Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Healthy babies

Healthy babies mean happy papas and happy mamas.

After taking the "CFT for Adults" training last Fall, I've been working with the craniosacral facial system in adults.  It's amazing to see how life improves for people once their brain begins to "Breath" after only 1 session.  This means that the whole body feels better.  In the chart below, you can see the issues in column 1 that CFT can help adults to resolve.

Now I am eager to learn how to give babies CFT.  This is a wonderful program to help babies unwind from the stresses incurred in the womb and any traumas from the birth process.  In the middle column in this chart you can see the many problems that can be resolved with CFT for children.  The last column covers the problem areas that newborns experience which CFT can clear.

Please pray with me that my training can continue as soon as possible.  Babies are hurting and I want to help them!!  Dr. Gillespie, the founder of Craniosacral Fasicial Therapy (CFT) shares in his book THE BRAIN SCORE APPROACH that many of the issues which babies face can be resolved through baby CFT.  The case studies he shares in the book are AMAZING!!!  I want to do this work, too, so please pray with me that doors will open soon for me to take the class!!




Inability to latch on
Sinus Headache
Difficulty in sucking
Difficulty in swallowing
Jaw Pain
Neck Pain
Sleep Issues
Hip Pain
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Learning Disorders
Napping Issues
Sinus Conditions
Pelvic Pain

I would urge every single person who is reading this, who has a baby in your life that you care about, to go to the official website and watch the videos there.   Below you will find one which gives hope for those who are dealing with children with the issues listed here.

The old way of doing things, the way that I did them with my children, of taking them to the doctor if there was an ear infection is a waste of time and money!!  It does NOT get to the root of the problem which is tight fascia in the area of the ear or somewhere else in the body which is affecting the ear.  When we release the tight fascia, things can drain and the infections disappear!  How I wish I had known this 25 years ago!!

I thank God for leading me to adult CFT as it greatly minimizes my daily pain of MS!!!

I thank God for leading me to baby CFT as I am eager to prevent problems that my grandchildren may experience.

If you are eager to see this modality available to ALL babies worldwide, then you are on the right track.  If you can see that prevention of issues is much better than having to deal with them later on, then you're a forward thinker and I salute you.  If you would like to be free of any of the issues listed in this chart, then you need to find a Certified CFT Practitioner near you.  BTW, did I mention that I am one?  ;)

I urge you to visit Dr. Gillespie's website and watch all of the videos there.  You will be amazed how much healing can come from this modality!

To a happier life for everyone on our planet!!!

Dawn  BS  EFT   CBPA  RO  CEC  BC  CFT  Kangen water

PS.  One CFT practitioner that I know was able to help her grandson's club foot straighten itself out in only 3 baby CFT sessions in his first 2 weeks of life!! Can you imagine the suffering that was spared this child?  But, on the other hand, if the world prefers to have it's children suffer, I guess I'll go back to gardening.......

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