Monday, August 17, 2020

What do you think of THIS?


We are entering a pivotal time in which, I believe, the angelic will be released on a larger scale to help us with the continuous, attempted attacks of the enemy. We may feel beat up at times, but we have the victory and we are overcoming with a mighty strength. Angels of greater ranking authority have been sent out to accompany you in this hour.

I was invited to go minister in Oklahoma with some very good friends recently. We experienced the most massive healings and revival in the area that I have seen yet. We saw people experience supernatural weight loss and metal melting in bodies with doctor reports. These are exciting times!

The Warring Angels

The night after the conference was over there was a powerful storm in the sky; lightning was striking everywhere and the power went out in some places. I knew the battle had begun. My spiritual eyes had opened at the conference.

I had not been able to see angels since I was very small, but as I looked behind the special speaker, I could see two enormous angels standing behind him, with blue flames and their arms crossed holding swords. I sat there in awe as the presence of God filled the room. Many people experienced the same thing; even children began to say they could see angels in the room.

That evening I dreamed all night long of angels going back and forth between Heaven and Earth and sharpening their swords for war! It was extremely intense, and at one point I could see them all sitting at a very large table talking about something that I could not make out.

When I awoke that morning, and lightning was still crashing outside, my spirit could feel the intensity of Heaven and such a shift in the atmosphere. It was as if Heaven had gone into warrior-mode as the sons and daughters began to rise in power! I believe the Lord has sent out higher ranking angels to accompany those with bigger assignments. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

2 Peter 2 it says that if the Lord Yahweh rescued Lot, a righteous man, He knows how to continually rescue the godly from their trials. The Father knows how to rescue you from every trial, every dart and every attempt of the enemy.

I am usually nervous every time I get on a plane to fly, but as I boarded the plane home this time, I had a comfort in my heart that the Lord was protecting me from any evil that would try to come against me. I want to encourage you to stay strong and trust in the Lord. There is a battle in the unseen realm going on—a fight for you and your family.

As I looked out at the clouds and sky from my window seat on the ride home, my eyes opened again and I could see angels all around the plane. I thought, "Did God send all these angels just for me?" I could see them fighting and keeping the enemy at bay from attacking the wing of the plane where I was sitting. I started snapping pictures and, to my surprise, caught one on my camera.

I thought this would encourage people so much to know that when God sends us on assignment, we have warring angels fighting for us. They are not just flying around playing harps; in fact, they are not doing that at all. Angels are warring for the saints of God; they are fighting battles for us in the unseen realm. They are working constantly to protect and fight for us on our behalf.

Hebrews 11:7 (TPT), "Faith opened Noah's heart to receive revelation and warnings from God about what was coming, even things that had never been seen. But he stepped out in reverent obedience to God and built an ark that would save him and his family..."

We are getting ready to see things that we have never seen!

Psalm 91:3-4, 11-13 (TPT) declares, "He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and He will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse. His massive arms are around you, protecting you...God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap they'll be there for you keeping you from stumbling. You'll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling everyone of them beneath your feet!"

It's Your Season! All of Heaven Is Backing You!

I prophesy to you that from this day forward, every place you are sent God will send armies of angels with you to help you on your assignments. I declare that signs, wonders and miracles will follow you every place you walk into. I prophesy that all the traps set for you will backfire on the enemy! (Photo via Pikist)

Get ready to see outpourings and miracles. Get ready to see like you have never seen, for the Lord is saying to you, "It's your time! It's your season, and all of Heaven is backing you."

Angels are accompanying you, even if you can't see or feel them. They are there fighting for you; fighting for your destiny! If God is for you who can be against you?

I can hear the trumpets of Heaven being blown over you! God is announcing His children going forth. We are not alone. God will never leave you or forsake you. I declare life and wholeness over you. I send the angels of resurrection power over you to breathe new life and breathe over you and your assignment!

Sadness is leaving you now; discouragement is breaking off. A new, fresh wind is blowing over you and your ministry and the calling that God has called you to! I declare Psalm 46:4 over you, that God has a constant river whose sparkling streams bring joy and delight over you!

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Sharell Barrera
Sharell Barrera Ministries

Sharell Barrera is a prophetic revivalist who has a heart for revival, healing and transformation. She is the founder of Sharell Barrera Ministries within Facebook, reaching the nations with live videos that impart the fire of His love. She is the author of Take Back Your Land, a hand book for the journey of obtaining our birthright as sons and daughters. Sharell is a prophetic psalmist with a heart to release identity and healing over the lost and broken through her ministry of songs. Based out of Washington, Sharell and her husband Melvin are passionately pursuing revival together with their 5 children.

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