Thursday, June 8, 2023


WE GOT HALF AN INCH OF RAIN!!!!!  That will take the crops a ways down the road.  Praise the Lord!!  Thanks for all of your prayers for our family and our farm.

God is doing great things.  I just read this report from what God is doing in Minnesota.  I am absolutely thrilled that the prayers of God's people were able to open a huge portal where the angels can travel through to Earth to help God's people take back what has been stolen from us.

You can read it all here.  Please keep those prayers coming as we work for God here in North Dakota. USA.  

Love to all God's people,


 "Fire Angels Are Being Released!"

The Awesome Affects of Opened Portals

On May 19, 2023, while in prayer in St. Cloud, Minnesota, before leaving to minister to release the glory and watch God's hosts open a portal, the Lord began to speak to me: "When fire falls from Heaven, it ignites hearts into a blazing furnace of love for Us—and for one another! That is what you will see happen as you minister in Our glory. This fire will not go out; it is an eternal flame, and will be brought forth through this land and others. By My Spirit, We will fan the flame in Our children, so that these fires will blaze!"

As I looked into the spirit, I saw what appeared to be a field of sugarcane. Jesus and I were walking through the field, and I was wielding a sharp sickle and cutting them down.

Jesus explained: "With the Word of God and My glory, you will take down those things that are obstacles to a move of God wherever We send you. Minnesota has long-standing, demonic obstacles that are rooted in lies and injustice. Take them down as you wield the sword of truth. Then We will burn them, so they can never be replanted."

I saw angels gather the stalks that were left lying about us, and they put them in a giant, heaping pile. Other angels came with blazing torches in their hands and ignited this pile of debris so that it was totally destroyed. The fire the angels carried was from the fiery blaze of God's pillars of fire, who were one with Him, worshiping in spirit and in truth as sold-out lovers of Jesus.

Jesus declared: "An invasion is being launched in this state today. Once the portal is opened, then there will be no stopping Us from taking this land back, so it can produce the fruit of righteousness."

I began to think about sugarcane and sugar, and what they represented in this vision. Sugar tastes good, but has no real nutritional benefits. It is even found to cause diseases like dementia, heart disease, diabetes, etc. That which deceives and looks good and pleasant, but is really harmful and used to destroy God's children, will be eliminated and replaced by what is truly good and beneficial: His glory, love, truth and justice.

During this powerful meeting, the portal was opened, as many devoted followers of Jesus worshiped. I saw angels working alongside us, pushing the wall inside the portal outward. There was joy and great light inside the portal. However, on the other side, there was great darkness and a multitude of demons trying to stop the portal from being moved. But it was to no avail; the wall kept moving further and further so that the portal expanded to cover a very large area.

The following day, during our worship session, the Lord led us to dance around the sanctuary, just as David danced when he and all Israel brought the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. We were performing a prophetic act, declaring that the glory—the presence of God—was being restored to Minnesota. The glory flooded the room and everyone was filled with it and joyous gratitude for what God had done. Lives were changed!

At the following session, over sixty people were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and the entire congregation was led to break generational curses and receive deliverance from spirits that had been tormenting them.

Fire Angels Released!

Another portal was opened on May 26, 2023, when Robin Bullock and his team came to minister in Brunswick, Georgia at a tent meeting held by Myles Kilby, with over 600 people in attendance. Before the meeting the Lord declared: "Fire angels are being released to work in concert with My children, who are as flames of fire, burning with passionate love for Us. Those who gather will accomplish Our plans—to melt the dome of brass above Georgia and the surrounding lands, and to ignite fiery passion for Us in those hearts that were hardened against Us and Our ways." (Photo of Robin Bullock)

While listening to the Lord, I was reminded of a vision I had seen a while ago: I saw a large angel with a flame thrower standing on the northeastern coast of Florida, shooting long flames of fire past Georgia up the entire East Coast. Passionate fire for God was being ignited in this once "cold" region. God is performing His word!

During the Friday night meeting in Brunswick, Georgia, while Robin was ministering and leading worship, I saw a multitude of angels. They were the same angels I saw a while back that had gathered in battalions on the mountain of glory in Heaven. At that time, the Lord had told me that they were absorbing the glory on that mountain. Now I know why; they were being sent to the earth to bring more of God's glory, and also to assist the saints in the battle for our nation.

As Robin declared, sang and prophesied, and his daughter played the drums, I entered into the spirit and saw angels marching down the open portal to Georgia. With each beat of the drum, they marched in sync with the sound. Before Robin proclaimed what God was doing, I saw it happen. The entire worship service was very militant.

While the worship progressed, I saw the angels assembled among us. Together with everyone present, they gathered about the sides of the walls in the brightly lit portal. With great joy, and in unity, they pushed against the interior walls of the portal and caused them to move so that they took more ground. On the outer side of the portal, there was a great, deep darkness, and a multitude of demons were trying to close the portal and keep it from expanding. All their efforts were to no avail! 

At the next service, on Saturday night, the glory manifested mightily under the tent. The glory was released and all were saturated in the glory of God. Everyone was deeply touched by the life-transforming presence of Jesus. Many received prophetic words, and tormenting spirits were driven out of the individuals who came forward for prayer. Generational curses were broken, and unsaved loved ones were consecrated to Jesus. Forgiveness and love flowed. Joy abounded, and hope increased greatly!

After the meeting in Georgia, on June 1, 2023, Father told me that darkness was coming, but it was necessary to right the wrongs and expose wickedness in order to bring forth justice. What I saw in the spirit in Georgia—with the angels and God's people working together in the light, pushing back the sides of the portal, and pushing away wickedness and darkness—is exactly what is coming. The darkness on the outside will be pushed away by those who walk in the light, working with Father's hosts that have been sent to assist us.

Glory Carriers, Release His Glory!

On May 7, 2023, I received an instruction from the Lord: "Raise up an army that will go forth through the land defeating the enemy by using My weapons, and never the weapons of this world."

The Lord continued to explain that one of His war strategies is to release glory carriers all over the land. He will overtake the world with His glory and, through the outpouring of His glory, He will overcome evil with an abundance of good. He wants us to go forth like pillars of fire through the land, carrying His glory wherever we go. He will make us into world changers, because we carry His glory—and it is His glory that changes people, situations and nations!

Confirming Scripture: "For the one who is victorious, I will make you to be a pillar in the sanctuary of My God, permanently secure... And I'll write My own name on you..." (Revelation 3:12).

On May 27, 2023, Father declared: "Once a portal has opened, the work to rescue and transform a region has just begun. This is when it is imperative that My people know who they are in Me and what they are called to do.

"They must become adept at wielding the sword of My Word, and declaring the truth in the face of every lie. Love must undergird all they do, think and say, in order for them to be effective carriers of My glory. Darkness will be eliminated by the light of My presence pouring forth from them. There can be no compromise with evil, if they are to have authority over it. Jealousy, selfish ambition, hatred and lust are just a few of the tactics the enemy uses to rob My children of their rightful authority."

We are in a battle for our nation to be restored to our God. Jesus exemplified a life that waged war against the forces of evil and won! These are the weapons He used: worship, holiness and obedience to Father; living a surrendered life; total reliance on being led and helped by Holy Spirit; courage, boldness and fearless bravery while confronting evil; prayers of faith, humility and intimacy; communion with God and dependency on God; not thinking too highly of oneself; unity without compromising with evil; love, forgiveness and prophetic decrees.

These are the same weapons we must use to soundly win this battle. In order to carry His glory, we need humility, and honor and hunger for Him and His righteousness. Once we posses these qualities, then we will have habitation and holiness! (Photo via Pexels)

Confirming Scriptures:

"For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice." (James 3:16)

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)

On May 29, 2023, the Lord declared: "More than what you can think or even imagine, We will be doing for and through those who are carrying Our glory to this world. Yes, the purpose of carrying Our glory is to give it to others. Freely you have received, so freely give.

"As you give Our glory to Our people, We will pour much more of Our glory forth on you. So over and above what you could think or imagine, We will shower on and through you. Keep giving and you will keep receiving much more of Our glory.

"This is the secret to obtaining more of anything: give it away because you love Us and We ask you to give it, and you will be given much more. Use whatever gifts you have been given, and they will increase! You cannot outgive Me, for the more you give, the much more I will pour out on you."

Persecution of Christians Will Backfire!

On May 30, 2023, after watching a pastor's exposition of a news report of a terrible, blasphemous event the LGBT group planned for the LA Dodgers game, Father declared: "The persecution of My people always backfires! Instead of killing Christianity and stopping Us from advancing, their persecution only fuels the fires of revival. A holy determination fills My children, along with a godly resolve to accomplish Our purposes when the enemy attempts to stop them. This is done by My Spirit, because when the enemy attacks, We arise like a flood to protect, defend and provide for Ours.

"Look throughout history! Did any persecution stop Us or stop Our children from advancing Our cause? No, growth has always been the byproduct. Look at the underground Church in China. It grows not just in numbers, but also in influence and in the godly character of My children. The blood of the martyrs cries out before My throne for justice, and justice is what is coming!

"Even some of those who were swept into this move to advance wickedness and to stop the flood of Christianity's teachings will be drawn out of their deception, and they will embrace and advance My truth!

"Do not be daunted by the threat of persecution, because I always turn around for great good whatever the enemy attempts to do to harm or to stop My children. Watch and see how the enemy will regret all that he has launched against My called and chosen ones. Justice is coming as more and more wickedness is exposed."

Turning to read my Bible after hearing this word, I opened the pages to read the book of Daniel. What the enemy meant for harm by having Daniel and his three Hebrew friends taken into captivity, God turned around for great good. Instead of destroying them and their faith, they were all promoted and became leaders in Babylon. They were used by God to influence King Nebuchadnezzar to believe in God, and to issue a decree that everyone in Babylon was to reverence the God of Daniel. Faith grew and spread; it wasn't stifled at all!

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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.


Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int., in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Donna Rigney's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

Friday Night Services at 6:00 PM
Meeting Location: Church on the Rock
2200 N State St (US Hwy 1), Bunnell, FL

June 16 - 17, 2023
Women of the Supernatural
Hampton Inn Hopewell
5103 Plaza Dr Hopewell VA 23860

September 24 - October 1, 2023
Encountering the Glory: 7 Day Caribbean Conference Cruise
With Donna Rigney, Dr. Manuel Johnson and Steve Swanson
(For more itinerary information, click here)

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