Friday, January 20, 2017

Inauguration Day rant

I wasn't planning on writing a blog post just now.  I was simply trying to congratulate President Trump on his motto which I love: Make America Great Again.  It dawned on me, though, that many young people in our country may not have a clue what that means.  Perhaps that's why they're so despondent over his winning the election?

I wasn't trying to impress anybody with anything.  I was just recalling the childhood that I knew.  So often, when I do this, all of the crap about the abuse comes up.  However, this time I remembered wonderful things about my childhood. They're things that I've probably not ever been thankful for but I can see now that I should be!  Not everybody had a childhood like the one that President Trump and my generation had.  I know lots of people who would like to recapture Mayberry!

At any rate, here is my Inauguration Day rant.  My goal in sharing it is to inspire younger citizens of any country to ponder the meaning of the word respect.  You know, everyone wants to be respected but how do we show it?  How can we give what we weren't taught?  Hopefully, this blog post will be a springboard for all of us to think of more ways that we can respect others who are on this journey with us!!!!

God bless you all!


Let's ALL do our best to make America great again! Some of you may be too young to know the America I knew as a child but I walked freely in my town day and night and was safe! 
I sang of my love for my Savior at home; in church; in school; and in public and people smiled and clapped! We had prayer by a local pastor in Jesus name at EVERY school event! Those who didn't want to participate sat quietly and kept their thoughts to themselves because they knew how to be offended with dignity and how to respect other's beliefs! 
I didn't go shopping to the sound of bawling, screaming, kicking spoiled brats because our parents knew how to discipline us so that we would grow up to be respectful of authority figures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Ladies wore dresses and treated men with the respect they deserve. Men held doors for ladies and tipped their hats to each other. Children were taught to say PLEASE and THANK YOU and to cover their mouths when they coughed or sneezed. 
I remember Sunday night prayer services where everyone got on their knees and begged God to save our country from destruction and I believe those prayers are being answered today!!!! Pastors preached of sin and the power that it has to destroy lives and the need for us to give our lives to God early, while we were young, so that we need not have regrets when we looked back on our lives!  
I was taught that men walk on the outside of ladies to protect them from mud splashing on their dresses and to send a message to others that they were taken and not to be gawked at.
I was taught that you always carry a handkerchief in your purse for you might not know when you would meet someone who was grieving and you could lend them your shoulder and comfort them and be there for them! 
I was taught that stealing meant someone else would feel it in their pocketbook. I was taught to work for my pennies (I got $.50 an hour to watch my neighbor's daughter) and then to save some for a rainy day.  
I was taught to honor my elders--to seek their council if I were ever at a loss for direction in my life.
I was taught to sing the National Anthem at every ball game because it was an honor to be a part of this great country founded on freedom. 
I could go on and on but mostly I want to say that I was taught HOW AND WHY TO RESPECT OTHERS! Where has all of this teaching gone?????????? We need to get it back. We need to raise the standards. Each citizen needs to learn how to show respect to others!!!!!!! to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure how the Lord will use this rant but it made me feel good to share with those younger than myself how much has been lost in my short lifetime of only 59 years. I didn't mean to limit the concepts to just the ones I mentioned but rather to show that respect means a constant awareness of other people's needs. Further, it means to do all that I can do to help others through their difficulties in life and to celebrate with them when they are rejoicing. This is a Biblical concept and one that deserves repeated pondering.
My goal is to inspire EVERYONE to learn what made America great in the first place! That's the only way that you'll understand why I love President Trump's motto: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Dawn, I thought this "ranting" : ) was excellent and sent it to my parents who I know will love it!

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