Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Justice is coming!

 I've been crying out to the Mighty Judge of us all for Justice for some time now.  Here it comes!!  I'm sure you will be encouraged by this word from the Lord too!

"Get Ready for a Mighty Display of Justice!"

Justice Displayed

The Lord said: "Those who caused it (COVID-19) will be punished, and their exposure will comfort this world. Truth and justice always brings My comfort."

He continued, "Sweeping changes are coming upon your world as you know it. I cannot tolerate wickedness any longer. For the sake of My justice, I will act. For the sake of My hurting children, I will act in such a way that exposure of wickedness will bring forth swift justice! That which they did to others will come upon them – then they will learn, it is better to follow Me and embrace My ways, instead of going the way of rebellion. Public disgrace will assail many! According to the level of their wickedness will they receive My justice."

He ended this visit with these impacting words: "My justice displayed is one of the rewards I pour forth on My faithful, oppressed children!"

"...[B]ut deliver us from the evil one." (Matthew 6:13)

"Everything I Told You Will Come to Pass"

On February 2, 2021 the Lord said: "Everything I have told you will come to pass, and everything I have promised you, I will do because I am faithful! Timing – I say timing – My timing dictates when and how I bring forth all I declare. Yes, My timing – not the assault of the foe – determines when and how I perform My promises.

"You will see your president (Donald Trump) inaugurated by My hand and restored to his rightful position. You will see My glory poured out on all flesh. Those who ignored or denied Me will not be able to escape the outpouring of My love and My presence. Like rain falling on everyone and everything, My glory will be poured forth on those who are far from Me and My ways; hearts will melt under My heavy conviction. Repentance will happen just as naturally as breath pours forth from the living.

"I have spoken, My prophets have declared My words, and I will perform everything they – and I through them – have decreed. My will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

"The fear of the Lord will be restored to My Church. The laissez-faire attitude (unwillingness to get involved in or influence other people's activity) that fuels complacency and fosters lukewarmness will be burnt out of My Church by the fire of My Spirit. A true understanding of Me and My ways will be imparted when the fire of Holy Spirit falls and burns the chaff of compromise from My Church. Wickedness will be rejected, and holiness will be embraced. I will accomplish much good during this great revival that I am sending to this world now. Yes, I say, now, because it has already begun!" (Photo via Pixabay)

"'... I will restore them because I have compassion on them. They will be as though I had not rejected them, for I am the Lord their God and I will answer them... Surely I will redeem them; they will be as numerous as before... I will strengthen them in the Lord and in His name they will live securely,' declares the Lord." (Zechariah 10:6, 8, 12)

"My Glory Is the Answer"

On February 13, 2021, I heard Lord say as we sat together: "My glory is the answer to exactly what you need, and what your nation needs – and what the world needs! Families need My glory, for in My glory is the love, compassion, understanding, kindness, generosity and the perfection every family needs. My glory brings unity where there is division and even divorce. Continue to cry out for My glory, and you will see the peace and the goodness of your God manifest.

"My glory is the atmosphere of Heaven. Cry out for My glory, and you will see what you have encountered in Heaven manifest on the earth.

"Righteousness will return to your land. Evil will be seen for what it is and it will be rejected. Stand fast in faith and believe that My will shall be done on Earth. Don't doubt that My desire and My delight will come to pass. Yes, the delight of My heart for truth and justice to reign, and for My sons and daughters to return to Us, shall be done now.

In this hour you will see it come to pass, for I have many who do honor, love and serve Me. I have heard their cries, and My will shall be done! Righteousness will be restored to your land – very soon – because I am at work, and My angel armies are implementing My words even now as we speak."

"Be Armed and Ready for Battle"

On February 17, 2021, the Lord spoke to me: "Do not disarm yourself. Stay built up in your most holy faith, and keep the sword of My Spirit ready at all times, for the hour is late, and your foe is ever ready to attack. Discouragement and fear are his ploys; so I say, be armed and ready for battle. Declare My words fearlessly, at all times! We are a shield about you and yours.

"I have passed out many sharp swords in this hour. It is imperative that My children arm themselves and wield those swords. Declare and decree, fling your stones just like David, and you will see giants fall! This is not the hour to back down and let the giants in your land intimidate you into retreat. Stand fast and fight the good fight of faith. Knowing full well what My will is, and implementing My will with the sharp double-edged swords I have given you will bring about the victory I have planned. The battle is on!"

Two days later on February 19, 2021, the Lord continued to encourage me: "These are great days – days like when Elijah and Elisha lived on the earth. Great darkness prevailed, and then I showed up through the might of one prophet who was willing to wield his double-edged sword. Then his legacy lived on through the young prophet he mentored. Governments were toppled; the voices of the false prophets of Baal were silenced, and righteous rule was restored to My land. My children were set free from a tyrannical government, and freedom was restored. (Photo via Pixnio)

"This is what is coming in this hour. You will see it happen much sooner than most expect! And it will bring you great joy. Yes, there will be dancing and great celebrations in your streets that will lead to worship!"

"... The Lord their God will care for them; He will restore their fortunes... The Lord will be awesome to them when He destroys all the gods of the earth. Distant nations will bow down to Him, all of them in their own lands." (Zephaniah 2:7, 11)

A Hand of Cards and Tsunami Waves

During worship a few weeks ago, I saw a vision of a hand of cards. Someone was holding the hand out flat for everyone to see. I knew the Lord was showing me that the enemy had played his hand in such a way that everyone knew what he was doing and planning to do. The blinders have come off and no longer is the enemy fooling us with his tricks.

In another vision last week, I saw the tsunami wave of change, which the Lord called "Justice." I was inside the wave, which looked like a tunnel, with the Lord, and He showed me a long line of fruit trees growing in this tunnel. He explained to me that many people have entered into a place where they are spending more time in prayer and communion with the Lord, and they have become very fruitful.

I also saw in this wave of change called Justice – trees were being uprooted and their roots were exposed for all to see. These trees would no longer bear fruit. I knew these dying trees were the deeds of those who walked in rebellion against God. They would no longer bear wicked fruit.

Great changes are coming!

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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries International


Donna Rigney and her husband, Jack, are pastors of His Heart Ministries International, a non-denominational church in north central Florida. Donna is known for her passion for intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Her meetings are prophetic and directed towards salvation for the lost and healing and deliverance for the hurting. Jack and Donna are also members of Hastings Youth Academy Advisory Board, a youth detention facility for boys aged 13-18 in Hastings, Florida. Along with her evangelistic work in Florida, Donna started a missionary work in Croatia in 2001. An author, successful playwright and inspirational speaker, Donna has written Divine Encounters, a book that details her startling and vivid encounters with Jesus in both Heaven and Hell. Her book and story were highlighted on Sid Roth It's Supernatural.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

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