Friday, September 21, 2018

Is it Fall ALREADY?

Fall is gorgeous.  For a farmer, it's what we look forward to all year.  We harvest that which the Father has given us during the growing season--what we toiled for as we planted; managed weeds; and fertilized the crops. 

It is a happy time in many places IF the crop was good.  This year our wheat harvest was the biggest one we've ever had!!  The price for the wheat is awful but we're thankful for "Bushels" as Robert says. 

This Fall the seed cleaning plant our family owns is going wild.  The wheat came in with ergot which is a fungus that ruins the kernels it touches.  Farmers all over our state are having their wheat crops rejected when they haul it in to the elevators to sell. They did all of the work but, because of no fault of their own, their crop is not saleable.

Fortunately for them (ourselves included as some of our wheat fields had ergot contamination as well), our equipment at the seed cleaning plant is able to remove the ergot seeds from the good seeds.  This has meant a vast increase in business as normally farmers just bring in the seeds for cleaning that they want to plant next year.  Now they need to bring ALL of their wheat in to be cleaned.

Although we sympathize with the wheat farmers, we are so glad that we are able to make their wheat saleable.  It's another expense for the farmers but, without our service of cleaning out the ergot, they cannot sell their crop AT ALL!!

I'll share more later about how our plant is expanding to rise to the demand for all of this ergot removal.  I don't have time to go into that now and I want to take some photos as the plant upgrades take place-or get one of the guys to take some photos.

At any rate, this harvest season is SUPER busy for our family and we ask for continued prayers of protection.  Whereas the guys normally deal with 3 or 4 semi loads of grain coming in and leaving the plant a day, they've had over 10 these past few weeks!! 

So, the Autumn Equinox means less daylight hours coming upon us.  I STRONGLY urge my readers to purchase Vitamin D drops to prevent sunlight deficiency symptoms.  I use Thorne labs but Dr. Mercola sells one too and I'm sure there are others too.  PLEASE purchase some Vitamin D drops as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is not to be taken lightly.  Why be depressed for the next 6 months if you don't have to be?

Gotta run but I pray you all have a wonderful Sabbath rest; lots of fun in the glorious Fall weather; and time with those you love the most.

Hugs to all the grieving ones,

PS  Skip the first part of this video to get to some great tips on preserving nature's harvest which is all around us.

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