Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Is Heaven like this?

I just found this video and, oh, how it stirred me.  I grew up singing in our church choir and I've sung in many choirs throughout my years and it always thrills me!!!
I love singing solos as I can do my own thing. 
 I love singing duets as the close harmony is so very special. 
 I love singing trios as there's one more tone blended in. 
 I really love singing in mixed quartets as we have all four parts present now--Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass.
It was the most musical fun of all as I got to sing 4 part women in collage when I sang with the Sweet Adalines!!  Now THAT is challenging and WOW--that harmony will knock your socks off.
Singing in a choir with LOTS of people and multiple people singing each part and the many voices following the hands of the one director--not THAT is what I imagine Heaven to be like.  BIG SIGH!
So, as always, I don't take the time to write to you all just for the purpose of having something to do.  NO--I want to affect you in such a way as that you go out and do something different.  In this case, when I get to Heaven, I will be so delighted to learn that someone joined a choir as a result of pondering this blog post.  WON'T THAT BE BLISS? 
OK, if you're not convinced, then watch this video!!
Hugs and happy singing!


PS  I'd love to hear how music which praises God touches your life.  Feel free to leave a comment.

Monday, July 30, 2018

In this storm

I shared earlier that we had a tornado go through our farm in the early morning hours of July 3rd.  If you haven't seen that post, you may want to scroll down and read it before you read this one. 
Although I really believe what this song says, "That in His time HE will make everything right," sometimes it's hard to wait.  We haven't been the same ever since the tornado wrecked our farm.  Often I have noticed us looking at each other as though someone said something in another language that nobody can understand!  Even the babies have that absent look about them at times.
My work of helping folks get their energies balanced has slowed down!  At times I've even dreaded doing sessions due to how much harder they have been to do this month.  Sometimes I feel like I need to get outside of my head and give my brain a push--MOVE!!
This morning a dear friend, who is also an energy practitioner, asked if she can work on me--PRAISE THE LORD!  She said that our Heavenly Father has put me and my family on her heart all last week.  Anna said that she is working on completing her certification with the Body Code program and she needs people to work on.  She was feeling led by the Lord to ask me if that would be ok with me.
I was so grateful that Anna chose me to work on!!  When she asked what concerns I have, I mentioned that it seems like our entire family has it's energies scrambled since the tornado went through here.  It just missed our houses by 30 feet and snapped off massive trees and collapsed buildings but we were safe.
That's what I've been saying for a month and most gratefully, too!  However, as I ponder the after-affects of having that kind of power move through our farm just feet away from where we were sleeping, I have observed that the energies of our family are different somehow.
It's hard to explain what I mean but it's just been hard to think.  I'm reminded of my brothers placing some tin foil by the rabbit ears on our television set we had when I was young about 50 years ago.  The picture on the screen got all fuzzy--like when the programming ended at midnight.  Yes that actually happened in the dark ages.  lol
Anyway, I asked Anna if she could check to see if my family's energies got scrambled when the tornado went through here.  She said, "YES!"  Now THAT explains a LOT of what has been happening in the past few weeks.  I asked Anna if she could check into repairing the damage and she said, 'Yes!"
A little while later she said that she had done a Body Code session on us and was able to unscramble our energies.  Also she was instructed by our loving Heavenly Father to give us the energies of joy and comfort!  Doesn't that sound like Him? 
YES, He is so good to bring us healing through trained Christian practitioners!  I know that He leads me through each session that I do because I ask Him to lead me at the beginning of every session that I give to someone. God (the God of the Bible) the only living God, leads me through every session that I give so He gets the glory for all of the healing that comes out of each session. 
The God of creation created most of the healing modalities available to us nowadays.  Some modalities were created by the enemy to try to steal some of the glory for himself.  You can tell who created the program by the people who are drawn to it--good people are drawn to good programs and vice versa.  If a practitioner is all about themselves, RUN AWAY!!
God leads His practitioners to the trainings that He wants them to take; He helps us to learn the healing tools that He wants us to use; AND He directs each thought in each session.  This is GOD'S WORK!  I am happy to play a small role in it as the conduit through which His energy flows to the hurting ones He brings to me each day! 
I could go on and on about the thrills I experience as people get unscrambled from energies they have picked up in harmful circumstances of life.  I've had the pleasure of seeing God work in this way for over 11 years and I've dedicated my life to continuing the work that He has begun in me.
I wish that I had time to go into detail about all of the healing tools that He's given me.  I don't have that kind of time right now but a friend is designing a website for me that will do just that.  In the meantime, I would like to share Dr. Bradly Nelson with you.  Dr. Brad is the creator of the Body Code program which Anna used to help my family this morning.  Here he is to explain how God uses him to help free the captives of trapped emotions--which is all of us!
Thank you for reading this and thanks much for the prayers you've sent to our family in this difficult month.  God bless you all!!!
PS  I highly urge you to contact Anna at the Holistic Hub in Grand Forks (https://www.facebook.com/holistichubgrandforks/) or myself if you are needing any help balancing your energies.  We'd be glad to help as God directs us!   Being this work is done with our focused intent, we can work on anyone anywhere.  Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tea at Ten

Today was the day of our monthly tea party. Could anything more wonderful be worded so drably?  Has anyone taken tea at 10:00 in the morning with your wonderful neighbors and your amazing daughters and your incredible grandchildren?  Well, how would you put THAT into words?
Does this help portray the wonders of tea time?
How about this?
 and also this.
Actually we had NO tea at tea today.  Instead I made rhubarb slush which everyone said was delicious but I couldn't have as I can't have rhubarb.  I also made my dad's Ritz Cracker delights dipped in chocolate almond bark.  To the last of the almond bark I added some sunflower seeds and cut it in small pieces after it set.  Last but not least, I am not ashamed to admit, I bought a strawberry cheesecake scoop cake at Sam's last night which seemed to be delicious too but also of which I had none because of the gluten.
You see, it doesn't matter what we eat or what we drink.  What matters is that we get together!!!  If I could make the world a better place, I would institute monthly tea parties in EVERY neighborhood in the world.  If you're not inspired to give it a try yet, perhaps this post will cause you to drag out your china teapot (or buy one at a thrift shop) and bake something and make some tea.  Then invite someone and sit down and talk.  Give it a try.  The world is aching for a quiet time called "Tea."
Till next tea,


PS,  If you can't find anyone to come to tea when it's ready, there's always this option.

Monday, July 23, 2018

What is the glory of God?

Perhaps you noticed that I changed the Scripture verse at the top of the page. Perhaps not.  It is a busy time of year after all.  lol
I had an incredible prayer service with  my prayer partner, Victoria, yesterday.  The Father continues showing us both of His plans to build a healing center here on our farm.  He told me first in the Fall of 2006 as I lay dying at a health center in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota. 
After a time of repentance yesterday, before the throne of Grace, we both saw Jesus establish a portal here for the angels to ascend and descend.  Portals are places of healing.  It was interesting that the portal wasn't exactly where the building will sit so I asked Father about that and He said that He has His reasons.
I have many questions about the healing center but I no longer doubt that it will exist in the physical realm at some time.  Father has even given us our architect; our chaplain, and many practitioners--all those who love Him.  We'll need cooks, nurses, cleaning people, funds but HE is doing it all.  He told me that He would nearly 12 years ago and He keeps His word.
The healing center's name is GLORY as that is a place where God's glory will heal the broken hearted and set the captives free.  So I've become interested in studying about God's glory and this is an article that I just found now.  HE IS ABOVE all that we do and think.  HIS GLORY IS AMAZING!!
I hope that you enjoy this article about our glorious Heavenly Father who is preparing a place of healing here on the prairies of North Dakota.  There has been immense spiritual opposition from the evil ones but they will not be able to stop this work of God.  I've seen it many times in dreams and visions!  IT WILL HAPPEN!!!
Yesterday He gave me the theme song for the healing center.  Actually I can't quite find the name but the chorus goes "Glory, Glory, Glory to God in the Highest Heavens."  I'm sure that He'll bring the exact name of it to me at just the right time.
The flower which represents GLORY is the white carnation as it is the symbol of healing. Father showed that to me as I sat at my brother's funeral last Spring.  He's shown me other details as I walk with Him serving the needs of the hurting ones that He sends my way each day. 
The dove is the official bird of GLORY as it represents peace and GLORY will be a place of peace.  The glorious fountain in the middle of GLORY will shoot water 27 feet into the air and it will be illuminated with lights that are all the colors of the rainbow in proper order.  It will truly be a place that God will enjoy right along with us!!
I urge you to do your own study of the Glory of God.  Let these thoughts begin a healing in you and stir up a hope in you that God cares about YOU!!!  In the meantime, you can start by reading this article. 
TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOREVER AND EVER--AMEN  Sound familiar?  It's the end of the Lord's Prayer that many of us have prayed countless times in our lives. 
Dawn for GLORY
PS  As Father reveals information about His plans for GLORY through Victoria or myself, I'll be sure to share His plans with you here!  In the meantime, you can help by praying for GLORY to become a reality just as soon as possible.  Many are hurting...........

What is the glory of God?

Question: "What is the glory of God?"

The glory of God is the beauty of His spirit. It is not an aesthetic beauty or a material beauty, but it is the beauty that emanates from His character, from all that He is. James 1:10 calls on a rich man to “glory in his humiliation,” indicating a glory that does not mean riches or power or material beauty. This glory can crown man or fill the earth. It is seen within man and in the earth, but it is not of them; it is of God. The glory of man is the beauty of man’s spirit, which is fallible and eventually passes away, and is therefore humiliating—as the verse tells us. But the glory of God, which is manifested in all His attributes together, never passes away. It is eternal.

Isaiah 43:7 says that God created us for His glory. In context with the other verses, it can be said that man “glorifies” God because through man, God’s glory can be seen in things such as love, music, heroism and so forth—things belonging to God that we are carrying “in jars of clay” (2 Corinthians 4:7). We are the vessels which “contain” His glory. All the things we are able to do and to be find their source in Him. God interacts with nature in the same way. Nature exhibits His glory. His glory is revealed to man’s mind through the material world in many ways, and often in different ways to different people. One person may be thrilled by the sight of the mountains, and another person may love the beauty of the sea. But that which is behind them both (God’s glory) speaks to both people and connects them to God. In this way, God is able to reveal Himself to all men, no matter their race, heritage or location. As Psalm 19:1-4 says, “The heavens are telling of the glory of God and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands; day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their utterances to the end of the world.”

Psalm 73:24 calls heaven itself “glory.” It used to be common to hear Christians talk of death as being “received unto glory,” which is a phrase borrowed from this Psalm. When the Christian dies, he will be taken into God’s presence, and in His presence will be naturally surrounded by God’s glory. We will be taken to the place where God’s beauty literally resides—the beauty of His Spirit will be there, because He will be there. Again, the beauty of His Spirit (or the essence of Who He Is) is His “glory.” In that place, His glory will not need to come through man or nature, rather it will be seen clearly, just as 1 Corinthians 13:12 says, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known.”

In the human/earthly sense, glory is a beauty or vibrancy that rests upon the material of the earth (Psalm 37:20, Psalm 49:17), and in that sense, it fades. But the reason it fades is that material things do not last. They die and wither, but the glory that is in them belongs to God, and returns to Him when death or decay takes the material. Think of the rich man mentioned earlier. The verse says, “The rich man is to glory in his humiliation, because like flowering grass he will pass away.” What does this mean? The verse is admonishing the rich man to realize that his wealth and power and beauty come from God, and to be humbled by the realization that it is God who makes him what he is, and gives him all he has. And the knowledge that he will pass away like the grass is what will bring him to the realization that God is the one from whom glory comes. God’s glory is the source, the wellspring from which all smaller glories run.

Since God is the one from whom glory comes, He will not let stand the assertion that glory comes from man or from the idols of man or from nature. In Isaiah 42:8, we see an example of God’s jealousy over His glory. This jealousy for His own glory is what Paul is talking about in Romans 1:21-25 when he speaks of the ways people worship the creature rather than the Creator. In other words, they looked at the object through which God’s glory was coming, and, instead of giving God the credit for it, they worshiped that animal or tree or man as if the beauty it possessed originated from within itself. This is the very heart of idolatry and is a very common occurrence. Everyone who has ever lived has committed this error at one time or another. We have all “exchanged” the glory of God in favor of the “glory of man.”

This is the mistake many people continue to make: trusting in earthly things, earthly relationships, their own powers or talents or beauty, or the goodness they see in others. But when these things fade and fail as they will inevitably do (being only temporary carriers of the greater glory), these people despair. What we all need to realize is that God’s glory is constant, and as we journey through life we will see it manifest here and there, in this person or that forest, or in a story of love or heroism, fiction or non-fiction, or our own personal lives. But it all goes back to God in the end. And the only way to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ. We will find the very source of all beauty in Him, in heaven, if we are in Christ. Nothing will be lost to us. All those things that faded in life we will find again in Him.
Recommended Resource: Knowing God by J.I. Packer


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Thoughts can heal???

I just watched this video and it is tremendous!!!  In fact, it explains how BodyTalk works.  We're taught in our BodyTalk classes that energy flows where intention goes.  God guiding my focused intent has been healing me; my family; and my clients for over 11 years.  Now the same process is captured on ultrasound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another word for what I'm talking about is FAITH!  When we as God's children come to Him and ask Him for help with a problem, BELIEVING that He will solve the problem in His superior way, HE WORKS!!
So, if you are sick, I urge you to pick out a Scripture verse from the Bible about healing (there are tons of them) and read it over and over and feel those words as applying to you.  Prepare your mind to be well and the body will change itself to come in line with our beliefs.   This is why I am still alive today!  This is what I did constantly when I lay dying nearly 12 years ago. 
This video is amazing and very well explained!!  I pray that everyone reading this will watch it with faith that God wants you well--that HE will heal you in your own individualized journey OR immediately by touching you with His Holy Spirit!!
We all want the instant healing but that may not be what is best for you.  As I lay dying in the Fall of 2006, I kept begging God to heal me instantly.  He kept saying, "No, you must learn much so that you can help others," and so I have.  It's up to God what method He uses to heal us but He WILL heal each and every one of us if we ask and believe that He wants us well!!
Watching this video will increase your faith--if you allow it to.  PLEASE accept God's best for you this very day!!

Dawn--survivor of incest; repeated miscarriages; cancer over and over; shingles twice (once on the brain), and lastly MS.  I'm walking in, by, and for HIS GLORY!!!! 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Have you heard of Marty?

Shabbat Shalom all my loves!!  Although we're not Jewish, the Bible says that God blesses those who bless the Jews and curses those who curse them.  That's all throughout the Bible actually.  So, although we're not Jewish, we love the Jews.  Also, we have kept the Bible Sabbath for over 22 years and love the blessings that have flowed into our lives as a result.

I really love Marty Goetz who is a "Real" Jew and one who loves Jesus as his personal Savior.  His music has blessed our family for over a decade.  Now his daughter sings with him too.

I hope that you will receive the blessing contained within this song!

Shabbat Shalom,


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Does this bug you too?

I have a pet peeve and it's when people send me emails implying that we're friends even though I have never spoken to them in my entire life! They write to me as though we've known each other FOREVER!!!!!
They start out like this, "Hey Dawn, how you doin'?  We haven't talked in weeks."  Or "Dawn, I've been missing you." OR "Dawn, let's sit down and talk!"  Then there's "Dawn, you really need to hear this!"  Really??  I'll decide what I need to hear and what I don't!
It's bugging me this morning, as I just got another one of them, so I decided to try to find something to help folks out.  Now, I'm not implying that any of my readers have bothered me like this.  However, it IS possible that there are others who are being bothered, so I'm sharing what I just found to help us ALL be a little bit less annoying.   
Happy today everyone!


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What more could I ask for?

Andrew and I spent 2 days together at our local country fair this past weekend.  We were doing a fund raiser for our Republican District so several of us ladies had baked some goodies to sell.  We also were giving away Kevin Cramer yard signs and bumper stickers to anyone who would put them up in their yard or display them on their car.
This is a photo of our booth.  We were as patriotic as we could possibly be and we both sported our CRAMER CREW tea shirts in case anyone was wondering why we were there.  lol
One older "Gentleman" made my day interesting.  I was greeting everyone who walked by and sharing that we were having a fund raiser for our Republican District.  I also, with motherly pride, introduced folks to our District Chairman who just happens to be my son.  ;)
So this man in his late 70s walked by the booth and, when I told him what we were doing, he growled at me, "GO TO HELL."
As you might imagine, I was quite surprised as I prayed for wisdom and thought, "I have no intention of going to hell."  He must have sensed my chill and changed his message to "Trump should go to hell."  Still praying, I waited for the right words to come from above.  When they did, I looked sternly at my attacker as if he were a very bad boy and said, "LOTS of people are going to hell!!!"
He was so surprised and just stared at me after which he walked away.  It made me wonder if he had even pondered what he was saying.  Now, I know the danger of lumping people into one group so I resist.  Still, I have to wonder how many of those who passed by me were heading in that direction.  It was very sobering. 
So here's our booth and my handsome son who loves his country like very few people do.  I'm so proud of him. 
The second day of the fair, Marie and Timothy came with us as did Robert.  That made things more fun as you can see in the below photo.  Marie had wondered what cotton candy tasted like and Andrew made sure that she found out. Timothy was sure stumped by their delight!!  LOL
It was a very nice fair in that they had several musical groups providing music.  A vocal group did a patriotic/salvation themed cantata on Sunday morning.  Then, just as Robert and I sat down to our picnic lunch, a band started playing patriotic music and were they ever good.  Both groups were exceptional but the band playing those good old Sousa marches made my day!!
As we packed up our booth, I looked up to see Robert talking to our "Old" friends from Eureka who had hopped on their Harley and come to the fair.  It was pretty much over but the mini-donut booth was still open so Dennis went to buy some.  The owner said that he could have them as they were an hour old and he was just going to throw them out.  You should have seen the delight on everyone's faces at the gallon-sized bag of warm mini donuts that God gave us to enjoy.  NO, I didn't have any.
So it was a marvelous weekend.  We saw some old friends that we wouldn't have seen otherwise.  We made a few bucks for our District.  We got to see dozens of kids enjoy the rides at the fair PLUS were there ever a lot of awesome looking critters in the animal barn.  Andrew got to judge the kuchen contest which he's wanted to do for awhile.  I was around lots of people so I'm happy, happy, happy!
What more could I ask for?  Oh yes, MORE Sousa marches.  I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Make America Great Again

This weekend our area is having it's Tri-County Fair.  District 28 Republicans are having a booth where we'll sell baked goods and do our best to interest new people to join the party. 
As I pondered sitting in the heat all weekend, I asked myself, "Why should I even care? I have so little physical strength left to give so my contribution is so small."
Then I heard my stinkin' thinkin' and set to work trying to get more folks to make cookies or bars for our bake sale. 
What made the difference for me?  It's probably my stubborn German heritage that doesn't like to give up very easily.  Also, all the years I've attended Appleseed shoots have shown me what a little cry-baby wimp I had turned into.
There's another reason I picked myself up this morning and it has to do with our President.  I heard him say once that he was enjoying his retirement years and didn't need to have all of the crap thrown at him that he has had to deal with.
So, here's a little inspiration for you to get out there and do something for freedom every day.  We're raising money so that we can support conservative Americans in their election races. If every American does one little thing for freedom every day, imagine where our country will be in 5 years. 
For those of you not from America, you can pursue freedom in your thinking too.  It all begins in our heads.  If we lay down and take what tyranny insists we accept, then we're sunk.  We may as well be dead. 

Freedom is worth the time and effort to sit in the heat one weekend out of the year to sell cookies and do my best to interest other freedom lovers to join us.  IT MOST CERTAINLY IS!!
So, see you at the fair!


Monday, July 9, 2018

Are you willing to give Him your schedule?

Now that things have settled down a bit after the tornado and our 4th of July celebration, I've been led to get back to the New Oil series.  This one has amazing praise music for almost an hour, so skip to  about 55 minutes for the start of the sermon, if you don't have time to listen to an hour of praise music.
Johnny said something amazing at about an hour in.  He said that God gives us the desires that He wants us to ask Him for.  He shapes us by giving us the very desires that we later ask Him to fulfill for us.  Why would He go through so much trouble??  Well, because HE WANTS TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!!  It's that simple.
I pray that God will touch you with HIS desires for your life as you listen to this with an open heart!  HE has a great plan for each of our lives!!!  All we have to do is be open to it and ask Him to bring it to pass!  Give HIM your schedule and He will do just that.
God bless all you true seekers of His truth for your life,
PS  If you would like to order your free oil (they even pay the shipping), go to the home page here: https://hisnameisflowingoil.org/

Sunday, July 8, 2018

OH NO--a tornado

On July 3, 2018 at roughly 5:00 in the morning, our lives were changed drastically.  A tornado came through our farm and demolished/greatly damaged the buildings on our farm.  The calf shelter  (roughly 20 X 12 feet) flew over 3 fences and only stopped at the rock pile out in the field.  It's a good thing that it did or it may have harmed Andrew and Marie's place the way it was flying through the air.
We're grateful that the farm equipment that was being stored in the Quonset wasn't more damaged than it was.  We're super grateful that our grain cleaning system wasn't also.  What saved that, plus Michael and Cora's Bobcat and fishing boat, from being totally smashed was our new combine holding up the building.  I'll try to get some photos to share here soon.
On Friday the guys lifted the wreckage off of the equipment that was parked in the building.  After everything of worth was removed, they gave it a push and down it came like a stack of dominoes.  How a life can change in an instant.
What we're all amazed at is how God protected the 2 households involved.  Trees were snapping off and buildings collapsing but Michael, Cora, and Elsie were safe in their bedroom!!!  Over on our side of the road, a large tree fell on all 3 of our pickups but didn't touch the house.  WE WERE SAFE IN THE LOVE THAT GOD HAS FOR US!!!
There have been lots of tears, as I've pondered the losses, but this morning the Lord comforted me with these thoughts.  I pray that you will find comfort in them too.
Prayers for our family would be greatly appreciated at this time.
Dawn for us Bornemanns and Dalquists

Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
Hebrews 13:15

- JULY 8 -

Lifting up your hands and thanking God is spontaneous and easy when you have just received a wonderful blessing: “God, I can’t thank You enough for this miracle!”
“Thank You Father, for answering my prayer!”
“Father, thank You for the windfall!”
Perhaps you came close to being in a fatal accident, but God plucked you out of danger just in time. Or your grandmother, an unbeliever for many years, finally received Jesus as her Savior and got healed of a long-term disease.
But there are times when you don’t feel like lifting up your hands to thank and praise God, yet you do it. Perhaps you feel very discouraged lately. Perhaps everything is going wrong for you and you feel like your life is in a mess. You can’t hold back the tears. Yet, you make a conscious decision to lift your hands and thank God for being in the situation with you. You open your mouth and begin to praise Him even though you really don’t feel like doing it.
In the midst of the trial that you are going through, you praise Him that He is your righteousness in spite of all the mistakes you have made. You thank Him that He is your Prince of Peace, and that His peace will arise in you and still the storms in your life.
My friend, God sees and appreciates such times when, despite feeling so discouraged, you offer a freewill thanksgiving offering to Him. In fact, your thanksgiving during such times is more highly prized by Him than your thanksgiving during those times when you are feeling joyful because you have just been blessed.
And when you choose to thank Him for His unfailing love, and His faithfulness to deliver, protect and provide for you even when you don’t see the blessings yet, before long, you will find yourself experiencing and enjoying the blessings! So lift your hands and praise the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever! (Psalm 106:1)

Sunday, July 1, 2018

What war?

As we approach Independence Day in our country, all kinds of thoughts flood my mind.  I've never known war in my country.  I've not lived through another country trying to destroy my country with their armies or their bombs.  I rejoice that the very month my husband would have had to be drafted to go finish up the Vietnam War, the draft was dropped because no more soldiers were needed.  The war was over!!
That being said, I HAVE studied war.  During Jacob's Senior year of High School we studied World War 2 extensively.  He was interested in it and I wanted to study what he wanted to study.  I also feel like I know the Revolutionary War period pretty well having attended Appleseed shoots the past 9 years.  One year in our home school we also studied America's Civil War and I'll always remember the talking book called ACROSS FIVE APRILS from that time period!!  WOW! 
During one of our shoots here on our farm, the shoot boss stirred my lazy flame of passion for freedom.  None who were there will ever forget shoot boss Steve L reciting from memory the entire speech of Patrick Henry which woke up the asleep to the threat of becoming slaves to the King of England.
Our country has given away so many of our freedoms that we don't even know it.  Right now the United States Supreme Court finally acknowledged that Pro-life people do not have to cave to the abortion industry--the baby murdering DEsembly line of human beings. 
Since when do people have a right to KILL their offspring?????????????? Did God at a certain point decide that the fruit of the womb is no longer a blessing?????????????????  So we are at war for the lives of millions of helpless people being slaughtered before their eyes see the light of day and their parent's faces.
We're at war all right.  Those of us who follow the Bible, and believe that God speaks to mankind through it, have been all but gagged when it comes to sharing our faith outside of our homes.  Fear of speaking up for truth keeps many of us from sharing our love and devotion for our Creator.  I've been a coward most of my life in that department.  I learned early how to keep my mouth shut in an attempt to keep safe.
If you decide to listen to this video and if you decide to open your minds and your hearts to it, I would ask you to ponder in what way our loving Heavenly Father would have you speak up for freedom?  Sometimes it only takes one voice to change a situation. 

Sometimes it only takes one crippled old grandma to take the time to sit at her computer and share what is bursting forth from her heart.  I have other things that I could be doing, you know.  I need to water my flowerbeds; weed the garden; do laundry; cook lunch; prepare for company who are coming for the 4th.  Yet, here I write because I want YOU to value whatever level of freedom that you're enjoying today!!!!!!!!!!!!
If that's tough for you right now, then you need to listen to this more than everyone else.  At any rate, I pray that these words will seep into your minds and souls and cause you to stand up for your rights that God has given to ALL mankind!!  The rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Happy Independence Day everyone!


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...