Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It's raining

 After all of the droughts that I've lived through, a rainy night in the middle of a dry spell is GLORIOUS!!  I just had to look up this song and share it with you all tonight as I am just so very, very happy!!  Enjoy!


Friday, June 23, 2017

Rejoicing Music

Here's a little rejoicing music for you all to end the work week with!

God bless you all!!


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Healthy babies

Healthy babies mean happy papas and happy mamas.

After taking the "CFT for Adults" training last Fall, I've been working with the craniosacral facial system in adults.  It's amazing to see how life improves for people once their brain begins to "Breath" after only 1 session.  This means that the whole body feels better.  In the chart below, you can see the issues in column 1 that CFT can help adults to resolve.

Now I am eager to learn how to give babies CFT.  This is a wonderful program to help babies unwind from the stresses incurred in the womb and any traumas from the birth process.  In the middle column in this chart you can see the many problems that can be resolved with CFT for children.  The last column covers the problem areas that newborns experience which CFT can clear.

Please pray with me that my training can continue as soon as possible.  Babies are hurting and I want to help them!!  Dr. Gillespie, the founder of Craniosacral Fasicial Therapy (CFT) shares in his book THE BRAIN SCORE APPROACH that many of the issues which babies face can be resolved through baby CFT.  The case studies he shares in the book are AMAZING!!!  I want to do this work, too, so please pray with me that doors will open soon for me to take the class!!




Inability to latch on
Sinus Headache
Difficulty in sucking
Difficulty in swallowing
Jaw Pain
Neck Pain
Sleep Issues
Hip Pain
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Learning Disorders
Napping Issues
Sinus Conditions
Pelvic Pain

I would urge every single person who is reading this, who has a baby in your life that you care about, to go to the official website and watch the videos there.   Below you will find one which gives hope for those who are dealing with children with the issues listed here.

The old way of doing things, the way that I did them with my children, of taking them to the doctor if there was an ear infection is a waste of time and money!!  It does NOT get to the root of the problem which is tight fascia in the area of the ear or somewhere else in the body which is affecting the ear.  When we release the tight fascia, things can drain and the infections disappear!  How I wish I had known this 25 years ago!!

I thank God for leading me to adult CFT as it greatly minimizes my daily pain of MS!!!

I thank God for leading me to baby CFT as I am eager to prevent problems that my grandchildren may experience.

If you are eager to see this modality available to ALL babies worldwide, then you are on the right track.  If you can see that prevention of issues is much better than having to deal with them later on, then you're a forward thinker and I salute you.  If you would like to be free of any of the issues listed in this chart, then you need to find a Certified CFT Practitioner near you.  BTW, did I mention that I am one?  ;)

I urge you to visit Dr. Gillespie's website and watch all of the videos there.  You will be amazed how much healing can come from this modality!  www.gillespieappraoch.com

To a happier life for everyone on our planet!!!

Dawn  BS  EFT   CBPA  RO  CEC  BC  CFT  Kangen water

PS.  One CFT practitioner that I know was able to help her grandson's club foot straighten itself out in only 3 baby CFT sessions in his first 2 weeks of life!! Can you imagine the suffering that was spared this child?  But, on the other hand, if the world prefers to have it's children suffer, I guess I'll go back to gardening.......

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


All of you nice people out there may have a hard time imagining this, but each time we have an Appleseed shoot here at our farm, the enemy gets very active.  By this I mean that we get attacked spiritually.  It can be very discouraging, when you're trying to do something good, to have so much bad stuff happen!  That's why I'm writing to ask you all to keep our Appleseed shoot in your prayers this Friday and Saturday.

This is an incredible program that teaches not only fine marksmanship but the history of our Republic.  Did you realize that we wouldn't be free today if those folks weren't all good shots?  I mean the women and children could shoot, too, and the men were fantastic shots!!!

If you live anywhere near us and you're wondering what you can do to help preserve freedom, then I am extending a personal invitation to attend this shoot!!  If you're anywhere else in the States, then find a shoot near you and plan to attend it this Summer!    https://appleseedinfo.org/

Look, I'm a cripple.  I have MS and some days every step hurts but I'M GOING TO BE ON THE FIRING LINE AS MUCH AS I CAN POSSIBLY STAND IT!!


Because I refuse to become totally worthless to my country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If those words hurt, if the thought of doing nothing for your country doesn't sit well, then attend an Appleseed shoot.  Your life will change.  You will no longer feel helpless about how to change our country for the better.  You need to meet an Appleseed instructor!!!!  You need to be a part of a firing line!!!!!!  You need to attend an Appleseed shoot near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To those of you who hug your non-resistance, I'll pray that you never get attacked.  However, as our world becomes more and more anti-Christian, I plan on becoming a better and better shot!!!  Plus, the friendships that are made during shoots may be just the ones that could save a life down the road.

PLEASE people!!!

Can't you see the danger???

Can't you hear the call to arms???

Can't you get off your couch and come to an Appleseed?????????????????

I dare you!


Sunday, June 11, 2017


Last night was simply marvelous!!  I haven't been with home school families for awhile as I finished home schooling our youngest student 3 years ago.  However, I wanted to support Andrew in his latest Christian film making project and last night was the Premiere.

The director came over from Wisconsin and the cast and crew was on hand.  One young man from Canada even came down for the event!  Andrew was delighted as they have enjoyed each other's wit for several years now when meeting up on film sets or at the Texas Christian film-making extravaganza each year.

Anyway, I went to share the video just now and am unable to.  I imagine that someone is editing it as the evening was quite long.  I JUST LOVED IT!!!

So, you can try this link and I'm hoping that you'll be able to hear the wonderful music and the history behind this short story.  "The Living Word," although short, had a super powerful message of how we can use the word of God to conquer discouragement and persecution in our lives! 

See if you can spot me in the audience.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Shabbat Shalom

Our children used to love singing this on Shabbat.  Now I'm wondering if my grandchildren will.  I CERTAINLY HOPE SO!!   ;)
Shabbat Shalom everybody!!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Pretty simple

Here's a shocker--God made me a female!!

Because He wants me to be a female!
That's pretty simple, isn't it?
God made me a female and He made me the wife of a male.
So that we could make babies together!!!!!!!!
Amazingly simple!!
Kat teaches God's plan in this video!  She shares how people get confused in this area and how to get free!!
God has a marvelous plan for our lives!!  If you doubt that, I implore you to watch this video.
                    HAPPY BEING ME!!!
PS.  Years ago the Father gave me the assignment to write a series of children's books on this topic.  The time is much closer now when that idea will become a reality.  I just need an illustrator! 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Our Bubbles

I went to my brother's auction sale yesterday.  It brought back lots of old TERRIBLE memories as it was at the farm that I grew up on.

Today the Lord brought this article to me!

I could hardly read this from all the tears.  I called my oldest brother and read it to him, too, as he was the one that dad beat the most.

Do NOT read any farther IF you don't truly care about those who have been hurting all of OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!  Just keep your bubble world!

This helped me and I pray that the Lord will lead those whom He wants to help with it to find this post.


04 April 2017 Written by 

There are many adults among us -- many of whom you might not recognize -- with intimate knowledge of what it's like to grow up with an addicted parent. Sadly, there are also many people who love those adults and don't know what it is like to have become an adult who was once a child raised amongst chaos. For many of us, our entire childhood was swathed in dysfunction. As development goes, the severe dysfunction of our childhood probably resulted in severely delayed or stunted emotional growth.

Being the child of an addict is complicated, and we can't always verbalize how so. Even if we've had enough therapy to buy our psychiatrist a boat, we still may not even know we are dysfunctional. Bear with us as we continue the work of figuring it all out.
Here are the 10 things we'd like you to know -- even if we can't articulate them:

1. We don't know "normal."
Normal is a relative term, yes. But our normal is not on the relativity scale. Normal for us can include instability, fear, even abuse. Normal might be a parent passed out in their own vomit. Normal might be taking care of your household, your siblings, your parent(s), and very rarely yourself. This profound lack of understanding leads us to the conclusion that normal = perfect, and less than perfect is unacceptable. Perfect is a non-negotiable term -- there are no blurred lines. It's all or nothing.
2. We are afraid. A lot of the time. And the fear is hidden -- sometimes very deeply. We are afraid of the future, specifically the unknown. The unknown was our reality for many years. We may not have known where our parents were, or when they'd return. We might not have known if there would be dinner or drunkenness. While we may know now that those things aren't likely to happen, that doesn't make life any less terrifying. This fear may express itself in a number of ways, everything from anger to tears. We probably won't recognize it as fear.
3. We are afraid (part 2: children).
We are afraid to have children and when we do, we are afraid to wreck them, like we are wrecked. If we can acknowledge our own damage, we definitely don't want to inflict it on anyone else. We don't really know how to be a parent. It's actually panic inducing. We will second-guess everything we do and may over-parent for fear of under-parenting.
4. We feel guilty. About everything. We don't understand self-care. We don't have clear-cut boundaries. If we stand up for ourselves, we feel guilty. If we take care of ourselves, we feel guilty. Our life is built on a foundation of I give to you and receive nothing. We don't know how to receive.
5. We are controlling. Because we don't know normal, and because we are afraid, we may often seek to exert control over anything and everything around us. This can manifest itself in our homes, our work, or our relationships. We may often be inflexible. We don't usually see this as dysfunction. We will likely frame this as a strength.
6. We are perfectionists. We are terribly critical of ourselves -- of every detail. Because of this internal dialogue of self-loathing, we are often sensitive to criticism from others. This is deeply-seated fear of rejection. Please pause, if you are able, and choose your words with compassion. We may have lacked for love. We need it.
7. We had no peace in our childhood. We don't know peace. This is ironic, because we believe only in perfection and yet we create chaos. Chaos, stress, unrest: these are comfortable for us. We feel at home in these circumstances, not because they are healthy, but because they feel normal.
8. We are in charge of everything -- even if we don't want to be (but we always want to be). This manifests itself mostly in female daughters and especially the oldest female daughters of an addict mother (we have our own books, even). Because these women -- like myself -- have been forced to take on the responsibilities of the incapable parent(s), they will be the first person to take on everything -- to their own detriment. Responsibility is the name of the game. And we will take responsibility for everyone; their emotions, their needs, their lives. In fact, it's easier to take responsibility for everyone else than even ourselves.
9. We seek approval.
Constantly. Our self-esteem is exceptionally low. Our addicted parents were unable to provide the love and nurturing we required to form secure attachment. As such, we will seek that in all our relationships going forward. All of them. This need for approval manifests itself in generally self-sacrificing behavior. We will give to our own detriment. Please remind us to take care of ourselves, too.
10. We live in conflict. We want to be perfect, but we can't because we are paralyzed by fear. We want to control our surroundings, but we desperately want to be taken care of. We desperately want to be self-assured, because we know that's the key to the control we seek, but we can't be self-assured because we grew up believing we had no worth.
If we have chosen you as a partner, or even a dear friend, we may see either a situation that requires our keen ability to pick up the mess, or we may see someone who can love us back to health. Neither of these is a particularly sound choice. We don't know. We don't care.
While intellectually we may know that it is our responsibility to manage our feelings, our intellect doesn't always align itself with our emotions. We may be frail, frightened, scared, lonely, angry, or clingy. We may be all of those things at once.
We don't mean to be, we probably don't even know we are.
Content Originally Published By: Joni Edelman @ Ravishly

Thursday, June 1, 2017

On the lighter side

It is Well with My Soul

Did you ever have so much to say that you're too overwhelmed to start?  If so, then you know how I feel tonight!

Still, I know that the Lord would have me share here now so I begin.

What matters more than having our souls right with God?


I pray that your soul is well with the Lord tonight.  I am happy to say that mine is!

Lots of love to you all,


Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...