Saturday, June 2, 2012

What do you get? Part 1

What do you get when you put Elizabeth Hanson
 and Dawn Bornemann
together in this sun porch

 in this man's house
with this view to the left

 and this view to the right?
You get a wonderful time of fellowship enjoying God's beautiful world with the knowledge that Elizabeth got a new heart and that Dawn got a new brain just hours before.  That's what I call amazing grace!!!

Of course the best part may have been later on, while snuggled together under the comforter in the lavender room, Elizabeth started giggling.  When asked what was so funny, she simply said, "I got a new heart and you got a new brain.  Now all we need is someone who got courage."

When I got it, I started laughing softly as there were 3 rooms of people sleeping nearby.  I couldn't control my laughter, though, when Elizabeth started singing the lion's theme song from THE WIZARD OF OZ.  When she rolled her "Rs" in courage, I lost it and burst out laughing.  We laughed like little girls then and all the wear and tear of years of stress evaporated in the night.  What an awesome day that was--totally unforgettable!!!!!

I'll post more about my Canadian trip ASAP.  Now it's time for lunch. 

Happy Sabbath everyone!


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