Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I've been so swamped here lately. I've been spending the day lining up my sessions for tomorrow; plus I wrote an article for the newspaper about my certification and sent it to 2 local newspapers; plus I helped Jacob get unstuck in his blogging (which is his writing for school); plus I called to wish my dad a happy 80th birthday about 10 times as these friends on the picture had taken him out for supper (Lord bless them); plus I FINALLY did Lilac's session who is Jacob's cow with a mastitis problem; AND I did a session on Jacob (not sure who needed it most); plus I took care of myself a LITTLE bit; plus I did chores once and need to get out to the barn again for the second one. How's that for a hectic day? but you know what? I LOVE BEING PRODUCTIVE FOR THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, this is going to be short but sweet hopefully. This last Sabbath we (minus Cora who was coughing too much) went down to Eureka to honor my dad for his 80th birthday. Here is our little group which met at the Lyric Lanes which has been the Lyric Lanes since my dad was young. My brother, Duard, and his wife, Sharel, and their son, Cody home from collage came. Then Dad and his life-long friends, Bill and Stella Merkels. We had a great time together with the Merkels and every one else was civil.
Robert getting in a big fish story, I think.

As I wrapped dad's gift in the morning, I found this little plaque with these words on it. I thought it was very appropriate so tied it in the ribbon.
Dad holding up his birthday cake which Jacob and Cora both worked on.

A closeup of the cake. The letters are made out of melted chocolate as Cora was out of frosting. It sure tasted good. :) Thanks, Cora. By the way, how much do I owe you for it?
This was our waitress who just happens to be my sister-in-laws mother. She did such a great job of making dad's party special.
The other end of the table. That's my brother on the end across from Andrew.
I have much to say about the rest of the day but I am just out of time. I will say that my dad was in no mood for Christmas cheer but I knew that the bells would touch his heart. I was right! A million thanks to Robert and Andrew for stringing them up for him.

Please keep my dad in your prayers as he struggles to find a reason to keep on living without my mom here any more!!! He did agree to let me do BodyTalk on him, whenever he needs it, so that was the greatest joy that I've had in a long time. I've done 2 sessions on him so far and he said tonight that he was feeling, "Pretty good." PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!


Kimberly said...

Dear Dawn,

I'm sorry you are so swamped! I loved all the pictures of your day with your dad. That's progress that he is accepting the Body Talk sessions.

Thanks for Clara's Report. It helps me understand Body Talk a little. We have a basic package with Dish Network as we do like to watch the local news now and then. On Sunday nights the children and I watch a nature program on Prairie Public. One night it was on animal mothers. Do they just have instincts or do they have feelings was the question they were trying to answer. I found it very interesting and came to the conclusion (which I already knew!) that they do have feelings.

Your blogs are always very interesting and educational.



Tamera said...

I'm glad to hear you're okay. I was a little worried that you were still "kinda bummed" about not going to homeschool convention. About that, I think it will work out some way. If it doesn't work out that you can attend, you can comfort yourself in the knowledge that God knows, and He has a better plan sometimes that we don't see.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tamera,
Thank you for this reminder, as you are right! I think, sometimes, that I know what is best but I am so blinded by what I see that I can't see what He knows to be true.
Recently I have become aware, even more clearly, how many lies I have believed all of my life!!! The most recent one being that I am UNLOVEABLE. This lie has shaped almost every one of my waking thoughts. Now that it has been exposed for me, through a Breakthrough session (a division of BT), I'm walking around as though I've lost something. WHO WOULD EVEN WANT SUCH A THING IN THE FIRST PLACE, LET ALONE LOOK FOR IT AFTER IT'S GONE??? Such is the life of one pilgrim on Earth slowly making her way to the Celestial City.
Please continue praying for me as I struggle to see God's plan for my life one step at a time.
Your friend,

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...