Sunday, April 30, 2017

A comforting poem today

“He Is Not Dead

I cannot say, and I will not say
That he is dead. He is just away.
With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand,
He has wandered into an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since he lingers there.
And you—oh you, who the wildest yearn
For an old-time step, and the glad return,
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of There as the love of Here.
Think of him still as the same. I say,
He is not dead—he is just away.”
James Whitcomb Riley 

Saturday, April 29, 2017


My bad!  Yesterday I was in a rush and I recalled that this man had passed away from cancer.   I wanted to check my facts this morning and I find him alive and well.  In fact, in March he released a new CD.  He's married; has 8 children; he's a home school dad; and very much alive!!  YAY!
This is the day of my brother's funeral.  What can I say?  The family service was interesting last night.  I felt supported by a few special people so I assume that today will be ok with my entire family going down there with us!!  One never knows, though, so I would appreciate prayer support today too!

I knew yesterday that this was the hymn for today.  However, when I went on youtube to find the song, there were SOOO many options.

When I saw this one, I knew it was the one for me to focus on today.  My folks loved this guy and I love this song!  I've gotten through ALL this far and I KNOW that He'll get me through today by leaning on Him!!

No matter what YOU are going through today, lean on Jesus!!  He's always there for each and every one of us!

God bless you all and I certainly wish everyone a happy Sabbath today!

Lots of love,



Friday, April 28, 2017

Victory in Jesus

All the times I felt like such a nobody growing up......  All the times that I was treated like dirt--although dirt doesn't get molested.............  All the times that all I wanted to do was DIE, HE was there giving me the victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did I feel victorious?  NO

Was I victorious?  YES

As you listen to this wonderful hymn of God's people, maybe YOU will start to feel the victory that God has given you all along as I am doing today?  I pray that it is so!!

Still coveting your prayers,


PS  WOW!  As I'm singing along with this                WOW!!  My voice is coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VICTORY IN JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

What a Wonderful Savior

I covet your prayer protection!!!  Between all of the memories that are surfacing, and the pain in my body, one could say that I'm PRETTY miserable!!  If it weren't for my incredible family's constant support, I think that I would go to bed for the next 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As always, the hymns speak to my heart in a way that no praise chorus ever has.  Here is comfort!  Here is clear thinking!!!  Here is the proper understanding of HOW MUCH GOD LOVES EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!!!!!!!!!

Several of the hymns, which the Lord directed me to share with you recently, I had never heard of. However, as I typed the old words, I was comforted very deeply.  The hymn I'm sharing with you today, though, I must have sung hundreds of times in my life.  I can hear those old Germans, when I was a child in the EUB church in Eureka, singing at the top of their lungs as they sought solace in the Lord as I do! 

I pray that someone in the world will be blessed and comforted by my sharing this wonderful old hymn today!



Christ has for sin atonement made,
What a wonderful Savior!
We are redeemed, the PRICE IS PAID!
What a wonderful Savior!

What a wonderful Savior 
Is Jesus, my Jesus!
What a wonderful Savior
Is Jesus, my Lord!

I praise Him for the cleansing blood,
What a wonderful Savior!
That reconciled my soul to God;
What a wonderful Savior.

What a wonderful Savior
Is Jesus, my Jesus!
What a wonderful Savior
Is Jesus, my Lord!

He cleansed my heart
From all it's sins,
What a wonderful Savior!
And now He reigns and rules therein;
What a wonderful Savior.

What a wonderful Savior
Is Jesus, my Jesus!
What a wonderful Savior
Is Jesus, my Lord!!

He gives me overcoming power,
What a wonderful Savior!
And triumph in each trying hour;
What a wonderful Savior.

What a wonderful Savior
Is Jesus, my Jesus!
What a wonderful Savior
Is Jesus, my Lord!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Under His Wings


Under His wings, I am safely abiding;
Though the night deepens and tempests are wild;
Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me;
He has redeemed me and I am His child.

Under His wings, under His wings, 
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever.

Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow!
How the heart yearningly turns to His rest!
Often when earth has no balm for my healing,
There I find comfort and there I am blest.

Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever.

Under his wings, O what precious enjoyment!
There will I hide till life's trials are o'er;
Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me;
Resting in Jesus I'm safe evermore.

Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Art thou weary?

I liked the feeling of sharing a hymn with all of you yesterday.  I decided to share a hymn every day this week.  It's to comfort myself, as I prepare for my brother's funeral, but I pray that the words of the hymn writers will be a blessing in your life as well.

Adapted by Dawn Bornemann

Art thou weary,
Art thou languid,
Art thou sore distressed?
"Come to Me," Saith ONE,
"And, coming,
Be at rest."

Hath He marks to
Lead me to Him,
If He be my Guide?
In His feet and hands
 Are wound-prints,
And in His side.

Is there diadem,
as a Monarch,
That His brow adorns?
Yes, a crown,
In very surety,
But one of thorns.

If I still hold
Closely to Him,
What hath He at last?
Sorrow vanquished,
Labor ended,
And Jordan passed.

If I ask Him,
To receive me,
Will He say me 'Nay'?
Not till Earth and
Not till Heaven
Both shall pass away.

Finding, following,
Keeping, struggling,
Is He sure to bless?
Saints, apostles,
Prophets, martyers
ALL answer, "YES!"

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Uplifting Hymns

In the heaviness of my heart today, the Lord has been speaking through my hymnal.  With no-one to sing along with me, I just started reading random hymns as the Lord directed.

This one is what I am feeding my soul with at the moment. 


Here at thy table, Lord,
This sacred hour,
O let us feel Thee near,
In loving power;
Calling our thoughts away
From self and sin,
As to Thy banquet hall
We enter in.

Sit at the table, Lord,
Break Thou the bread;
Fill Thou the cup that brings
Life to the dead;
That we may find in Thee,
Pardon and peace;
And from all bondage win
A full release.

So shall our life of faith
Be full, be sweet;
And we shall find our strength
For each day we meet;
Fed by Thy living bread,
All hunger past,
We shall be satisfied,
And saved at last.

Come then, O holy Christ,
Feed us, we pray;
Touch with Thy pierced hand
Each common day;
Making this earthly life
Full of thy grace,
Till in the home of Heaven
We find our place!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

My poetry again--feel free to skip

Planning Supper
By Dawn Bornemann
April, 19, 2017
Help me,
Oh, help me,
Please HELP me,
Dear Lord!
To make them
A supper,
That will make me

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

I will NOT!

So I'm sitting here going into a panic attack.  WHY didn't I get all of the sessions done that needed doing today?  People are hurting and I didn't get to them all because my new server is so different and it slowed me down.  Plus I didn't get the irises planted out front and now they're going to die and I haven't started supper and people are starving and I didn't get a single load of laundry done and the lunch dishes are still in the sink...............
My subconscious mind says, "Do a blog post."
"ARE YOU CRAZY.  I'm going into a panic attack and I will NOT write a blog post!!!!!!!!!
Then the idea came that perhaps someone has figured out a natural way to deal with panic attacks.  Here it is and yes I do feel better having done this technique.
So I share with those who are prone to such attacks.  Give it a try, folks, and see if it works for you too!  You can always leave a comment here and let me know if this helped you too.
PS  Our taxes are filed so that's one less thing to stress over!  I wonder what's next????????????

Friday, April 14, 2017


I just watched this and am sobbing.  Why would Jesus let Himself be murdered?  Answer: Because He loved each and every one of us enough to DIE FOR US!!

Now, I know that there is only a 1 in 7 chance that this happened on a Friday because the true date varies. So I could go on bickering about this not being worth watching let alone sharing on my blog.  However, I believe that bickering is a tool of the enemy of God's people.

Does it really matter what day of the week He died and what day of the week He rose from the dead? Don't answer that.  I don't want to hear a whole bunch of theological arguments about this.  If you want to argue, do it on your blog.

What matters is that this DID happen.  THAT'S WHAT MATTERS!!!  IT DID HAPPEN!!

What I like about this video is that it shows the stark truth that Jesus, the perfect one, gave Himself to save us.  What I really like about this video is that it shows His death was NOT the end of Him!!


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Lighten up

I can hear some of you thinking, "Lighten up, Lady!"


I am.

While Spring cleaning my bedroom just now, I took a break.  It got me wondering if there were any spring cleaning songs on Youtube.

Don't look.

There aren't any I found that inspired me to want to go clean out closets.

However, I found this cute song.  That's when I decided to do a kid-friendly post so, if you've been wanting a little more help from your little people, here's the song for YOU!

Back to work,


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The church awakes

I wish that I could find this video on YouTube as I just watched it in a Facebook post.  I'd like to play it for you here, but God always knows best, so I'm sharing it this way with the hopes that you'll check it out.  The top video in this article is very interesting, too, but the background noises are a bit irritating. The video that I refer to in this post is the second one down below.  If all you do is listen to it, and pray along with Mr. Wallnau, you WILL be a part of saving America from destruction!!

So, if the link worked for you and you took the time to listen to this video, you WILL BE PUMPED full of hope for our country; the world; and God's church!!

I've been thinking about telling my readers about the opposition that Satan uses to try to keep me from writing and giving folks hope!  I'm sure that, as faithful Christians, you wouldn't be surprised.  At times I thought that I'd just "Keep my mouth shut" as I was raised to believe that was the safest approach at all times.  However, when I listened to Mr. Wallnau praying in the second video in this article, I knew that it was time to tell the truth.

I won't flatter my enemies by sharing details but I have received numerous and assorted attacks on myself; my family; and my business after each blog post.  There are all sorts of ways to send evil intentions to those whom you disagree with.  Although I am well aware of those options, I'm not that type of person.  Further, in my training, I've been taught not to ever initiate an attack on someone lest they send it back.  Instead, I send it back to sender and let God judge between us.

So I've been doing my best to fight them off and keep going so that the word that the Lord has for His people goes forth to give hope!  It DOES get irritating, though, so I've been wondering what can be done about this problem.  When I pray about something, I know that the Lord most likely will give me the answer either directly through His word or indirectly through one of His people.

Well, let's just put it this way.  I'm glad that the witches around the world have publicly declared their intentions to curse our President and his family; our Vice President and his family; and the Cabinet members and judges.............................  Why?  Because it's waking up the sleeping church!!!!

I love the way Mr. Wallnau prays and teaches God's people what He his revealing for us today.  I joined him in his prayers and I plan on continuing to do so.  Further, I plan on continuing to pray for my family every day!!  I plan on praying for my clients every day!!!!!!!!!!!  Further, I plan to pray for MYSELF every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best prayer of all, that I just heard in the video I've shared with you, is to pray that EVERY witch and person who operates in the power of the devil REPENTS and gives their life to God!!!

So that is what I welcome all of my enemies to do right now.  God loves YOU and has a wonderful plan for YOUR life.  You can become a person who does GOOD in the world for the King!!  Its' very simple.

You humble yourself before God, your Creator, and tell him that you know you're a sinner.  Ask Him to forgive your sins by covering them with the shed blood of Christ on the cross.  Ask God the Father to send God the Holy Spirit to come and live inside of you.  YOU WILL BE A NEW PERSON!!  Behold, the old is passed away and all things become new!

I invite YOU to join the winning team!  I invite you to accept God the son's (Jesus Christ) sacrifice for your sins which he did 2,000 years ago.  I invite you to give your life to the God of the Bible--the ONLY true God--and experience His love for you!! There is just nothing like it!!

In Christ's love,


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Multiple Sclorosis

About  6 years ago I figured out that I have MS.  That would be Multiple Sclerosis.  Did a doctor tell me that I have MS?  No, God did.

When you face a life sentence like MS, you NEED God to help you through those first few weeks and months of dealing with such a dastardly nightmare like this.

You NEED God to help you to know that He will make a way through it all to the rewards that He has waiting for His children once they get to Heaven.  Anyway, I sure did.

I was reading a book called, "When the Body says NO."  There were stories of people in the book who had been diagnosed with MS.  As they told their stories, I saw myself.  I saw that the slow but steady decline I had been experiencing for several decades (no matter what I did) had a name.  It's name was Multiple Sclerosis.

I'm sure that there are lots of you who are thinking, "But did you go to a doctor?"  The answer is NO.  All the research that I did about MS convinced me that the medical system would only add more chemicals to my body that I would somehow have to get rid of eventually.  Besides that, God told me that He is my doctor and He will lead me to the answers that I need every step of the way.  Guess what?  He has!

Now this morning my hands started to spasm.  This is a first but I am under sooo much stress with my brother's approaching death and other personal things that I can't share at this point!!!  I came to the Internet to see if I could learn more about how to help myself deal with this.  My feet have been spasming for years but SE3 (from Stemtech) has been keeping the spasms at bay.  So why the spasms in my hand this morning??????

If you are still thinking, "You HAVE to go to the doctor NOW," then you can just leave.  You don't know me at all.  You don't know how my body reacts with a vengeance to chemicals.  You don't know how many times I have prayed about going to the system and gotten a NO from above so please don't judge me.

Besides that, we don't have health insurance so I am turning to God once again for the answers.  Although my searching hasn't brought me any answers yet, I did find this video which is awesome.
I share it with you in case you, or someone you love, is dealing with this unknowingly as I was for a very long time.

At the very least, I share this with those who are weary of waiting for me to magically become well overnight.  There IS a physical reason for the neuropathy; for the muscle spasms; for the vision lapses; for the weakness; and for the mental decline.

As I watched this video, it occurred to me that the new spasms in my hands could be from a new plaque that must have formed.  It's time to focus on that and get to work with BodyTalk; Body Code; EFT; MMS, radionics; fasting, and prayer.  It's time to make ME a GREATER priority than I've been doing here lately.

As always, I seek prayers from the people of God.  Those of you whom this distresses, I would have you ponder that if I die, I go to live with Jesus forever and I say, "Bring it on!"


If God wants to show me some other awesome tool to help people with MS, I rejoice for this new "Problem."  None of us knows what may be lurking in our future!  If you're the "Nervous type," then you have got to learn to CHILL.  Who cares if you leave dirty dishes in the sink over night?  Is mama going to come back from her grave and give you a spanking?  NOOOOOOOOOOO

I have learned the value of thinking positive thoughts no matter what!  I have learned that my body does not benefit from my condemning it's failures.  My body needs love just as much as everyone else does.  So I close this "Heavy" post with a positive thought.  If you feel that it would bless you also, go for it!  If you have something else troubling you in your body, just adapt the phrase. 

I love my nerves. I love my nerves. I love my nerves. I love my nerves. I love my nerves.  I love my nerves....................................


Sunday, April 2, 2017

It all works together

Soon I will celebrate a very important anniversary in my life!  I am approaching the 10 year mark of using BodyTalk to help myself and many others to heal.  Seeing as I haven't mentioned any of this recently, I decided to share the basics of BodyTalk through it's founder, Dr. John Veltheim.
Because of this program, I am alive!!!  Because of Dr. Veltheim's work, I was able to recover from shingles on the brain which nearly took my life in 2006.
It's that simple. If I had not opened up my mind to using BodyTalk to bring healing, I would have died in 2007!!  One can only go down, down, down so far until death is MOST welcome.
So here he is folks, my hero, Dr. John Veltheim!!  He explains in this video that we are SO MUCH more than just 2 arms; 2 eyes; a brain........... We are an intricate system of systems which must all work together.  When everything is working together, we have abundant life!!  When communication shuts down in ANY PART of our being, we begin to deteriorate. 
If everything that you're doing for your health has not produced an abundant life for you, perhaps you are in need of some BodyTalk sessions. 
I urge you to open your mind and listen to what Dr. Veltheim has to say about why we need to use BodyTalk to stay well or to get well.
God bless you with an abundant life!


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...