Sunday, October 27, 2013

God's comforting ways

It's been pretty rough today since I have a terrible toothache and I am grieving the death of a BodyTalk friend.  Then God had a friend send me this link and suddenly I knew that today IS a super special day for me because I AM ALIVE and so are YOU!!!

I love you all!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

leap for joy

I praise God for Pastor Joseph Prince who preaches and administers to my heart like nobody ever has.  Why?  because he gives me hope and today he even gave me joy.

You see, recently I received a letter pointing out that I am not perfect and you know how much I dislike that thought.  However, after listening to this 6 minute video by Pastor Prince, I have JOY that I have been insulted as one living in sin.

When I first read the letter, I comforted myself by thinking, 'Everyone is living in sin,' but then it really started to smart in my heart that this special friend showed me such little grace in her letter.
The Bible says that we are to correct a brother/sister at the presence of 2 witnesses which she did NOT do.

However, as I cried out to the lord (my computer keyboard is dying and it won't capitalize l for me today but God knows that), for the response that He had for me to this ugly letter which was based strictly on hearsay and twisted by fear, this is what He gave me.

I covet your prayers as I respond the way that God wants me to and I'm asking that you will pray that God's positive will completely overwhelm my negative, helpless, sinful nature.  May my response bring joy to all people and may it open doors for healing to all involved.

For my weaknesses, He has given strength in the past and I beg of Him to do it again.

Happy Sabbath beloved ones,


PS.  Please know that Pastor Prince is teasing about Elvis--those who don't know Pastor Prince well may wonder at those remarks. I urge you to keep watching and you will hear one of the most powerful explanations of how God works through us weak ones to do His miracles.  Praise God!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Back to work

Soon, I promise, I will share about the Great Radionics Expo which I was privileged to be a speaker in but I will just say that I took my Kangen water machine with me to the expo and continued to be strong and alive with great joy.  For FOUR whole days I pretty much kept up with my sons as I guzzled this wonderful Kangen water.

If you would like to have more energy and grow younger as the days go by, listen to this video.

Be back soon!

Hugs to all,


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...