Saturday, April 22, 2017

Uplifting Hymns

In the heaviness of my heart today, the Lord has been speaking through my hymnal.  With no-one to sing along with me, I just started reading random hymns as the Lord directed.

This one is what I am feeding my soul with at the moment. 


Here at thy table, Lord,
This sacred hour,
O let us feel Thee near,
In loving power;
Calling our thoughts away
From self and sin,
As to Thy banquet hall
We enter in.

Sit at the table, Lord,
Break Thou the bread;
Fill Thou the cup that brings
Life to the dead;
That we may find in Thee,
Pardon and peace;
And from all bondage win
A full release.

So shall our life of faith
Be full, be sweet;
And we shall find our strength
For each day we meet;
Fed by Thy living bread,
All hunger past,
We shall be satisfied,
And saved at last.

Come then, O holy Christ,
Feed us, we pray;
Touch with Thy pierced hand
Each common day;
Making this earthly life
Full of thy grace,
Till in the home of Heaven
We find our place!!!

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