Sunday, June 3, 2012

What do you get? Part 2

What do you get when you put Elizabeth Hanson
 and Dawn Bornemann
 and Roxy Bolz
 and Donna Berger
 in the same room for 2 days watching Dr. Veltheim give 30 BodyTalk sessions?
 What do you get when you put 8 North Dakotans and Dr. Veltheim, who is from Australia, in the same room for 2 days?
 What do you get when you put Dawn Bornemann in the same room for 2 days with Dr. Veltheim who wrote the program which saved Dawn Bornemann's life?
 What do you get when you put Dawn Bornemann together with Dr. Veltheim, who wrote the program which saved Dawn Bornemann's life, PLUS Elizabeth Hanson who used the program which saved Dawn Bornemann's life?

The answer to all of these questions is that you get Dawn Bornemann.
You get Dawn Bornemann ALIVE and HAPPY to be a BodyTalk Practitioner
for exactly FIVE YEARS TODAY!!!

How can I ever thank you, Dr. Veltheim, and you, Elizabeth Hanson for saving my life?

How does one go about the mammoth task of thanking someone for saving their life?

The only answer that I have to THAT question is to imitate what they did and go about the task
of saving the lives that God brings to me in the next 5 years.  They say that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery and so I immitate those who saved me from suicide.  Yes, it's true that many who have had shingles commit suicide as the pain is never ending.

Hats off to Dr. John Veltheim;

Hats off to Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner and BodyTalk Access Instructor, Elizabeth Hanson;


Hats off to ME!!!

It's great to be alive!

It's even greater to be able to make a REAL difference in the lives of others as I work with them.  When I think that I am helping others like the 2 in the photo above have helped me, it makes me the happiest that I have ever been.  It makes me happy to sign my professional communications like this:

Dawn Bornemann

BS--Bachelor of Science

 CBPA--Certified BodyTalk Practitioner + Animal Talk

RMT--Reiki Master/Teacher

RO--Radionics operator

EFT--Emotional Freedom Technique

Although it's been a very tough 5 years, just look at all that God has brought me through.  Five years ago this morning, I had just had had my 500th bee sting.  I drove the 60 miles to Bismarck alone but was unsure if I'd be able to drive home or not.

After 8 hours in Elizabeth's Access class, I felt better than I'd felt in an entire year and it marked the beginning of my total recovery from a lifetime of abuse and stress.

I repeat--it's GREAT to be alive and just look at whom the Lord has put into my life as a result of my taking Elizabeth's Access class 5 years ago today.

Do you know how many people Dr. Velthiem and Elizabeth have helped through BodyTalk?  I'm sure that it's limitless and now I can help others too.

Today on my 5th anniversary as a BodyTalker, all I can say to summarize here is that I am humbled and honored all at the same time to be a part of the BodyTalk community!

PRAISE GOD FOR BODYTALK!!!!!  That's one exclamation point for each one in my family.


You may be wondering what I see as the next step for me?  Why to become an Access instructor like Elizabeth--but I'll save that for part 3 of this series, "What do you get?"

I welcome you to check out the website of the International BodyTalk Association here:  You can even go to the Practitioner's page and find me listed there.  Why, you could even send me an email at: and ask for a session and begin your journey towards a wellness and wholeness that you may never have imagined possible.  I know that I could not have imagined, 5 years ago as I drove to my very first BodyTalk class, how much personal growth would come out of it.  I'm a new person, with a new brain, and a new vision and I welcome you to join me on the journey.

Dawn Bornemann   BS CBPA   RMT  RO  EFT

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