Thursday, December 31, 2009

Frannie's Prophecy

Tonight is New Year's Eve! I'm sure that you all know this already but this means a little something extra special to me. You see, 4 years ago tonight I received a prophecy from my neighbor lady, Frannie. That prophecy took me through hell as I dealt with shingles on my brain and the recovery thereof. That prophecy is one of the few things that kept me going as I battled for my life 3 years ago. I've been wanting to share it, but have been leery of doing so lest I be labeled a false prophet. Stoning was the command for false prophets in the Old Testament so that kind of gives me the impression that God doesn't want people tampering with HIS WORDS! However, just the other day I saw my first glimmer of it's fulfillment, so I share Frannie's words with you.

Frannie had just come back from a revival meeting in a church in Bismarck. The preacher was also a healer. Furthermore, he was a prophet who was greatly respected by all at the meeting--not one of THOSE healers. She was all excited as she told me about what she had just learned.

This man of God had had a vision from God. In the vision, he saw God starting to bind up the wounds of the people of Earth, so that they will return to Him with joyful hearts. He had shared with the group that night that God had shown Him in the vision that God was going to start healing the world--one human at a time. When the body is sick, so is the mind and the spirit.

I recall, as though it was yesterday, that I got a thrill from head to toe as I learned that God was indeed going to bring healing to us in a fresh way--not seen since Christ's time. Then Frannie said something that I have always known in my subconscious mind, but never could have put into words.

Frannie looked deep into my eyes and she said, "He said that within 3 to 5 years people will start coming to North Dakota for healing." Then she paused and gazed deeply in my eyes and said, "And I feel Him telling me to say that YOU will be a part of it."

You can imagine how these words carried me through those terrible months of pain. Me--a part of a healing movement upon the Earth starting right here in North Dakota? Me--so weak that I can hardly walk? Me--lying here for 18 days unable to even think because of the pain?

Well, yesterday I received an email from a high school classmate who lives in Nebraska. When she wrote, "I may even come to Bismarck for you to do Bodytalk on me seeing as there are no BodyTalk practitioners in either Nebraska or South Dakota," suddenly a thrill swept over me. The words of the prophecy shared 4 years ago were, "In 3 to 5 years, people will start coming to North Dakota for healing".

What is it to God to bring His words to pass? What indeed??? I'm trembing with excitement as I write this. I, who have been sickly all of my life, will be used by God to help bring healing to His planet. How's that for a wonderful thought to begin the new year?

Happy New Year to all of you out there!! May the Lord bless you with the healing that He has for you in 2010. AMEN? AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Amazing! Thank you for doing your part for God's kingdom!

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 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...