Monday, January 31, 2011


Good morning everyone,

I am elated!!!!!!!! Elizabeth just sent the folowing email to all of us BodyTalkers and I just HAD to share it with all of you. Thank you to those of you who have been praying for this victory!

Many of you may recall the struggle that we energy workers have been having with the North Dakota Board of Massage this past year. What a nightmare it's been for us with LOTS of resulting stress. Well, the nightmare is half over as the North Dakota House of Representatives voted VERY STRONGLY in favor of protecting energy workers. The exact wording of the amended bill is listed below.

We're not out of the woods yet, as the bill must still pass in the Senate. However, I feel good about the work that I've been doing on this with my Senator who is Robert Erbele. How thankful I am that God has put a Godly man in the position of being MY senator at the state level--now for such success at the Federal level.

Anyway, here is the email which I just received bearing good news of great joy! May your day be filled with such fruit for your labors today!

House Bill 1304 - re-written version
Sixty-second Legislative Assembly of North Dakota
Introduced by Representatives S. Meyer, Weisz, Delmore, Holman Senators Bowman, Erbele

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new subsection to section 43-25-04 of the North Dakota

Century Code, relating to an exemption from massage therapy licensure for energy workers.


SECTION 1. A new subsection to section 43-25-04 of the North Dakota Century Code is created and enacted as follows:

Any individual practicing healing by manipulating the energy field or the flow of energy of the human body by means other than the manipulation of the soft tissues of the human body , provided that the individual's services are not designated or implied to be massage or massage therapy . For purposes of this subsection, a light touch or tap is not a manipulation of the soft tissues of the human body.

The 19 representatives below voted NO on our bill to 72 YES.
I am not sure where these people are from, but I would like you to
contact people with this information and ask them to send a thank you to the representatives
in their district who are NOT on the list for voting for us.

It was just easier to print the list of people who voted NO.

Also, would everyone send a thank you to as she is the one who
has stuck with us the entire time and made this happen.

As you can see, it was a pretty strong majority who supported us--72 to 19. I am happier than I could have imagined to learn that both of my Representatives honored my request and voted in favor of this very simple bill. As they say, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." I have already written to thank them both for their support.

Now it's on to the home school bill which will be heard in the Pioneer room tomorrow at 9:30. If you're involved in home schooling, I ask you to pray about attending that meeting tomorrow morning. It is URGENT that we fill that room with home school families tomorrow! This is a critical year to show our legislators that we want them to support home schooling. The past 2 years have been spent working on getting this bill worded, "Just right" and we need to go and show support for it.

If it is impossible for you to be there tomorrow, then I urge you to make it a priority to be at the capitol on Thursday of this week. It is VERY important that the capitol be crawling with home school families that day so that the legislators realize that home schooling STILL is important to us. It is a concern to me that the fire which our early home school families had, which earned us the right to home school, seems not to burn as brightly as it did in our early days of home schooling. I certainly hope that I'm wrong in this instance.


Well, seeing as I know what Robert would ask at this point (End of sermon?), I guess it's time to get off of my soapbox and get to the work of home schooling Jacob today.

Thanks again to all of you who have been praying for things to work out with the massage board! What a blessing you have been to me--and to all of my clients.

Keep pressing towards the mark,


Saturday, January 29, 2011

True Friends

Recently I was reflecting on the goodness of the Lord to bless us with true friends during our earthly pilgrimage. You know what I mean. These are the kind of people that you can truly be yourself with. You can share all of your thoughts with them and not have to be stressed wondering if they'll "Take it the wrong way." They're the kind of friends who say of others who have judge you wrongly, "Don't they know the kind of character you have? How could they think such awful things about you? They must not know you very well."

This post is a tribute to those kinds of friends in my life. I'm sorry to say that I don't have pictures of all of them right now so I'm sharing the pictures of the ones that I do have. These were all in the January 2011 folder, so that's why they're pictured now and the others are not.

I'd like to mention briefly the others who come to mind that I don't have pictures for, but who have touched my life in their own special ways. Kimberly, your friendship has seen me through countless sorrows of miscarriages, cancer, and shingles on the brain. You are such an awesome friend that I thank God for almost daily!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carla, your enthusiasm is so catchy that every time I think of you, I smile! Your laughter fills the room with positive energy and then everyone smiles! Also, you make the most incredible cards in the world--totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being you!

CJ and Ed down in Georgia--your friendship means more to me than I could ever say! The way that you welcomed Jacob and I into your radionics family was so heartwarming and I bless you for it.

Chris, how can I ever thank you enough for being there for me in 2006 when I knew that I was dying? Your continual strength and support plus herbal knowledge then helped me to keep fighting for my life. May God bless you richly for your friendship!

To Lori, Trish, and Roxy: you cannot imagine how much I've been enjoying practicing BodyTalk with you here lately! What a ball of positive energy walks into the room when you 3 enter it! I hope that you'll keep on learning with me!

I'm also thinking of Donn and Roxanne Gill from Eureka. We go WAY back, don't we? Thanks for all of your prayers for me during my long illness and especially for your visit at that time, Roxy! Thanks, too, for taking such good care of my dad down there in the assisted living facility! It is such a relief to know that you're there!

Then there's the wonderful Jackson family in Lincoln. These people are such wonderful encouragers! In fact, this week I received emails from them which lifted my spirits higher than they've been in awhile. May God bless you, David and La'Trice, as you serve Him with grateful hearts! You are such a blessing to me!

Now, I'll share the pictures from my January file. This was taken on New Year's day at the home of Lane and Sarah Keister. The Keisters bought our very first bag of wheat grown, cleaned, and bagged here at SEEDS OF HONOR!

I love these people for many more reasons than that, though. Here are bright; well-versed; well-educated; well-bred .......... people who are great hosts and make you feel so welcome in their home. Thanks for your friendship, Keister family!

Also this month, this old family friend came over for a visit. Of course, I can't imagine that there would be too many folks who could resist driving over for a birthday party in their honor. :)

Robert's cousin, Jerome, has helped us over the years with everything from butchering chickens to shingling the roof to working cattle........ Being he was turning 55, we decided to throw him a party. Being he just started raising sheep, Cora put a ewe and her little lamb on the cake!
Here Robert is watching Jerome open his birthday present from him. It was a pair of heated socks for when Jerome has to go out and check on lambing progress!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moving through my January photo file I found this picture which I posted recently. Still, worthy of a repeat, is this picture of Scott and Elizabeth Hanson at their daughter's wedding last week. These friends are offering families the hope of kissing autism goodbye. Go here to learn how you can help families who may be dealing with this dreaded

Here is a picture of a good and faithful friend of over 3 decades. I caught this of Robert at Joshua and Esther's wedding a week ago today. There aren't too many people that I know who would venture out in a blizzard to haul a wedding cake across VERY bumpy roads...................
At the risk of showing my age, I will say that these are some of my/our "Oldest" friends. Of course, Ward and Carol aren't old and certainly Robert and I are not, but we've been friends for a loooooooooooong time with this couple. We met them at the home school convention when Andrew was a baby which is 20 years ago.
When we decided to go to Rolla for the wedding, we called up Ward and Carol and asked if we might stay with them. Instantly we were made to feel welcome. It was so wonderful to be in the home of these dear people! Thank you so much, Ward and Carol, for all of your warm hospitality! Thank you, Carol, for all of your wonderful cooking! YUM!!!!!!!!!

I asked Robert to take this picture of Carol and I. There's just nobody as special as a dear, "Old" friend!

Now here is a relatively "New" friend in comparison. This is my neighbor, Tanya. You have to imagine my joy when Tanya arrived last week to pick up her children's birthday cake which Cora had made. By the way, Cora made 2 birthday cakes and a wedding cake over the course of 3 days last week, so it was pretty "Sweet" around here for awhile.
Of course, I REALLY enjoy when folks come by to pick up their cakes. Tanya surprised me with a friendship plate which has such an awesome message about what really matters in life--FRIENDS! She made me smile when she said, "It arrived at my house with goodies on, but I figured that you'd rather have the gift of music instead."
Tanya had made a CD of many of her favorite Christian songs and now I feel like I know her better. What an awesome idea! Thanks for your wonderful friendship, Tanya.
Guess what? Tanya also brought along her sweet, new baby Brooklyn. She even blessed us by leaving the little cutie with us for about half an hour while she went to pick up her son at a neighbor's farm. Cora snapped me when I was in this moment of bliss.

Now I am thinking of my friend Terri who called me recently. Terri is the closest friend that I have ever had on this earth! However, when we moved away from the Linton area, our friendship ended abruptly for reasons that I'm not free to discuss. You have no idea how I agonized over that lost friendship!
Terri had given me a pillow one time. It's a little couch pillow, that she had cherished, but wanted to bless my life with. It's made from fabric of that wonderful Hunter Green color with lovely flowers f0rming a border around these words, "A FRIEND IS A GIFT YOU GIVE YOURSELF."
How very true. It does take effort to keep a friendship going. Did you ever notice that? It takes communication and positive energy and encouraging words. It takes a "Get well card" at times or cooking a meal for someone who just lost a loved one. Sometimes it means driving 4 hours with a wedding cake in the van that you're hoping will stay together until you get it to the church.
At other times it means saying, "I'm sorry for hurting you," or "I forgive you for hurting me."
Sometimes it means just sitting quietly with the Lord and praying for them without them even knowing that you're burdened for their hardness of heart towards God or towards you.
Sometimes it means saying those three "Magic" words (as we used to call them when we were children), I LOVE YOU! So that's what this post is all about. I've said all that I've said so that anyone who reads this will know that my intention was to show how very much I love you all.
You all ARE God's children and He loves you all so much! How can I do anything less than send my love to you too? So here it comes--one great big HUG for the whole, wide world!
Lastly I want to thank my incredible children--Cora, Andrew, and Jacob. Although I made it a point of NOT being your friend when you were little, in order to be able to continue guiding from ahead of you, things have changed now. How I cherish your friendship! You three are such wonderful dears as I continue on my life of growing and changing into the woman that God wants me to be. Thanks for growing into incredible servants of God who are such a delight to live with--almost all of the time! :)
Having run out of words (Can you believe it?), I close by wishing all of you a happy Sabbath! In particular are my wishes to the family of Schultz's in Bismarck who only recently joined the Sabbath-keeping family! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing you all the blessing of true friends,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To plant

There is a phenomenal woman in my life and her name is Elizabeth Hanson. Many of you know my heroine, whom God used to save my life when I was living in never-ending pain from shingles on my brain. If not, then you can view this post as my introduction to her.

This is what Elizabeth gave me for my birthday. It's a mother's pin which can also be worn as a necklace. As busy as she is, Elizabeth called here last November and asked Robert what the dates are for our children's birthdays. Cora's birthstone is the blue stone (the girl) and the boys are both born in November. The note that came with it read, "To honor your treasures," and I cried. I knew that she, too, knows the sorry of having lost children through miscarriage, so this honoring of my living children touched my heart.

Anyway, Elizabeth's daughter, Esther (who is also a certified BodyTalk practitioner) got married last Sunday. Elizabeth asked Cora to make the wedding cake so here she is working on making the dozens of needed yellow roses.

This isn't even all of them.

Here Cora is swirling the chocolate and white cake mixes together in her big cake pan.

After much anxiety, Robert and I got the cake to the church on time. We set it together using Cora's cake stand which holds 3 cakes.

Right before the marriage of their daughter, Dr. Scott and Elizabeth Hanson, pause a moment for a photo in the church basement.

Being I was singing for the wedding, I got to know the sound man. His name is Russell and he is a VERY nice man and a VERY good sound man. He really knows his stuff!

Here my former partner at the North Dakota BodyTalk Center, Ellen, is reading a poem about marriage.


At the end of the receiving line was my dear friend. I asked Robert to take this picture of Elizabeth and I together.

Here goes that infamous first piece of cake as husband and wife. I was glad that they didn't shove it into each other's mouth as I've seen some couples disrespectfully do.

I've never seen a cake disappear so fast. It was REALLY good, Cora! Lots of people said so and Scott said that you need to have your business cards sitting beside the cakes at weddings as he heard many good things about how beautiful AND tasty it was!

After everyone left, Robert and I stuck around to help clean up the basement of the church. After that, Elizabeth took the time to show Robert and I her office--something that I have dreamed of seeing for a long time.

Here is Elizabeth standing in front of her many certificates of accomplishment in the IBA--International BodyTalk Association. Some of these are Esther's as the mother-daughter team share the office.

Now I'd like to share why I picked the name for this post that I picked--"TO PLANT". It was here that Elizabeth told me something that I've never heard before. My friend was nostalgic as she'd just watched her daughter get married. She was in a very mellow mood as she told Robert and I the story of her calling as an instructor in the IBA.
Without going into much detail here, out of respect for her privacy, I'll share that Elizabeth had a dream where people were harvesting in a wheat field. She kept asking the Lord for a basket to put her wheat in as the other women were doing all around her. She was anxious as no basket was given to her with which to help harvest the grain.
This went on for 3 nights, with 3 separate dreams. Finally on the last night, the Lord said to her in the dream, "You have no basket with which to harvest as it is your job TO PLANT."
I was crying hard then as I went into her arms. Finally I could get out the words, "Thank you for planting into my life!" She held me tight and I felt so grateful for the chance to know such a remarkable woman! Thank you, Lord!
Well, my family wants to watch a movie and I'm going on Elizabeth's teleconference session at 9:00, so I"ll close for now. I just want to say again what an honor it is to know Elizabeth! I pray that I will be used by God to touch other's lives as she has touched mine. I pray for wisdom to plant into your hearts as good a seed as she has planted into mine.
Now I would ask that you cover my friend with prayers as just today she learned of her brother-in-law's sudden death. Added to this was the death a dear friend who was HER BT instructor years ago--all on the same day. Added to her daughter's recent wedding, I would think that is way too much stress. Please join me in lifting up the Hanson family tonight to the one who knows our every sorrow.
Here's a hug, Elizabeth, if you happen to read this sometime. I love you so much and I thank you for planting good things into me!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New song

Today was an interesting day as I volunteered to help Elizabeth find a song for her daughter's wedding next week. After going through all of my old wedding music, I sent up North 4 songs that I could both play and sing as they don't have a pianist. How I love wedding music. I can just see Jacob rolling his eyes if he were to hear me say, "It's soooo romantic!" :)

Elizabeth wrote back that the young couple does have a favorite song. She sent back the link to this song, which I'm going to sing. I truly love the pictures here so I decided to post the song for you all. As you can imagine, I'll be listening to it a lot this week.

Cora is up to her elbows in yellow roses today, as she is making the cake, but I'll let her post the pictures. It is so exciting when there is a wedding to look forward to, isn't it?

Have a great week everyone!


Friday, January 7, 2011


I am so excited! On Tuesday, when I was up in my office building, I handed out these invitations to everyone in the building and to all my clients that I saw.

I have decided, even though my new office isn't "Perfect" yet, that I AM going to start the new year by holding regular meetings. Dr. Veltheim, the founder of BodyTalk insists that the best way to build a BodyTalk practice is to hold regular meetings. So I took the plunge and handed out my invitations to my first ever meeting.

I plan on briefly sharing how BodyTalk saved my life and how it works. Then I'll teach everyone how to do cortices on themselves. Lastly I'll give every one present a very short session so that they can get a sample of how wonderful you can feel after a BodyTalk session.

In the future, I'll hold meetings about radionics; my SunSplash machine; my new BETAR dealership; spectro-chrome or anything else that is of interest to folks. I told Robert, "I can even hold a meeting to teach people how to make bread with our wonderful wheat!" I recall being totally fascinated with that when I was in collage.

Well, lunch is ready so I need to close. However, if you're in Bismarck on Tuesday night, please feel free to join me at 2910 East Broadway, Suite #48. This is a copy of what I handed out in Bismarck and it has the details.

Appreciate your prayers,


Make it your New Year's resolution to GET WELL

Please join me Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 7:00 to 8:30 in
Suite #48 to hear how BodyTalk saved my life in 2007!

BodyTalk is a health care system that promotes healing by restoring communication between the body and mind that stress has weakened.

You'll hear my story; learn about how BodyTalk works; experience a short BodyTalk session; have a chance to ask questions; and receive a $10 coupon for your next session.

Seating is limited so please RSVP by calling 701-321-0481 or 701-332-6309 or email me at:


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Safely Snubbed


We've been living in a blizzard for the past 3 days and it's certainly been a Winter Wonderland--you wonder where the land is! Last night I couldn't see the house from the goat barn, so I was VERY thankful for our yard light and Jacob's good eyes beside me.

Now it looks as though it has blown itself out, which is wonderful! We've got plans to spend the day with our friends, the Keister family who live an hour's drive away from us. I was positive last night, when I headed for bed, that we'd have to postpone our plans but now I have hope that we may go yet. Robert is out pushing snow with the tractor so that we can get the van out the driveway, but it does make me wonder what the roads are like in between us and Keisters.

I've been saving a story to share with you. It happened this past week, but I thought it would be a great way to start a new year for all of you. I've decided to call it, "Safely snubbed."

Some of you know that most of my friends rejected my in 2007 when God chose to heal me through BodyTalk. I understand that BodyTalk is new, and that people are suspicious of new things. However I comfort myself with the words of my naturopathic doctor, "Don't they know that, with your character, you'd never do something bad?"

Anyway, to make a long story short, this issue resurfaced again here lately. When I was in TL's office having a BodyTalk session last week, she blessed me so much. When the last half of my session focused on this issue of my friends rejecting me for becoming a BodyTalk practitioner, she was led to ask me some questions.

"Do you think that that there is ever a time when God does not feel safe?" asked TL.

After very little thought I answered, "No."

"Do you think that there is ever a time when God has abandoned you?"


"So do you think that there has ever been a time when YOU were not truly safe--no matter what anybody did to your body, your spirit, OR your mind?" She asked this knowing full well my life's history of the abuses that others have inflicted upon me.


Wisely, TL let that seep into my being as she finished the session. Slowly, in the days that followed, I came to see that she was right!

After all, I AM still alive! After all, I AM still a Christian! After all, I AM still able to enjoy my country; my farm; my work; and most of all--my family! WOW--God REALLY HAS KEPT ME SAFE THROUGH IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then came the test--had it REALLY sunk into my being? I got a phone call which, I must admit, is the most strange phone call I have ever received in my entire life. Afterwards I did see it as a test, though, and I am happy to say that I PASSED THE TEST!!!!!!!

You see, there is this family whom we have tried to get close to for decades. Always we were made to understand that we were second class citizens for a variety of unknown reasons. I'm sure that everyone has experienced that feeling. They see you coming and their noses go straight up in the air; they turn away from you; and change the subject if you are so dense as to not realize that you were not welcome to join any group where THEY were present.

Recently I had another unpleasant experience with this family but I did NOT accept the self-hatred that usually would follow an incident of this type. It was a great breakthrough, as children of abuse usually carry the shame of the entire family (world) in their little bodies. This time, however, I came out of the other side of a potentially hurtful experience with my self-esteem intact. Wow--I was truly proud of myself--and still am no matter what others may say or think!

So, as you begin your new year dear friends, I urge you to ponder this concept, "Safely snubbed!"

When you are in fellowship with God, and are doing His work every moment of your life, does it REALLY matter what other people think of you?

Does it really matter that other people, who aren't walking in your shoes, judge you for things which they couldn't even begin to understand?

Does it REALLY matter if fellow Christians have a lower standard of compassion for the world than you, who suffered much at the hands of the world, do?

Does it REALLY matter if they are jealous of you, and what you have accomplished with your life, through constant obedience to the King?

Does it REALLY matter when mere mortals (even your "Friends") snub you when you commune with GOD daily?

NO--IT DOES NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My prayer for each one of my readers in 2011, then, is to be so in fellowship with God that the opinions of other fellow travelers is of little consequence. If one offers you praise, may you lift your hands towards Heaven and say, "Praise God who has done this great thing through my weak being." If one offers you insults, may you lift your hands towards Heaven and say, "Praise God who loves me even though earthly beings despise me." Either way, praising God is the way to true happiness PLUS this opens the door to closer fellowship and knowing Him even better.


May each one of you be SAFELY snubbed, if snubbing MUST come into your life, as you carry out the work that the King has for you to do in the year of our Lord, 2011!!!

Here's to the King of peace!


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...