Thursday, April 8, 2010


PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TONIGHT!!! I did NOT sleep well last night, as the pain was intense. It was a different kind of pain than the night before. It wasn't the raw nerve pain of that old tooth, but it was the pain of someone digging in my mouth and pulling out that old tooth.

Today I've been resting; drugging myself; and doing a few BT sessions from my bed. Now the swelling has gone up into my ear and that hurts too. I took this delightful picture so that you can see the swelling on the side of my face. I tried to smile, but it just hurt too much. WHY, OH WHY DID I EVER EAT ALL OF THAT SUGAR THAT ROTTED OUT THE OLD THING IN THE FIRST PLACE???????????????????

To the whirlpool,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn, I hope you are better... please take time in quiet solitude emptying all your thoughts, doing nothing that comes to mind and be still and know that He is God. If you have to.. write down the things that impede your mind and don't address them till next week.

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...