Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Master Cleanse 4 ~ Day 2

Today was MUCH better. If anyone was praying for me out there, I bless you for it, It's unusual for things to get much better until after the first 3 days. Typically there's some pain as you release toxins through the cleanse. The first 3 days are the most painful as the body adjusts to living without food. It makes me wonder how many of you were praying for me as I was totally not expecting it to be better yet. Now, this does not mean that I'm hoping you won't pray for me tomorrow. :)

I got to turn windrows this morning in the alfalfa field. I JUST LOVE HELPING WITH HAY MAKING!!!!!!!! Being these windrows were rained on, they needed to be turned so that they'd dry out before baling. The smell of freshly mown hay is one of my favorite smells, so I was enjoying myself thoroughly. THEN THE WIND PICKED UP. It started blowing the lighter windrows all over the place, after I turned them with the wheel rack. I had to quit then and I made lunch which was ALSO appreciated.

I did 3 Bodytalk sessions for clients after lunch. I so love helping people in this way and it is healing for me as well. When I can see someone come to peace with something that they've struggled with for decades, it gives me the courage to keep working on myself. Every once in a while I think, "I don't need any more BodyTalk." That's when the Lord shows me some sin in my life, or some weakness, and I realize that He's still working on me. :)

Well, I decided to ask again if anyone would like to go on the Master Cleanse with me. If you're interested, please spend a little time at the website listed on my sidebar. If you decide to do the 10 day cleanse, you'll be a little bit behind me but many people do it for 3 days or more. It would be so nice to know that I am taking care of my health in this way with OTHERS who are feeling called to do so.

Anyway, this is what you do. If you're going to do the cleanse for 10 days, you need to prepare your body for it in this way. One day you eat a full meal and drink the lemonade (recipe to follow) for the other 2 meals. The second day you eat a large salad or veggies or fruit for one meal and drink lemonade for 2 meals. The third day you drink fruit or vegetable juices for one meal and drink lemonade for 2 meals. From there on out, you drink the lemonade for all 3 meals. You eat NOTHING for the 2 days that you are on the cleanse. Then, for 3 more days you come out of the cleanse slowly by reversing what you did going into it.

I have done this 3 times now except that I drank the lemonade for 15 days instead of 10. Keep in mind that I had a major health problem that I was trying to help my body to overcome. Many people only do this for a few days and reap the benefit of overcoming minor troubles that they have struggled with for years. After the third cleanse last year, my brain was almost completely healed from the shingles on it!!! I was soooo happy as I never dreamed, even with BodyTalk, that my brain would be able to recover from the nightmare it endured in 2006--2007.

Now I press on with the hopes that my memory will be completely restored to me. Also I pray that the pain in my neck and shoulders, which have been my constant companions for the past 4 years, will completely disappear. I can tell that the cleanse IS working in that area as there has been some pretty intense pain for a few days. Have I ever mentioned how I stuff clove capsules to deal with the pain?

Anyway, I urge you to ponder coming along with me, if only for a few days. This is a phenomenal healing tool. I would love to have you join me and it would make the days go more quickly for me if I would have someone to talk to about it. PLEASE be in prayer about this and, if you decide to do the cleanse, double please let me know so that we can keep in touch.

Here's the recipe for the lemonade by the pitcher. Fill your blender half full with warm water.

1.Put into it 1/2 of a large or 1 small lemon (organic is best but they're hard to find around here) which you have taken the outer skin off of.

2. Add 3/4 cup grade me organic Grade B maple syrup. I can recommend the place with the best price if anyone is interested. It must be Grade B because Grade A has had another processing which removes the nutrients that the body needs to sustain life for so long without food.

3. Add 1/2 teaspoon of the hottest cayenne pepper you can find. Mind is 140,000 heat units. If you can't find it that hot, then add more.

Blend these together and add warm water up to the top of the blender after it is mixed well. Drink this lemonade every time that you get hungry and the hunger goes away--IT REALLY WORKS!!!!!!

One also takes laxative herbal teas or does a salt flush (out for me now) to help the bowels to clean out all of the old junk which is contributing to poor health and pain. You can also drink any herbal teas to give you some variety, but the main source of nourishment is the lemonade.

As the cleanse progresses, you begin to feel better and better. There are always little bouts of pain or weariness, as the body releases toxins, but gradually these lessen and a pleasant healing sensation takes over your entire body. At one point I find myself thinking, "Why would anyone ever want to eat food?"

The e-book that I bought has great details included. I learned that it is best not to go over 15 days on the full cleanse, if you're trying to loose weight, as the body starts to go into starvation mode then and actually will start to put on weight. WHO WANTS THAT?

Well, I'm going to bed. It does make one more tired to cleanse so deeply. Then one MUST listen to the body and REST! I'm sure that all of you have read SOMETHING about resting for your health's sake--it too is a part of the Master Cleanse. So I bid you, "Good night" and I once again invite you to ponder if the Lord isn't urging you to come with me on this journey--at least part of the way.

Sleep well my dear friends,


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Master Cleanse 4 ~ Day 1

Jacob by his favorite plane. The manufacturer of this engine, by the way, is the "Jacob's Engine Corportation."

Me under the wing of my favorite.
Me with a cool old car called a Bently.
Today was my first full day on the Master Cleanse the fourth time over. Jacob and I went to Bismarck and, frankly, it was a depressing day. The one bright spot, the American Barnstormers event at the airport (where these pictures were taken) turned out to be a big disappointment too, so this will remain a glum post. These are the main "Lowlights."

1. My session today was very traumatic for the client and, consequently, for me being it had to do with abuse.

2. Then we tried twice to get a seat on one of the old time planes that are touring the countryside. Robert and Andrew went yesterday so we were hoping to get up in one too. They were swamped at the airport, though, so I came home with a dejected Jacob.

3. I stopped and visited my sweet neighbor lady, Gladys, at the nursing home. She'll be in bed another 3 to 4 weeks yet AND there is something wrong with her husband now too.

4. The pain in my neck started up with the sale approaching. My guess is that the real culprit behind my morose tonight, is that we are now 11 days away from the sale that will remove from my life all of the things that surrounded me as I grew up. I keep trying to find the peace, but it's so elusive in this situation. I'm eager for it to all be over and yet, the hope that this event may bring some restoration to my family of origin dangles before my eyes. PLEASE KEEP ME IN YOUR PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!

To the whirlpool,


PS. The pictures were making the best of a down situation. I had hoped to be taking them from the cockpit, but I guess it was a lesson in learning that the Lord doesn't always jump at our every whim. Maybe I was needing a reminder in that department.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Master Cleanse 4

Well, I've been getting stressed out, no matter how much deep breathing and BodyTalk I've been doing. My dad's sale is now 2 weeks away and so much remains to be done. The other night I heard that old freight train whistle in the distance and I knew that I need to take this seriously. You may recall that I heard that thing roaring right through my head for a whole year following the shingles on my brain. As long as I keep my commitment level low, I manage to keep that warning signal turned off. However, I AM committed to getting dad's house and property ready for the sale. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally decided that I need to minimize my stress big time. I know that digestion takes a LOT of energy and, if I manage to eat something cooling or a poor combination, it is down-right a detriment. Well, I have been pondering doing another Master Cleanse sometime. Yesterday morning, as I listened to that warning signal going off, I knew that it was time.

So I began yesterday. I counted the number of days before the sale and found that I don't have enough time for a 15 day cleanse this time. So I'm doing 2 days of working into it (yesterday and today) and then 10 days of the total cleanse; and then 2 days of coming out. That will put me at the day before the sale. I thought of going right on through the sale, but I don't want to have to explain to people why I'm not eating. THAT IS STRESSFUL IN ITSELF.

I welcome anyone to join me who is feeling the Lord calling you to this cleanse at this time. Even if it's only a few days, it would be a blessing to have a companion. Feel free to go to the website listed on my sidebar to learn more about the incredible healing that can come from giving the body a break from digestion.

Once again, I covet all of your prayers. I'm trying not to look at the sale as stressful, but it's just that we all lived in that house and all of those horrid memories are stored in ALL of our subconscious minds. Please pray that the Lord will bring peace like never before. This will be my mental focus as I deny myself food for the next 12 days. I'M EXPECTING MIRACLES!!!!!!!!

So here is a picture of me that my friend, Ellen Johnson, took yesterday. I was at a jam session in Napoleon, as the boys wanted to play in one once and I wanted to see one once. As always, music brightens my life, and so I cling to the positive as we enter the last stretch of the struggle in my life called, "Dad's sale." I'll post a picture of me again at the end of this, my 4th Master Cleanse, so you can look for improvements right along with me. :)
Out to the garden--which itself is in great need of a miracle!


Monday, June 21, 2010

What makes a day great?

Boy, do I ever feel drained! After 2 days at Prairie Days, which this year included Ben and Hannah's wedding; plus the 100 mile trip, times 4; plus 2 chores each day; plus preparing and lugging food each day, I was so wiped out that I slept like a rock last night.

When I woke up this morning, I did another BodyTalk session on Robert, as he injured his back last week and has been dragging. I just finished up the session at 9:30, when suddenly I remembered that I had 2 clients coming this morning--one at 10:00 and one at 11:00. TALK ABOUT A RUDE AWAKENING.

The sessions went great; I had lunch with the boys, as Robert was cleaning grain and Cora had gone to work; and THEN I had the time to fall into my bed. Jacob stuck his head in my room at 5:00 and said, "Are you getting up, Mom?" Goodness!

I'd like to say that I sprang out of bed, but my head was pretty woozy. I took a little time to do cortices and went out to mow the lawn in our playground. When the lawn mower ran out of gas, I decided to turn the job over to Jacob and go make some supper. WOW--I just felt so groggy.

Anyway, I'm headed for the whirlpool but I just HAD to share a few pictures from the first day of Prairie Days. Tomorrow I'll try to post from the second day, but I have to wait until Cora can contribute them to the library. She just got home from work, and is dead tired, but also wants to post about Prairie Days tonight so I'm sure you'll enjoy her viewpoint on our special Summer celebration. Here are a few pictures, from the many that I took, to TRY to summarize how wonderful it is to meet with friends at the Dagley farm for their annual Prairie Days.


A. Time spent with my precious children......
A tug of war amongst friends of all sizes..........

A tea party for mothers and daughters under the trees......

An herb walk in the rain with my friend, Chris, who is a Master Herbalist.................
I'll try to post more pictures tomorrow, but we'll see if I have any time. Coming up on our agenda is our landlady, Fern's, family reunion this coming Sabbath. We've been asked to bring some music to share for that event, so that will be fun.
Looming in my mind, though, every day is the fact that July 11th is coming closer and closer. I covet ALL of your prayers as we prepare to sell the home that I grew up in, and all of it's contents, to the highest bidder. Please pray for cooperation amongst my brothers and I, as there is MUCH work to be done yet, and very LITTLE cooperation. OH HELP!
I love you all,

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Youngest clients

I am so pathetically behind in posting, but today Andrew got things going so that I can add pictures again. THANK YOU, ANDREW DEAR!!! Of course, now I'm too tired to write a lot. However, when I browsed through the pictures quickly, I thought that these were just too adorable not to post right away.
These are my youngest clients who are outside of the womb. It's kind of hard to take pictures of a fetus, so these are the youngest ones that I can get pictures of. This is Landan and Jocelyn and I worked on them, and their mom, on Thursday. Their mom snapped this cute pictures of us all swinging our legs off of my new massage table. I'm still not finished decorating my office, but it is presentable now for clients.

When I was working on Jocelyn, Landon had to come and sit on my lap. It's all in a day's work, but those of you who know me well, know how very much I loved spending time with these little people. :)


It was a wonderful Sabbath rest today with my precious family. We're studying a Preterist tape series now and we watched an awesome Jimmie Stewart movie called, "Pot of Gold." I rested a lot and tonight we played a new game called, "Golden 10." I lost BIG Time, so it's certainly not my favorite, but it was good to see Jacob smoke everybody else. :)

Tomorrow we're going (except Cora who has to work) to a home school graduation at the Geiger house so I guess I should head for bed. It's just so good to be able to come here, to my little place in cyberspace, and share a bit about my life. I hope to write a nice, long post soon to show you a big surprise that my dad had for me last week. I don't have a good picture of it, though, so it'll have to wait.

Hugs to all you lovers out there,


PS. We're trying to decided on whether or not to sing at Prairie Days next week. It's kind of late to work up a puppet show, but we really ought to do SOMETHING!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Five in class

Hi everyone,
I need to head back to Napoleon for the second night of our Access class. I just thought I'd tell you all that we have 5 people in our class! That means that 5 families are gaining the skills to take care of 60 to 80% of their health care needs--YEAH!!!!!! Please keep the class in your prayers tonight!


PS. I can hardly wait to share pictures of the class and what I drove to it in. :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CLASS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am praising the Lord this morning with every ounce of my being!!! I have been so swamped here lately that there has been no time for reading. Well ok, I've been reading my TEACHING REIKI book, whenever I have a few seconds, but nothing other than that!

This morning on this busiest day of all, as I prepare for the Access class this afternoon, I felt the Lord almost begging me to read the message in MORNING AND EVENING. When I did, I was powerfully moved with these encouraging words. The text is 1 Chronicles 5:22: THERE FELL DOWN MANY SLAIN, BECAUSE THE WAR WAS OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just HAD to share this with you all.

Warrior, fighting under the banner of the Lord Jesus, observe this verse with holy joy, for as it was in the days of old so is it now, if the war be of God, the victory is sure! The sons of Reuben, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh could barely muster five and forth thousand fighting men, and yet in their war with the Hagarites, they slew "Men--an hundred thousand" "For they cried to God in the battle, and He was entreated of them because they put their trust in Him."

The Lord saveth not by many nor by few, it is ours to go forth in Jehovah's name if we be but a handful of men (or women) for the Lord of Hosts is with us for our Captain. They did not neglect buckler, and sword, and bow, neither did they place their trust in these weapons; we must use ALL fitting means, but our confidence must rest in the Lord alone, for He is the sword and the shield of His people.

The great reason of their extraordinary success lay in the fact that "The war was of God." Beloved, in fighting with sin without and within, with error doctrinal or practical, with devils and devil's allies, you are waging Jehovah's war, and unless He himself can be worsted, you need nor fear defeat.

Quail not before superior numbers, shrink not from difficulties or impossibilities, flinch not at wounds or death, smite with the two-edged sword of the Spirit, and the slain shall lie in heaps. The battle is the Lords and He will deliver His enemies into our hands. With steadfast foot, strong hand, dauntless heart, and flaming zeal, rush to the conflict, and the hosts of evil shall fly like chaff before the gale.









I have had to overcome GREAT difficulties to get to this day. Many days I'd rather have died than keep on living with the pain of burnt nerve endings in my neck and head. BUT THE LORD WOULDN'T LET ME DIE!!!!!!!

Now, today, I have the immense joy of bringing BodyTalk to the people of Napoleon. Of course I want the whole town to take the class!!!! I want EVERYONE to know the peace that comes from laying old traumas to rest once and for all. But, as the Lord so wonderfully reminded me, this battle is NOT mine. The battle for my life/health WAS/IS mine. The struggles that others have to conquer, though, are NOT mine. BUT these dear ones are NOT alone. The Lord has blessed them with the same opportunity that He gave to me 3 years ago to take Elizabeth's access class.

I rejoice anew, to shout with David of old, "THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S!!!!!!!!!!" Humbly, I share my prayer with you all this morning, "Please, dear God, bring everyone that YOU want to come to take the Access class these next 2 days in Napoleon."

I'm off with a long list to do before class, for I'm the coordinator this time, but I just wanted you all to know that I am doing well and I rejoice in the goodness of the Lord in the land of the LIVING! YEAH!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Part of the reason for my not writing here lately is because my computer hasn't been working the best. Another part is because I have been busily getting my new office in Bismarck ready for clients. A third part is because we have been planting our large garden (the small ones are across the road). A forth part is because I'm lining up a BodyTalk Access class in Napoleon next week. A fifth part is that I'm getting quarters and halves of beef to several families. The last part is that I have been trying to get things coordinated to pack up my dad's house for the sale next month. So you see, I haven't just been twiddling my thumbs. :)

Andrew installed a new system on our computer and now I can't use my scanner or insert pictures, but I'm sure that it's better in a lot of ways--once I figure out how to use it! I'm glad that he's busy helping finish up the seeding, and I know that he will get around to getting things working up to snuff again here SOON. It's just that I have lots of pictures of my new office that I am aching to show everyone.

I had my first work day in there on Tuesday and I JUST LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so wonderful not to have to work around anyone else!!! Everything in the room was MINE. I had chosen them and nobody moved a thing while I was gone--not even the Kleenex box. In the other office, I never knew where I'd find the Kleenex box. It seems that everyone of my 4 partners had their own ideas as to where the Kleenex box should be.

My clients felt at home there in my new office and said that there was plenty of room. When I was finished with clients, I did some more shopping and bought some office decorations; a coat hook; and a filing cabinet. I tried to put it together myself as the instructions said, "Easy assembly." However, when it was 9:00 PM and the top wouldn't go on no matter how hard I pushed on it, I knew that I had to surrender and head for home. Yesterday Jacob finished assembling it for me and it took him a few hours to do it too, so then I felt better. :)

I'm asking for prayers for Saturday. We're going to Eureka to start packing things up for my dad's auction sale next month. My brother and his wife have begun the process and are feeling a bit daunted, but we couldn't get away from here to help until we were finished with our seeding. Hopefully Robert will be able to finish that tomorrow.

There's a big dread in my heart when I think of going into that house and dealing with all of my parent's stuff, but it has to be done. As Maria in THE SOUND OF MUSIC said when she was overwhelmed at the thought of what lay before her, "Oh Help!"

The most wonderful news around here is that my old washing machine permanently broke. This means that the guys went to Menards and bought me a brand, new one!!! WOW--IT IS SO COOL! It's a front-load type and we can watch the thing do it's work. I told Cora that she needs to get one when she has children as it's a great baby-sitter. It's absolutely awesome that our clothes are actually getting clean!!!!!!!!! YEAH!

Best get to work. I got my new book called, "THE REIKI TEACHER'S MANUAL," in the mail today and it's calling my name. I have my first Reiki 3 student coming to my office in a few weeks and I am VERY nervous. I have lots of studying to do--that's one more thing that's going on in my life! Please keep me in your prayers.

Oh yes, I just remembered another project that I'm working on in my mind. In my studying to teach Reiki 3 to my friend, I actually started reading the book that I received when I got my Reiki 3 last Fall. There is an awesome explanation in the book about how we have 7 layers of these energies inside of us.

When we die, the energies within us die too, so these are OUR energies. Well, Reiki is the highest energy and it is needed to help us get in touch with God. Every time that someone prays, they use Reiki energy naturally. However, most people prefer to try to solve their problems on their own rather than trouble God with their woes. That's why we remain powerless until we give up; get down on our knees; and ask God to help us. VERY SOON, I will write 7 posts explaining these 7 kinds of energies that we all have within us. It's such an awesome explanation................................ Can you tell that I LOVE my work?



Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...