I am waiting for.  Yes, I do want to get digging in the dirt, but I am sooo tired of not being able to share what I know for the risk of being mocked and ridiculed.  Sometimes I think that they would lock me in the nuthouse if I were to share what is really going on behind the scenes.

  I digress.  As an alternative health care practitioner, I have waited 16 years for people's minds to open up as to how much BodyTalk can do.  It saved my life!!!  One would think that watching that happen would make everybody want some.  lol

  So I sit in the corner and do what I'm told.  I work on those who come to me and let the rest go.  If I were to get upset at every single snub that I receive, for doing what God has called me to do, I'd surely die of a heart attack.  

  My heart is a fragile thing and I know it.  So I keep my mind focused on the healing center that Father has told me since the Fall of 2006 that He will build here on our farm AND I keep my mouth shut about it.  My closest friends know of the prophecy that Father gave me as I lay dying with shingles on the brain.  That is enough--for now anyway!

  Now today I read this.  This is making it harder for me to stay small in my thinking.  Is it really time for me to be heard?  So many times this "Joseph" has gotten her hopes up only to have them dash to the ground.  Is it REALLY time?

  Please prayerfully read these words.  Ask God in what way they apply to you.  My prayer is that all of the groundwork Father has been doing around the world, will come together to give Him the praise that He deserves.  May revival fires spread throughout this entire planet!!!

  Let's be ready to move whenever He says it's time!


"Josephs Stay Ready! Josephs Arise!"

Caleb Wampler, Orlando, FL

In the Shadows of Destiny

In a recent prayer time, I was taken into a vision of Joseph sitting in a prison cell. He was patiently waiting. He was realizing that he had not committed wrong for the things he was accused of, but that he certainly had done wrong in other seasons. He was reflecting on his life, realizing that each and every step had led him to right where he was.

He thought of how his father had given him the coat of many colors; he was quite proud of it. He knew he had favor in his father's eyes, but it sure put a target on his back for those that resented him. And while his dreams were prophetic in nature and he was sure He had heard from God, he probably could have been a bit more humble in his approach in sharing it. After all, what older brother wanted to hear that they'd be bowing to their little brother?

You may find yourself in the shadows of the destiny written over your life. You may find yourself in proximity to the palace but in the dungeon of its residency. You may find yourself in a position of favor but resented by everyone else in the room. You may find yourself with the promise of calling yet being thrown away by all those who are over you. You may have spoken too soon with the pearls God gave you, and instead threw them before swine. Your promise may have prematurely advanced you into positions that your immaturity didn't allow you to stay in.

You may find yourself in a season of reflection, wondering what could have been. You may be dealing with the consequences for a good reason, or through accusations that have left you in a prison of your thoughts and the shame of their endless reminders. You may have been betrayed by those whom you thought had your back but who secretly stabbed you with the daggers of jealousy. (Photo via Pexels)

A Rising Company of Josephs

The Lord is raising up a company of Josephs right now. These Josephs have been written off, abandoned, betrayed, and messed up by their own admission. They've been handed over to shame, disgrace and loss, demoted and forgotten. They will rise from the ashes of obscurity and be ready in season and out of season. They will be raised up to command resources, influence, respect, wealth, leadership, businesses and offices, and be leaned upon by decision makers. They will have known pain and will be full of wisdom. They will have known failure and will walk victoriously. They will save lives and impact eternity. They are anointed by God and won't be defeated, even when it looks like they are.

The Josephs of this season will rise to prominence. They may have had the promise of success at a previous time, but weren't ready for their promotion. They didn't stay down in defeat. They learned, they grew and they were pruned, and now they are springing forth with fruit. Others may have written them off, but I hear the Lord saying that they are springing forth even now! They will come forth as surprises from the ashes. They will be sensitive to His voice, tried and true. They won't lean on outward voices, but they will have the heartbeat of Heaven.

Your name is about to be mentioned before those with authority and power. As you find yourself brought into situations that you thought you had no business being in, wisdom will come from your lips, and you will save the lives of many. Prophetic revelations will come forth from your secret place and put Heaven's plans into motion.

God knows where you are right now. Even in the darkness of your situation, light shines with you there. Others may have forgotten about you, but God has not.

Josephs stay ready. Josephs arise!

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Caleb Wampler
Kingdom Encounters International


Evangelist Caleb Wampler is the founder and CEO of Kingdom Encounters International (KEI). While traveling to more than 30+ nations, he has seen over 817,450 people come to Jesus through Gospel outreaches in countries that are hostile to the Gospel, witnessed incredible healings and miracles, and regularly experiences God's wonder. Caleb married his wife Harmonee in 2011, and they have four children. Caleb has authored three books: Hunger, Weighty Words, and Audience of One. Caleb is also the host of the Awaken the Wonder podcast, which has produced over 550 episodes. For more information on Evangelist Caleb Wampler, check out his ministry website at Stay connected to "Evangelist Caleb Wampler" on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Caleb Wampler's Itinerary:

(Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.) 

May 2, 2023 at 8:00 - 9:00 PM
The Fruits of the Spirit - Kindness
Free Webinar
Hosted by Evangelist Caleb Wampler

May 18 - 21, 2023
Evangelist Caleb Wampler will be ministering in Brazil

June 21 - 24, 2023
Evangelist Caleb Wampler will be ministering in The Netherlands
(For more itinerary information click here)

Find us on:
 * Facebook click here
 * XAPiT click here

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Pretty sad today


  I'm very sad right now.  This Sabbath our youngest grandchild, David Jeremiah, is being dedicated to the Lord in church.  His Mama told me last night that they have scheduled this special event FIVE times.  Between one blizzard or another, or someone being sick, it was postponed four times.  They WILL hold it this week no matter who can get here.

  You see, that's the problem.  Cora and her family have been planning to come for 2 months.  How do I know that?  Because it was going to be held the 4th Sabbath in February and they were coming.  Then someone in Andrew's family was sick so it was postponed.

  Now Cora and family were going to be coming tomorrow and attending the service on Sabbath with us all.  I was planning a big family meal Friday night for all of us to be together for the first time since last 4th of July!

  You wouldn't think it that hard to get such a small family together but, being Cora's family owns a dairy, it's a problem.  Our guys also have a building project across the road which takes up every spare moment.  It's attached to the shop and we've been building on it every day when it wasn't absolutely impossibly cold and blizzarding.   We were all so eager to show it to Cora and her family this weekend.  

  When Cora wrote this morning that they're not coming, my heart sank.  I guess little Christina's tummy was feeling funny this morning AND they're expecting 3 inches of snow TODAY!!!  Will this Winter never end????????????????????????

  So I'm writing to ask for prayers for my family.  Did I mention that I'm fighting a UTI?  Please pray for us.  

  Once I got done crying, I went into my laundry room.  I decided that it would be best for me to do something while I have the energy.  It's strange how a jingle will jump into my head at times.  I guess I was thinking about what a blessing work has been to me at times like this.  Then I thought about how much work helps to ease the saddened soul.  Then I thought this.

Food on the table.

Clean clothes in the drawer.

Sex once in awhile

And not much more.

Then I thought this.

Everything's useless

if not done for Him!

Only serving God

Brings a true grin.

It's true.  I am sad.  My girl's not coming this weekend.  We haven't been together in almost 4 months and now I don't know when I'll even have hope of it happening.  

So I have a choice to make.  I can keep crying in this chair OR I can go and do what God wants me to do today which is cooking, cleaning, and doing sessions.  After all, there are sick people to help.  My friend, Anna, had surgery yesterday and she needs another session for sure.  Little Christina could probably use a boost.............

I choose to be useful for the Kingdom of God for yet another day.  Please cover me in your prayers as I serve God by serving others.


PS.  Part of my "Work" today was writing this post.  Father knows how much it blesses me to write.  Hopefully it blesses someone in the world to read these thoughts.

PPS.  No, that is not a picture of me.  I wouldn't want anyone to see me now.

Friday, April 14, 2023


 Hi everyone,

  Robert got up early to go get more lumber for our building project across the road.  I thought about going with him out into the darkness of the early morning.  Doesn't that sound romantic?  I thought so but he--not so much.  lol

  So I'm up early and Father just had me read these prophetic words.  OH WOW!!!!!

  Those of us who have been studying about this know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our rightful President is laying low and working behind the scenes.  He won on November 3rd, 2020 by a LANDSLIDE!!  Evil people apparently stole the election, but it was a trap, and they jumped right into it.  

  I'm writing to bring encouragement that God IS in charge of this world.  HE is the one who picks rulers and He is the one who puts down rulers.  Very soon we will see more of these evil ones washed away like a flood!  Then the Earth will sing again and children will be safe!!!

  I loved what Father said through this servant of His.  These dreams are AMAZING.  Be sure to check the dates of each one.  May God open the minds of His frightened people.  There is NOTHING to fear for those who love freedom and everything to fear for those who have tried to steal ours.  This is my favorite verse that has helped clarify this for me for decades.  2 Timothy 1:7  

For God has NOT given me the spirit of fear: but of power; and of love; and of a SOUND MIND!!!!!

  Let's all keep praying for the warriors of freedom to be safe.  This is a war and we need to protect ourselves and those around us!  We also need to pray for the safety of those facing the enemy on all fronts and in all countries.   "We the People" have the power.  Let's remember that!!!

  Have a blessed Sabbath rest tomorrow.


PS.  My mother used to sing a song to me when I was feeling low.  I'll see if I can find it.   YES, I did.  Gather your little people and watch it together.  It's below Andrew Whalen's  post. 

[Editor's note: Below are a series of dreams that Andrew Whalen shared during his Elijah Streams broadcast on April 11, 2023.]

The Time of Operation Fury

Prophetic dream received on April 6, 2021:

In my dream, I saw President Trump. He was all wrapped up in the American flag. Suddenly, I saw a red 'cloud' or mantle coming down upon him. I knew, in the dream, that this was an anointing from God that was coming upon him. It seemed like this was a present moment in time or the very near future.

Somehow, in the dream, I was able to jump into the cloud of anointing that had come upon President Trump, and immediately I was hit with the same anointing he was being given. I knew that this anointing was called "FURY."

As soon as the anointing hit me, it was so strong and powerful. The only thing I could do was roar with a supernatural roaring that would not let up. Every vein in my head was bulging, and every fiber in my being felt electrically charged with fire and power. It was impossible for any human to create this sound or be able to sustain the power of the roar, but it continued to flow through me. In that moment of the dream, I realized that what God was placing on President Trump, no man could conjure up, and I knew it was a manifestation of God's fury, justice and vengeance against evil.

As I stood under the anointing with President Trump, I began to have open visions. I saw that what the world has seen so far of President Trump was the tame version of what God was about to do through him. What we have seen is only a drop in the bucket of the anointing and power of God that is about to be released upon him to do a historical work of justice. I knew in the dream that the anointing was so powerful that its ability to produce justice would extend throughout the nations of the earth and last for multiple decades. It was an anointing that I knew evil men and Hell itself were terrified of.

While I continued to stand under this anointing and roaring, another vision came to me. I saw an eye and ear upon the American flag. I prophesied in the dream, "Everything is going according to plan. All things have happened for this purpose—that now America can heed the truth. No words spoken by President Trump will fall to the ground. He will be anointed with a spirit of prophecy and favor, in which those in whom He blesses will be blessed, and those whom he condemns will be condemned."

While I looked at the eye and the ear, I knew that multitudes would be awakened to the truth they had not been ready for until now.

Finally in the dream, I said out loud, "We have entered the time of Operation Fury." When I said this, I realized that both the military and the angels of Heaven were working in tandem to accomplish God's fury against His enemies. It was Heaven on Earth to accomplish God's will.

End of dream.

God's Wrath Upon Evil Touching His Children

Prophetic dream received on November 21, 2022:

Lying in bed, I clearly heard the Lord say, "The nations have not understood the structures of witchcraft governing from secret." After a little while of pondering what I had heard, I suddenly heard the Holy Spirit say, "I am coming to destroy the scepter of the wicked for the sake of the children." Then I fell asleep and went into a dream.

In my dream, I had covertly infiltrated a witches' coven that looked more like a fancy hotel with a conference center. None of the so-called witches looked like what I would have thought. In fact, most of them were very polished, sharp and professional.

In the dream, the main witch, who was the 'host' of the hotel, had the whole coven watch a video explaining how they intended to corrupt, defile, and then bring the younger generations of the nations under the spell of their "queen" and "king" (whom I knew to be satanic rulers in the heavens).

In the video, the main thing that was shown and taught to the witches was that the key to putting a spell of control over the young generations was to slowly scrub the internet and libraries and movie vaults of all pure, wholesome and clean entertainment, and only make accessible entertainment that showed some form of witchcraft in an acceptable light—along with subtle imagery and acceptance of sexual perversions. (Photo via Piqsels)

In the video, they showed a future where people who wanted to find wholesome and pure entertainment to watch with their children could no longer find it, and so had to compromise with subtle allowances of sexually-charged and demonic-infused entertainment.

At this point in the dream, I was very upset, as I was thinking of all the children they are seeking to defile! I walked up to the head witch, who didn't yet know I was not one of them. She looked at me, expecting my approval of all that I had just seen, but I looked back and said, "What you don't know is that I have been sent here by Jesus Christ, and now you will suffer His fury for touching His children."

End of dream.

Afterward, I woke up from several alarms on my phone which were "AMBER ALERTS" of children being kidnapped. I knew the Lord was shouting and saying, "It is time to WAKE UP on behalf of the children!"

I believe God is fed up with wickedness targeting our children and the youth. Our future generations hang in the balance! We can no longer wink at this wickedness. It's time for the righteous to be as bold as lions and wage war for the children! Our weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God to pull down every stronghold (see 2 Corinthians 10:4)!

Trump and Military Operations Restoring Government

Prophetic dream received in October 2019:

In a dream, I saw the future and the aftermath of a time when Trump and U.S. military operations were finished restoring government control back to the people. The first thing I saw was a large, blue flag or sign with white stars around the border, and in large letters it said, "Who is Dope Now?" Then I saw a second red flag/sign with white stars and large letters that again said, "Who is Dope Now?" I immediately understood that the signs meant that Trump, his team, and "we the people" had the clout, the power, and control returned to us.

In the next scene of the dream, I saw a file with a chart in it. The chart was removed from the file and shown to me. It was a list of every "hidden" military and presidential operation during Trump's time in office. I didn't see any of them by name specifically, but I did see a list of several military operations that had been used to sweep out the deep state/satanic controllers, etc. I was very excited to see that each of the operations listed had a green check mark next to them, signifying that all operations were completed and successful!

In the next part of the dream, I was walking with President Trump. I knew we were in the future and that the Clintons, Obamas and unknown deep state controllers were gone, and justice had been done. I was watching the military peacefully transfer control and power to the people.

Trump looked at me and said, "The patriots are in control now." I knew that I was walking down a hallway into the future, unafraid and saying to myself, "This changes everything for our nation and world for the rest of my life. We had no idea how much liberty and freedom we didn't have, but now do."

End of dream.

The Round Up of Evil Leaders

Prophetic dream received on June 9, 2021:

In my dream, I was walking by a tall skyscraper. I was not certain if it was Trump Tower, but I wondered if it was. However, I suddenly realized that, contrary to what everyone has assumed about Trump's loss of the election, he was justified as the winner of the election. Not only that, but I knew that the Trump allies and military patriots had rounded up all the bad actors/evil conspirators who, for decades, have worked against America.

In the dream, I looked up to the skyscraper and saw that a whole section/multiple floors of the building had been turned into an impenetrable prison, with military-grade security and reinforcement. As I looked at the prison, I saw hundreds of people jammed up against the windows—so many people crammed into one place. Looking down at me and cursing me for praying against them was Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Obamas, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the British Royal family, and thousands of others whom I knew represented state governments, Hollywood, rogue military/intel agents, and so many more.

In the dream, as I walked by the skyscraper, I saw Bill Clinton pull out a gun to shoot at me. He fired but missed every time. I wondered how on Earth he was able to find a gun, but then I said, "The Clintons have weapons everywhere." However, I knew these last few 'shots' were the death cry of the deep state; they have nothing left!

I continued to walk by the skyscraper, and I suddenly knew that what I was seeing was now becoming public knowledge. The truth was no longer being contained. Everyone was starting to understand the depths of evil and corruption in all sectors of American society and government. Suddenly, people began walking up to me in person and apologizing to me for doubting. Some sent me letters, saying, "We thought Q and the Anon movement was phony, but now we see it was real." Multiple letters showed up in my hands from people, telling me they were sorry for how they had persecuted my dreams and what they'd thought was false. (Photo via Public Domain Pictures)

End of dream.

I knew instinctively, in the dream, that this new information would bring great healing to America and the division within.

The Patriots and Trump Will Win!

Prophetic dream received on January 2022:

In my dream, I saw two teams playing football in the Super Bowl. The first team was called the Patriots, and the second team had no recognizable name.

At halftime, a huge military plane landed on the field, and President Trump came off the plane to join with the Patriots. At the beginning of the second half of the game, Trump gave the kickoff, but it was an onside kick. It looked like the opposing team was going to get the ball, but Trump actually took possession of the football and ran it into the in zone for the touchdown. I saw that this was the winning score, and the Patriots had won!

End of dream.

I believe this dream may be a picture of what stage we are in—'the onside kick.' It looks like the ball is being sent to the opposing team, but it's actually the patriots who will take possession with Trump and win.

It Looks Like We Lost, but We Didn't!

Prophetic dream received on October 28, 2020:

(As a side note, this dream came during a prayer strike I was leading with a small team of twelve people. For eight weeks prior to the election in 2020, we met daily for prayer for the elections/ America. The following dream came before the elections.)

In a dream, our prayer team in Colorado Springs was praying for the elections, and for Trump and America. The scene shifted and our prayer team was watching the Super Bowl on the TV. I knew that we were watching a team called the "Patriots" playing against an opposing, unnamed team. We were all watching and rooting for the Patriots. For the whole first half of the game, the Patriots were dominating the opposing team.

During halftime in the dream, my prayer team went to go get a quick bite to eat, and upon returning, somehow, some way, the game (without playing it according to regulations) was just over...and the opposing team had won. The prayer team and I were super discouraged because we couldn't figure out how in the world the opposing team had won. (We knew that it was somehow rigged.)

Suddenly, President Trump, surrounded by military officers, came into the room. Trump looked at me and said, "I know it looks like we lost, but we didn't, and we will win."

End of dream.

This dream gave us so much faith after we saw what happened in the 2020 elections. It still gives us faith!

The Deep State Failed and Trump Is Still President

Prophetic dream received on December 5, 2020:

In my dream, I knew I was somewhere in the present time (December 2020). Trump had just 'lost' the election.

As I stood in a room, suddenly a government agent took me into the future. He brought me into the Oval Office of the White House. When I walked into the Oval Office, I knew I was in a place in time called "the near future." I came up to the president's desk, and Trump was sitting behind it. He looked at me and said, "Andrew, everything the deep state tried failed. The fraud failed—it all failed—and I am still your president." Then I was taken from the room and brought back to the present time.

End of dream.

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Andrew Whalen
Vanquish – Prophetic Warriors


Andrew Whalen is an emerging leader and prophetic voice to a generation. He functions as a prophetic warrior to advance the Kingdom of God in all spheres of society. Andrew is uniquely called to raise up spiritual special forces, equipped to achieve spiritual breakthroughs against regional and national level, demonic resistance. Andrew and his wife Kelly have pioneered and led various ministry initiatives, while also engaging in the marketplace, for over 15 years. In the last 4 years, they have served as core prophetic leaders with Lou Engle ministries. Today, Andrew and Kelly, along with their three children, reside in DFW Texas region, where they lead VANQUISH – PROPHETIC WARRIORS, and are also working to establish an apostolic training center, The Unapologetic Dreamers, and are working to establish an apostolic training center. Andrew's heart burns to see a generation take hold of everything that Christ has provided for us through His victory.

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Monday, April 10, 2023

Have you ever attended a Tent Revival?

 It's getting harder and harder to know who we can trust as a spiritual leader.  Just this morning I was reading about a group of thieves who call themselves "Hillsong Family."  It sounds to me like they're not a part of the family of God.  I would urge you not to give one penny to their group called "Celebrity Preachers."  When the preacher gets the glory, instead of God getting the glory, then they are not following God.  PERIOD.  END OF STORY!

  As I pondered sharing about this, I thought that I need to offer you all some good news too.  I try not to bog you wonderful readers down with the bad without offering something good to ponder.  At this time, with what I've been observing, we can trust Mario Marillo to share encouragement from God.  I'm sharing his newest blog below so that you can see what I mean.  

  Mario has been holding tent revivals during nice weather for a long time. With the desperation folks are feeling all over our country, the gatherings are getting bigger.  I pray that this will grow and grow.  Here's Mario and he's extending invitations to his next tent revivals.  Maybe some of you can go!

  Let's all keep searching the Scriptures.  Only by doing so for ourselves, can we grow spiritually and have discernment to know we can trust.

  Until next time,


I asked God a simple question. That’s how it all started.

Why are the tent meetings so effective? What started this explosive combination of fire, deliverance, miracles, and mass conversions?

Millions now know what happens inside our Tent, but only God gets the glory! No man could have done this. God is the only reason this is happening.

We feel compassion for those who think you just buy a tent and put it up. We have tried to warn any who would listen. There is way, way more to it than that.

But when leaders press me for an explanation, my answer is always the same. I asked God a simple question. That’s how it all started. I asked God, ‘What will it take to save America?’

Anyone can ask that question. But very few want to know the answer. And those who seek insincerely, will only get dead silence. James 1:6-7, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord…”

The Holy Spirit knows if you are going to obey. He will not frustrate the unwilling with answers.

So, the answer came. And I was not disobedient. It required an inner revolution—a revolution that is still ongoing. Here is the answer that came, step by step:

Pray and obey.

Under strict orders, we were told never to go out except by the direct command of God. His voice would command us where, when, and how we go. We are powerless until He speaks.

Highway 99 in California was our first assignment. Because we went where we were told—heaven stood behind our efforts. We invaded hellholes of despair in the authority of the Name of Jesus. No force of Satan could withstand our efforts because they were born from prayer and obedience.

We never seek the best opportunity. We only want the mind of God.

Today, that assignment is Colorado Springs. Today begins our march toward the greatest tent crusade in our history. Remember that I told you this: Colorado Springs will be the greatest harvest and flood of souls yet.

Build a volunteer army.

The fieriest meeting you will ever attend—the most exiting gathering you will ever experience—is the Saturday night when I preach to our volunteer army. They are the best people in the world.

Why are they so excited? First of all, it is because the anointing does not just remain on the stage or even in the Tent. When these warriors go out they see unsaved people healed, then saved, on the streets and in the neighborhoods.

Those who volunteer have testimonies that will burn within them for the rest of their lives. They also find a tribe of lifelong friends. And after a crusade they bring fire back to their churches.

Do not disobey the voice of the Holy Spirit if He is calling you to join us in Colorado Springs! Use this link to volunteer right now. The link will also answer your questions:

Go and get the lost and bring them to the Tent.

We always want as many lost souls as possible to attend our meetings. We go out and get them. We are certain that Americans are hungry for Christ.

We eschew all of the lies and false images that the media constantly broadcasts about Americans. We believe what Jesus said, “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us and are ready now for reaping” (John 4:35).

That vast harvest is always confirmed in our Tent. It is the reason we always need more volunteers.

Bring pastors and leaders together for a brunch.

This is one of our most effective weapons. Bringing leaders and pastors together who love their city increases the power.

We do not come as outsiders boasting of some solution. We recognize and honor those who labor and sacrifice for a city. We come to fit in with the ongoing work of God in their community. The fire of God always falls during these brunches.

Our brunch in Colorado Springs will be on Saturday morning May 20th at 11 A.M. It will be hosted at Church For All Nations, 6540 Templeton Gap Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80923. 

My special guest is Lance Wallnau It is free but you must register. Use this link to register right now.

Rightly divide the Word of Truth for Signs and Wonders.

The last thing on my mind when I stand up to preach in the Tent is eloquence. The first thing is always the Word of God. The Holy Spirit has made it painfully clear to me that no miracles come unless the truth is spoken in love.

Human wisdom, wordsmithing, and trying to be cute with a modern audience is a terrible waste of time. No one will be saved or delivered. The devil does not respect glittering verbiage. But he flees from the Sword of the Spirit!

Always build a sermon by the wisdom and infusion of the Holy Spirit. What may seem ineffective to you will be the words that break chains, instill faith, and bring conviction to the modern mind.


In Colorado Springs I will preach four new messages. The crusade will be four nights, July 16-19th at 6:30 P.M. on the campus of Church For All Nations, 6540 Templeton Gap Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80923.


It all begins next Sunday April 16 at Radiant Church. I will be preaching at 9AM/11AM and a miracle service at 6:30PM.

What will it take to save America? A deep and wide repentance in the Church. We must repent of human-driven efforts. We must lay it all down at the foot of the Cross. Our urgent need is to start doing everything God’s way.

“How great is the harvest? It is so great that we have been forced to buy a new tent every 18 months. And each new tent is twice the size of the one before. In the Colorado Springs Crusade, we will be using our new Big Top Tent that seats 5,200 people. It will literally tower over Colorado Springs.”

If you come to Colorado Springs, you can be sure that, as we are all obedient, we will see the greatest manifestation of God’s power that we have ever seen!

P,S, It all begins next Sunday April 16 at Radiant Church. I will be preaching at 9AM/11AM and a miracle service at 6:30PM

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...