Sunday, July 1, 2018

What war?

As we approach Independence Day in our country, all kinds of thoughts flood my mind.  I've never known war in my country.  I've not lived through another country trying to destroy my country with their armies or their bombs.  I rejoice that the very month my husband would have had to be drafted to go finish up the Vietnam War, the draft was dropped because no more soldiers were needed.  The war was over!!
That being said, I HAVE studied war.  During Jacob's Senior year of High School we studied World War 2 extensively.  He was interested in it and I wanted to study what he wanted to study.  I also feel like I know the Revolutionary War period pretty well having attended Appleseed shoots the past 9 years.  One year in our home school we also studied America's Civil War and I'll always remember the talking book called ACROSS FIVE APRILS from that time period!!  WOW! 
During one of our shoots here on our farm, the shoot boss stirred my lazy flame of passion for freedom.  None who were there will ever forget shoot boss Steve L reciting from memory the entire speech of Patrick Henry which woke up the asleep to the threat of becoming slaves to the King of England.
Our country has given away so many of our freedoms that we don't even know it.  Right now the United States Supreme Court finally acknowledged that Pro-life people do not have to cave to the abortion industry--the baby murdering DEsembly line of human beings. 
Since when do people have a right to KILL their offspring?????????????? Did God at a certain point decide that the fruit of the womb is no longer a blessing?????????????????  So we are at war for the lives of millions of helpless people being slaughtered before their eyes see the light of day and their parent's faces.
We're at war all right.  Those of us who follow the Bible, and believe that God speaks to mankind through it, have been all but gagged when it comes to sharing our faith outside of our homes.  Fear of speaking up for truth keeps many of us from sharing our love and devotion for our Creator.  I've been a coward most of my life in that department.  I learned early how to keep my mouth shut in an attempt to keep safe.
If you decide to listen to this video and if you decide to open your minds and your hearts to it, I would ask you to ponder in what way our loving Heavenly Father would have you speak up for freedom?  Sometimes it only takes one voice to change a situation. 

Sometimes it only takes one crippled old grandma to take the time to sit at her computer and share what is bursting forth from her heart.  I have other things that I could be doing, you know.  I need to water my flowerbeds; weed the garden; do laundry; cook lunch; prepare for company who are coming for the 4th.  Yet, here I write because I want YOU to value whatever level of freedom that you're enjoying today!!!!!!!!!!!!
If that's tough for you right now, then you need to listen to this more than everyone else.  At any rate, I pray that these words will seep into your minds and souls and cause you to stand up for your rights that God has given to ALL mankind!!  The rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Happy Independence Day everyone!


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