Sunday, July 22, 2018

Thoughts can heal???

I just watched this video and it is tremendous!!!  In fact, it explains how BodyTalk works.  We're taught in our BodyTalk classes that energy flows where intention goes.  God guiding my focused intent has been healing me; my family; and my clients for over 11 years.  Now the same process is captured on ultrasound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another word for what I'm talking about is FAITH!  When we as God's children come to Him and ask Him for help with a problem, BELIEVING that He will solve the problem in His superior way, HE WORKS!!
So, if you are sick, I urge you to pick out a Scripture verse from the Bible about healing (there are tons of them) and read it over and over and feel those words as applying to you.  Prepare your mind to be well and the body will change itself to come in line with our beliefs.   This is why I am still alive today!  This is what I did constantly when I lay dying nearly 12 years ago. 
This video is amazing and very well explained!!  I pray that everyone reading this will watch it with faith that God wants you well--that HE will heal you in your own individualized journey OR immediately by touching you with His Holy Spirit!!
We all want the instant healing but that may not be what is best for you.  As I lay dying in the Fall of 2006, I kept begging God to heal me instantly.  He kept saying, "No, you must learn much so that you can help others," and so I have.  It's up to God what method He uses to heal us but He WILL heal each and every one of us if we ask and believe that He wants us well!!
Watching this video will increase your faith--if you allow it to.  PLEASE accept God's best for you this very day!!

Dawn--survivor of incest; repeated miscarriages; cancer over and over; shingles twice (once on the brain), and lastly MS.  I'm walking in, by, and for HIS GLORY!!!! 

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