Friday, January 10, 2020

The power of the subconscious mind

Father said to share this letter that I just wrote to my closest friends.  I know that you are prayer warriors as I feel the power of your prayers when I ask for them.  Please continue praying for me and my work.

In His service,


Dear precious ones,
I’m writing to you with good news.  I had a breakthrough experience the other night when God gave me a vision of my life. 
You see, it’s been hard to get my work done as the MS progressed.  I’m very thankful for each one of your support and prayers.  I rejoice that the Lord led me to healing tools not only for myself but to be able to bless others with also.  In fact, some days doing sessions for others was what kept me going.  To think that I was able to relieve suffering, even with such limited physical strength, gave me a purpose to get out of bed. 
You all have been around me long enough to know how much I love my family and friends.  I have devoted my life to the welfare of my beloved husband, children, and now grandchildren.  My clients are like family to me as I rejoice in their good days............
My work, then, is what makes my life interesting and worthwhile.  Thanks to our modern conveniences, running a household hardly takes all day at my stage of life.  So I greatly enjoy doing sessions for those I’ve built a relationship with.  However, in the past half year or so, something has been affecting even this joy.  I would have to pray a LOT before I could give someone a session.  It’s like something had put the brakes on my work and I was too tired to fight it.
The other night I was thrilled consciously when I heard that Dr. Fay Johnson (the naturopathic doctor who helped me through shingles on the brain) had referred a new client to me.  I instantly thought of going in my office and doing the session but the brakes locked and I froze.  I was desperate for understanding.  “I want to help this man with the fluttering heart, Oh LORD” I cried, “BUT WHY CAN”T I?”
I absolutely could not move off of my chair.  As I prayed, the Lord gave me a vision while sitting in my kitchen making supper.  I was on a small foot bridge.  I looked down to see a RAGING river!!  I didn’t seem frightened but I could not move.  I could not move forward on the bridge and I could not move backwards on the bridge.  I couldn’t fly up and that river was racing furiously underneath me.  I was paralyzed.
I kept praying with my conscious mind about what God wanted me to do.  Suddenly I heard God say, “JUMP INTO THE RIVER!”
So I did.
In my vision, I jumped into a wildly flowing river and instantly it changed.  In my vision, the river calmed down and became still.  There was another change too.  It was a gently flowing stream of BLOOD.
I waited for an explanation and a HUGE calm came over me.  I felt the Lord with me although I did not see Him.  I WAS AT PEACE!
Just as quickly as the vision began, it ended and I was simply sitting in my kitchen praying.  I asked the Lord for the meaning of the vision and it came quickly.
Father explained that, over the past 12 years of being a Christian energy worker, I had been exposed to countless traumas and sorrows of those I worked with.  Being I love my clients, their pain and suffering became a part of me.  I use my BETAR table to clear out the emotional clutter that I pick up in my work and in life generally.  I limp along and help my clients through their tough spots.  I am content.  I am in balance.
However, when Dr. Fay referred a NEW client to me, it put me in a panic.  The Lord used the vision to show me where I was emotionally in regards to my work as a Christian energy worker.  “The raging river,” Father explained, “Is all of the traumas of those you work with.”

As I stood on the bridge, I couldn’t go forward to grow my business.  Emotionally I could not take on one more client without becoming totally overwhelmed as one is when facing the possibility of falling into a raging river.  I also couldn’t go backwards and NOT be a Christian energy worker at all as that is what God has called me to do.  I was simply frozen unable to do one more session for ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!! 
So when Father told me in the vision to jump into the river, I did so immediately.  When the raging river calmed down to no danger at all, I knew that I had done right to obey the Lord.  However, when I saw the blood, I was totally floored.
I kept praying for understanding and the Lord told me that Jesus’ blood is capable of covering ALL the sins of the world.  All the sins committed against my clients can be washed away with the blood of Jesus.  I don’t have to continue the burden of trying to make it up to my clients for all that they have suffered at the hands of others!!!  I can put all of those sins under the blood of Jesus and trust Him to heal my clients. 
Even though I know all of this, the subconscious runs deep.  I needed a vision of jumping into the sessions God wants me to do!  I needed to take action in my mind with faith that Jesus’s blood will wash away all of the trauma from both my clients AND me as I seek to help them.
The past couple of days have been vastly different for me.  As I ponder working on someone, and I feel myself stiffen up, I see myself jumping into that raging river.  Instead of running away from helping people face what they must face, I bask in Jesus love for them on the cross.  He shed His precious blood for us so that we can be free from not only our sins but the affects of other’s sins against us also.
I’ve heard Father tell me countless times, since I almost died of shingles on the brain, that I would help many people find their ways back to Him through the skills that He taught me in classes.  However the heaviness of working with others who have suffered from terrible abuses was slowing me down.  It was stopping my growth until the other night I absolutely froze at the thought of doing one more session.
Praise God for this vision.  The blood of Jesus makes every raging river a place of peace!!  The blood of Jesus can make every disturbing session a victory for His kingdom!!  This is what I will ask Him for now as I pray at the start of every session. 
So, I’m taking your time today to tell you all of this because I have been feeling badly about my inability to work on you-–especially my family.  I need you to understand what I was going through and how God has freed me in this new year of 2020.  I’m sure that there may still be some times when I have to pray for strength to give you sessions.  Now I have the vision of Jesus blood calming the furious river of emotions that are released in my presence during sessions.  Now I know that He’s got this!  I am soooo very happy! 
Thank you for your prayers for me as I work with the suffering ones!!  I believe that your prayers have helped to bring me through a great test of faith!!  Now I see that I was being asked to CHOOSE to continue serving God as Christian energy worker.  I never really chose it in the beginning—I was just trying to keep on living and then I shared that hope with those around me.
I see that the vision was a turning point in my life.  If I had let all the fears of those raging emotions stop my growth, it would have prevented my helping ALL of those hurting ones God wants me to help!  He has blessed me with an amazing intuition and given me the skills to help others use the power of those raging emotions to help their bodies (and relationships) to heal.  I covet your continued prayers for my work and for my health.
Rich blessings,


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