Tuesday, April 18, 2017

I will NOT!

So I'm sitting here going into a panic attack.  WHY didn't I get all of the sessions done that needed doing today?  People are hurting and I didn't get to them all because my new server is so different and it slowed me down.  Plus I didn't get the irises planted out front and now they're going to die and I haven't started supper and people are starving and I didn't get a single load of laundry done and the lunch dishes are still in the sink...............
My subconscious mind says, "Do a blog post."
"ARE YOU CRAZY.  I'm going into a panic attack and I will NOT write a blog post!!!!!!!!!
Then the idea came that perhaps someone has figured out a natural way to deal with panic attacks.  Here it is and yes I do feel better having done this technique.
So I share with those who are prone to such attacks.  Give it a try, folks, and see if it works for you too!  You can always leave a comment here and let me know if this helped you too.
PS  Our taxes are filed so that's one less thing to stress over!  I wonder what's next????????????

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