Friday, November 27, 2009

Wouldn't you know it?

I don't mean to complain but sometimes things are just soooo frustrating. Meaning that the home school convention is usually the first weekend in March, right around Cora's birthday. Well, I have been so excited to learn that Melanie is going to come to North Dakota to teach the next upper module that I need to take to stay certified. Elizabeth and others spent LOTS of money running around the country to take these classes. The good news is that now, thanks to her efforts to grow BT in ND, we have a large enough group to bring the upper modules in here. This saves travel expenses; hotel expenses; food expenses; and time away from the family. So I am absolutely thrilled that Module 4/7 is coming to Bismarck in March. However, I just learned that the weekend it will be taught is the SAME WEEKEND AS THE HOME SCHOOL CONVENTION!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The home school convention has FOREVER been the highlight of our school year. I simply cannot imagine not going to it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, one thing that I know for sure is that I MUST NOT WORRY ABOUT IT. My head is hurting some tonight just from pondering having to miss one of my favorite events. That was when I knew that I would feel better if I just wrote it out, so here I am again. A million thanks for listening, dear friends, and I wish you all a blessed, peaceful Sabbath REST.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I just received this in my inbox from Elizabeth Hanson. THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES THAT I JUST HAD TO WRITE!!! I decided to just copy and paste. Many thanks for all of your prayers and words of encouragement to give it a try. Here goes.


BodyTalk North Dakota is very proud to announce that

Dawn Bornemann, CBP of Kintyre, ND passed her Exams with flying colors with Melanie Buzek, CBI on November 18th.

Let’s give Dawn the recognition she deserves for all of her hard work!!

-- BodyTalk North DakotaAn organization to promote the BodyTalk System of Health Care and support BodyTalk Practitioner in their pursuit of excellence

Cattle Working

Please note that I wrote another post this morning called, "Victor" which is underneath the "Prayer request" post. It was saved as a draft which I just completed this morning.

Working calves on a farm is something that most people typically dread. It's a LOOONG day for everyone involved and most years somebody ends up getting hurt because it's just tough to deal with so many large animals and have no bumps or scrapes. This year, praise God, we were accident free and the animals were very cooperative.

I suppose that I'll never be able to "Prove" that the Reiki that I did throughout the day had anything to do with the rather pain free experience, but then I couldn't disprove it either. That being the case, I will say that many times throughout the day, I felt the Lord urging me to do the decreasing energy part of Reiki to calm both people and critters down. One time Andrew came up to me chuckling and said, "So are you doing it the right way, Mom?" I laughed and said, "Yes Andrew, I am DECREASING their energy!" Animals get worked up when you start moving them around and especially when you take their babies from them. A little cooling down seemed to come in handy for them and US!!!

Things went pretty well all morning and we had 25 of them worked by the time that Jerome came to help us. Then I went in and made lunch and the guys, plus Cora, had half of the stock calves worked before they stopped for lunch. This is a picture of the operation. In the closest pen are the calves needing to be worked yet and to the left are the ones already worked. Back by the tractor is the head gate that they all had to get caught in so that we could give them their shots; ear tag the later born ones; and band the scrotums of the bull calves. The heifer calves got off easy but they yelled loud enough too when they got caught in the head gate. Isn't that like a girl. :)

A closer view of the calves waiting to be worked. When we started back in cattle about a decade ago, the buyers seemed to want the big boned cattle so we went into Charlais which are white. Then slowly over time, the buyers switched to wanting Angus cattle which are black, so we switched too. We still have quite a few of the light colored calves but are moving towards black as all of our bulls are Angus now. I noticed that when Robert culled the cows, he culled more whites than blacks so in a few years you'll see far fewer white calves in the mix. I like that we have a few red Angus cows too as it seems more colorful to have a variety. :) I can just imagine Robert's comment about that statement! It would go something like this, "As if I breed my cattle just for color!" :) I am entitled to my opinion, am I not?

Jacob had many jobs throughout the day. He kept the big bander filled with bands and he kept the syringes full. He handed us syringes and his dad the bander. Here he's loading the big bander which we use on the bigger calves.

Cora had many responsibilities too. She made the ear tags; put them in the calves' ears if nobody else was doing it; and covered the calves eyes while we gave the shots. We learned this trick from Jerome years ago. If a critter has their eyes covered, they settle right down and you can give them a shot without breaking your needle OR SYRINGE!!

Here Andrew is putting the ear tag in the calves' ear. That is something that I have never learned to do as it just galls me somehow. I can give shots or do the banding with the small bander and I even think that I could do the dehorning if I absolutely HAD to do it, but for some reason it just seems so awful to do the ear tag. One time I saw someone do it and they hit the vein and the calf bled something awful. I suppose that's why I gladly step aside here and let somebody else take the ear tagger in hand. Goodness, even Jacob has given his calves ear tags--come on, Mom, get with it. :)
Good job Andrew--not a drop of blood and he is now identifiable.
One of my jobs, which I learned as a girl at home on my dad's farm, is to keep a steady eye on the worked calves. One time then, I had noticed that a calf wasn't moving and I told my dad and brothers about it but they ignored me until it was too late. That calf had died because of a reaction to the shot and then they yelled at ME. ): One time about 10 years ago when Robert, the children, and I were working our calves the same thing had happened. Then I quickly put a large pinch of cayenne pepper in it's nose and mouth and it shocked his system so much that it brought him out of anaphalaxis. To this day, I keep cayenne pepper around when we work the calves just in case. So what would you think if you came up to this critter who had just had it's shots?

Well, he was ok and he stirred as soon as I got close enough to check to see if he was still breathing. I decided to take his picture to show you how they lay down after the banding is done. They're kind of stiff for a few hours to several days but then they're back at running.
We keep track of what we do with each animal and I am the official record keeper. Cora had the chart all ready to go for me so that was nice. :) We record the tag number; gender; color; size; presence of horns, and anything unusual about the calf. Maybe you can see that I was literally surrounded by animals all around me which I just love. I have always loved animals so I am so glad that I am a farmer/rancher.
Cora covering another calves' eyes so that he would calm down enough for us to do what needed to be done.

Andrew has been our official head gate operator for many years. In my opinion, this is the very WORST job of them all. He must slam the head gate shut at EXACTLY THE RIGHT MOMENT. Too soon of a slam and the calf backs out and slams into Robert who has just brought him up from the back--not greatly appreciated. Too late of a slam and the calf gets out the front without being worked--even worse. One ALMOST escaped but Jerome ran up and caught the calf. Robert and I grabbed the syringes; Cora put in the ear tag; and being it was a heifer (Praise the Lord); she was released in record time. GOOD JOB, ANDREW, for your excellent work on the head gate!!!!!!!!!!!

Here Jerome and Andrew are giving the shots; Jacob is handing the bander to Robert who is in the shoot ready to band this bull calf; and Cora is up in front holding the calves' eyes shut. After I recorded the details, I recorded the moment with Cora's camera.
Did I mention that the Lord gave us an absolutely gorgeous day? I was bent out of shape lots of times because it just wasn't coming together to get these calves worked earlier. We usually do it around the middle of September--not the middle of November!!! But the weather was absolutely wonderful with bright sunshine and NO WIND--a truly miraculous combination in North Dakota!!! Thanks Lord!!!!!!!

I kept trying to get a picture of Robert doing the banding inside the shoot but this was the best that I could get. Basically he slips the big band over the calves' scrotum; gives the bander a push which pinches the band together; then tightens the bander which puts only a little pressure on the skin; and cuts the band off of the bander. Over time this slight pressure cuts off the blood supply to the scrotum. Over a period of 2 months, the scrotum dries up and falls off of the body. This is soooooooooo much nicer than the way we did it when I was a girl. At that time, my dad would take a knife; cut open the scrotum; take out the testicles; squeeze the wound for a few seconds to stop the bleeding; put on some iodine solution; and release the calf. Now THAT was gross but there is no bleeding with the big bander so it makes the whole deal bloodless and much more pleasant. Of course, Robert is the one back there who could get kicked by the calf so Andrew squeezes the shoot so the calf can't kick and Robert squeezes himself into the shoot behind the calf. It's a good thing that he's on the slender side or it would be tough to get in there to do the dastardly job. :)

I kept trying to get a good picture of a calf coming out of the shoot but they're pretty fast which makes for blurry pictures. Here's the best one that I got.

This is a picture of my whole family. Andrew and Cora are working on the front end of the calf and Robert and Jacob on the back end.

Late in the day we finished with the stock calves. It was a happy moment when we were able to release all of the calves back into their mother's care. There was lots of bellering all day while the pairs were separated but there was TONS of bellering when we let the calves out as they all went in search of their mothers. It doesn't matter that some of these calves were half the size of their moms, it was a trying ordeal for them all and THEY WANTED THEIR MAMAS!!!
Note the size of this baby as he comforted himself with a little drink from mom.

After we turned the stock calves loose, we got the baby Holsteins out of the barn. They'd been cooped up inside all day, so that they wouldn't get run over and they were VERY happy to get outside again. I'm not sure if you would call them actually "Happy" to be run into the shoot, but after dealing with wild stock calves all day, they were a pleasant change for us. Here Robert and Jerome were giving a calf it's shots.

Here Jacob is leading one of the Holsteins back to it's pen. When we raise these calves on the bottle, they're just like pets. They would follow a person all over the place so it's an easy task to lead them. Trying to get behind and chase a calf like this is a disaster because he will just turn around and try to follow you and then you're going in the wrong direction. :) Jacob has always loved the baby calves on our farm. He was pointing out to Jerome his various calves. "That's John Wayne over there," he told Jerome. I added, "Yes, but Roy Rogers died." That's the facts of life--we lose some of the animals that God gives to us but most of them are very happy that they came to live at our farm. How do I know? because they wag their tails a lot. :)

We all chuckled when we switched to the Holsteins and Andrew asked Robert, "Say dad, do you mind switching to the front now? I'll do the back end." What this meant was that Andrew didn't mind doing the little calves banding now that dehorning was being done in the front. Typically stock calves are bred to be polled (hornless) whereas almost all Holstein calves have horns which need to be cut off. After Robert dehorned the calves, he put some blood stop powder on the spots on the head where the horns had been. This stuff is gross--if you even happen to be breathing nearby it, you'll be coughing for a few minutes.
Well, that's our calf working day in review. It was a wonderful day in the fresh air and sunshine working with my family and extended family (Jerome). I hope that you enjoyed the pictures and learned just a little bit about what it takes to work calves on a farm.
I thought I'd also mention, before I close, that yesterday I was in Bismarck and was with my dad when they discharged him from the hospital. I took him to his sister Dee's home and got him settled in for a visit there. He'll stay with her until after Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for that as his sister is a nurse, so he'll be in good hands. We're trying to make plans for dad's 80th birthday which is on December 1st too, so there's never a dull moment around here. Sharel and I decided that it will have to be something simple as Dad's not very strong yet.
Oh yes, I should say that he had an infection in the gall bladder area and Dee said that it was most likely in the area where the stints were in his surgery this summer. He looked very weak and tired but he was VERY glad to be out of the hospital. Somehow it seems that farmers don't take too well to being cooped up inside. :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Prayer request

I have been wanting to write about my certification day but things have been really hectic here. I got so far as to post the picture of Melanie and I that one of her client's took immediately after I passed my CBP exam.

Then late last night, I received an email from my brother, Rick, saying that my dad is in the hospital again. To make a long story short, he is in exactly the same condition that he was in this spring. My brother Duard, who took over dad's farm, asked Dad to drive truck for him Thursday morning but dad said that he didn't feel well. Sharel checked on Dad after school was over (she's a teacher) and found him already lethargic. She pulled up his eyelid and found the white of the eye yellow again, so she knew that it was the same situation.

Praise God that their son, Cody, "Just happened" to drive into town just then so he helped his mom load dad in the car and they took him to the emergency room. Dad spent the night in Eureka hospital and is on his way to the Bismarck hospital. It sounds like the surgery will be on Monday which is a blessing as we're planning on working the calves tomorrow.

I keep checking if Dad will let me send him Reiki or do a distance BodyTalk session. I do this by focusing on him and using biofeedback to ask questions. Every time that I check if I can do anything to help him, I get a NO. Once I heard the words, "I want to be left alone."

I asked Elizabeth to pray for him and me and she told me of a similar situation with her mom where something in her mom's subconscious mind wouldn't accept any help from Elizabeth. TALK ABOUT FRUSTRATING!!!!!! Her mom had a stroke and had to suffer a LOT, even though Elizabeth may have been able to spare her it, so I am preparing myself for that possibility too.

I'll let you know more as I learn what's going on but for now I'm going to go take care of ME. At least I know that I WANT THE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is it that those we love and want to help the most are the most closed to it? I guess we shouldn't be surprised--even Christ had that problem. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Friday, November 20, 2009


I was so bummed last night as I spent an hour writing a post about our cattle working experience on Sunday. Then, when I was ready to publish the post, my computer went stupid on me and I was unable to publish it. Jacob did save it for me in my emails, as it wouldn't even save it here, so somehow today he is sure that Andrew will be able to help me get it up.

Well, this morning I felt led to go in and check for it in edit posts but it's gone. However, I did find THIS post that I had forgotten that I started the other day. Although I don't have an hour to write this morning, I do have something that I'd like to share about this event.

You see, whenever someone in our group passes their CBP (certified BodyTalk practitioner) exam, Elizabeth honers them with a new sterling silver plated business card case. All day last Thursday, I pondered going back up to Bismarck to the practice at our office "Just in case" Elizabeth was planning on doing that for me. I had been in Bismarck all day on Wednesday and, with the ordeal of the test, I was pretty tired to make the drive again.

By mid afternoon I still hadn't been able to feel a strong leading from the Lord about either going or not going. Isn't that an awful feeling? Well, I called Robert and asked his opinion and he encouraged me to go up to enjoy being honored by Elizabeth and the group. Still I wasn't sure of what to do, so I went to work around here making my kitchen tidy. I thought that I'd just stay at home and take it easy on myself, plus save the gas that an extra trip would take.

I was washing off my counter top when I heard a voice say, "Victor."

I knew that it was the Lord's voice as I hear Him more frequently now that I'm involved in energy work. My hand froze and I said, "What did you say, Lord?"

"I said Victor."

"What do you mean, Lord?"

"What good is a victory march without a victor? These people have all been pulling for you to pass your test and you need to get yourself to that meeting so that they can celebrate your accomplishment of passing that test."

I broke into a laugh and went to plug in my electric curlers as I ALWAYS roll my hair in them when I'm celebrating something. In no time I was off to revel in the well wishes of those who have gone before me in BodyTalk and to encourage those who are coming behind me that they can do it too if they work hard at it.

We squeezed 15 people into our little reception area and it was a WONDERFUL evening. Here are some of the ladies.

This is Elizabeth (in the greens) and Jean, my partner. Elizabeth said that she had done 10 sessions in there that day as she rents space from us when she is in town. Jean, like me, would have died without BodyTalk so she also is a walking miracle. One of my other partners, Ellen, is seen sitting on the floor. This is a chance for BodyTalk practitioners to learn from Elizabeth what is new with BT; to share their success stories; and to get their questions answered. We try to meet monthly but we ALWAYS have a practice time when Elizabeth is in town. How can we ever thank you enough, Elizabeth, for all that you have done for us "Rookies?"
Here I am opening the business card case. I gasped with delight when I saw that Elizabeth had added a Scripture passage to the case. I decided to copy and past from her email the story behind the case which she shared with me when I thanked her properly the next day.
I am glad you liked your card case. It is something I like to do to honor those who have gone through the process to test. I only order them when I am sure someone is going to pass their exam. I ordered yours over a month ago, very sure that you would do fine.
I have to tell you that when I was in the process of ordering I was about to hit the, "Place order" button and had to stop. The case was not "right". I sat there for a while and finally figured out that I was to do something I have never done before, I had to add something else to the case. Immediately I knew it would be a verse but which one?
I actually had to wait for the verse to come to me a week later in my morning worship. I was looking for another verse and stumbled upon your verse and knew it was for you. I quickly got on line and placed my order this time with no problem. It is so wonderful how our Lord works. I am so happy that you like your verse - I had thought about using the "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" but it was just not "right". So your case is unique and was chosen just for you.
Isn't that wonderful? The Lord really wanted me to have this reminder in my life on a daily basis. Psalm 31:24 Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24 is engraved on the inside as a reminder and Elizabeth wrote out the verse in fine penmanship just for me. BE OF GOOD COURAGE, DAWN!!!
Elizabeth also announced that Melanie had just gotten an email that day stating that she has been approved to teach Modules 4/7. This means that she will be coming to Bismarck in March to teach us all the next level that we need to be fully rounded BodyTalk practitioners. It was an awesome moment as Elizabeth honored Melanie with a bald eagle replica. Cheers broke out from those 15 women and I was soooooooo very happy that I was there to witness Melanie's big moment too!!!

Here Melanie, who was first a physical therapist and now has a loooooooong list of credentials, is showing us how to have better posture. I will have to share the procedure another time as I really need to make Robert's lunch. Isn't she beautiful? I asked Robert that question and he just shrugged his shoulders stating that she looked "Kind of normal." I guess a person always has a strong affection for their teacher. For me it's more than that, though, Melanie is the woman who taught me the skills which SAVED MY LIFE!!!!! Thank you, God, for sending Melanie into my life and a special thanks for sending Elizabeth along who taught me Access; did in-depth sessions on me; AND brought Melanie into my life!!!!!!!!!!

Best get to work. I hope that you enjoyed sharing in my special night of being the victor for the ladies at the NORTH DAKOTA BODYTALK CENTER located at 1102 South Washington Street; Suite #311; Bismarck, ND. It's a VERY special place in my life and getting better as each day positive energy flows into the rooms as people come to peace with themselves through their BodyTalk sessions. May God continue blessing this oasis in the midst of the war zone we live in!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I am so happily tired but I SIMPLY MUST WRITE!!! I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll share details of this wonderful day soon along with a picture of Melanie and I. The embrace that she gave me when she told me that I passed was simply unforgettable!!! Thanks Melanie and thanks to all of you for praying; believing in me; and encouraging me with your kind words!!! Thanks also to the Fuerher family for taking Jacob in while I was gone for the nearly 4 hour ordeal. God bless all of you!!

The cherry on top of the banana split of this day was that Jacob passed his driver's test and now has a new permit in his wallet. WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well folks, this is it!!!!!!! This is the day when I will be tested on everything that I have learned in BodyTalk in the past 2 1/2 years. I used to freak out with finals in collage which analyzed if I'd learned anything in the past 4 1/2 MONTHS. But you know what? I'm not freaked out one bit. BodyTalk is so incredible that I have used the skills I learned to bring peace to my being and I am ready to go. The Lord even gave me a poem just now that I think is pretty neat. It's short but sweet and I just HAVE to share it with you now.

I'm all clean,
My clothes are neatly pressed,
I feel GREAT,
So put me to the test.
Is that cool or what? Like I'd have time to think of poetry at a time like this so you know that one is strictly from the Lord! :)
Elizabeth called last night to say that she had done a performance session on me and I know that Ellen also was doing on on me last night. I spent my day reviewing yesterday and doing as many Active Memories as I could. I wish that I could use the new procedure that Melanie taught us this weekend but everything today is "Strictly by the book."
I covet your prayers and I can truly say that I have felt them coming through as I have prepared. I'd feel panicky one moment and then calm down as I pondered all of the love that is coming through to me right now. THANKS A MILLION!!!
As a love gift in return, I have decided to share a precious gem that the Lord gave me a few years ago. I pray that it will wet your appetite to ponder what wonderful things that the Lord wants to do with YOUR life as it has done for me. This wasn't originally written from the Christian perspective so I took the liberties to rewrite a few sentences to bring it in line with what the Bible teaches. I would encourage you to learn to sift through things searching for the truth and leave the rest behind. Here goes.
by Marrianne Williamson--Adapted by Dawn Bornemann
I pray that you will come to realize, like I have, that you are on this planet for a specific reason. It's up to you to pray and ponder as to what that reason, or reasons, are. For me, I know that I am here to help people find their way to God through healing on all levels. This is what BodyTalk does and so I am taking this big step today and going to visit Melanie for a few hours.
I covet all of your prayers and I'll write tonight and tell you the good news. If I don't pass, it may be awhile until I write again. :)
Just a reminder, today is the last day to qualify for a free BodyTalk session from me. All you have to do to qualify is go to my post HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY TO ME and leave a comment. Also the other offer that I made, "Buy 1 session and get one free" is also good through today. This offer will not be repeated unless, of course, I ever get to the point where I feel ready to test for the ADVANCED BodyTalk label. That will be a looooooooooong ways off, though, so please feel free to send me an email at: and say, "Hey Dawn, I'd like to take advantage of your great offer!"
I'm off. Jacob is taking his driver's test at 8:00; then I'm taking him to stay with some friends while I test; then I'm going to pass my CBP exam; then Jacob and I are going to see Dr. Faye Johnson for cranio-sacral sessions; then I'm seeing a client at my office at 5:00; then I'm going to drive home; then I'm going to milk my cow; then I'm going to crawl in bed exhausted. How's that for a full, rich, and exciting day? Oh yes, I get to see Elizabeth today too as she is coming down to Bismarck to coordinate for Melanie again this weekend.
I could not close this post without honoring the God who saved my life to give me a hope and a purpose on earth which is bigger than I could ever have imagined. God called me to be a healer and today I embrace that calling in a new and exciting way. I'm so excited that me knees are going to shake for the next 5 hours. :) Oh well, it's better than being dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009



Things have been wonderfully exciting and healing as I took Melanie's Active Memory class this weekend and I learned sooooooooo much. Ellen worked on me on Saturday afternoon on this fear of taking my test and then, when Melanie was working on me yesterday, it came up again. I could not believe how many places were charged for me with fears of failure and hopelessness tucked in all over the place. I've come to wonder if I'd have been able to pass at all if it weren't for the help that I received in class. Anyway, I feel wonderful now and I've been hitting the books this morning.

Just a reminder that I have only 2 more days until I test. That means that there are only 2 more days to take advantage of my free session offer. If you wish to enter the drawing for a free BodyTalk session, then you must post a comment on my blog post called HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY TO ME!!!

This also means that there are only 2 more days to take advantage of my other offer which is a 2 for 1 offer. If you contact me before Wednesday, I will give you 2 sessions or you and a family member each a session for the price of one. I won't be able to do the sessions until after I test but you must qualify for the offer before I test.

Please keep me in your prayers and I will post pictures of the class this past weekend just as soon as I get them. I forgot my camera but the Lord had a sweet lady named Roxy bring hers and I believe that she'll send them soon.

Back to the books,


Thursday, November 12, 2009


I am super swamped but I just HAVE to write that we have a birthday at our house today. Andrew turned 19 today and it's been a nice day together for us all as the weather was too damp for the guys to finish the sunflower combining.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON--I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH. Just so you know, though, it is customary to close your eyes when your BodyTalk practitioner is doing cortices on you. :) Hope the session helps you kick this bug.

Cora said that I should mention that I'm holding my give away for a free BT session up until I test next Wed. However you'll need to make a comment on the Blogiversary post if you want to qualify. So far we have 2 comments posted.

Out to the barn,


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Happy blogiversary to me!

Happy blogiversary to me!

Happy blogiversary dear Da-wn!


How can it be a whole year since I began this blog? How is that possible? I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions that I ever made--better than any therapist I've ever seen. I suppose that would only apply to someone who likes to write though. :) Right, Jacob?

It'll be a super busy day for me as I have clients lined up from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM with a few breaks in there. Then there's the one hour trip before and after so I'm sure I'll be REALLY tired tonight.

Well, I made a blogging decision that I hope one of you will enjoy. Several of the young ladies who blog have done give-aways in honor of their blogiversary. I said to Cora, "What do you think that I should give away in honor of mine?" Without a moment's hesitation she echoed my thoughts and said, "A free BodyTalk session." So this is how it will work.

Anybody who would like to win a free BodyTalk session must write a comment on this post. Keep in mind that I have had the training necessary to be able to work on anybody anywhere in the world so it's good no matter where you live. I will draw one of the names out of the hat and that person will be notified that they win. How's that? It actually is a $30 value if done by distance or $35 value if done in my office. It will be a nice way for you to try a BodyTalk session on me. It'll be fun to see who wins.

Best get moving,

PS. Oh by the way, that picture was taken of me one year ago on Andrew's 18th birthday. I weighed 40 pounds more then than I do now. I like this year better!!!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A weekend without Cora

A weekend without Cora is like a hamburger without a bun; or a mother without her baby; or a water without it's melon. OOPS! Just checking to see if you REALLY read this or just look at the pictures. :) Anyway, you get the picture (no pun intended). That's why I was so glad that Cora hung around all day Thursday to help Jacob celebrate his birthday before talking off for the wedding.
We decided to make corn dogs to celebrate Jacob's 14 years of life. I used to make them a lot, when we first got married, but haven't since we gave up eating pork a decade or so ago. Now I found these all-beef hot dogs at Sam's so, for a rare treat, we like to have them even though we know that they are NOT good for our health. Jacob doesn't ever remember my making corn dogs so I guess it's about time that he had one. HE LOVED THEM!!!!!!!! Here I'm taking one out of the hot oil and you can see the next ones ready to go into the oil lying on the counter. We made corn bread and shaped it around the hot dog, rolling it a little at the end to get the batter as smooth as possible. Robert said that he remembered the batter tasting "Less corny," so I guess we'll look for another recipe if we ever make corn dogs again.
While I deep fat fried the corn dogs, Jacob opened his presents. I dare not tell you about all of them, for that should be his pleasure, but I will say that he very much enjoys the fancy, new joystick that Andrew gave him and the movie that Cora gave to him. We watched it later that night, for which I was grateful, so that I didn't have to think about Cora's 100 mile trip in the dark by herself.......... I know but I AM a mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The boys asked for dirt cake so that's what is in the pot. Robert got me good when he came in the kitchen and said, "You should get rid of that sickly looking plant on the freezer." "What plant?" I asked before I realized that he was tricking me. He had a good laugh as I looked out in the entry way to see the dirt cake with the flowers sticking in it which Jacob had picked. Have you ever eaten dirt cake? Maybe I should do a poll like Cora likes to do once in awhile to spice up her blog.

Here Andrew is taking the flowers out of the cake. He's licking the "Dirt" off of his fingers after he cleaned off the stems. The dirt is made of crushed Oreos so it's a treat around here. Yes, those are gummy worms which you freeze and then push down into the cake.

The inevitable moment came when Cora had everything in the van and she was ready to go. I won't post a picture of her adorable cake but I'll just say that it fit the western theme of the wedding wonderfully. Here she is looking VERY happy to head out on her little vacation. "Yes, Mom, I have the cell phone along." :)

What do you do after supper is done; your sister is gone; and your mom is putting away the supper? Go fix on your new computer. The best I can figure out what's going on here is that Andrew sold Jacob his "New" computer that he just bought on Wednesday. Then Jacob sold Andrew the game card off of it and they both are fixing and exchanging and my mind goes into a blurr just listening to them talk about it all. I did think that Andrew looked quite determined here to get to the PC as he wrapped himself around the leg of his desk.

I asked Jacob, "Are you sure that you know what you're doing?" "YUP--Andrew told me." OK!

These pictures were taken yesterday--Saturday. I bought my sons new socks and hid them all around the house. "They're hidden in some warm place," was all that I said and off they went on their annual birthday search. Cora did hers the fancy way on Thursday night--she had clues that he went in search of.... I didn't have that much time. :)

"What is warm up there, Jacob?" I asked. The answer, "Matches."

After a good hymn sing and another incredible sermon by Pastor S. M. Davis on not allowing others to offend you yesterday afternoon, we went across the road for some shotgun practice. They've been out twice before but I wasn't ever along with them. I was prepared that they would ask me to try my hand at it as they did that to Cora. When she tried it, she blasted the first one so I was nervous and tried to pretend like I didn't want to shoot. :) Here Robert is throwing the clay pigeons, as they're called, and Andrew and Jacob are shooting.

Here Andrew is tossing the disks and Robert and Jacob are shooting. I was glad for the ear protection that we got for the shoot as those things are quite a bit louder than a .22.

Then, came the big moment when Andrew asked me to give it a whirl. I missed the first one but hit the second. Then I got all excited and missed the third shot and that was about all that my shoulder could take. Sabbath is drawing to a close here as the sun starts to sink.

Jacob got new gloves for his birthday so here he's getting ready to go out to the barn last night and modeling them for you. That grin is genuine as his old gloves were in terrible shape.

This was taken this morning. I've been working with our dog, Millie, when I go out to get the mail. There wasn't any mail this morning but Andrew said that he'd walk across the road with me anyway to watch Millie get her lesson. Here he climbed up the bale stack and counted how many bales are left. He was telling me that he thinks we'll have enough hay this winter as long as we cull out some of the old cows.
About Millie, she has taken to running so I got a bag of doggy treats when I was at Sam's last time. We had tried tying her up whenever we could get her back from a jaunt, but that wasn't getting through to her. I'm not about to loose another dog to that road out there, so I knew that it was time to take action. Now, whenever she takes off running ahead of me, I let her run off some energy then call her back. As soon as she comes, she gets a piece of the doggy bone in payment for her obedience. Today was the 4th day and she came almost every time that I called her. I figure another week or two and we'll have us a dog that's worth having--one that's going to STAY ALIVE!!! :)

Well, I have several BodyTalk sessions to do yet this afternoon, so I guess I should get to them. I should say that Cora called last night saying that she's having a wonderful time but that her back was bothering her. She did Reiki on it, but it kept coming back, so she asked me to do a BT session for her either last night or this morning. I did BOTH so I'm eager to hear how the wedding went. How I miss my girl but I'm very happy that she is having a wonderful time! The only sadness is that Dorena, her best friend, wasn't able to come even though her brother was the best man. I guess Dorena had to work, which reminds me that I should get back to work too. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Focusing on the Positive

The Lord absolutely amazes me!!! I mean it's like HE REALLY KNOWS MY NEEDS AT ALL TIMES. Last night Cora left for the weekend. That may seem like nothing to most of you but Cora and I are VERY close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've always been close as I chose to live for her (so that she would have my protection) instead of blowing my brains out when she wasn't even 2 years old so that's 21 years ago now. Then 3 years ago she repaid the favor by giving me 5 bee stings a day for a year. I'M TELLING YOU THAT SHE AND I ARE VERY CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This trip of Cora's to Montana with the Dagley family just seems like a terrible testing for me! I'm just going to be honest here and say that I truly am thankful that it's the Dagley's who are going to be coming home without their daughter instead of us. Yet I realize that the day most likely will come when it WILL be Robert and I who have an empty room in our house some day.
Still, it's not only that. My daughter is going to be the maid of honor in a wedding and I don't EVEN GET TO SEE HER!!!!!!!!!! Because of the dairy, we need to stay here and handle the chores so that we can't ever all go somewhere together. So be honest now, if your daughter/son was in a wedding party, wouldn't you want to go and see her/him in the wedding? I prayed a lot about this and feel strongly that I'm supposed to let her go alone and be her own person without me around. OUCH!!!!!!!!!! OH HELP, LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the fact that I've had repeated miscarriages must play a role in strengthening our mother/daughter bond. Every time one of my babies died, Cora grieved right along with me! She kept praying and praying with me that she'd have a little sister some day. It never happened and little by little we both had to give up that hope until now there is none at all. It is our shared sorrow and one that comes up frequently in her BodyTalk sessions. I pray that she will be completely at peace about miscarriages before her knight in shining armor appears.
Because we are so close, I do pray almost every day that she will settle nearby us on a farm with her husband. Still, I'm not so greedy as to want this at the expense of her misery! That's why when a totally unacceptable young neighbor was interested in her, I was able to accept Robert's advice. He said at that time, "Would you really want her living close by if you would have to see how miserable she was every day?" WHOA. NO--I WANT HER TO BE HAPPY MORE THAN I WANT HER TO BE CLOSE. However, my first choice would be to have her be happy nearby!!!
All of these thoughts tended to make my spirits heavy this morning, especially when I woke up to find Cora's room empty. That's why I said at the beginning of this post, that the Lord always knows what I need. After the boys and I finished chores this morning, I came in to find this forward from a friend. I laughed so hard and I knew that I should share these with others who may be heavy hearted this morning too. I pray that you will embrace the beauty of the day and the joy of the relationships that God DID put into your life today. I'm praying that for me too!!!
Sabbath blessings,

Kids Are Quick

TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America .

MARIA: Here it is.

TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?

CLASS: Maria.


TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?

JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables. __________________________________________

TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'


TEACHER: No, that's wrong

GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.. (I Love this kid) ____________________________________________

TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?


TEACHER: What are you talking about?

DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.


TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.


TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?

GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are. _______________________________________

TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I.

' MILLIE: "I is"...

TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'

MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.' ________________________________

TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?

LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand. ______________________________________

TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?

SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook. ______________________________

TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?

CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.


TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?

HAROLD: A teacher



Thursday, November 5, 2009


Where have the years gone? How can it be that my "Baby" is now 14 years old? Next week Jacob hopes to get his driver's permit and you all know how THAT changes things. I really am serious here--I cannot imagine that I am the mother of 2 adults and a 14 year old. I remember when Cora was born thinking that I would always be young and strong. I can remember reading then that no woman had ever regretted pouring her life into her young children, and they were right. I can remember reading everything Biblical that I could get my hands on as to how best raise children who would love God and serve Him all of their lives. I can remember doing most of what I read and you know what? They were right--it takes quantities of quality time to reassure a child that they are important to the parent. Not one minute of my staying home with my little ones do I regret now--only I regret that I didn't have more patience then.

I hope that you enjoy these pictures taken of my son, Jacob, in the past few months. The boy's beds are up in the air so they have more floor space in their room. You know how a mother spends all kinds of time trying to get everything "Just right" for their children. Well, guess where my eyes are drawn in this picture? to the Nascar bedding--hardly. Here lies my son asleep in his bed and before my eyes he is becoming a man. WHAT A MYSTERY.

Jacob keeps up with his older siblings in the basement games. In fact he has a reputation as one mean foosball player and a good partner in air hockey. When did he get so tall?
Jacob already knows how to drive because he's a farm kid. He helped us move the cattle home on Sunday by driving the Ram up behind the herd and keeping them moving.
Jacob is the biggest hunting fan in the family. He cleaned out the rabbits last winter and now is hoping to start in on the pheasants. He's been reading about pheasant hunting, though, and realizes that it's going to be a might bit harder than shooting rabbits. This is what he looked like the night that his papa gave him a brand new shotgun for his 14th birthday.
Generally quiet by nature, Jacob learns by watching. Here he has his nose stuck in Cora's current project.

How I love this gentle-hearted son of mine. Many times he strengthened me through my 3 year illness with a love pat and a prayer for me. It's so wonderful that now when he prays for his mom, his hands warm up from the Reiki power of God that flows through all who are willing to bless others with a loving touch of compassion. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACOB!!!! As the Bornemanns always say to each other on their birthdays, "Many more!"
Love always,

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Two homes

I don't know how many of you bloggers love your spot in cyberspace, but here lately I have become aware that I have a real fondness for A RAY OF HOPE. I suppose it's like what they say about babies--the more time that you give to your baby the more that you love it. It's just that it's the one place that I can go to that nobody messes with. You may not know this but, when you're the mom, you're forever picking things up after everybody? Well, I don't have to do that here and it is soooooooooo nice. :) So, I guess you could say that I have 2 homes. One is shown in the picture above and the other I created from the computer in this house--both are indispensable to my joy. :)

I've been busy preparing for my test to become a certified BodyTalk practitioner. Elizabeth, my BT practitioner called today and we set the date. It's to be on November 18th at 10:00 AM. Now that the date is settled, I feel so much better. I'm glad that it's almost a week later than I was anticipating so that's all the much longer to study and do sessions. So what that means is, in about 2 weeks I could be a CERTIFIED BodyTalk practitioner. I wish I could explain how much information is necessary to be mastered before one can wear that title. It's just overwhelming at times to think that I'll be able to recall it all under a moment of stress. PLEASE KEEP ME IN YOUR PRAYERS!!!

Well it's late and, although I have more to say about my business, I'm going to just share the MORNING AND EVENING excerpt for this morning and say, "Good night. " This was such a blessing to me this morning and I trust that it will bless you too. Mr. Spurgeon had such a way of painting a word picture that is unforgettable!! The Scripture is Acts 9:11 "Behold, he prayeth."

Prayers are instantly noticed in Heaven. The moment Saul began to pray, the Lord heard him. Here is comfort for the distressed but praying soul. Oftentimes a poor broken-hearted one bends his knee, but can only utter his wailing in the language of sighs and tears; yet that groan has made all the harps of Heaven thrill with music; that tear has been caught by God and treasured in the lacnrymatory of heaven. "Thou puttest my tears into thy bottle,' implies that they are caught as they flow. The suppliant, whose fears prevent his words, will be well understood by the Most High. He may only look up with misty eyes; but prayer is the falling of a tear. Tears are the diamonds of heaven; sighs are a part of the music of Jehovah's courts, and are numbered with the "Sublimest strains that reach the majesty on high." Think not that your prayer, however weak or trembling, will be unregarded. Jacob's ladder is lofty, but our prayers shall lean upon the Angel of the covenant and so climb it's starry rounds. Our God not only HEARD prayer but also LOVES to hear it. "He forgetteth not the cry of the humble." True, He regards not high looks and lofty words; He cares not for the pomp and pageantry of kings; He listens not to the swell of martial music; He regards not the triumph and pride of man; but wherever there is a heart big with sorrow, or a lip quivering with agony, or a deep groan,or a penitential sigh, the heart of Jehovah is open; He marks it down in the registry of His memory; He puts our prayers, like rose leaves, between the pages of His book of remembrance, and when the volume is opened at last, there shall be a precious fragrance springing up therefrom.

'Faith asks no signal from the skies,

To show that prayers accepted rise,

Our Priest is in His holy place,

And answers from the throne of Grace."

I just spoke with a mother whose oldest child is moving out of their home tonight. Her tears were flowing and it was for her that I most wanted to share these thoughts. GOD DOES CARE ABOUT OUR BROKEN HEARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's a hug for you, sweet lady.



Sunday, November 1, 2009

First full meal

Well, today is an exciting day for all of us as we're heading up north 5 miles to bring the cattle herd home for Winter. It's such a beautiful day today and I praise God for this as it's a bear trying to move cattle against a strong wind. It was perfectly calm this morning but now a mild wind has picked up coming out of the North which will help drive them home for us. GOOD JOB, GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back and here are some pictures of the cattle drive, which went very well by the way. Robert and Andrew took up their dirt bikes; Cora drove up the borrowed "Mule"; Jacob drove our pasture vehicle which we call, "The Ram;" and I took the van up there. Here the guys are making the final plans. Being we had no communication between us once the men took off with the dirt bikes, everyone had to know where to be and what to do beforehand. Two big questions were in all of our minds. First, will they go through the water patches in the section line and second, will they stay out of the neighbor's corn fields.

Robert and Andrew went up on their dirt bikes as there are places up ahead where no vehicle can get through. It took about an hour to round them all together and get them headed in the right direction. Cora and Jacob played games in the van while I did a quick BodyTalk session on the herd to help them be nice and calm for their 5 mile journey home. Here they come!!!

My job was to keep them slowed down so that they don't get spread out so far. I wanted to get a picture of the herd following me so I took this shot out of my left hand mirror. It turned out better than I thought it would. :)

This girl was headed home no matter what. Every time I slowed down to keep the pace more relaxed, she came running up beside the van, so we had a little talk. :) You can see that she was tired already as she was drooling. A lot of the cows, and most of the calves, had worked up a mouth full of saliva from their exertions before we got them home. It was perfect weather, though, as I've seen it a lot worse on warmer days.

This was my view out the left window, when Miss Curious wasn't in the way. Cora's job was to ride the ditches with the Ranger to keep the cows out of the cornfields. She did a great job.

This was my view out of the right rear window. Isn't it wonderful to see the fields all plucked of their crops and ready to go to bed for Winter? How I wish that our sunflowers were off............

We brought the cows in the back way so that they didn't mess up the yard. My job was to get far enough ahead of the herd and block the road so that they would cut into our alfalfa field which led to the Winter pasture. I was glad that Andrew came up with his dirt bike to help me as it seemed that the leaders were intent on running down to Kintyre. I was also glad that the Lord sent a van to block the road for us when I had to go into the field to keep them from running through the shelter belt and into the yard. With all of the snow and rain we've had lately has left the yard VERY mushy. A whole herd of cattle running through the yard would leave ruts all over the place. ): Thankfully the dirt bikes can maneuver around easily and the cattle are used to them so all went fairly well. This is a picture of Jacob just after the last of the critters headed into the pasture. Good job Jacob--it sure is nice to have 5 drivers now!!!

Just after I headed into the alfalfa field to keep them from running through the shelter belt, I noticed that our dog, Millie, was out on the road. Now Millie may be a good cattle dog some day but she just doesn't get it yet. I could see her running towards the tail end of the herd yet coming down the road. What a disaster THAT would be so I quickly got out of the van and yelled as load as I could. Millie came running at break neck speed and jumped into the open van door quick as a wink. I didn't have the time just then to notice that her feet were all muddy so, yes, I have a big mess to clean up in the van now. OH MILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!! She does mean well, it's just that she's sooooooo hyper. Still, I'm glad that she came when I called her and she is pretty cute, wouldn't you say?

Here they're back at home. There was quite a bit of bellering as they looked for their calves and they snooped around the old home place. You can see here what became of the big, square bales that the guys made out of flax for our shoot. They piled them up here to make a shelter for the cattle on both sides. This means that, no matter which way the wind is blowing this Winter, the bales will give the cattle a warm wall to lay behind. I recall from our shoot, that it made a big difference when we could be out of the wind. Robert named it the "Great Wall of Kintyre!" :)

The herd was bellering so loud that the guys took them a couple of bales right away. I truly think that I have never seen the cattle looking so good coming off of pasture. They look so nice and plump and the calves look good too--now for a price. I'll tell you, it's an act of faith to keep farming every year. We do know that God wants us here, though, so we press on and He provides. It's so wonderful walking hand in hand with God raising high-quality food with which He feeds the world and we feed and shelter our family. :) What an awesome partnership!!!

Well, that was today but I am aching to write about yesterday. I have so much to tell you about how the Lord blessed me in an incredible way. Still, I don't want to rush over that subject so I guess I'll leave that for another post. For now, it is enough to know that the cattle are home for the Winter. The family is down playing another Foosball tournament; I just finished exercising; and my heart is at peace.
The third Master Cleanse was a phenomenal success on the emotional level and I lost 13 pounds. Cora will share of her weight loss success, I am sure, but I can tell that she's lost a lot of weight. I think that she'll be the prettiest Maid of Honor ever but, as she would say, "Sure Mom, I know that you really feel that way but then, you're biased." I guess I am. :)
PS. Silly me, I forgot to write about my first full meal in 17 days. Well, I had a bowl of tropical fruit with about a 1 1/2 tablespoons of coconut oil in. Then I had 1 1/2 pancakes with peanut butter and apple butter on top. Last, I had a piece of apple crisp. I felt so stuffed--it was wonderful to be able to eat with my family again.

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...