Thursday, April 20, 2023

Pretty sad today


  I'm very sad right now.  This Sabbath our youngest grandchild, David Jeremiah, is being dedicated to the Lord in church.  His Mama told me last night that they have scheduled this special event FIVE times.  Between one blizzard or another, or someone being sick, it was postponed four times.  They WILL hold it this week no matter who can get here.

  You see, that's the problem.  Cora and her family have been planning to come for 2 months.  How do I know that?  Because it was going to be held the 4th Sabbath in February and they were coming.  Then someone in Andrew's family was sick so it was postponed.

  Now Cora and family were going to be coming tomorrow and attending the service on Sabbath with us all.  I was planning a big family meal Friday night for all of us to be together for the first time since last 4th of July!

  You wouldn't think it that hard to get such a small family together but, being Cora's family owns a dairy, it's a problem.  Our guys also have a building project across the road which takes up every spare moment.  It's attached to the shop and we've been building on it every day when it wasn't absolutely impossibly cold and blizzarding.   We were all so eager to show it to Cora and her family this weekend.  

  When Cora wrote this morning that they're not coming, my heart sank.  I guess little Christina's tummy was feeling funny this morning AND they're expecting 3 inches of snow TODAY!!!  Will this Winter never end????????????????????????

  So I'm writing to ask for prayers for my family.  Did I mention that I'm fighting a UTI?  Please pray for us.  

  Once I got done crying, I went into my laundry room.  I decided that it would be best for me to do something while I have the energy.  It's strange how a jingle will jump into my head at times.  I guess I was thinking about what a blessing work has been to me at times like this.  Then I thought about how much work helps to ease the saddened soul.  Then I thought this.

Food on the table.

Clean clothes in the drawer.

Sex once in awhile

And not much more.

Then I thought this.

Everything's useless

if not done for Him!

Only serving God

Brings a true grin.

It's true.  I am sad.  My girl's not coming this weekend.  We haven't been together in almost 4 months and now I don't know when I'll even have hope of it happening.  

So I have a choice to make.  I can keep crying in this chair OR I can go and do what God wants me to do today which is cooking, cleaning, and doing sessions.  After all, there are sick people to help.  My friend, Anna, had surgery yesterday and she needs another session for sure.  Little Christina could probably use a boost.............

I choose to be useful for the Kingdom of God for yet another day.  Please cover me in your prayers as I serve God by serving others.


PS.  Part of my "Work" today was writing this post.  Father knows how much it blesses me to write.  Hopefully it blesses someone in the world to read these thoughts.

PPS.  No, that is not a picture of me.  I wouldn't want anyone to see me now.

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